Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 12, 1939, p. 7

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the ceo irgetown heram wednelay evening april 12th 1939 page 7 lf jv we are making pers on a l l o a n s at the lowest rates 315 per 100 repayable in 12 monthly instalments vonsult the mtasger of our neurit bnuxh yoa will ippieriite his helpful approach to your problem i icsry inquired the lady of the bw susplcioubly did you wash this ibefbre yoa hate it i and mary replied whats the use 7 washing a fish that has been in r all his life woman aged with sciatica now praises knuchen when sciatica attacked this wo man six years ago she couldnt move without great pain treatment after treatment failed to help her she tried kruschen and got quick relief u years ago i suffered terribly from sciatica she writes i tried everything but to no avail then i took kruschen salts the first few doses gave quick relief at the end of a few weeks my sciatica had gone now i always begin the day with a pinch of kruschen in a glass or water i live a strenuous life being widowed tour years ago and having a son to keep 3 run a boardinghouse rise at 6 am- and retire at 11 pjn i am s3 but everyone says i look 32 thanks to kruschen salts mrs ffh the severe pain which is character istic or sciatica is often due to needle- pointed uric acid known to medical science they swiftly dull the sharp edges of the crystals the cause of pain and stillness and often convert them into a harmless solution which is then expelled through the natural channels jih why do you speak so hoarse wit x was talking through a screen door and it strained my voice when a pretty school teacher drops her eyes her pupils act up wheat crop value the total wheat production in can ada uv1938 is now estimated at 350 010000 bushels from 2s930500 acres a yield of 133 bushels per acre and with a total estimated value of 205- 351000 in comparison the yield in 1939 was 180210000 bushels from 25 570200 acres or 70 bushels per acre with a total value estimated at 184- 651000 the aggregate value or all field crops in canada in 1938 is now esti mated at s52860000 as compared with 556220000 the revised value for 1937 advertise in the herald it pays safety and the royal visit the special train and automobiles in which king george and queen elizabeth will visit all parts of oan- ada will be masterpieces of engineer ing design in beauty of line and safe- ty of operation every known device whose purpose is the prevention of accidents will have been incorporated into the construction of these modern marvels of transportation even more important from the standpoint of safety will be the men who will pilot the train and drive the motor cars which wul carrythe royal visitors unblemished jsafety records will be the pri r this appo mechanical or human failure in safely conducting the royal tour would be a stain on the nations honor every canadian citizen can do his share in ensuring that the visit of the king and queen will not be marred by any untoward incidents the problems of traffic movement which will arise at every point along the route can only be solved if every mo torist and every pedestrian makes a determined effort to practice safety and prevent accidents the successful application by can adians of the recent suggestion made by ontarios minister of highways hon t b mcquesten calling for a drastic reduction in highway acci dents and fatalities in the three mon ths prior to and during the royal visit will be the most effective way in which the prayer of safe jour ney tor the king and queen in every loyal heart can be expressed another artist what a wonderful painter rubens was remarked pater famluas at an ato ttes assented his wife it is said of him that he could change a laugh ing face into a sad one by a single stroke oh said their small boy thats nothing i my school teacher can do thatr mary had a litue lamb with her it used to frolic it licked her cheeks in play one day and died of painters colic knox presbyterian church u choir presents st georges choir of toronto under the direction of capt d s lindon choir of 60 voices with some of canadas outstanding soloists simeon joyce organist hear ruthven macdonald ip humorous and dramatic character sketches thursday evening april 20m q0ejvl admission 25 cents aramaic used by christ northern syria dialect jesus christ was a jew and the language he spoke was the aramaic the dialect of northern syria the israelites were much in con tact with aramean populations and some words from that tongue be came incorporated into the hebrew at a very early date at the time of hezekiah notes a writer in the cleveland plain dealer aramaic had become the official language of both judea and assyria that is the language spoken at the courts after the fall of samaria the he brew inhabitants of northern israel wpefe largely carried into captivity and their place was taken by col onists from syria who probably spoke aramaic as their mother tongue the fall of the jewish king dom hastened the decay of hebrew- as a spoken language not mat the captives forgot their own language as is- generally assumed but after the return to judea the jews found themselves a people few in num ber among a large number of sur rounding papulations using the ara maic tongue when the latest books of the old testament were written hebrew though still the language of litera- ture had been supplanted by ara maic as the language of common life from that timejin the former tongue was the exclusive property of scholars and has no history save that of a merely literary language gem of genu name given precious ruby by hindus gem of gems is the name given to the ruby by the hindus who prize it above all other precious stones it is said to bring to its wearer health wealth wisdom and happiness and is the emblem of true love it has been said that he who possesses a flawless ruby dwells without fear in the midst of his ene mies the ruby is spoken of in the lapidaire en vers where it is called the most precious of the 12 stones god created when he cre ated all creatures the ruby called the lord of gems the highly prized the dearly loved ruby so fair with its gay col or by the lords command the ruby was placed on aarons neck the many talismanic virtues of the ruby are noted in the fourteenth century treatise on gems attributed to sir john manderville here the fortunate owner of a brilliant ruby is assured that he will live in peace and concord with all men that neith er his land nor his rank will be taken from him and that he will be preserved from all perils bible pacts all booklovers read the bible for the beautiful dignified english it contains if for no deeper reason men who have made a very careful analysis of the bible say that it con tains 3566480 letters 810697 words 31175 verses 1189 chapters and 66 books the wordand occurs no fewer than 46627 times and the word lord 1568 times those who or der their lives by the bible could not choose a better set of practical instructions the book of proverbs contains the sanest advice on behav ior ever given to man in the ear lier books there are rules for eating and drinking for sowing crops and the maintenance of bodily health historically it is accurate it con tains a comprehensive list of the flora and fauna of palestine and the surrounding countries their mer chandise and mineral products quoits of iron or rope regular quoits are circles of iron rounded on top and flat on bottom about 8 inches in diameter they weigh nine pounds apiece circles of heavy rope are sometimes sub stituted for iron bands- the game quoits is the stepson of discus throwing it was originated by camp followers of greek soldiers who be ing poor couldnt afford to buy dis cuses- instead they picked up horseshs and bent them into cir cles lavy players didnt bother to bend their shoes pitched them as is in the game of quoits two pegs are placed 18 to 24 yards apart the player stands near one peg tries to throw his quoit on top of or near the other peg he usually gets two points for a ringer one point for being closest to the peg cologne facts perhaps you know that the differ ence between eau de cologne and toilet water lies in the fact that while the latter is simply a mild rendition of perfume cologne is an actual cooling agent fern berga- mot orange blossom lemon are mixed with alcohol in cologne to give that tingling sensation that cools the skin much the same way as menthol cools the palate but the really distinguished eau de co logne has the added virtue of con- taming plenty of perfume essence besides to give it character the shakers were an american lwgimia rwnmntii fft wp pd their first appearance in 1116 at nis- fceyuna which is the name by which watervllet n y- was then known tilthe su century other col onies formed in massachusetts ver mont new york state keirtucky and other sections of tha country they practice celibacy oral confes sion and community of goods they hold doctrines of nonresistance and nonparticipation in worldly govern raent something for rita by gladys t duhatife phank you thank you kindly sir murmured little ma bix- by her flushed cheeks as pink as the check fluttering in her nervous grasp barney littlefleld purchasing agent plenipotentiary of the i i n railway was not prepared for such manifestations of delight the amount of the check was less than onethird of his estimate for the property he was sure to receive commendations from his superiors for his acutghess ryet there was more chagrin than satisfaction vis ible in his hard blue eyes it had been in just such a clean little mean little kitchen that 20 years before he took leave of just such a wrinkled trembling timid little woman her final admonition weep ing and prayerful be a good boy barney came to him across the years faintly rebukingly sail right he muttered and turned on his scotch brogue heel and was gone trembling and tearful with de light ma bixby fluttered into tha sitting room and took up a much handled catalogue of ladies and short short story compjara in this issu childrens wear 1 know you wont like it hiram dear looking up apologetically into the badlyfocused eyes of the alleged likeness in crayon of her late husband which draped with tasseled silk throw stood on an easel in the corner but i aint really spent no money on clothes since my trousseau wore out and i always did just love pret ty clothes jes seems like i cant help it besides if i dont like these things i can return them and get my money back it says so right here in the book on every page most after all she defended herself to herself theres nothing fool ish or extravagant on the list unf less it might be the fuzzy white sweater set for elviry thompsons littlest girl going to hang up the broom pre- paratory to returning to the sitting- room and her list she caught sight of ernestine biggers on her way to the interurban station and rapidly changed her plan of shopping by mail to the more thrilling one of shopping in person the girl responding to her fran tic signals on the window came up the narrow flagged path and into the kitchen in a big hurry child she asked eagerly wistfully go ing to the city bent you would it be too much bother if i went with you now aint that kind ill be ready in no time and ill ex plain later on the train what im going for and all but once settled on the car tha wan sadness of the girls faca touched her and attracted her at tention from her own one plans a few gentle questions and the girl haltingly ashamealy poured into the sympathetic ear of her confi dante all her hearts pentup dis- couragement and despair her promise to marry young luke en- dicott on the neighboring farm his need of her in view of his mothers fastfailing health and the absolute impossibility of making her school salary do more than cover the bills that piled up during her fathers ill ness even the most modest out fit was out of the question but i dont know what possesses me to be whining like this to you miss bixby im ashamed of my self i certainly am whats clothes after all and a few towess and bureau scarfs and things ive promised and i know luke under stands how i am fixed i never should have bothered you with it were not far from the city now my errand wont take long tha school committee wanted me to see the publishers about the new arith metics after that 111 take you anyv where youd like to go a dear good girl ma bbxbr thought as she sat alone and just the age that rita would have been going to marry with no outfit at all she recalled with the accus tomed thrill of pride her trous seau of 40 years past every girl she decided is entitled to a trous seau it is her inalienable right but was it business of hers martha bixbys if a neighbor girl were da- prived by tunesa of a wedding out fit she had not answered tha ques tion to her entire satisfaction vbarn ernestine returned well ill make it business of mine she silently declared am old lady like me can do better than buy clothes for heraelt and make it her business she did efficiently that passenger u the last outbound car must look more than once to discovered brjp- by and ernestine biggers under tha mountain on her lap pretty things for a bride the age of rita m her hand the fuzzy white sweater suit forav baby the age of rita in her heart the yearning love of an ageless rita mi bixby smiled across the parcels into the shyly grateful eyas of e biggers

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