page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening march sth 1939 its a boy i even aa yon read this mm father eoinewnen la rathtag this new to relatives nemancr where they are er what dm it u bis flm impulse la la let them know its a boy and dial ia alee feme el ftnuli and unelea and all tw in law before baby ia half a lour eld hi arrival la eel- wated far and wide an u is aadewed with a de asanas te grandparents i of family history begine tkmtr grandparents may have waited for daya before they had good news like this bat that was before the telephone and long distance became part of ear everyday existence spread good news by long distance look tn your telephone direc tory and you3i find that by using low night rates also applying all day sunday and placing anyone calle yon can talk to nearby towns or prov inces for much leas than yon expected efflbfc- radio repairing we specialize on this work j sanfosd son fjbm of canadian nattonal matm so per cent of ttw that peter delivered from prison international uniform sunday school lesson march ir 93s groxitjoh text prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto god for him acts 13 5 lesson passage acts 12 517 and so mid boundless times and space o grant us still in thee to dwell and through thy ceaseless web to trace thy presence working all things well great prisoners 5 prison terms are not always lost time joseph did some hard thinking in prison jeremiah tested his faith in prison john the baptists courage landed him in a castle dungeon paul spent years in prison under difflcul- uea writing letters that form part of the new testament trie writer of he apocalypse was a prisoner on the isle of patmos luther was put on trial for his life and some of the re formers served as gajley slaves john bunyan wrote his immortal allegory while in prison for preaching wil liam tyndale was cast into prison for translating the bible kagawa for a time was a prisoner in japan and gandhi has been a prisoner in india on account of his political principles the eyes of the christian world are today upon martin niemoller in ger many a prisoner for his courageous faith frequently it is the prisoner whose name is preserved by history when the name of the oppressor sinks into ever deeper oblivion christians need to be ready at all times to en dure persecution for their jtfth but at the same time we should be teach ing and practicing tolerance in order that persecution may forever cease an experience of god 6 l many have discovered the reality of god life a prison cell leisure soli tude dependence upon others un certainty about the future often drive a prisoners thoughts back upon god stone walls do not a prison th nor iran bars a cage there may be mental range and splrtiual liberty while the body is imprisoned in a ward or cell it was during his im prisonment in jerusalem that peter had one of his most convincing ex periences of gods help herod had p of ufe and deftth over peter slhv a hmthrr vowtr herod the jews who inspired the persecution felt hatred against peter but at the same time he had many friends it i impossible to tell ex- sn was delivered prtson the narrative implies that it a miracle but we must remember the word translated angel a messenger whatever the 5 wer was correct in trac tag his deliverance back to god with out whose help he would have con tinued to languish ta prison why pray 12 s t jerusaj pyed rot htm in their own homes numbers ol them gathered at the house of mary the mother of mark probably they did not analyze why they did so they wanted to hear the news they sought to express their sympathy ir any thing practical could be done they were ready to do their share ir a similar fate were to overtake them they wished to be mortally fortified to face the ordeal bravely their in dividual fatth was strengthened by 2lsi prayer thelr of christ s presence was renewed in the fellowship of believers as they pray ed they felt a vital relationship with god and as they listened to others praying their spiritual horizons were widened they prayed because they had the impulse to pray and it was the one sensible thing to do under the circumstances collectively they turned to god for help which they did not have in themselves it is helpful to reason out the why and wher of prayer but in an em ergency our desires well up and we cry out to the living god it is n instinct to be obeyed answered prayers 13 16 the group praying in marys house was more than surprised when their prayers were immediately answered rhoda the maid could not believe her own eyes when she went to the door and saw peter standing there when she ran ta and told the others that peter stood before the gate they fttaowere skeptical while they were reco from their surprise peter remained outside knocking at the door and only when be was brought in were they convinced should we check up on our own prayers to dis cover if they are being answered if we are praying for christian graces such as patience and love we can soon learn whether our prayers are being answered or not eery often we have it tn our own power to answer our prayers we may be praying for means to achieve a certain end and god may answer our prayer in a to tally different way yet we feel that god has directly given an answer to prayer if our desires are right we may leave them without fussing or fretting in the hands of god telling oar expcrleneea 17 what a story peter had to tell to the prayermeeting in marys house he pictured himself asleep between two soldiers then he told of the light of being led out of the prison and making his way through the city ttf marys house hearing peter tell his own story must have been a great event in the lives of those present if they bad not been at prayermeeting that night they would not have heard peter tell his story how could luke write the account so vividly doubt less he heard it from john mark who heard it at flrst hand that night from the lips of peter mary mother of mark would tell about it to ber visitors rhoda to ber dying day would teu how she nad left peer imocatrna at the door while htr4voke up the prasctnwetlxa telling the news there are sedate people who think that it is not good form to relate personal apirttoal experiences but peter finding himself m a bospl- botanical notes for march there is supreme comfort in the knowledge that spring is really close at hand everyone even those who appear to be quite indifferent to the miracles of plant life and those jaun diceeyed cynics much against their will is thrilled by this thought those who love plants experience that ecstacy of delight every spring when renewing that tender sympathy which binds them to the very early flowers they know quite well that even under the snow of the woodland floor the unfortunately named but delicate liverwort preferably but not so wellknown as squirrel cup is slowly but surely uncurling her young stems and leaves wrapped in fuzay but fashlonablefurs and that under the influence ofthe warming sun she will soon push her way through the russet of last years leaves and paint them with resplendent splashes of blue lavender purple pink and white yes these spring flowers will con tinue to bloom with intoxicating sweetness the spring birds will con tinue to trill with ecstacy the spring sun will continue to lavish his same old healthful largess in spite of wars rumors of wars dictators and other whatnots yesl indeed there is com fort for all with the first glimpse of these dain ty squirrel cups each spring comes the same dear sweet thrill as some people will perhaps have experienced when meeting an old sweetheart yes march certainly has her charms even when her shouting boisterous winds flog the countryside and the wild grey clouds stampede across the pale blue trees can smile in light at the sinking sun just as a storm comes as a girl would look on a departing lover most serene especially during the winter months do evergreens exemplify brownings verse in that they stand serene and smile tn face of the bellowing blast and a sterner opposition the threat of extermination they are however an ancient family with tradition therefore they win only bow to the inevitable after a grim struggle with those parvenus the broad leaved trees amongst other conifers will be noticed the graceful spires of the true firs silhouetted in bold relief against the pale cold march sky of them all the balsam fir is the most famous as it is the typical christmas tree and deservingly so when it is known that upon drying it does not litter the floorrug with leaves the spruce on the other hand is not so thoughtful when it causes the harmony or christmas week to be broken by the cacophony of the carpet sweeper housewives therefore take good care that a bal sam fir is selected for the yuletide revels the balsam fir is identified by tworanked palelined leaves which are lustrous and dark green above about onehalf inch long flat not foursided as are those or most of the spruces grooved and blunt or some times slightly notched at the ftipt spruce leaves are sharp pointed on the branches near the top the tree the cones stand erect glist ening with drops of sweetscented balsam while spruce cones hang down this same balsam exudes from bruises in the smooth bark by piercing the white blisters and sys tematically wounding branch and trunk the balsam is made to flow freely when it is said to be collected as a commercial enterprise in parts of canada balsam is used in laboratories and in medicine pillows are stuffed with the fresh leaves the wood enten into the manufacture of wood pulp and it is made by some builders in to doors and window frames it is not however so hard as spruce wood there are four true firs found in canada they are the balsam pine grand and red or arnabilis firs the balsam extends across canada while the other three are far western the douglas fir also called doug las spruce is neither a true flr nor is it a true spruce this will be bet ter understood when it is explained that the spruces belong to a group of plants for genus botanically known as picea the flrs abies and the douglas fir pseudotouga the word pseudotsuga means false hem lock the douglas fir is found in al berta and british columbia rt t the largest of all canadian trees us ually attaining a height of 150 to 200 feet unlike jhe erect bracuess cones of the true firs those of the douglas hang down and have threepointed very conspicuous bracts attached to the back of the scales painful to bend a joint hospital case of rheumatism the value of perseverance with kruschen in the treatment of some cases of rheumatism is proved by this mans experience he says i was abroad for over seven years when i returned i began to suffer from rheumatic pains particularly in the feet and arms and i was eventu ally taken into hospital unable to move without groaning with pain when i left the hospital after two months i was somewhat better was recommended to take kruschen salts have taken them continuously and until now i am entirely free from pains x would not be without my kruschen salts for anything 21b two of the salts in kruschen are effectual solvents of uric acid the excess of which is decidedly injuri ous they swiftly dull the sharp edges of the painful crystals the cause of pain and stiffness and convert them into a harmful solution which is then expelled through the natural chan nels gray coach line g canadian lumber for housing plan imports of canadian lumber and timber into trinidad have increased owing to the construction of new dwellings and the renovation of old properties the number of building permits issued for port of spain and suburbs for the flrst six months of 1938 was almost equal to the total for 1937 in a report to the department of trade and commerce o a new man assistant trade commlsskmer at ort of spain states that in addi tion to these increases in construction the estimates laid before the legisla ture this year included the sum of 4300000 to be devoted to the acquir ing of land and the building of from 6 000 to 6500 cottages during the next ave years 193944 there will likely be an increased demand for white pine and western red clear says mr newman the resistance of the latter to fungus and termite attack is becoming more ap preciated and it is being used in in creasingly large quantities for interior and extorter finish canadian doug las flr although cheaper than pitch pine is not regarded as being as fully resistant to termite attacks with the result that pitch pine remains wen es tablished in the local market cana dian factorymade doors and windows frames are being imported at prices which compare very favourably with those of similar products of local manufacture and there is reason to believe that the trade will steadily increase the regular yearround freight ser vices of the canadian national steam ships from halifax are an important factor in promoting trade between the dominion and the islands of the cari bbean sea ta which trlndad is an important colony spring millinery we are now showing an early shipment of spring hats flowers veils all the latest in uptodate millinery misses claridge main street georgetown herald block upvtairs jake what s the great hurry old man joke im going to the airport to catch the 430 plane jake there s no hurry its only 330 now joke i know that but i always have to figure on a few chumps stop ping me to ask why i m hurrying table home instead of in prison chains told how the lord had brought h out of prison what is more he ask ed his hearers to go and teu others personal experiences have convicting and converting power religion will recapture its contagion when it gets out of the editorial columns into the news headlines ojbvtions for dlacnsajoq 1 what do you pray about 2 how do you think peter escaped frnm prison 3 why do motion pictures draw greater crowds than prayermeet ings 4 teu the story as you imagine rhoda told it 5 why did peter tell of bis release from prison o grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to snap up a bargain but youll recognize these bargain offers without her years of ex perience you save real money you get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper thats what we call a break for you readers no wonder grandma says yoitvb got sobiething there allfamily offer- this newspaper 1 year and any three magazines please check three magazines desired i mogemns 24 muej d rod and gun i ysnr all four o sihrer screen i yoar only o american fnnl grower i yoar d parent e mo j q american bey i mo d mocleoni i year q national home monthly i year canadian magazine i year chofelano i year pictorial rawtsa i yam canadian hot moganne t year q cmehem herald mo d open rood for toys i yea supervalue offer this newspaper 1 year and three rig magazines group a select i newsweek mo q tme story v o screentand i yr d ludae i yr q mccall i yr q moganne digest 6 me q parent i yr q christian herald i yr womans home companion i yi q comers 1 yr am soy i yr group b select 2 q macleont mooaun 24 inwei t yr q national home monthly i yr q canadian magazine i yr d chatelaine i yr q rod and geo i yr siw screen 1 yr q pictorial review i yr q american frott grower 1 yr q canadian horticulture horn maganfte i yr q open road for soy i y all four only 3 05 t jhis off uur7tlu mauthic ge r- encloi i am enacting below fee wbscrlpnoa to your paper o adfanwr n- e rjl