Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 8, 1939, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 8th 1939 pag proof of the i pudding by fmmh lm btr i tan proof of tba pudding the eating nrer truer word- waa written as children like pud- tdlnga mem woman had n aiit to prepare wan wo offer m rami pttddmg recipe for your consld- erauon today chocolate cottage pudding 114 cupe altted cake floor 1 teaspoons double acting baking powder afc teaspoon salt 4 table- apoons batter or other shortening 1cap sugar s egg yolks well beaten 1 squares unsweetened chocolate melted teaspoon v vanilla cop milk t egg whites stiffly beaten fc fft floor once measure add fc baking powder and salt and aift train cream batter thoroughly add sugar gradually and cream welt add egg yolks and beat thoroughly then chocolate and vcniluu add flour alternately wtta milk beating alter each addition until smooth fold in egg whites turn into greased pan 8x8x1 inches bake in moderate oven 315 p so minutes or until done remove from pan serve warm or ccld ttioi plain or whipped cream spires 12 tested recipes but beef by grade the following recipes are takei from the revised household bulletu beef how to choose and cook it a copy of which may be obtained fret on request from the publicity and ex tension division dominion depart ment of agriculture ottawa braised short ribs to each pound of meat allow about 2 cups water and 1 teaspoonful salt sunnier for about three hours in covered vessel turning meat at end of first hour add more water if ne- eessary during cooking to prevent meat burning at the end of cook ing most of the liquid should be ab sorbed remove ribs season and brown in hot oven for about half an hour remove some of the fat from gravy thicken and serve with the tffjs swiss steak pound as much flour as possible in to round or flank steak with edge of a plate or back of cleaver brown steak in small quantity of fat in hot skillet add some canned canadian tomatoes chopped onion pepper and salt and sufficient water to cover cover dish and simmer until tender- about two hours add more water if necessary during cooking and if gravy is too thin thicken with flour before canadian bed cross appeals fob aid iaard tweedsmnlr appeals to canada to help chilean and other sufferers ur connection with the tragic plight of earthquake sufferers in chile his j kgoellency lord tweedsmulr cover- noroeneral at canada makes the neat appeal for national sympathy and help m the following paragraph tbere has recently occurred in chne one of the most terrible earth quakes of modern times it is es timated that about 50000 persons inure been killed and an immeasur- afety greater number have lost all about 75000 homes have been des troyed and famine and disease are beginning to take their toll w in canada are fortunate in being out of the earthquake zone we nave never suffered a major disaster a the hands of nature but we can not be insensible to the loss and suf fering with which our friends in 8outta america have been so recently and so grievously afflicted as president of the canadian red cross society i appeal to all my fel low canadians to come to the rescue canadians many times in the past inure proved how warmly sympathetic tstey we to the distress of neighbor t seldom has a national dis aster called more strongly for univer sal aid those desiring to assist these berea- i vied and sorely distressed chileans ri ih make their contributions pay- aide to the canadian red cross so- cfetr for relief in chile and mall ttam to any branch or to beaduar- ters canadian red cross society 621 jarris st toronto ont steak boua season minced round jhuck or shoulder steak adding a small amount of fine bread crumbs form into rolls about the size small sausages and wrap with pastry rolled fairly thick and cut into four inch squares mois tening the edges and pressing well to gether bake for threequarters of an hour in moderate oven and serve with tomato sauce curried beef with rice grind leftover beef with small amount of onion and pepper and salt to taste heat in thin white sauce with which has been blended curry powder in proportion of 1 teaspoonful to each cup of sauce serve sur rounded with hot boiled rice canada produces a lot of coal ir all the coal produced in canada in one year were loaded into freight cars and these strung together the train would reach all the way from montreal in the east to vancouver on the western coast a distance of near ly 3000 miles if canadas 1937 copper production were cast in a block the width and height of a railway freight car the block would be nearly three miles long a similar block of lead would be nearly two miles long and one of tfhe inc production would be nearly two and a half miles long the years silver production would form a slab a foot thick 10 feet wide and nearly 240 feet long the years gold would make a block a foot thick 10 feet wide and almost 24 feet long when a pane in a window is missing you see the windows forlorn as a window can be and that is a picture remarkably true when your pew in the church is without you optical needs vary there can never he a set rule for fitting or recommending glasses the human eye has so many variations that every case is a distinct one it re quires training and skill to re- r odgnlae and prescribe we specialise in eye examination and good piaw consult o t walker ro optometrist etksight specialist brampton wh b at bosss drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or yea may consult t walker st bjb office in brampton modern experienced banking service tie outcome of 121 year succoisful operation vvhat i like about this bank is the friendly help ful way they do things for you bank of montreal tataaltamzd lit georgetown branch j r smith manager sbftvicis qt tbi bank or m ontwiala uuh everyone to his taste by maby c boxings c arah was very sure that the or- der was important and the cus tomer rich and influential just from the stationery thick gray scent ed with heavy perfume and post marked milan the tetter read i expect to sail wednesday next please attend to planting my flower beds and boxes at westlawn as you did the last two years my house keeper and houseman are there now mrs van gillett sitting in the hall outside uncle blys door sarah read the letter again while the ten dollar a day nurse was taking her uncles tem perature and trying to quell one of his nervous tantrums uncle bly had never been sick before in his sixty years of life and it was hard for him to lie in bed at the busiest season of his florist and greenhouse business it was worse because there was no- one to run things for him but sarah fairchhild who had been a stenographer for a boston arm for years i hardly know a tomato plant from a boston fern sarah had said to herself the week before when news had come of his illness but im his only relative and ill go down and stick around anyway so no one will carry off the hot beds now she would have liked his advice about filling the westlawn order but she was very sure that her questions would make him more nervous than ever the very fact of her inexperience seemed to in furiate him and he was certainly a short short story complete in this issue master of denunciation when he got started the sensible thing to do was to go out to westlawn and see the flower gardens which she was sup posed to fill with plants it was noon when she got off the trolley and went up to the enormous pile of red brick which the conductor had told her wasthe van gillett place the housekeeper was drinking tea and eating smoked herrings in the great tiled kitchen where her long pale face was refleoted in rows of glowing copper kettles on the wall the houseman was away she ex plained sarah was disappointed she had counted upon getting helpful in formation about the gardens from the houseman never she felt could she ask advice from the housekeeper instead she said brightly now if i might see the window boxes please the housekeeper led the way through a hall to a boudoir she opened casement windows there and in a long drawing room sandal wood boxes and cut glass perfume flasks were on an inlaid table in the boudoir ill just look at the flower beds as i go out sarah announced and thank you for your trouble mines just begun she added to herself back at uncle billys she hunted up seed catalogues for descriptions fragrance she decided was the only requisite for evidently mrs van gillett was fond of heavy odors she was not long making up her mind here goes she cried an gels trumpets for the big beds he liotrope around the borders mignonette for the window boxes flowering tobacco in a big bank by the garage all these plants are in uncle blys garden all labeled by tomorrow night they will be at west- luwn if i can hire a boy and a car to help me i dont know how many ill need so ill lake all there are the hot days of august were al most over before uncle bly was able to come outjof the little of fice and talk business youve run things better than i thought you could he grudgingly praised sarah hope you havent lost me all my best customers filled the westlawn order did you sarah nodded angels trumpets heliotrope mignonette she be gan uncle bly groaned purple and white and a red brick house what u selection dont tell me it was red mignonette he begged 1 dont know about that said sarah the labels didnt say but here is the letter she sent when she paid the bill it just came yester day she took a square gray sheet from the desk and put it on uncle blys thin knee a heavy perfume filled the office as he took up the letter and read aloud i am sending a check for 180 in payment for plants my garden has been wonderful this summer much nicer than tn previous years tonight it smells like heaven itself i shall want plants next year for my place at bar harbor as well as for westlawn uncle bly grinned her last years bill was fifty dollars he said guess 111 have to offer you a job as salesman sarah i would consider a partnership uncle sarah admitted this business is making more money every day new dominion stores appointments howard j moppett whose appointment as assistant to the president of dominion stores limited is announced by j w horsey president mr moffett was associat ed with dominion stores as vice- president in charge of merchandising from 1925 to 1929 charles p ooutt3 who has been appointed advertising manager of dominion stores limited mr coutts career in advertising and merchandising etxends over 15 years he was recently advertising manager of the salt division of canadian in dustries limited your husband willth0rou6hly enjoy this delicious recipe for fish its only one of the almost endless var iety of tempting inexpensive recipei that are so easily prepared from onadinn fish foods not only enjoyable but packed with rich nourishing goodness with a liberal supply of precious minerals proteins and vitamins that give the quick foodenergy required to keep the inerdblks feeling fit and strong for their work over 60 kinds of canadian fish and shell fish are available to you all year round whether fresh frozen smoked dried can ned or pickled they provide a meal thats really scrumptious in any mans language serve canadian fish and shellfish several times a week departmbit of fisheries ottawa daptrcmant of fteharlu ottawa please send roe your free booklet tempt ing fish recipes hadu his excellency speaks to youthful scout citizens some meaty paragraphs from an address by his excellency the gover- noroenera the lord tweedsmulr at the annual banquet ol 1200 junior scout leaders of montreal and guests ah honourable gamble in life you must be prepared to take risks there is no more hopeless motto for youth than safety first i do not mean that people should be fool hardy i mean they must be pre pared for an honourable gamble in life they must olay the long game and not the short game to slip into the first job that of fers when you have on special apti tude for it and no interest in it that is a certain road to disillusion and failure find out what you want to do and insist on doing it whatever the obstacles and dangers character pins intelligence in most addresses to young men a great deal is sakl about character and too little i think about lnteill- genhe the one is just as important as the other in fact i doubt if you can separate them the british people and i think canadian people also are a little in clined to overestimate character the attitude is something like this we do not profess to be more clever than our neglhbors perhaps we arc not so clever but we have more character and that means that when we get in to difficulties we always muddle through nobody ever muddled through i do not believe it nobody ever muddled through anything in the great war we muddled at the start iind stuck fast in the mud we won in the end because wc had learned o use our brains better than our op- i ponents todays problems will never be solved by unstable clever people with quick brains and nothing else but neither will ihey be solved by honest stupidity character is a most important thing in lile but it must be illumined and directed by intelli gence only one soulkilling lsm there are many isms today to per plex us nazi lsm communism fas cism and so forth and the greatest nuisance they are but most or them will cancel each other out there is only one ism which kills the soul and that is pessimism please print letters plainly fish dtv canned tomato trade figures now available show that there was a general decline in im ports of canned tomatoes into the united kingdom in the calendar year 1938 canada and italy the two lead ing suppliers were both affected italy more proportionately than canada canadian shipments were 37b3t1 cases in 1938 and 443529 eases in 1937 according to british figures but canadian figures place the shipments at 475493 oases in 1938 compared with 687504 cases in 1937 the british fig ures represent only official figures of arrivals at the principal tjjc porta ninetynine out of 100 persons can not read a blue print intelligently ac cording to metropolitan real estate developers test seeds prevent weeds the weed problem is one of the most serious with which the farmer has to contend and millions of dollars are rost through them every year in can ada a large percentage of weeds are put on the farm actually by planting weed seeds with farm or garden crops in most cases a farmer sows weed seeds because he is not familiar with the seeds and the only way of learn ing exactly what be is sowing is by testing the seed for both purity and germination before planting or bet ter still before buying this was ful ly explained in a recent radio talk by the plant products division do minion department of agriculture seed testing has made rapid strides in canada during the present century the first seed laboratory in the do minion was opened in ottawa in 1902 and since that time laboritories have been established at sackville nb montreal toronto winnipeg saska toon calgary and vancouver in addition to these a laboratory for seed research has been started in ot tawa and already considerable pro gress has been made the primary object in seed testing is to furnish trustworthy information to those who produce plants from seeds and seed testing should always be carried on with their interests in view the policy of the laboratory services of the plant products divi sion has been to keep this clearly in the minds of the analysts the work of the seed analyst is to state as nearly as possible the actual value of a given lot of seed from the stand point of crop or plantproducing capacity to give detailed information concerning the other crop seed and weed seeds found in the sample and also where possible to give informa tion concerning the other crop seed and weed seeds found in the sample and also where possible to give in- ofrmation dealing with seedborn diseases seed testing may be divided into two main phases of work purity and germination purity analysis means the determination of pure seed inert matter weed seeds and other crop seeds in the sample in the regula tions under the seeds act weed seeds are divided into four classes pro hibited noxious primary noxious secondary noxious and others ac cording to the number of these found in an ounce or a pound the sample is graded no prohibited noxious or primary noxious are allowed in no 1 grade of seed in the general seeds of co there are three grades no 1 no 3 and nr s after the an alysis has been completed the sample is graded and reported to the sender of the sample on a control sample certificate which gives the certificate number kind of seed grade kinds of weed seeds and number per ounce or per pound other cultivated seed and the germination the service of the seed laboratories of the plant products division of primarily for the regulation of je seeds of commerce and farmers who are not offering their seed for aj should test their own where information may always be from the nearest laboratory or do minion experimental farm there but for the grace 09 god go i amherstthirg echo two young men transients wh had stolen small articles from a chain store and tried to sell them becaoaa they had no money and nowhere t sleep defended their action m bt thomas police court says the tunea- joumal by saying td like you to take into consideration the condition under which we are living we t to the army of forgotten men wander from place to place we havent anything to do cant got anything to do because they wont let us stay in any one place lone enough to find some work and no body wants us any place we have to beg along the streets and at back porches for what we live on and we sleep in cool dirty jails where yoa have to be intoxicated before you can sleep for quick returns perhaps you a oook stove box stove bed table chairs carpets rugs or other house hold funrishtngs you do not require about your home and woukt gladly sell if a buyer could be located why not dispose of these articles for cash while buyers are anxi ous to mace you an offer 1t the herald new adrerfiseweat cakm fhons n i iawij

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