Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 26, 1939, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wed neaday evening april 26th 1 939 tale of a shotr the fahowing tte of a shirt is not original it appeared in one of our exchanges and struck us as worth reproducing mussolini with his black shirts up against the wall franco with his blue shirts riding for a fall hitter with his brown shirts biggest bluff of all but three cheers for otiandi with no shirt at all notice to creditors tn the matter of the estate of eliza beth hickey late of the town f georgetown in the comity of notice is hereby gotest that all persons having any claims or de mauds against the late elizabeth hlc key who died on or about the twenty- eighth day or march 1909 at the town of georgetown in the county of halton and province of ontario art required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned soli citors herein for james hlckey and treffie imbleau the executors of the last will and testament of elizabeth hlckey widow deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that alter the fifteenth day of may 1939 the said james hickey and treffie imbleau will proceed to distribute the assets of the eaid deceased among the persons en titled thereto having regard only to the claims or which they shall then nave had notice and that the said james hlckey and treffte imbleau will not be liable far the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have recei n dated at georgetown ontario this twelfth day of april aj 1939 dale bennett solicitors for the said james hlckey st and treffie imbleau notice to creditors i the matter of the estate of dembkos louise devebetjx late of the town of georg tn 4w cpwnty mi rottce is hereby given that tft persons having any claims or de mands against the late demerns louise devereaux who died on or boot the seventh day of march 1939 at the township of esqueslng in the county of hf and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the under signed solicitors herein for harry devereaux and norman devereaux the executors of the last will and testament of demerus louise dever caux widow deceased their namei and addresses and full particulars tn anrttng of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the blfteenth day of may 1939 the said harry devereaux and norman dever caux will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having gard only to the claims of which they memories and kxcotabctcons of geobgetown high school continued from page 1 as my memory turns back i think of some of those who have already on inducting nina miller hugh little willie penin will lit ster dr m e edgiel gowland and minnie holmes there arc no doubt a great many others who have also passed on about whose passing i have not heard i think also of warner dayfooi in september 1900 when i returned to gils for a second two year term after being out for two jears all the boys were very anxious and were inquiring about one dan hanton the same inquiry w everybody s lips the bos from the north were being plied with the question is hanton coming back hanton was a great asset to the foot ball team even if be were not i prizewinner in the classroom he was a general favorite with everybodj girls and boys alike standing near ly six feet tall and well built he was a dangerous opponent oil the football field bu he came back a few days alter school opened and everybody was happy had he not come back it would hae been a real tragedy april 1938 i saw a news item in the papers to the effect that our friend dan han on had passed in edmonton and that his rt mains were being brought cost to be burled in his former ontario home calcdon east nina millar was a jolly girl witl sparkling brown eyes which almost closed when she laughed hugh lit le of stcwarttown after lealnu school was assistant postmaster at the post office there ajid later became interest ed in politics and the last time i saw him was at the fall fair in ac ton in 1918 when he was accompany ing the late dr harrison of toronto who was the liberal nominee for the county of halton for ihe house at ottawa he was making dr harri on acquainted with the liberal sup porters of acton and vicinity it was something of a surprise to always felt that hugh was too shy to be associated in public affairs very much i am confident that had he lived he would have gone far in the ranks of the liberal part at least locally if not in a larger field and af ter all local piominenca always pre ceeds provincial h4 national promln ence nerval his birthplace as well as mine is proud ot the life and work of the late dr joseph mjcandrew one of the finest of the many fine gradu ates of ghs he was one of my very earliest recollections in and around norval i followed his career with deep interest those who knew him in recent years much better than i did through being away from the district and with whom i have spok en have paid him some of the best ributes that could be paid to any man fennell smith from acton al so a pupil in 18967 8 passed away in june 1937 gordon henderson of ac ton whom i mentioned in one of my previous articles passed away many years ago in the west i knew gor don better after we both left school than i did at qjhs he invariably had on tap a funny story every time i met him and i still smile whenever i think of some of his funny stories and rhymes i have often wondered what be came of some of the scholars of my early years at g h s i think of carl shall i lay perjury no not for venice where he says upon my soul jlmmie did not seem to put enough emphasis on his speech miss water worth suggested that he read it as though he meant just what the words emptied jlmmie started off again and when he came to the words no not for venice he brought his foot down upon the floor with a stamp that could have been heard out in the hall everybody laughed of course except miss waterworth who blushed as she often did but a least she knew that jlmmie had un dtrstood her instructions i noticed a news item a few mpn ths ago to the effect that dr harold holmes a former resident or george tow n and a g jib graduate who has been practicing dentistry in owen sound since graduating in 1905 had hired and had been appointed re blstrar i think it was of the county of grey jimmle mccullough whose father was a doctor in walters pall u tended gjis by slawne at his uncles mr robert mccullough on the croy road north of georgetown at lhe corner of the w tilth line jimmie wa n chubby rot little fellow who was always read for fun although good student at kat lie got a treat lot of enjoyment o it of lift and still rifts 1 am told hl inri a ounltr b oilier are both practicing hsiclan in ntw llskeard undtr the name ot mccullough md mccullough in 1924 1 had a bustnes trip tip to cob lit hailebury and ntw liikeard for two or three da s i madt ji mv mind that i would cad upon m old school fntnds dr will sommervillc dentist of haileytoury and dr james mccullough of new liskeard dr sommerille by had dizzy spells for 3years result of acid indigestion before taking kruschen a woman writes i had very bad dizzy spells and hot flushes bad tpe is of acid in digestion and i was so nervous at times that the least thing would upset me i was about three years in thai condition i could not tell you in words how happy and glad i am to bay that j gave kruschen salts a trial i have now taken them for 18 months i would not miss them one day they are a great help to anyone who suffers a i did i feel in better health to day than i have for years after tak ing kruschen for three weeks jie dlz ey faints and hot flushes left me i now feel so bright and cheerful krus chen salts assist to you fit and fine imrsjm kruschen sal s ls an excellent recipe for maintaining a condition of inter nal cleanliness tht numerous salts in kruschen stimulate your internal organs to smooth regular ac ion your insjdc is thus kept dcii of those irn purities which wln allowed to ac cumulate lowtr the whole one of tht sjstem keep by phone taxi phone 113 phone day or night new hudson sedans grays garage and taxi ol mill street georgetown isaac waltons of on ario will have 7 000 00 nort itckled rout to anlc for this jear and next in the lakes tnd the slriams of their province in addition to the regular 1000 000 small mouth black bu locked annually the d e proinclal fish and game au way married miss bessie mcewen al thonties formtr pupil of g hs i went i xj information should serve as a up on tht trolly from cobalt to hal reminder that the trout season opens leybury and called in to see bui on may in anglers are already pre i sommcrville after a vlilt chat j paring for this big event and are putting their fishing gear in shape so optical needs vary set rule there can never be for fitting o glasses the human eye has so many variations that every case is a distinct one it re quires training and skill to re- we specialize in eye examination and good o t walker ro optometrist eyesight specialist brampton who is at robbs drug store georgetown the wednesday of every month or you may consult t walker mt bis ofnc in brampton exclusive cross who came from sewarttow and fred lake from inglewood who of my answers and shall then have had notice and that j ever da year in and ear out i uked mr shortill m he offered to motor me to new lis keard we had quite a pleasant usit together at new liskeard after evening dinner at the hotel 1 went over to v isit james mccullough i bad to wail a few minutes in the waiting room and finally jimmie came in i hadn t seen him for more than twenty years and i said to him well jlmmie i guess you don t know me he said yes i know you dam well that did not mean we were bad friends or that i had done anything that had annoyed him but was merely his way of greeting wei had a real nice visit and from hi quiries that i made i found that he and his brother have a splendid prac tice and doing real well i noticed a news item a few months ago that mr denyes the school in spector of halton was retiring after twenty five years of service he had endeared himself to the teachers of the county in a very real way i un derstand halton has been most for j tunate in its public school inspectors mr j s deacon the inspector for many years and mr denyes prede cessor was one of the most lovable j men i have ever known in his case it can truthfully be said to know him was to love him he was the very essence of refinement had a somewhat aristocratic bearing and manner but withal very kindly and genuinely considerate sometime be lore i passed the entrance from nor val public school in july 1896 he visited our school in examining our clas i was falrlj prompt with some remember he name which as to be ready when it is hoped bright morning sunshine will herald in the first official day of the season many lovers of this sport are clean ing up their reels looking over their line and hook supplies so that they can be ready for the usual week end fishing trips get the frits i millinery in nil the latest styles shapes and colors prices right misses claridge main street georgetown herald block uprtmin the said harry devereaux and nor jp devereaux will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this twelfth day of april aj 1939 dale bennett solicitors for the said harry devereau and norman devereaux st believe all the time he was there he entered in a note book when i earned salmon sandwiches tor his passed the entranct i did not dtsap lunch joe clark lawtence swack point him for if jou will pardon m hammer and george longford are modesty i made what was consid others whose names come to my mind ered a rr en di table showing thank charlie walkerfcbe lled on the to mr r n shortill m t achcr seventh line near the railway cross i tin was the r ison that mr gib ing was one who dropped out soon bard was so kind and considerate o after i started but whom i think of i me when 1 tar ted w ohs as i when my mind goes back to those noted tn a previous article and for lar away das i haen t seen or i which i was ver thankful later treasurers sale ot land for taxes township of esquesing co op halton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued fay the reeve of the township or ebquefiing bearing date the nineteenth day of september 1938 a sale o lands in arrears ot taxes in the tpwn- ahlp of esqueslng will be held at the council chamber in the village of btewarttown at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon on the seventh day of july 1938 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid notice is hereby given that tine list of lands for sale to arrears of taxes has been prepared that copies of the said list may be had at my office that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes ls being publish ed tn the ontario oasette on the fink day of april 1939 on the sixth day of mfcy 1939 and on the third day of june 139 and that in default of h of taxes and costs the lands win be sold for the said taxes an costs treasurers owtcb this 39th day of march 1939 tht bray chick does the trick let me show yon the proaf place roar order here no writing no bother csb or phone george c brown norval ontario heard of turville morrow for a long long time harr bracken an anehcan clergy man in toronto a graduate 0 trini ly college has been rector of a church for more than thiry years he mar rled aggie wooding a scholar from mansewood but who died some jears ago edwin francis a student in 1896 7 has worked with one firm tor about forty years he has never worked anywhere else after leaving gjis he took a business college course at the old british american business college and after graduat ing from there entered the employ of the ellas rogers co ltd coal deal ers and has lor many years held a most responsible position with them as a somewhat empty headed young ster i used to think that letltia por ter who came from tansley down in halton county was a pretty nice girl she was a chubby dark haired dark eyed youngster shy and very reserved jlmmie crockaxd from glen wll hams was a character he passed the entrance in 1s97 and started to gjjjb in september of that year in the first form he sat in the front row next the window with andrew wig gins i was i think one or jimmies best friends prom the very first i felt sorry for him as studying did not come easy to him and this com blned with a feeling of nervousness prevented him from asking questions when the lessons were not entirely clear to him i used to spend a great deal of time with him at recess and hours trying to explain things him we became fast friends while most of the boys liked jimmie and who could not there were one or two who used to delight in teas ing him and this annoyed me very much jlmmie s ruling passion was the orange order no more ardent orangeman ever took part twelfth of july parade whenever the celebration was in acton i took jlmmie to my home and entertained him and his mother jlmmie was not a fastidious dresser though always neat and tidy i have some photo graphs which he gave me and we all know how amusing some of the photo graphs of thirty and forty years ago are today and jimmies photos are no exception one afternoon in form n miss waterworth was teaching reading and jlmmie was reading part of the trial scene from the merchant of venice which was shy locks speech deacon and i met at milton model school and still later he was my inspector when i was teaching at bannockbum on the acton crossroad section no 13 on one of his bits there during a lesson i leaned on the desk for a short ptriod and when he spoke to me abo it it arterwards he did it in the most kindly manner in january 1924 there was a dinner at hart house of the university or toronto comprising old gjis for mcr scholars to celebrate the election to the mayors chair of the city of toronto of one of the former stud ents mr w w hiltx there i met mr deacon again now quite an old man but alert nevertheless i went up to him and said well m deacon i guess you don t know me he said yes i do ou are howard p oram as we had not seen one another for twenty odd years and considering thathe was at this time well over seventy this was to me evidence of a most remarkable mem ory well i am afraid i must close for the present at least this article it may be that when my mind goes on a rampage again and if mr moore is generous enough you may hear from me at some future date still pioneering magic mind reading it s supposed to be a ticklish bust ness to ask a lady her age heres a way to do it without danger ask her to put down the month tn which she was born multiply it by a add 5 multiply by 50 add her age and sub tract 365 when she gives you the re mit you must mentally add 115 now the last two rigures of the total are her age and the first figure ls the number of the month she was born in suppose you get 719 then she is 19 years old and her birthday ls in the seventh month july this simple trick will work for any age up to 100 sweet caporay time was when the introduction of a new hnpeient was a mem orable and historic event but these were the early days in the appk- cahon of mechanics to farming operations today changes succeed each other with greater rapidity and even the most revolutionary innovations are accepted with little acdomu not in any period of the ninety years of masseyharm history has such skill been employed in the designing and developing of machines for the farm as there is today the companys engineers in their extensive field experiments oro constantly testing new ideas and developing under actual conditions machines and attachments specnv cally suited to he requirements of the territory far which they are intended thus whether it be a onehandled walking plow to be ased by a native ond even perhaps drawn by natives on the south african vetetj a powerdnven mower to cope with the luxuriant growth of grass on on english meadow or the oneway disc seeder developed to- help the farmer on the pratnes of western canada comb sow driftin it is the result of definite scientific research by the companys field engineers and in he motorized mechanization that is tahng place in farming operations massey harris is in the forefront still pioneering in bnngmg to farmers the latest developments in tractors combines and other power equtpnmnv 1 masseyh arris leaders in the implement in00sth sin c e 16 4 7

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