Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 15, 1939, p. 1

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the georgetown herald 150 per annum in advance 200 to uj3a seventysecond year of publication wednesday evening march 15th 1939 halton presbyterial wms annual meeting held in georgetown last week largely attended years work very encouraging resolutions deploring the treatment of jews and opposing an open sunday passed officers elected the tenth annual meeting of hal- ton presbyterial of the womanfe mis sionary society of the united church of canada was held on thursday march 9th in georgetown united church with the president mis earl wusonpresldlng at the morning session the wor ship service was conducted by mrs wilson assisted by miss evelyn mit chell travelling secretary of the do minion board of the wma who in troduced the theme hymn spirit of the liying god the visitors were w trymrs f o overend and the reply was given by mrs butt of isowviue auxiliary tn story of the tear was pre sented by mrs j p ktrkwood which was followed by a poster parade in which ten departmental secretaries took part the outstanding feature of the parade was the original poster dlsplayed by the secretary of temper ance and christian citizenship who brought her two small grandchildren betty anne kerr of limehouse and james caldwell buck georgetown as lepreaentatives of the coining citizen ship whose souls we must endeavor to keep pure and whose lives we muse try to keep form being blighted mrs caldwell said she had been shocked that a call had gone out to our wm 8 women last december to refrain from the use of wine in their pre- parations for christmas entertain ment and urged the women to get down to business this year litera ture news was the subject of a flve- jninute talk by mrs w a shane the treasurer mrs j mcdermld reported 5 63020 as the amount rais ed by the presbyterial in 1938 an in crease of 17223 mrs a g boswtu presented the allocation for 1939 and miss g wttford dedicated the years work and gifts forty three bales of new clothing had been sent to fil hllls alta twice the amount sent away ten years ago mrs c read- head spoke on the presbyterial sur- ve mrs sutcliffe closed the session with a quiet half hour speaking from the words stand still and see the salvation of god and be still and know that i am god mrs wrig- glesworth sang a solo mrs o a sherwin conducted the worship service at the afternoon ses sion assisted by mrs t allen who gave impressions received from a re port of the madras conference in to- conto at which four members of dif ferent nationalities were the speakers mrs george altken of gueph a for mer president of halton p brought greetings from mrs j laugh- sand president of hamilton confer ence branch mitchell in her address on in action spoke of out lying posts in ontariothrough to the pacific coast where worthwhile work js being done dr darby s work in bjc and the hearst hospital in on tario were mentioned also an isolat ed section in peace river district where an invalid was carrying on from a wheeled chair and in sas- ktohewan where a sunday school superintendent of poor means a man of 75 years walks several miles each sunday to his school miss mitchell also conducted an open forum and officiated at the installation of the presbyterial officers an impressive in memoriam ser- vice for fourteen deceased members was conducted by mrs p matheson assisted by mrs j t heslop with memorial solo sung by mrs a e piokard a chorus by the georgetown mis sion band was followed by the pre sentation of honor awards to ash- grove ballinafad burlington east plains georgetown mulgpove and waterdown bands by the presbyterial mission band secretary mrs a speight a solo was rendered by miss betty speight resolutions deploring the treatment of the jews and protesting against any possibility of an open sunday in ontario were passed an invitation for the meeting to be held in water- down in 1940 was accepted rev george altken closed the afternoon session with prayer by mrs a o w foreman at the evening session mrs h cald well a personal friend of mr and ids p w moffat of weston ont introduced them to the audience mr moffat spoke briefly after which mi moffat held the attention of all pres ent with two hours of colored moving pictures of their trip to india and west china many mlssloiarlcs faces were recognised in these pictures among them mrs gordon agnew a daughter of mrs caldwell and who is so well known in georgetown her husband and three children dr and mrs agnew are connected wjth the west china union university greetings from the halton presby tery were extended by rev a o w foreman of ballinafad at the sup per meeting also by the presidents of the missionary societies of the anglican presbyterian and baptis churches of georgetown mrs grant mrs davidson and mrs reeves and mrs sinclair of the women s asso ciation of the united church the coit girls led to a singsong and the mary agnew mission circle conducted a worship service mrs shortill presented the report of the courtesy committee messages of sym pathy were asked to be sent to mrs h inglehart past president and rev p c overend who were unable to be present owing to illness the officers are as follows past president mrs h tnglehar president mrs e wilson 1st vicepresidentaxs c read- head 2nd vicepresident mks r m clements 3rd vicepresident mrs f m nlven recording secretary mrs kirkwood secretaries of departments christian s and f mrs a g bos- vieu circles mrs j w chapman cq4t mrs a k leonard mis sion bands mrs a speight baby bands miss e mckay supply mr w browntidge literature mrs w a shane helpers mrs w gunby temperance mrs h caldwel friendship mrs b mow at mission ary monthly mrs g w tunis prev miss a marshall stand a claim his been laid against the georgetown lions win first game of midget playoffs defeat waterloo steken clippers 93 ra fast game go to kitchener for return game tonight waterloo siskin clippers met the georgetown lions in the first game of the southern ontario nhl mid get playdowns on friday night last the winner of this series to m meet either stratford or preston in the southern ontario finals and then on to copper cliff for the ontario cham plonship playdowns the lions handed the siskins a decided defeat the score b 3 and looked much better than the visitors on the play although this is the first organised game the lions have played this winter the midget do not appear to have lost any of the hockey they learned two seasons ago when midget hockey was at its height the attendance was the most disappointing part of the affair and those who miss ed this game also missed a fine hoc key setto the stars of the game were d beau mont schenk and carter for the lions while bond loreiu and dot- sert were standouts for the siskins georgetown collected ave goals in the flsst period while waterloo count ed two the goal getters were beau mont 2 schenk wilson and coffell for the lions lorens and cotey for waterloo only three goals were scored in the middle stanza when sargent and schenk scored for the lions and lor- enz added another for waterloo the siskins tried hard in the final stages of the game to catch up with the score but georgetown was too good tor them and they wen kept off the score sheet in the final period the lioni added two more goals to their score when schenk and sar gent again scored the return game is being played in the kitchener arena to night waterloo siskin clippers boston bruins goal olelser defense ell 5 bauer centre clayneld wings dot- zert and bond subs lorenz bilker cotey uftteman ovens wamholz georgetown lions goal kemshead defence carter coffel centre d beaumont wings schenk sargent subs walker bullivant yates wil son james pricker dillon m beau mont referee tost georgetown once again once again we find it necessary to remind all our subscribers and others owing accounts to the her ald that march is the end of our business year and ivould appreciate a settlement as soon as possible running a newspaper these days requires a large sum of money to meet our obligations and we ask all in arrears to kindly let us have our due that we in turn may pay up too our mailing lists have been cor rected to mar 14th and a glance at your label will tell you how you stand with your subscription to the her ald thank you council did a good job last week we had reason to com ment on the condition of the streets about town while the comment then was not of a favourable nature we have now reason to congratulate the town council on their efforts to put the streets in a passable condition last week the halton county grader was engaged and employed in break ing up the ice and filling in the ruts on our streets especially was a good job made op queen and john streets these streets were in a deplorable condition but now traffic is allowed to proceed unpreturbod during the winter many merchants had voiced their opinions that the snow should be removed from the main street it was done in other towns and they thought t only right that it should be removed from our main street but council made no move to do so they had the same trouble up in stayner where snow piled so high in front of the business places that it was im possible to park cars on the street near the stores for some time the council in that town would do noth ing but the continued protests of the merchants and the suggestion that if the town provide a truck the mer chants would shovel the snow on the truck that was in front of their re spective business places brought some action thus the snow was moved at a minimum cost while we don t think it necessary in georgetown to use this way of moving the snow nevertheless it causes some inconveni ence we hope at this late date h will not be necessary to move any more snow this year but the sugges tion might well be worth keeping in mind for another winter we also drew attention to the icy sidewalks in some parts of the town and suggest ed sand be applied however this suggestion may have been a little de layed for on thursday evening last a georgetown lady fell on main street and fractured her wrist we under- town for damages while insurance is carried it entails a good deal of inconvenience to all concerned esteemed residents celebrat ed their 88th birthdays mbs robert price and mrs david swackhamer mrs robert price lifelong resident of esqueslng township halton coun ty celebrated her 88th birthday at her home in acton on saturday last mar 11th last december mr and mrs price observed their 54th wed ding anniversary bom at palermo in 1851 mrs price moved to the sbtth line of esqueslng township as a ohdd she still vivid ly recalls the fear that ran through the district over the possbultd of the fenians advancing and attacking homes in north halton there is more lawlessness today than when she was young mrs price believes more people used to go to church before they had automobiles and other conveniences that should now help them to go there she says mrs price has two children mrs angus mceachem acton and a son harding price on the seventh line of esqueslng her maiden name was mary ann harding mrs david swackhamer celebrated her 87th birthday at her hoots in limehouse on sunday 8hv has spent most of her life in the george town district although she was born hi buffalo ny mrs swackhamer whose maiden name was mary dukes can recall many interesting memories of pioneer i life in canada her childhood days were spent on a farm on the town line be halton and wellington counties where she attended the old woodslde school she tells how she made thousands of candles when she was a glrl button lamps were com mon then too she says they were made by twisting a wick around a button and putting it in the centre of a saucer of oil mrs swackhamer has six daughters and two sens mr swackhamer who died in 1928 helped put the railroad through georgetown although he was a thresher his father was one of the pioneers of halton county and cleared his farm from virgin forest elections likely next fall indications of a general election ome time before the end of the present year arc growing stronger rer daj in face of persistent report to the contrary from liberal quarters it was learned this week that all returning officers had reccued orders to have their revised voters lists com pleted by the beginning of june the act leaves to the discretion of the chief electoral officer in ottawa when these lists shall be prepared but iris understood that he is acting on an in dlcatlon if not actual instruct oru from government circles the date of the election still de pends on the progress of the house during the next two months the government it is believed would like to have prorogued parliament before the kings visit in may and to have gone to the country during the sum mer before the patriotic enthusiasm- of the royal tour period had had a chance to abate the idea of a may prorogation however has now been discarded it is understood in the first place with the slow progress that has been made so far it would be nigh impossible to finish the necessary business before this date unless the government re sorted to railroading methods in the second place the conserva tlve party from the first has appar ently been anxious o prevent an election coming as a direct after math of the kings visit they would much prefer a summer session of parliament in which they could get the electorate back to a critical atti tude toward the liberal administra tion read the advertisements in the herald they are your shop ping guide you will find georgetown merchants offer you choice goods at as low or lower prices than you can get them for elsewhere read the advertisement every week in the herald and patronize the merchants in your home town garage operators held meeting the march meeting of the halton branch of the ontario garage oper ators association was held in the fanners hall in milton monday evening march 13th mr l mckind- ley the branch president presiding owing to the bad condition of the roads and a number of the members confined to their homes with the flu the attendance was small but the en thusiasm was high just the same several points of business came be fore the meeting for discussion pinal arrangements were made for the annual ladles night to be held mon day evening march 30th in the town hall at milton the evening to take the form of a banquet at 730 pih to be followe b entertainment tabor prises cards and dyhg the april meeting will be held in the town hall in georgetown monday evening april 17th and will be open to anyone engaged in the trade in any form the members of verdun rebeka lodge celebrated its 21st birthday bj holding a party in the arena george town on friday evening march lofh there were 25 tables of euchre and a birthday table in the centre of the room decorated with the threestorey birthday cake with 21 candles pink and green tapers and pink carnation with silver tea services the delicious birthdv cake was made and cut by the noble grand mrs stafford groat prize winners in the euchre were ladles 1st mrs doyle 2nd mrs ross thompson and mrs jos stan dih tied mrs standish winning the etit gentlemen 1st mr e brown lee 2nd mr e wheeler lucky number draw 1st 32pleoe tea se- of dishes miss gladys mcoibboo- 2nd white linen table cloth mrs w g mcdowell door prise fern won by mrs win near a former member of verdun rebekah lodge and now of guelph there were about 35 visitors trom guelph present a very dainty lunch was served and the delicious birthday cake it wit a most enjoyable event for the large gatherisfe present halton jersey makes outstanding record in a recent issue of the jersey bul letin prominence is given to an out standing record made by cluny castle miss standard developed and owned bv f w ruddell at sons of george town this six yearold cow has re cently completed two records which were highest in the dominion for the past four months and incldently nan for her a gold medal and a medal of merit in both the 306 and 365 day divisions her production in the 365 day division was 16783 b milk and 902 lbs fat and 15133 lbs milk and 605 lbs fat in the 305 dav division with an average test of slightly over 53 butter fat during 1938 only one other jersey cow in th dominion besides cluny castle miss standard qualified for bath a gold medal and a medal of merit in both divisions this is a high honour in deed and ward ruddell sons are to be congratulated on this wonder ful aca evement by miss standard which brings recognition and honoi r not onlj to the ruddell herd but also to halton jerseys in general erin mrs e m breckon of sack v lll n b and mrs glmblett of minnea polis minn lert thlsweek tor their respective homes after spending se veral weeks here following the death of mrs oeo overland r c ttnney who recently purchas ed w homers butcher business took possession on monday and is conduct ing the business mr and mrs tin- ney moved tato the overland resi dence on centre street over the week end mr and mrs george griffin quietly celebrated the fiftysixth anniversary of their wedding on tuesday march 7th both mr and mrs griffin en- joygood health and are about dally during the day many friends called todffer felicitations friends here were bereaved in the sudden death of hon robert weir who was minister of agriculture in the bennett government he was se verely injured in an accident on tues day and died shortly afterwards dr campbell and mrs campbell erhy are brotherlnaw and sisterlnjaw of the deceasedsadvocate march meeting esquesing council township relief will be discontinued after april 15th dog bylaw amended accounts passed stewarttown mar 13th 199 the march meetfng or esqueatns township council was beldak-mon- day afternoon deputyireeve w a wilson councillors o h may g w murray and edwin harrop were prev ent reeve n a robinson preskted at the meeting the minutes of tfas last meeting were read and confirm- acton juniors win w i dick drama shield in competition with norval and palermo clubs acton juniors pre senting lake dare were declared winners in the halton juniors drama festival theacton group met norval in the norval parish hall on tuesday of last qreek and on thursday even ing last met in the finals with the palermo group at the milton high school the members of the winn ing cast were presented with the w i dick drama shield by the donor the little red geranium and the monkeys paw were the presentations of norval and palermo respectively a j burrows of toronto was the adjudicator and his adjudications at both centres were enthusiastically re ceived by all privileged to bear him acton juniors represented halton junior farmers in the south halton drama festival class b which was held in burlington on friday even ing here in competition with st john s young peoples society of oakvllle and the burlington high school the latter cast was declared the winners dorothy church and mansell nellis both of acton receiv ed the individual awards for the best acting at the friday evening contest wilmer davjdosn was the third mem ber of the acton cast and joseph hurst of acton was the director lorne scots regiment expects invitation to celebration for king over 350 men of all ranks of the lome scots regiment of halton peel and duffer in counties have started spring training and will continue un til june 26th the object of the ex tensive program is to prepare troops for the visit of the king and queen and for the annual camp at niagara jury s to s brampton and port credit are the militia headquarters of a company members of b company train oakvllle and burlington manoeuvres of c company take place at acton georgetown and milton while mem bers of d company train at orange- ville and shelbume the pipe band and signal corps of the headquarters company are training at brampton antiaircraft and antl tank corps of the same company alternate between brampton and bolton major r w lent stated the regi ment anticipates being asked to take part in celebrations attending the royal visit at toronto guelph or some other centre lieutcol g m fitzgerald of or- angevllle is giving up the regiment command on may 1 after serving three and a half years ueulcol keene of oakvllle will be ins suc cessor it has be acton mr e s force had the misfortune to fracture a bone in his left foot while playing badminton at the t on saturday evening he is able to be about but the foot is in a cast for a few weeks miss martha orr of the staff of the acton public scbtool underwent an operation for appendicitis at ouelph hospital on monday after several months of intense ill ness john gibbons a veteran of the great war and an esteemed resident of acton passed away on wednesday of last week in christie stree hos pital toronto he was in his fifty third year john gibbons was a native of london erland coming to canada as a young man for twentynine years he was a valued employee of the beardmore co first at bracebrtdsfe and coming to acton seventeen years ago to serve this firm in the plant here during the great war he answered the call of hll country and served overseas with the 122nd battalion besides his widow who before marriage was elizabeth lavery he leaves two sans john and walter both at home free press falling in line with the trend the times district hens win soon increasing their output of shells stratford beaconherald ed communications were read from w r norton mrs mckfemey township or egremont dept of highways jen kins ft hardy j k whitetock mil ton hydro electric comnu whlluer and co and brampton benefit con cert committee moved by harrop and wilson that the treasurer pay relief accounts as presented by the relief officer ss631 carried moved by may and murray that the treasurer pay board of heav- accounts j sanford account to aw tie 60 the hamlton health associa tion pneumothorax treatments for bessie cole dec to feb 1900 car ried moved by wilson and harrop that the treasurer pay the road sheets as presented by the road superinten dent 73638 carried moved by murray and may that tbs treasurer pay belli telephone on 38121 hjafj 9112 203 total ssjso acton public utilities comntl ores cent street lights dec to mar 1500 acton free press to advertising re dogs 5 00 jenkins hardy audit fee for year ended dec 31st 1936 iloooo acton short course hall committee per j b wh 6130 whlllier sc co supplies gess combin ed sheets 6650 j sanford supplies 50c relief account to date s325 to tal 3675 carried moved by harrop and wilson that leave be granted to introduce a by law to amend bylaw no 040 for tax ing restraining and regulating the running at large of dogs within the municipality of the township of es queslng and that said bylaw be now read a first time carried moved by may and murray that bylaw no 912 to amend bylaw no 640 for taxing restraining and regu lating the running at large of dogs within the municipality of the town ship of esqueslng having been read a first time be now read a second and third times and passed and that the seal of the corporation be attach ed thereto carried moved by may and murray that township relief be discontinued on and after april 15th carried moved by wilson and harrop that this council do now adjourn to meet monday april 10th at 130 pjn or at the call of the reeve carried norval rifle club an exciting contest on march 7th bwetve member of the norval rifle club visited the c njl rifle club in toronto and were defeated by a single point out of twelve hundred one of the norval members unfortunately placed three shots on one bull instead of two and was therefore fined three points otherwise the defeat would have re sulted in a win for norval the scores cnr 1160 out of uoo norval 1179 out of 1300 on saturday feb 18th the toron to small bore association held a series of events our mr atkinson woo first place in the 40 shot match scoring 399 points out of 400 and win ning the silver medal on saturday feb 35th the hamil ton rifle club sponsored an inter city competition taking in the cities of buffalo niagara palls toronto hamilton and norval id the 5 man team 10 shots norval won fourth place in the individual 30 shot match h nurse was third winning a spoon in the two man team match 20 shots each m atkinson and bl nurse won first place 3k a sweep match m atkinson took second place the scores in the aggregate event on monday night were as follows bl nurse 100 m atkinson 100 o mere dith 100 r w hall 99 dr steven son 99 o h hall 98 c cantekm 95 a w wilson 94 f hustler 93 w lisk 92 n ruddell 91 the cnjt rifle club of toronto will visit norval 00 march 20th an the norval rifle club will visit the oac rifle club at guelph on march 37th persistence is important john wannamaker founder ofthe john wannamaker store philadelphia was the first advertising genius in the retail adre field m addition to the novelty of his advertising he kept persistently at it be once said continuous advertising tike continuous work is most effective if there is any enterprise in the world that pays the merchant it is advertising adver tising does not jerk it pulls it begins very gently at first but the pull is steady it increases day by day year after year until it exerts an irresistible power to discontinue your advertisement is the same as takmg down your sign if you want- to do business you must let the public know it 1 would as soon dunk of douy business without clerks as without advertising lof

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