Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 12, 1939, p. 6

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mhuwma0mygkuimf page 6 t the georgetown herald wed neaday evening april 12th 1939 l paul establishes churches international uniform sunday school lesson april 16th 19 golden text as a wise master- builder i have laid the foundation and another bulldeth thereon 1 corinthians 3 10 lesson passage acts 14 1 7 19 23 stir me oh stir me lord i care not how but stir my heart in passion lor the world 6ur mc to give to go but most to pray stir till the blood red banner be un furled oer lands that still in deepest dark ness ue oer desrts where no cross is lifted high pioneers 1 paul and barnabas were pioneer missionaries in thiir journeys they followed the roman roads the je suit missionaries who made their way across north america had no roads to follow their route was determin ed very largely by rivers and lakes the story of home missions in canada is entrancing spiritually minded men went into the forests across the prairies away into the north among the eskimos every summer students go out to pioneer in new districts and missionary superintendents have supervision over large areas the es tabltshing of 2a 000 churches in can ada for a pophiation of ten million people is a great christian achieve ment some religious leaders say that the frontiers are no longer in pioneer districts but in city slums the need for city mission work painfully apparent zt requires heroism resourcefulness and devotion quite equal to that of the pioneers of the west and north in agricultural districts the pioneers often had the hope of prosperity but in city slums the poverty becomes worse and worse persecution 27 why did paul mt persecution be was the bearer of amessage love and goodwill yet he received opposltlpn both from unbelieving jors and uninformed gentiles xoonium there was a great contro versy concerning him some agreed with the jews others supported the apostles in the end paul and barna bas had to nee and go elsewhere they refused to be silenced even when stoned in one city they preach ed the gospel in the next today cbrjatlanuy is experiencing persecu tion again not only in one but it many lands the underlying cause of the persecution is that christianity makes cklsens lovers of liberty en courages them to think tor themsel ves and uphold standards of truth and justice xt is distinctly to the credit of christianity that it is sus pected and persecuted by warmad dened men the worst thing that could happen to the christian faith would be that it should be regarded as harmless doubtless the church wul prove again that h has not lost the martyr spirit perseverance 19 0 why did peter and barnabas con tinue then- missionary work they w under no external compulsion had they held their peace no rocks would have been thrown at them at lystra paul was stoned and his body dragged out of the city yet the next day be departed with barnabas to derbe and continued to preach what drove them forward there was an inner compulsion christ had called them to the work of evangel ism the spirit of god was leading them forward closing one door and opening others they delighted in the christian fellowship that result ed from their preaching they knew that the work lived long after their visits the new life through the cross of christ was so wonderful that they could not refrain from telling others and sharing it with them it has often been said that no one should a minister or a missionary who can keep from it paul could have had no peace of soul had he ceased to preach the gospel peuence 21 e a hymn expresses the desire to hear the gospel story over and over for i forget so soon paul knew the nc cessity for repetition in christian in struction whenever possible he re turned to visit the converts encour aging them in the faith and sharing with them his own experiences christian nurture is a lifelong need to hold communicants or conflrma tion classes and then neglect those who have become members of the church is to invite spiritual disaster there is a wise saying setter no conversion ir no nurture older christians must take responsibility for younger christians intelligent leaders must share their best with their followers martin niemqeljer is a prisoner but instead of rccanting tns christian faith he makes his lm prlionmem an opportunity for chris tian discipline karl borth speaks out bravely against tyrannj and op pression throughout th centuries the chrlstiatlchurch has had to bu a fighting force tlwrt is acute netd for christians with courage and con miction to withstand tin pagan drift ol today permanence 23 the apostles organized churches elders mere placed in charge and pro vision was made for worhlp and the sacraments francis xavier travelled many thousands of miles as a mis slonary he preached to people and sprinkled them with water although the claim is made that he baptized a million people in many cases there was nothing tangible to show for his missionary work john wesley adopt ed a different method he grouped his converts in small classes and ar ranged for those who were spiritually mature to teach and comfort the be ginners the modern church can learn from both xavier and wesley we need evangelists to go through the nation like a flame of fire and we need organisers and teachers to care for those who respond the great mass movements in india put a heavy obligation upon the christians who are already established in the faltht communities that can have church services and sunday schools all the year round in canada with perman ent leadership may count themselves fortunate the regular work of con gregations in a community is a spiri tual leaven and those who carry on the organizations are assuring the permanence of the church questions for discussion 1 will the evangelizauonpxcanada ever be complete 2 should christians in europe bow to the will of dictators 3 if we have no desire to witness for christ what is the reason 4 why should christian education be lifelong 5 how thoroughly do you know the history of your own congregation many foreigners seek their naturalization in halton county if mussolini sends for me 111 not go mussolini makes too much trouble chilseppe bonin italian quarry laborer at milton heights de clared in county court last week an applicant for naturalization he had been asked by judge w n munro if he would return to italy in the event of war there before judge munro recommended him for citizenship bonin ndded i want to stay in canada for it is a better country than italy i would defend canada any time there is war in canada nine other applicants of mixed european origin reiterated these sen timents to the bench and elht or the men were recommended for can adian citizenship the application of caslmiro sclhizzi italian workman nt port credit uas held over pend ing receipt of information from peel county tht nine men recommended were guiippe bonin johannes niilscn dutch blacksmith at buxlmgton charles reese burlington polish cannery worker john gull burling ton dutchman julius cozak nelson farmer hlinvarian sieve palagyi hungarian laborer n fret man koop i hofstra dutch farm assistant fcs quesint powel rjtrerz polish tan j nery worker at acton and john la bencki russian pok trafalgar far mer hitlerism and fascism don t bo ther me at all i m a-i- good cana diau psserted polish powel rycerz who boarded a vessel at danzig to come to canada in 1927 i expect to live and die in canada and both myself and my boys will fight for canada ir necessary stated john labenckk russian pole who farms near trafalgar little gordon had arrived home from school with a cut lip and black eye dear me exclaimed his mother dy oou mean to say you ve walked through the streets like that i had to mum grinned gordon you see there wasn t room for two of us in the ambulance alaskan travel is popular notice tocreditors of the estate of sarah jane ashenhurst late of the town of georgetown in the county of hal- ton spinster deceased all persons having claimi against the xfctate of the said sarah jane ashenhurst who died on or about the 24th day of march 1938 the town of georgetown are quired to send to the undersigned so licitor on or before the 2bth day of april 1939 full particulars of their claims and any securities they may hold therefore and take notice that after the 29th day of april 1939 the executors will proceed to distribute the said es tate having regard only to the claims of w they shall then have notice dated at georgetown this 29th day of march 1939 kenneth m lanodon georgetown ontario solicitor for william f bradely and stella mcdonald executors 3t treasurers sale oi land for taxes travel to alaska by the cruise routes out of vancouver bc to skagway and sitka will be at a high level in 1939 report officials of the canadian national steamships whose prince liners operate in this ser vice many travellers to the pacific coast who plan to take in the gol den gate exposition at san francisco also propose to add an alaskan cruise while to many others the extensive territory which cin be covered in a brief period has a deflniie appeal the result is that earlj both from canada and the united esquesing bearing date the nineteenth township of enqienino colnt1 of i1uton 1x3 wit by virtuf of n warrant issued reservations b the rievc of the inwnship a change need why not tax the man whovets his property go to wreck rather than the man who keeps his property in good condition as it is at present the man who employs a painter and the carpenter to make his place more at tractive and who thus improves the appearance of the whole neighbor hood is penalized by increased tax ation while the man who allows his property to become an eyesore and thus decrease the value of his neigh bors property is encouraged in his neglect by reduced taxation it is hoped that some day the people will wake up and demand a radical change in the assessment law dutton ad vance sweet caporm bray ichkks order bray chicks now and be tucky wben egg prices climb next fall see roc or phone me right away personal attention prompt delivery george c brown norval ontario radio repairing we specialize on this work j sanford son phom oboaonown mm this newipaper and your favorite magazines are a double guarantee of reading satisfaction for your entire family at bargain prices this and r newspaper 1 year for m any 3 big magazines four x pleats chock three mogoi net dot red maclean t magai ne i year j3 nat one home monthly i yeor cd canadian magax ne i year c chotoiano i year rod and gun i year n pant mot o american boy b mot d con horticulture home magatine i year a woman home compan on t yeor american fru t grower i year look at these moneysavers i club no i thu newipaper i year true story i year woman home companon ye all three t club no 2 thit newipaper i year mccollt i year canadan magacnt i year national home monthly 1 year 250 club no 3 twt hejptpaper 1 xw collier i year nattonol howie monthly i year s275 club no 4 thit newipaper i year parents i year canadian magazine 1 year 275 fill out coupon and mail today gentlemen i enclose i want the magazines checked with a years subscription to your paper printing sul5 have been on large scale day ol 5ept4mbf r 1938 a sale of jads in arrears of taxes m the town ship of fsqurmnk 1h be held at the council chamber in the villape of s tvtarltnwn at the hour of ten oclock in tin forenoon o ihe centh day of jul 1939 unli s the taxes id coss are sooner ld not1cf is hereby civfn that the itst of in nets for sale in arrears of taxes has been prepared ihnt copies the said list miy be had at m- ofllce that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes ls being publish cd in the ontario gazette on the first day of april 1939 on the ixth da of may 1939 and on the third day of june 1939 and that in default of payment of taxes and costs the lands win be sold for the said taxes ar tosts treasurers office this 29th day of march 1939 oeoroe leslie 131 treasurer by betty barclay we all expect surprise dishes caring cold weather wben it is i really a pleasure to putter in the fcjtchan am the weather lets warmer bowerer there ls a tendency to lessen kitchen labor surprise dishes elaborate dishes and new dishes disappear before we know u we and ourmeltes courting deli catessen lunches ant cold snack it is not necessary to be so bard on the warm weather meal aroid elaborate hot dishes and three fryr ke iff yn wish but sub stitute simple salads and desserts that will grace the table as lm- presstrety as the thankagitiag scrt that is attractio economical dnllctous and just the thing for those children who refuse to drink their dally supply of milk chocolate sundae rennet custard 1 pint milk not canned or soft curd 1 package vanilla rennet powrtar k cup shared milk chocolate whipped cream set out or b dessert glasses warm milk slowly stirring con stantir until lukewarm not hot test a drop on inside ot wrist fraogentlt when comfortably the dessert pictured shore is one c many that amy be used as a dprtag or summer surprise it eatta cor but tour mgrediaats no mm an needed no baking or prepare m the cool ot the j add the topping just tesar mrring tetfll have a deav warm 1x0 f immediately re- more from store stir rennet powder into milk briskly until dis solved not more than one minute pour at once while still liquid into dessert glssses do not remove glasses until arm about 10 minutes than chill hi ice box just before serving sprinkle ahav ed muk chocolate over the surface ot each rennet custard and top with a spoonful of whipped cream service town ol georgetown proclamation daylight saving change to summer time april 3mh to september 17th 1939 whereas the counsel or the town or georgetown naift rescinded the daylight saving time bylaw no 34m and whereas the bylaw has been amended to read that daylight sav ing time shall be established hi the town of georgetown from the 30th day of april at 13 01 sm until the 17th day of september at 12 01 1038 therefore all cittsena are requested to comply with the time speclfled m the amended bylaw proclaimed pursuant to the in structions of the town qouneu j06ffih gibbons mayor god save the king 2t what you want when you want it quality printing letterheads envelopes invoices statements posters sale bills business cards booklets catalogues ruled forms circulars dodgers if it is quality printing you want at a cost no greater than you might pay for inferior work then you will give us the opportunity of making estunate on your next order for printed matter no job too la o t small our servic dep t your call t help with layout type selection and form of presentation the is no extra charge for such service simply phone no 8 the georgetown herald phone no 8 main street

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