Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 12, 1939, p. 2

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page 2 tke georgetown herald wednesday evening april 12th 1939 the georgetown herald phone no 8 j m moose editor ana pstahiier a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of the town of omntown and surrounding country including the villages of olen bis norral umehouse stewarttown balll and terra cotta i every wednesday evening at the office on main st georgetown 60eb8csuptioh rates 160 per year in advance united states voe additional stoglecoples3c both old and new addresses should be ivan whenchange of address is requested advertising rates legal nouces 12c per line for first in- avtaaa 7o per une for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion if in black face type 6c per une additional notices tlllwfrlng as xonilng bmnts such as concerts entertainments society or organisation meetings etc- 8c per une minimum charge 25c s of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorian notices ooo 1 10c pjr une extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 60c h advertisements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 36c for i subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be takento avoid error the herald jts advertising tn its columns on the understanding that it wm not ba sable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless praof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned the herald business ofllce duly- signed by the advertiser and with such ad or corrections plainlynoted to- writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability snail not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the vmt occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by soon advertisement the hhraxsd does job printino op alt kinds last laugh when i was young and thoughtless and came home late at night and tried to slip in quietly without a sound or light then always from her room uy mother softly asked 2b that you son and now i know the deep relief she masked we scolded and we chlded but stql she would not sleep till we were to just one of those long vigils mothers keep but now my gadding youngsters make me repay the score and i sometimes must lie awake tin they come in the door and- mother are you smiling then i know why au right the final joke will be on them xne faroff sleepless night evan s tonlan the good shepherd bow oftentimes he must have watched with patient eyes and still the shepherds guarding close thjeir sheep upon some lonely hill ine while he yearned to gather men this shepherd long ago into his fathers pastures green where peaceful waters flow bow oft at eventide when flocks came bleating to the fold where they were safe from savage beasts and wind and storm and cold must have thought of mansions bright with room enough for all would they but hear his tender voice follow at his call i uke to think or him today this shepherd- wise and kind labored well that we his sheep safe pasturage might find the fathers sheltered fields within the fathers care where winds are tempered when they blow and lack is never there reprinted from the christian science journal the road to galujee thou the way m sandle shoon he came tjpon that day that wonderous day they spoke his holy name bashed were the land and sea aawtth an angels breath it was the road to galilee that leads from nazareth thou the way of immemorial pain tjpon that day that wonderous day he came to weeping naln bis pitying touch set free the widows son from death 3t was the road to galilee that lead from nazareth as on bis way he went the folds lost sheep to seek be healed the arm in palsy bent and kissed the lepers cheek and from the citys din oat from the shadows crept the nameless one he cleansed from atn as at his feet she wept f wtth corn was canaan green yet waited there no bed war htm the outcast nazarene on which to lay his head the road to galilee lead him wandering still vp t the cross of calvary sunt beckoned on the bill member thou the bill ctftwhsch at last- he came wonderous day the world stood m more to be the same htf more to victor be the famve nor sting of death be trhanphed there in victory the christ of nasnretn a pbayer fob old age 0 most merciful father cast me not off in time of old age forsake me not when my strength faileth c may my hoary head be round in richteous preserve my mind from dotage and imbecility and my body from protracted disease and excruci ating pain deuver me from despondency in my declining years and enable me to bear with patience whatsoever may be thy holy will 1 humbly ask that my reason and my vision be continued to the last and that i may be comforted and support ed so that i may leave my tes timony in favor of the reality of religion and the faithfulness of fulfilling thy gracious promises and when my spirit leaver this clay lenament lord jesus receive it send some of thy holy angels to convey my inexperienced soul to the mansion which thy love hath prepared and may i have an abundant entrance ministered unto me in the kingdom of out- lord and saviour jesus christ amen this prayer was used by the rev archibald alexander or princeton n dally during the last year of his life a friend would you be hissed vhow good a citizen are you did you ever sit down by your self and ask yourself this question cause it will be worth your while to do so and not kid yourself- about the answer you may think you are a model citizen tflou made bridle up and think the above question absurd but lets get down to cases do you pay your taxes and your bills when they should be paid or do you impose on everybody by putting these things off as long as you can do you spend money on things you could do without money that really belongs to those who have trusted you are you really fair to these people are you one of those who thinks the world owes you a living you dont earn do you carry your own load like a man do you break- the speed laws and thus put others in danger do you accept an office and then fall to discharge its duties are you a drag oh efforts to make your town a better place to live- in do you support bodies which try to help the general good as far as you can af ford or do you lie back and let george do it nobody can object if you dont con tribute when you cant afford to do so but the men and women who carry on are probably as busy as you are and in fairness you should give at least your time and your suggestions just how good a citizen are you how much would you be missed if you passed out tonight ex the school lairs policy in ontario for 1939 after much thought by the department or agriculture and de partment of education has been re vamped and revised to fit more close ly the new school curriculum which went into effect more yiiwa a year ago the programme this year involves a considerable change from that of for mer years the object being to bring the school falr programme more in line wilh the new course of study in the schools and to eliminate extra or outside work as far as possible for teachers and pupils competitive classes are being con tinued for the products of the farm and garden but for school work edu cational displays are to be featured individual and team contests at the fair will be stressed and at her request you gave up drinking yes and ybu stopped smoking for the ue reason t did and it was for her that you gave dancing card parties and billi ards absolutely then why didnt you marry her7 well after all this reforming 1 realized i could do better when the hotel vancouver is com pleted and opened on may 25 it will be considered by many hotel officials as one of the finest buildings of its kind on the continent stated c k howard manager of the tourist and convention bureau canadian na tional railways on his return from a trip to the pacific coast mr howard had been to southern california and while there met several officials con nected with the hotel associations in california and the other pacific coast states some of these officials had seen the hotel vancouver during its construction stages and admired the layout and furnishings many of them planning to attend the official opening this spring according to mr howard while in the south mr howard spent a day at the san francisco worlds fair which expects to draw a total attendance of about 20000000 visitors during its operation it had 250000 visitors the first day and nearly as many on the second day british columbia has a very fine ex hibit at this fair- which attracted 50- 000 visitors during the first two days stated mr howard and this exhibit is expected to direct a considerable volume of travel northward into bri ush columbia and from vancouver by canadian national steamships up to george d lee in ti the stobtn to the sparrow weutf really like to tnow tbeafc hiihrta human fen w art worr- to the itottn u ttbhsntmnx tairv bkaveniy father earn far you and me an -yl- 1- r ttwmrwte love us bo know as true ah mat that needs sartstanm ttw tenure in the distance good that v em do the san famcisco fair officials are looking forward to a good year of travel from the western states said mr howard and it is not considered that the 50000000 people who are expected to attend the new york worlds fair will detract from the at tendance on the pacific coast as they are each the width of the continent apart in fact the one may be com plementary to the other mr howard believes canadi fa amends united chubch act at the request of the united church of canada legislation has been enacted by the dominion par liament giving effect to an agreement entered into between the united church of canada and the presbyter- ian church to enable the latter body to use the name the presbyterian church in canada it was announc ed by rev dr gordon a- stsco sec retary of the oeaeial council of the united church of flmmtii dr slsco expiainmthst under the halted cterettt tinada act pi inen tcmorm3da- lipx hat did not enter union raven m cwinqi the righttt use ttds name qihnr tt granted to the presbyterian ttfti by an amendment to ttie act at the of che united otrurch important provision of the that the use of the name agreed upon shall be without prejudice to the- rights and claims of either church why titeiap1 of all sought hoofimo others i ahead hii needed a new bam roof and i went into tfifimatter very carefhuytbe annual report of toy mutual insurance company showed that last year out of 16 fire tosses 7 were caused by flying embers and 8 by light- nine i talked w my insurance agent and he advised a nreproof roof above all else so i decided on metal metal protects against fire and lightning and also against wind weather rot and upkeep fcttsm metal and i height titeup otoiiikibs ha d tfaabaat js it ta ripd hm mtimnm waalbantictrt i v uaa oottneu standard qaalitr and uta hnar naraabm that dn with it awl it tn dad to leant alkm umimw induction in eoatbacanae theres no for free w33 ed stem steel products 8md hit nmd rmfimr mm roatmg mbmatajdrml p watson djxs kuxs georgetown office hours 8 to 5 except thursday afternoons typical low fares by motor coach buffalo cwbaltmoeue s19s5 cleveland wxmapocata sstuct tmfomwlom at w h long gray coach lines subject to change without notice its sold dont run mad again r every week in the year the herald receives one or more calls of this nature regarding the small adver tisements f often the last copy of the herald is not off the press till enquires start corning in regarding certain adver tisements appearing in that issue you too can get results from her- ald small ads plan now to use this column througout 1939 phone 8 myoi cnr time table standard time passenger passenger and stall iojob i passenger and ifall m0 pm passengers for toronto ml pm passengers sundays only au pm going west passenger and mall am am passenger 3j8 pm passenger and man ss pm passenger sunday lljs pm saturdays only leaving toronto at 1130 tin arriving at geonml 1238 sun first trip november i going nsrth mali and passenger mb i getng south sa gray c0acb lines time table urecttve snneay nijftiieur smh ueavk okoaaarrawn t torauu a 7m ajn 938 am ileb ul e xx3 pjn ass nan ml pmv 903 pm s 935 sjm xlljo am sjbs czxss pan syatf pan tjob p boo pm cbtlljje pm ezilao pan a except sun and hol b sun and hol c sat only d except sat sun and hol e sat sun and hol x to klfrrhnrr y to stratford tickets and mformatlon at w h long directory dr j b jackson dentist xbay office hours daily 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone cmw georgetown frank petch licensed aucnonkek for the coaaues of peal sad fnltm prompt service cheltenham 36 r 23 georgetown airs post office cheltenham waller t evans co general insurance ockan steamship seam bui estate mmtu st north tepta us monuments pollock ingham successors to cater a worth gjt on deaagns en b i pheos wm inspect our work to oreenwood a m nielsen 5tk teu rt mk csuropractor xray dnigies therapist ofllce over domlnioii bcora ouuietovn aovxa s 5 730 mt ek mtrnsh wobod tkade brlush offldal figures for 1s0s show that south atrlcm was the laxfleit purchmer of british exports during the tear with a percentage of ut- or the total british exports auatra ha ranked second with gjl per cent and india third with 711 per cent canada moved up from filth to fourth place with 47s per cent oar- many firth with us per cent and the united states sixth with us per oent a decrease from sitt par cans to hs7 the united states in ims continu ed to be the most important supplier of merchandise u the british ssar- ket oetog credited with tun per cent of use total brjtsm aaports an increase from 11j0 per oent to tsst canada also ottr la posmon with us per osnt third wltb tjh par- with m- p etjflfuv with ms per cant srxth with js bar osnt oermanr land eighth with 51

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