Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 3, 1939, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventysecond year of publication wednesday evening may 3rd 1939 1 50 per annum in advance 200 to ua little relief in budget tor canadian tax payers attempt to instill new life into industry 1939 deficit es timated at 60 millions by spectator ottawa may 2nd as was expected the budget brought down in the house of commons by mr dunning mini ster of finance did not offer much relief for the taxpayers of canada taxes remain for tile next year pretty much as they have been in the past fiscal year the main reasons for this were explained in the speechjij the troubled international situation with all its potentialities for a pas slble world catastrophe has retarded the wheels of industry in canada as elsewhere has hindered the normal growth of international trade and has forced canada to spend more money on national defence there has of course been the relief in indirect taxation through lower tariff rates on goods imported from the united states the treaty providing for bers of n royal canadian air force these decreases in import duties ha been in force since the beginning of tins calendar year the budget fur ther puts into effect the promised cancellation of three per cent excise dull on goods from the united states actually the budget arranges for the cancellation of the three per cent on all goods entering canada under the intermediate tariff as well as the im perial preferences will not hae to pay this excise tax this means as point ed out bymr dunning a decrease in revenues of about 14 million dollars for the year quite a substantial amount not many tariff changes changes are made in import duties on 77 comomdities in the budget nearly all the revisions are down ward as stated b the minister tariff changes now announced are ne ther numerous nor of striking 1m glen williams united church annual meeting of celebrated 99th anniversary childrens aid society juht a jtar shoit of complot ng a tin annual meeting of the child century of strvtce in the method 1st rent aid socle ty of the counties of and united faiths olen williams peel and halton was held in the sun united church celebrated its th an day school room of st pauls united nlversarj on sunday last with live church brampton on the evening of rev vy r archer of lowvllle ai apiil 25th with the president mr special speaker at services arranged amos mason as chairman there uy the pastor the rev charles jol was a good attendance ot interested llffe services both morning and eltltns from both counties showing evening were largely attended and the increased interest in the work re- plendld sermons and special music by pork on the years activities were the choir were heaitlly enjoyed picsuiud by the president and the during the service a letter was read superintendent the treasure s re train rev t albert moore former pan was nlo submitted moderator whose wife is the grand- the guest speaker of uie evening daughur of charles williams one of mr b w helse provincial supei in- very splendid address ing congratulations i on the work being accomplished the chuirh was ilrst organized through the ptoimce by the 53 differ amongs english residents or the dls u irties mi helse stressed the tnct who hud subscribed to medio need of increased set vice and adequ dtm in the old country and one ol ate personnel to coir with changing the tenures ot uie church wis tliel ndition throughout the country uniform system ol contributions whlci 1 mi w a bates warden of peel childre 1 attending the school wen i and mr victor hall warden of hal called uxm to nuke in return fm i ton spoke briefly guests were pres get was not yet balanced but he was trying to take the common sense middle course national defence mr ian mackenzie minister of na tlonal defence has given an account of his departments woik in providing foi the defence of this country the j the founders of the church extend tendent ga importance of air defence was ex plained to the house with a deserip tion of what has been done and is being done to supply defences on our coasts and to build up the three brunches of the service air navy and militia for which the government has appropriated 63 million dollars this year an agreement has been mad with tlie british covemment to train a number of british air force men at our training depots as well as mem cedar crest golf club elect officers at a largely attende d meeting ot the mens section of uie above nam ed club held at the homo ol i ist sea ois captain mr j r smith- uie following otneers wen elected president mr j a wltloughb vic- presidt m mrs j a willough by captain mr j b mac kenzle vice captain mr j h culghlon acton hand cap committee mi s r b fouils p b cofhn md c k iinedy acton sfuial commit m i r w portance many of them arise out of robb h f gornin mo i i- silt the new agreement with the united acton states and haie already been appnn mr willoughby announced that the ed the tariff board has been in course would be plnwible vetlgating the tariff on a number of very few days it wis r orted t commodities and the reports were weiuy four members li in presented to parliament ai tides af would be planum this war r fee ed were furniture cigar cocoa to thir e n last season matting starches and dextrines wor i ecnonc t looking forw n sted weaving yarns coke radios and active and pit t- en m ison tubes and automobiles radio tube- one oi cmtino finest n n were put on the free list by he bud course get at the same time uie govern ment s interest in seeing that radio manufacturers dldn l abuse the ex elusive rights given under the patent ac was emphasized by the minlstrr i prices shouldn t be higher than the t laid down price of similar radio parts j from the united states the tariff board recommended another lm i portent report of the board dealt with duties on vegetable oils imported in to canada changes were recom l mended in the tariff rates and an imposition of excise taxes were recom mended on domestic oils and vege table oil content of shortenings lard compounds and soap this question is of great interest to uie dairy indus try as vegetable shortenings compete with butter as well as laid in baking the recommendations have been for warded to the british government as tariff rates on vegetable oils were ettled by uie ottawa agreements vi h british empire countries stimulation to industry the distinguishing feature of uie budget was the effort to give new lite and zest to the industrial life of the country the minister called for a new life and a new leadership in in dustry in canada as an incentive o all industries to go forward lmmedi a ely with any justified expansion ot pjmt and with such modernization of machinery and equipment as the pro gress of recent years has made essen tval the governmtnt promises a credit against income tax equal to ten per cent of ihe casts or such capital projects prior t o april 30 1940 the tax credit will be spread oer the next iree years there will aso be an extension ol hree yt ar oi the income tax exemption granted i metal mines coming inui op ration any new mine coming into produc uon prior to january 1st 1943 will be exempt from corporate income tax lor its first three years of operation it will undoubtedly be on its success of this attempt to nstil new lie in to industry that the v alue ol uil budget will to a great extent b judg brought gieetings from the neighbouring societies of orangevllle tilth hamilton and toron o after the meeting refreshments were served and a social hour spent to wether officer elected for the year 1329 ot lion jutrj h kinits iloiloialv c mlltcn he religious instruction they celved the babbath school w is piob ably a model loi ntlui srvea in ll f iillmtj a a i et tutt but eftr the nuforni j inn of conn ibutlons had been maintained for a ume the rigoi otis lupervtalon of uie children was exed iliurdmg to the old records in the ixttsession of j a wheeler e rl 11 wllllulu the congrt gallon was noted even in uiose eurly days of the list cen ury for its devotion diielgneros t possioly beitiuse ol tilt ttifie number i president amo ol english methodists who congregat i vice preside ni ed in the villigt to wok in the w o i clarkson u n rnills w hich became famous 2nd vice pre iruug ioui the eountry i milton the pre it church is comparative hoik i try s r t lj modern iud siveral building eri 1 jamie son c ok u eel b tl eiitnitallon after it ha 1 execu ive members uiunit nun rous enough to give up mu tie brampton mrs it in in il 1 onus befou the pi brampton w j abell v n tdtllce wns built itiv m jollitlt wa ibsent dm l eijy low milt iakm re v resuriacing main si pavement likely possibility this summer plans and specifications now being prepared comt of revision may 25th april relief cost 23751 george leslie 83 years old tonlay i in not an old man yet main tains cejoril leslie esqueslng town ship treasurer who celebrated his fkfrd birthday today he has been treasurer 46 years mr leslie came to the farm on which h lives in 1881 immediately after his marriage he cleared 1 fields of thick forests drew logs to paper mill in georgetown returned to drag out all uie stumps then began cultivating in three years farming he made suflleient profits to build his large brick farm home it would be hard to do that nowadays be said born on a farm in chlnguacousy tow nali ip peel county mr leslies grandfathers fought in the rebellion ol 1837 one a loyalist uie other a rebel one wa among the e peel set- i uers the other a pioneer of halton president j m denjes countj vav toroi o mr i recalls hearing his fami sohc tors w i dick k ly afc o llie fllgnt through esques- a o oi vis kc bramp lnu lou nf witiom iwii acton i magulre ik he i irer j mrs r l j e houck brampton miw ml drtd jarvls oikviut rev e idem poi tei mutt i lt h irris b irlinm i they took him through the coun try m a sleigh to mclarens castle at caledon he said to effect uie es i jt he was hidden at the bottom of a pile of hay on the sleigh e coles again elected president of baseball club council met on tuesday evening with mayor joseph olbbons in ttaa chair reeve george davis and coun cillor joseph hall n h brown james cosugan thomas lyons and k r mcdonald present minutes of previous meetings read and confirmed communications were read from canadian national railways k m langdon mr bruyns addressed council la regard to road oil mr roy smith county engineer and mr raynor of consolidated snd and gravel co discussed a hard sur face for main st a representative ot the municipal spraying co submitted prices on oh for the roads mr a k wilson addressed council in regard to renewal of public uabluty insurance messrs e mcwhirter and win sin clair addressed council in regard to placing eavestroughs on the church shed on market street moved by lyons seconded by brown that the county engineer be authoris ed to prepare plans and specifications for resurfacing the main street pa vemen t carried moved by brown seconded by mc donald that the treasurer pay the relief commission the sum of xxstst to pay april accounts carried moved by brown seconded by mc donald that uie hydroelectric com mission be requested to tnstal a street light at the northeast end ot maple avenue and also one on emery st carried moved by davis seconded by mc- bk1dge li b news postmaster mcdermid dead in a a u ndai e at uie bridge club was tlntl much uw lci moi d ev nigli ti plan 1 uier n t r i i chillr ngt i rflit ireo i m l 1 tl 1 ul he 1 in ii ur not m ie mbers of the el ub w ill oc in in it d d ail s will o mini need al this lit tl ub mt 1 11 n a t hole 1 t i jr 11 t a 0 i d v i 1 1 mori 1 1 d h i be n o tn wn snilc in ippoin obi irv nix is in il riursdiy ei 30 m ocock dst georgxtown is to have a baseball i m liis year itjjss de com towon i f hear w npst the 1kj9 assess- inloimdiau team 111 be enwred in j oto 5 local conm groupand plani are md on aih 1m9 oclock toins loraard 0 round ou a good and f compos m folio ik are ue club ofllcers court l mayor ir p 1 js gibbons a e crlpos jas oosti- presldememie coles n brown- ite presidenl ivan crabtree 1 r i n carried fee r ri ii urr jas rlble seconded by dala c jilu new unironns be purchaud tor r mrm in mv c wallers and herb r scott a primue i r all old and new play ers will be held at the park on prl day night day to day itinerary of the king and queen across canada eastern points on royal roittf ma monday may 1 arrive qu rc 9 jo am r st tuesday may l ieave que bec 8 30 a m rht arrive three riven 10 4o am leave 1 1 00 a m i- s t arrive montreal 1 11pm leave 1000 nm r st wodnenday may 17 amvc ottawa 1000 am h t saturday m iy hi leave ot tawa 600 pm i- t travel via t nuau junction cornwall brorkviuv sunday may 21 arrive king hton 10 30 am inve 700 pm mimlaj ma 22 arrive toron ti9j0am iav bfflpm ft ii ni- mnnday june arrive sud bury luiirti in 010 pm i st mil r i su ibury lve sud bun lunrhnn 7 to 1 m fst tuiiiy juni m irnmg- rrt in miik ki ijikis district aflnn m r imv i via iruce- 1 njgo v ui nli rt ht w nl dutlph kitrhemr an i slnlfml wpdiiliy june 7 amve a nlm a ilia in ais 1030am travel via li grr ii w wwistckk ur it tfnnl iivu- r arrive hnmill in 1 10 p m iave 40 p m i st i tnivl tin st catharines 0 10 p i p m ed badct deficit the budget deficit lor the past year was 55 006 000 and the forecast for the year now begun is estimated at about 60 million of he 1938 39 de i ftclt 25 000 000 is an arbitrary figure included for loss on the wheat guar antee of 80 cents a bushel what the exact amount of the loss will be can not be known unul the wheat is sold the cna deficit and the unavold- abel cost of defence have been a heavy drain on the public treasury at the tame ume revenues during uie past year held up very well and amounted to almost the identical figure which had been estimated in last sessions budget total expenses tor the year were 033343 000 and revenues were ri 977000 to tne figure for ex penaes must be added the 25 million dollar loss on grain to snow ihe bet deficit of about 864 million pot the year 193940 revenues are calculated at 490 million while expenditures made up of main and supplementary estimates amount to 550 million the cut in excise taxes account largely for the estimated decline in revenuu but s the minister stated i am fully conscious that this estimate of re venues may be unduly pessimistic he expressed bis regret that the bud st i m ti inv ju 12 arnvr slur lnmk ii 00 a in l-avi- ii 30am tuen inv june 13 arrive monc- lon 9 21 a m lxnr moncton 9 30 i m a s t 1 y m it ir car amvp fn irnrton 12 30 noon leavri 30 n m ast by motorcar arrive saint john fi 0 p m uave 730pm ast by railway wednesday june 14 leave cape tormentmc 9 30 a m amvc harloltrtown 12 30 pm ivave 1 30 p m ast arrive fictou 700 by motor car to new glasgow leave new glasgow 800 pm thursday june 15 amve halifax 1 1 00 a tn ast leave halifax 600 pm ast their majesties king george vi and queen elizabeth western potnts on roal route may travel via cbapleau white rjver sebmber tuesday may 23 arrive port arthur 500 pm f st motor t vort william leave fort william 830 pja c8t wednmday may 24 arrive winnipeg 1 1 00 a m c s t leave winnipeg 7ttpm cjbt thursday mny 25 arrive re- rina 12 30 p m m s t leave regina kflo pm m5t brief etoiw at memm jaw and medicine hat friday may 2l arrive calgary 300 pm m9t leave calgary sflo pm mit arrive banff 7 30 pm ms t saturday may 27 rwt day sunday may 2h leave banff 10 30 am m st short ate p at kamloopn mondaymny 29- amvc van the chief constable and the night constable carried moved by hall seconded by mo- donald that the treasurer pay ua following accounts m armstrong sts 1800 c axgent sts 2u cyril tost sts sjm ceo walters sts 51ft m armstrong sts 210 l harding ww 10 squires service station town truck 8j5 canadian national rallw w w rent oeo herrlngton sts 500 w c bessey est sts 75 k c mcmillan coal 2450 h c mcclure trip to toronto 500 gray s garage ore truck s mills town truck h w hlnton rep clock bell telephone co e c thompson insurance e c thompson insurance c g benham insurance w t evans insurance f kersey insurance hy dro electric p b harrison postage etc j n o neill son w w 2js 43 400 1270 7934 23600 124j5 21255 11321 26j9 700 170 pst 30 niuver io0 n lavc ann pst arnvi- irtorm sflo pm woilmttelnv miiv 31 icton 91x1 am pst arrive yanrtmer r2w noon pst uavc xnvf a 1 ni lllillwhrk jl n thursday june 1 arrive jasper u00 a m p s 1 rrt day hnday june 2iave jaiper 10 00 am m st arrive hdm nton 3o0 pm mst cave rxlmonton 1000 pm mst saturday june 3 amve 8a- kalom flfl pm mst loevesaakmtoon 4 0 p m mst ieave saskatoon 4 00 pm mst travel via melville winnlpffc sioux lookout armstrong long lac resume rasters tour mdualag three day visit lo the united staua their majesties canadian itinerary may 1sth june 15th- 1939 high school orchestra wins first fulce at halton i festtval the local high school made its nri mtious assault on the honours at th i music festival this ear over seven- t ol our students took part in the arious classea last wedneday and thursdav whale the oeorgevown choirs did not win any trophies they give a creditable account of them- e 1 es and will no doubt benefit by this first year s experience the school orchestra under the able direction of mr c sutclnte brought the festival to a successful climax by winning the tay lor cup which has been held by burlington high school for the past four years the adjudi cator mr t c chaltoe of london ae he orchestra 82 marks the top mark of the evening he had high praise for each section of the orches tra and mentioned particularly th clarinet cadenxa played by prank carter frank aojo won the gold medal in the clarinet solo cuss the previous evening with a mark of 82 the following were the results ob tained by students from o h 3 bill long 2nd in boys unchanged voices prank carter 1st in clarinet solo valerie herbert 4th in class of u girls under sixteen betty speight 3rd tn piano solo bob early 3rd in baritone solo girls choir 1st burlington 00 marks 2nd milton to marks 3rd georgetown to marks boys choir 1st milton tl mark 2nd burlington so marks 3rd georgetown to marks double trio 1st mutoo 2nd bar- llngton 3rd burlington 4th burling ton 5th milton 6th georgetown 7th burlington mixed choir 1st burlington marks 2nd muton 75 marks 3rd georgetown 73 marks high school orchestra lat george town d marks 2nd burlington 79 marks the suit and students ot the tugti school appreciate the generosity ofth nurnv friends who provided cars tar these evenings at oakriue k

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