Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 15, 1939, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wed neaday evening march 15th 1939 jgsw xrjixs worn entrance class ass announced the abandonment of lulling as a 4aflnlte and formal subject for en trance class candidates and the sub- atttutlon of sight work in prate and poetry for the prepared passages that formerls consututed the literature paper are the chief changes in the new regulations for entrance cl the new list of regulations cover- ins ib pages has been issued bor instructions are new others mark decided change to ednoattoi bought but the whole means a ww- tg of the powers of the entrance class board the question paper in literature the list states w1u be based on sight passages in prose and poetry it us ed to be that students spent weeks m rtodytog certain works for the final at there is to be no formal paper in writing but candidates wlp be lodged to this subject on one of the answer papers to be decided by each board immediately following the writ ten erani at ym candidates who for reasons satis factory to the entrance board axe un safe to submit a certificate for group one shall be subject to such requlre- gdents as the board may prescribe with regard to the subjects in this soup the regulations state form- dy the board ordered examinations how they may take other steps the entrance class board also has atttthorlty to state what shall be done for the group one examinations of private schools alton cattle go to new jersey fabm mr asa b martin newton nj ellknown importer of canadian bolstems recently purchased a shlp- ssent of fifty head of purebred hol- telnfrieslans from breeds in the following counties halton norfolk oxford wentworth brant waterloo and hamimand those contributing to this ship- eent were dove stock farm port dover howard crane waterford al- ld epwand j3on stmcoe j n taaloon waterford c w cballand and son pl dover frank ward waterford dell bertram waterford j n smock caledonia c m young isanfotd sta j h wilson cope- town stanley daw qlanford sta fred christie ancaster wilton o benedict gtenford sta w mcqueen olanford sta omeld bros orens- vfue jos d armes mt hamilton j f anderson waterford ira pearee otterville geo hart woodstock w a mutr woodstock douglas hart woodstock art m stelntnan bright ja w green and sons tlllsonburg moses baer new dundee titus l keib kitchener jacob snyder kit- ener eugene taylor brantfbrd b w richardson milton nelson ho ward campbeuvllle w t dales and sans campbeuvllle melford w col- ing milton auen humphrey troy w o culham sheffield hand coverings traced back to the israelites gloves of antiquity mentions gloves in the bible in the book of ruth gloves were worn by the is raelites solely by men of rank mural paintings of thebes show gloves as a part of the kings rai ment xenophon at the end of the eighth book of cyropedia complains of the unwarranted elegance of the persians that they not only wore nmbrellaa over them in summer and hi winter not satisfied with or dinary clothing but have coverings made of hair for their hands and fingers chaldeans defined gloves in their dictionary pliny speaks of an amanuensis who wore gloves upon his hands in winter lest the severity of the waather should let him lose anything homer mentions laer tes father of ulysses in retirement while gloves received his hands to shield them from the thorns a celebrated romanglutton came to the table in gloves so that he might be able to handle and eat the meat while hot and so devour more than the rest of the company the christians at the end of the first century considered the wear ing of both shoes and gloves hairy coverings for feet and hands as shameful to persons in perfect health but even cavemen wore gloves possibly 160 000 years ago according to some learned histori ans so we really have an instinct about glovesand can justify all of their uses even that of pure decora tion by studying the costumes of the ancients bylaw no t amend the carlltng bylaw for taxing restraining and rcgnuung the raunlng at large of dogs within he mvnlolpaluy of the town of georgetown paused on the 12th day f april 1m7 being bylaw no whereas it is provided by section of the dog tax and sheep protec tion act 1937 chapter 335 that by laws may be passed by the municipal council requiring the registration of and whereas in the bylaw above referred to no provision la made compelling owners of dogs to register them and whereas it is deemed advis able that some such provision should be inserted in the existing bylaw now therefore the municipal council of the town of georgetown tn council assembled and in accor dance with the provision of the dog tax and sheep protection act above mferxed to enacts as follows 1 bectlon 4 of the bylaw above referred to being bylaw no is hereby amended by adding thereto aubaeetion 3 a which is as follows every owner possessor ox keeper of any dog who has not procured a license for the same shall on or be fore the 30th day of april in each year furnish the clerk or ths tax collector with full particulars of any aoch dog and the description thereof jirrw to identify such dog or dogs and for any false statement in respect thereof or failure to do so shall be hable to a penalty not exceeding umi0 re in the same man ger as any other penalties provided far in the said bylaw in all other respects the existing byla i ratified and confirmed passed this 7th day of march aa 1mb joseph gibbons mayor p b harkebon clerk paper decorations used in chinese ceremonials the use of ornamental paper cut to represent various objects and burned at chinese funerals dates from the very inception of paper- making writes david hunter in the bulletin of american museum of history objects of all kinds are constructed of paper and burned at the bier of the deceased so that the departed spirit may have an abun- dance of the things represented by the frail paper effigies along certain streets of all great cities of chine ore shops where these ghostlike replicas are sold highly ornate cardboard chests with shiny gold and silver paper locks flowing robes of paper paint ed with golden dragons and com plicated patterns shoes hats and all manner of wearing apparel made of paper for the relatives of the wealthy the craftsmen in paper also con struct fullsized carts and horses the thought being that when these fragile representations go up in smoke they will eventually assume reality in heaven and the deceased will have bar- wahmilaa at great quantities of mock money are burned everj year in china and all over asia where chinese have made their homes if sufficient money is burned the deceased will be able to purchase elabo rate clothing fine horses and other necessities after reaching the spirit world- radio repairing we specialize on this work j sanfoud son dark ages middle ages the dark ages extended roughly speaking from the fall of the west em roman empire in 475 a d to the revival of learning on the dis covery of the pandects at amalft italy in 1190 altogether about sev en centuries the period extending from the fall of the roman empire to the capture of constantinople in 1533 by the turks is known as the middle ages the pandects were a collection of laws sytematically arranged from roman writings on jurisprudence they were enact ed into law by the emperor jus tinian in 533 a d their discovery at amain stimulated a general study of roman and greek literature which led to what is known as the classic age during the dark ages learning was at its lowest ebb in europe and civilization seemed to retrograde owing to the masses of barbarians who emerged from northern europe and overran the former seats of learning no records of birth or death of hermit bochica a littleknown legend dating from the era before the spanish conquis tadors vanquished the peoples of eastern and southern south amer ica implicates bochica who ac cording to tradition handed down by the chibcha indians of colombia stemmed a deluge which had de scended for many weeks and was threatening to extinguish a race numbering between twenty and for ty thousand persons who inhabited the andean plateau on which bo gota the republics capital founded four centuries ago by gonzalo jl- minex de quesalla stands no portrait of bochica survives writes kent b stiles in the new york times only a symbolic bgure of this god is worshiped by the rem nants of the chibcha tribeb bochica who came from no where lived as a hermit in a cave and abruptly disappeared accord ing to chibcha superstition as relat ed by an official of the chamber of cornmerce in new york there are no records of the gods birth and death nor was his nationality known by the chibchas a bearded stranger who knew the chibcha lan guage although he was not an in dian was intelligent and educated he taught the chibchas how to weave and make pottery how to pave highways and till farms pro ductively and he devised weights and measures and contrived cur rency of gold disks when continu ous rains from the skies jeopar- dized the lives of the natives bo chica with a stroke of his golden scepter cleft a mountain so that the waters escaped and in perform ing this wonder hecreated tequen- dama falls one of south americas scenic beauty spots famed umbrellas jonas hanway was the man who popularized the rainshield tn lon don he took his life in his hands waen be did it too asserts a writer h ate washington post not that umbrellas were unknown far from it they had been used as sun shades in the east for centuries they were well known in france in fact english women occasion ally carried them but hanway was the first englishman to date ap pear on the streets with an timbrel la he saw in it a way to pre vent sickness caused by getting wet in rain so he carried his um brella though he was hooted pelted with mud sticks and stones but jonas hanway lived to have the last taugh before he died in 1786 most men carried umbrellas and shortly after his death even the hardboiled men of the army took to them buncombe was original form of word bunk the original form of the word bunk was buncombe which has been corrupted into bunkum and bunk it originated in the united states house of representa tives in 1820 during the close of the4lebate on the missouri compro mise felix walker a mountaineer represented the north carolina dis trict which included buncombe county when the house was other wise unanimous in demanding a vote on the question relates a writ er in the indianapolis news walker insisted on making a speech sev eral members gathered around him and begged him to desist he con tinued however declaring that his constituents expected him to say something on the subject and that he was bound to make a speech for buncombe thus the word came to mean any humbug or clap trap especially insincere political talk intended for the galleries buncombe county was created in 1791 and was named for edward buncombe a colonel in the revo lution who was wounded at the bat tle of germantown in 1777 and who died a prisoner of war in philadel phia the following year promoted robert nlreur assistant district pass agent canadian pacific railway toronto since 1926 who has been appointed general agent passenger department for the on tario district of the company with headquarters at toronto- the quality tea an increase of from 10 to 20 per cent in auto insurance rates came in to effect throughout ontario on march 1st the increases will prevail in most congested areas increase in public liability and pro perty damage claims was said to be responsible for the advance also that the poor insurance companies are los ing money a 10 per cent increase has been made in rates for these classes of insurance in toronto ha milton and windsor collision ratea are unchanged save for the 40 deductible classification which is increased ten per cent whue theft and passenger hazard rates are unchanged there is no change in the full coverage or 100 deductible collision rates but the 25 deductible rate is up ten per cent and the 50 deductible rate is up 20 per cent fire rates are down 20 per cent and there is no change for theft or passenger hazartrbn the tariff rate schedule the nontariff trend is similar in rural districts of southern on tario public liability and proper damage rates rate both increased ten per cent there is no change in ftfl coverage for collision but the 25 de ductible rate is up ten per cent the 50 deductmte rate is 20 per cent higher now and the 100 deductible rate is up 25 per cent spring millinery we are now showing an early shipment of spring hats flowers veils all the latest in uptodate millinery misses claridge main street georgetown herald block upatain meaning of name isabel the name isabel was long and by some authorities is still constd ered a form of the hebrew eliza beth meaning consecrated to god but later research seems to establish that its original form was jezebel meaning oath to baal according to florence a cowles in the cleveland plain dealer isabel is such a beautiful name that one is reluctant to associate it with ideas evoked by the name of jezebel but after all while jezebel was respon sible for her acts she was not re sponsible for her name moreover a bible list of names says that jezebel probably meant chaste or pure that justifies the isabels in claiming that beautiful meaning from which the idea of consecration could have sprung st isabel daughter of louis viii of france thirteenth century founded a convent wild bare squirrels pasta hare and squirrels were so plentiful they became pests with bounties on jtheir heads says the american wildlife institute in one year 1749 800 pounds were paid out for the heads of gray and black squirrels at three pence a head in pennsylva nia alone this means that more than 600000 were killed for the price on their heads foot has two arches the weight of the body when an individual is standing is transmit ted to the ground in a triangular manner through the heel the first toe and the fifth toe there are two arches of the foot the long arch extending along the inner border from the heel bone to the first toe and the transverse or metatarsal arch situated in the forefoot and extending from the base of the first toe to the base of the fifth these arches are normally maintained in position by muscles and ligaments give your home newspaper i your printing commemorates an epic ran the marathon race which is run as one of the feature events of olympic games commemorates the epic run made by an olympic champion in the year 490 b c when the greeks defeated the per sians at marathon pheidippides champion runner was chosen to dash to athens with the news he ran so swiftly he fell dead on the outskirts of the city gasping as he died rejoice we conquer i lost cargo of slaves the fluctuations th the fortunes ilavetradars is revealed in the biography of the famous theodore canot who transported negroes from africa to america between 1627 and 1647 on one early voyage notes a writer in colliers weekly he lost his entire cargo of 300 slaves tn a smallpox epidemic while on another trip he safely- landed 317 and sold them for 77489 j you expect your home newspaper to give you all the news you expect your newspaper to take the lead in advocating community betterment j you expect your newspaper to boost for good roads good schools and support community eele- orations and associations you expect your newspaper to support cotnmuni- ty drives for charity etc q you expect your newspaper to help bring people to georgetown to interest them in this town j your newspaper does these tilings and helps you the next time a printing salesman calls on you tell him youre going to buy your p at the local newspaper office 4 we offer you the same or better quality at as low or lower prices and guaranteed better and quicker service than you can get from outoftown printing houses bringyour printing to the georgetown herald r v yj

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