Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 29, 1939, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 29th 1939 page 3 what us a boy what is ft boyt hi rotaxian ma gaxme gives the following answer to the above question the person who is going to cany on what you have started he is to sit where you are sitting and attend to things which you think- are so important when you are gone you may adopt all the policies you please but how they will be carried out depends upon him even u you make leagues and treaties he will have to manage them he will take your seat in parliament assume control of your cities states and em ptrcs he 1s going to move in and take over your churches your schools universities corporations councils and prisons all your work is going to be judged and praised and con dexnned by him the future and de stlny of humanity are in his hands so it might be well to pay a little attention to him now sweet caporam chicks the bray chick don the trick let nie wow yea the proof place your order here now no bother cafl or state george c brown no rval ontario radio repairing we specialize on this work j sanford son i omboctown j4w provincial government ad bonistbative costs increased premier hepburn is being unhesl tatingly criticized these days by the conservative and independent press throughout the province over one of the promises he made during the 1034 campaign and which is claimed to have been proven was never kept during that campaign he declared frequently i can nnd will cut down the cost of administration fifty per cent it won t be the pleasantest task in the world to go in there and fire a lot of supernumeraries but it has to be done in the interest of the suf fenng taxpayer and if yoi show m you want it done uell do it verj thoroufchly six months after the 1934 vote when the hepburn govern roent was svept into power 1100 pro vincial civil serv ants had been dis missed throughout the province many dismissals were expected ai i from a partisan aiitui were quite i ordtn even though mai y of uios throughout lanark jnd leedo ana crcnvllle counties will not anre what happened well with thi wholesale disniiva s the const n is of opinion was that many of thosu fired would not- be rtplactd and the tai- pajcrs would save monu not aicordmg to ihe toronto globe an 1 mail the u pti of oi tar o r paying a47 mo pro nc tl mployei today than uiej were j rior to 1934 the follow n ur u s r for eath department u j ed by the toron to dailj to barn ip te s iicment agric 1 ure i 19o4 508 tnployee at latest report o84 increase la per correspondence the canada temperance act in view of the announcement in the speech from the throne of the in tention of the ontario government l emplovet intrust 2 p r in 1934 796 em 840 in 191 employies increase 47 per education ij 1934 at latest rtport o27 cent attorrev c e i r ploj ees a i crease 6 per cent treasury it at lates epo t cent provincial secrfcuirj s in 1934 emnlojees at late t report 200 creaes 15 per cenl provincial audit tofflce in 1934 employees at latestxreport 61 crease 20 per cent mines in 1334 88 employees latest report 121 increase 38 per t cent health in 1934 836 employeeb at latest report 875 prime ministers in 1934 51 em ployees at latest report 53 highways in 1934 218 employees at latest report 436 it is impossible for one to believe that the cost of administration has been decreased but rather has been increased unless the 1647 were hired to replace the u00 fired at leas sal aries on the other hand such has increased employment and in all pro babiuty decreased relief rolls per haps there is more governmental work we do not blame premier hepburn for the great increase even th he is blamed the same hon geo henry was for putting the ovist in the straight ftnxow poll tlcal patronage was the cause and no doubt some members of the globe and mall leadership league were most guilty m increasing the provincial ad ministration stas and cost they sought jobs either for themselves or their friends one of canada s great est detriments to governments is poli tical patronage smith palls becard news cnesnapsuct cuil hobby pictures has issued the following statement about the year 1914 the areas above mentioned having extended the application of municipal local option us far as was practicable under the three- fifths handicap sought to pro tcct themsehes by adopting with sub stanual maoritles county local op- t on as provided indcr the canada temperance act it has been the practice of all on tar o ijovemmenis from 1887 down o 1934 to enforce the canada temper ante act where it obtained for of fences of selling and the provincial liuor acl for other liquor offences ommltted within the area concern td under this procedun the can ada temperance act was found to be a workable ind reasonably sa ifac ton and effective county local a uoniiw the present ontario gov emment has departed from tht prac tict oftts predecessor it has itnor ed andvio ated the law it lias o iht to d troj ts operation bj ac t o i before tl s iprtrm court of on uino the suprtme court of cinuc i 1 tl pr v com c 1 ml n tach ca t it ha- fai ed u it ha now been annoui ctd n tl 1 speech from tit tliroi c in the cir rem session of tht legislature tl i a bill vi 11 bi ntordi d to pell o hie dominion par ament o rep i he canada tcmptraice act n so fa as ii api he o oniirio if th i m of the onrnmini were unplv o bring about mi of luthor tv it ioud eas 1 makt provl ion n the lit lor control ac for county local option on the same ba is as that ar lorded by tht cinada remperance act in a etter under date ot february 21 1935 calling hotel keepers to a conference mr geo h 0neil hon orary president of their association refers lo the action of the federa tion in seeking to bring certain ques lions regarding the canada temper ance act before the supreme court of canada he states votes can be taken throughout the province in counties which includes towns and villages and in cit es under the can ada temperance act whereby a ma jorit would make such county or city dry the brewers and this as sociation are endeavoring to have this submission postponed if possible if the temperance people are successful this is going to make it a very sen ous situation for the hotels through out the province it is evident that the liquor trade fear and hope to destroy the canada temperance act the government of ontario in seeking to destroy county local option is implementing the wishes of the liquor interests it is also endeavoring to deprive the peo ple of ontario of their dkmocratlc rights and to coerce the citizens of huron perth peel and manltoulin in to accepting in their midst the wide spread sale of liquor against which they have osught protection and fur ther to pervent the extension of h canada temperance ac to other a as in ontario all who are interested in i curving a county local option law n ontario would do well to communicat with their local member urging opposition to the petition a j en in general secretary the ontario temperance federation greek mythology reveals stones of the dogwood although the various dogwoods ore sometimes so small that they seem hardly more than a goodsized hrub they have been known for s 1 l and their legendary his- r ry reaches into greek mythology t the romin ernpin ot the time of ci r it and to tht folklore of early i intin indian tribes their slen der twisted branches and unusual f urpotaled flowers have seemed to ill for explannlioi and the legends t ve tried to uciourtt for them tes paul davey in the washing i nstar one of the iccniis is to the effect tl u the dogw iod because or the i irdnesi of its wood was chosen for use in the cr s at the crucifix n the teel nic 1 nime of the tree c rims from the latin coma a t oin in 1 refers to tl e character of it e uood the legend runs that the i ftw d was much di tressed at be i r chosen for such a terrible pur i se and that the saviour sensing this feelint made to the tree this pr mise never agun shall the dogwood tret row large enough to be used f r t cross hi n forth it shall be iti dcr and bent aid twisted and its i i ssom shall be in the form of a u s two long and t vo short petals i ci in the center ol the outer edge f d n i ik l shall be na 1 i i ts br mi vi 1 iu t tnd stained th bl i ai i i t ter of the i v r w 11 be a t r n of thorns ml tl s wl tt it will rimim t t w n tli i wd ii t i v s t rue i eo nd ih s tree shall not i i n utilatid or destroyed but cher ishtd and prote led as a reminder of my agony and death upon the it is a btautiful way of explaining the peculiarities of the dogwood h story does not bear out the legen d ry a sumption that the cross was n adc from the wood of the dog wood but that does not take away from the beauty of the legend any child hobby it full of plctur chance adult hobble too picture them aa they propres step by atop tf tou have a son or daughter who is budding hobbyist picture the child s progress a aeries of these pictures haa delightful story- telling quality and will increase in memory value as time passes almost any hobby can be pictured if your young daughter paints or draws snap a progressive series of her at her sketch pad or easel if the boy ballds modelplanea snap a series of blm busy in his workshop fitting parts of the new model take pictures that show the progress of the job from the first stick to the completed plane and its trial sight first attempts at golf first les sons in tennis or swimming any outdoor sport ik full of these picture chances picture each stage and yon will treasure these snapshots later on take special care with these pic tores to get just the effect yon wmnl for example in taking the pic ture above a light yellow k 1 fllter was used on the camera lens to darken the blue water and sky and make the white clothing and boat sail stand out fast film was used and reflections from the water made a short exposure possible 150 sec ond at fjl the picture shows care ful thought and proves that the rate think before you shoot is worth observing whether you are taking bobby snapshots or some other kind hobbles grow and expand and they should be represented lu your picturehistory of the family take plenty of picture showing each new phase and development of your son s or daughters hobby and begin tak injr them now for tomorrow there will bo new btages to picture while todays opportunities will be past 10 s john van guilder the dog in bos town the boys themselves tell the follow lng story about father flinian of the famous boys town says a write in the young peoples catholic wek ly several years ago the boys de cided that thej wanted a dog the priest said he would get them one on saturday during a snow st irm he went in to omaha to search for a pip when he had round one and started to get on a street car w it the conductor would not allow tht animal aboard it was against the rules of the com pan he said th only other way to ride to bos town was by taxi bin father flanagan didn t have enough mopcy for that so he held the dog under his over coat and walked back the whole ten miles through the snow just so ie wouldn t disappoint the boys af er teliing them he would bring them a dog is it any wonder the lnhabl tants of boys town love father flan agan and would do anything in th- world for him remember the sabbath day although there is to be no change in the lords day act at this session of the legislature the question ts one that will not be settled by pious re solutions so much as by pious con duct claims the hanover post st long as thousands or people fall to remember the sabbath day to keep it holy so long will there be an agl tatlon for a more wideopen sunday a puritanical sabbath would not have public opinion behind it today and neither would a law allowing a wideopen sabbath the conduct and wishes of the people will be reflected in the laws of the land color a very large canadian woman wearing a brilliant red dress anc many diamonds went to consult a celebrated dress designer mr worth she said what colors should wear- that connoisseur looked her over a brief moment and then replied my dear madam when the creator fashioned the hummingbird and the butterfly he made them ol brilliant colors but when he creaed the elephant he made it taupe i stop ms if loving wife the doctor sayi i must have a change of climate pond husband well cheer xr my dear spring win soon be here greyhounds pictured on ancient egyptutn stones earliest records of dogs include the greyhound variations of this breed being depicted on egyptian stones the afghan hound and the saluki are forms of the greyhound although their appearance is some what different the afghan hound is well covered with hair and the saluki noble in appearance is dis tinguished mainly by luxuriant feathering england has made wide use of hounds and although not recog nized the old hound dog ts a famil iar sight in america writes edwin mck johnson in the chicago dairy news english breeds include the bassett beagle harrier bloodhound and whippet each with its distinct function with the exception of the whippet these breeds are scent hunters the whippet like the grey hound saluki afghan borzois and irish wolfhound are primarily sight hunters running down quarry by sheer speed and power rather than by tracking the foxhound and homer are dogs of the chase beagles too are used in packs as are cross bred huunds the borzois russian wolfhound is one of the most artistic appear ing breeds but is background re v eals its oririml use for tearing wolves to pieces running in packs these large dogs provided rare sport for the rom n ffi irish wolfhounds once near ex 1 i ctmn are the largest dogs of all why cats tye- shine in dark the lumm us appearance of a c it s eyes in the dark is due to the eflection of light bv the tape turn luc dum which is pirt of the mem branous layer between the retina ind the outer covering of the pupils of the eyes this remarkable layer is distinctly differentiated from the hond layer only in certain animals it is the tape turn lucidum that en- ibles members of the feline family and other nocturnal animals to see even when there is very little light borne authorities believe this layer reflects the light rays through the re tina a second time in the domestic cat the tape turn lucidum is brilliant green or blue in color and has a me tallic luster the glare is especially noticeable when artificial light is thrown on a cat m a dark corner or when a cat in a dark place is ob served thrbugh an opening light en tering the darkness through the opening being reflected from the cat s eyes as from a mirror use moth cloth in skirts tarasco indian belles descend ants of a distinct old race that in habits parts of mtchoacan state in mexico and is much admired by american tourists beat the dutch in the way of wearing skirts and petti coats their average every day skirt requires nine yards of cloth with it are worn at least two and sometimes as many as five white cotton lace trimmed petticoats no body has ever been able to ascertain why so much skirtage and petticoat age is worn teak tree has long journey in burma the journey of a teak tree from forest to mfll requires an incredibly long time first the tree has to be girdled and dried says collier s weekly and then dragged to and floated down 1 200 miles of river to rangoon a job that has been known to take as long as 35 years excels in quality salam tea optical needs vary there can never be a set role for fitting or recommending l asses the human eye has io many variations that every case is a distinct one it re- auires training nnd skill to re cognize ard prescribe we specialize in eye examination nnd good g asses con ult o t walker r o optometrist eyesight specialist flrampton nhu is al bobbs drug store geobgrtown the second wednesday of every month or you miv consult t walker at his office in brampton n iniiki uni i iianu tiuaitiitiiitiaiiiiiniiinnimttniiunnmiiinaitinniai wallpapers wallpapers its time to decorate now i have a full ine of 1939 samples of wallpapers and can give an est ma e on complete job can take off old paper repair plaster if necessary thoroughly experienced e bludd painting papcrhangmg natural wood finishes telephone 5 r 5 georgetown lonely does not mean the church fe failing he blamed the absence of todaya youth from church on the hous i training received at the mothatv knee he criticized parents wx failure ol manv to find employment j let their boys and girls run wflov some much tnrmplovment ascribed world owes js a living idea is due to lack of interest dr g i home to some boys said christi- said in an address at milton christie is a filling station on march 16th the president of the some girls it is a place to receive c ontario agricultural college spoke so they will know where they at the annual ladles night clair masonic lodge lodges of oak guelph geo jtowtl streets vtlle and campbeuville were represent ed k larse nart of our unemployment is the result or too many thinking the norid owes them a living so they sit down and wait for it dr christie declared i can place dozens of men if lhey really know how to do some thing and sincerely want to do it he deplored the lack of practical instruction in some of canada s col leges and contended the value of col lege to students lies not so much in knowing something as in learning how to do something in many universities today stu dents memorize great quantities of material to pass the examinations then they are graduated and are call ed educated he said many of to day s educated men are without jobs t chritme ridiculed thfc sugges tion that the church has failed htf said been ise churches are not over hon ins aid jmclicr arc a little i going next samuel allen came to canada in ibm samuel allen resident of palls for the past 13 years celebrat ed his 91st birthday last extra long sleep this morning the only change in his dally rot and a family gathering with a birth day cake marked the occasion mr ulen was bom in armagll ireland and came to this country te 1850 settling in meadowville ontario for a number of years he was men ed as a cooper in mills in ontarka towns he has five sons and t daugthers mrs george demdr guelph mrs m halladay wife whom he resides thomas allen fjf georgetown william and george al len of glen williams alfred of campbeuville joseph of east ro chester ny he has 29 grandclfl- drrn 23 great grandchildren and tw great great grandchildren by betty barclay these recipes are suitable for the lenten season and also for the perfo4or festivity that follows try them and see how they add to tao enjoyment of a meal pineapple curry dressing 1 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cap canned unsweetened hawaiian pineapple juice teaspoon curry powder 1 teaspoon cold water cook cornstarch and pineapple jalce until thick and creamy then add carry which has been mixed with the cold water beat thorough ly cool on ice it should be the aonslstency of brown sauce if too thick add a little pineapple juice vary quantity of carry according to taste bat never let the curry savor predominate the- pineapple when ready to serre add whipped ereanv whipped egg whites or baaytumalse according to taste this sauce win keep for several ays b the refrigerator and may be used fa cocktails fruit caps salads or with cold entrees meat chicken eggs fish cafe au lalt coffee with milk use ih heaping tablespoons regular grind decaffeinated coffee to each cap pint water make by any method desired if perco lated perk 18 to 20 minutes slowly and gently or longer than ordinary coffee have ready apot of hot milk when serving poor milk and coffee together into cop in equal amounts it using de caffeinated coffee drip grind om wellrounded tablespoons instead ot heaping tablespoons frozen orange cream f 1 package vanilla arrowroot padding 1 cap milk f h cup sagar cap orange tales orated rind h orange 1 cap cream whipped mix vanilla arrowroot padding with milk bring to bou stirring constantly remove from bra add sugar cool add orange juice and rind poor into refrigerator frees- ing tray freeze quickly for i hour mix in whipped cream continue freezing for 3 to 4 hours hakes about 1 quart

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