Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 3, 1939, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wed neaday evening may 3rd 1939 the georgetown herald phone no 8 j m moore editor nd publisher a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of the town of georgetown and surrounding country lncludlna the villages of olen wll hams norval xjmehouse stewarttowd balllnafad and terra cotta issued zflvery wednesday evening at the office on main st ooorgetown subscription rates 1 bo per yeir in advance united slates 80c additional single copies 3c both old and new address should bi given when change of address is requested advertising rates legal notices 12c per line for first insertion 1e per line for each subsequent insert ion rtndets he pu lino for eacli t insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments soclelv church oi or sanitation meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 2c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorlon notices 50c and 10c pei t aae extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad r vertlsements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for eich sub sequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error thi he laid accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will nbt be liable lor any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advettiser and returned to tlie herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such erroi t correction plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if an error d noted is not correoted by the herald its liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupi cd by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such adver tlsement the herald does job printing of all kinds slsmans scamper for ail ute family active boys and loo find ha girl grown ups jpy care free fool comfort n si 3 only sisman unique patentee for the label in scampers the tonpu amper have the on look a matter oi business br h mvlnq kino mcclurr new i ir svii 11c only t w busim jnlin potter in a daj otynomentous decision ind of great strain we call upon all people withwhom our voices hae influence to pray to ood almightv for grace and mercy upon all the nations of the world there should be a llftint up of a multitude ot hands in suppllca tlon through these dn s lei us pray for peace and justice let us pra for divine guidance and strength up i on all the leaders of the nations and especially upon our leaders in brt tain in canada and the empire we believe that the onlj hope of the world is our lord jesus christ let us pray that by pi u er t rue re pen tance deeper faith and more com plete obedience ve maj as a people make the wa plain before his face and hasten the da when he shall be acknowledged throughout the world as lord or lords and king of km derwjn t owtn arehbisli p ol to ronto and primate of canada john w wood idi model itor the united church of canadu j w macnamata ch rk of the gen ral assemblj tin presbv tcrian church in canada h h bingham pre si icn baptist contention of ontario md quebec george l cdrjkmler commissioner the salvation armj for sale by thl tts dfmvsdvent d brill co the mens store phone 167 georgetown the unusual succeeds in ess whs a maxim of i hi firm bradford loneed to do husintss willi the western ann of gerald robb ns bui gtrjld st rohbins liuver when she can e to ni w york persistently patron ied wall ford st bremen one bcuutifut day in that season of the year when buers most do congregate in manhatt in a young mm of thirty or thereabouts wear ing the latest thing in riding togs might have been sotn ambling along one of the westchester roads suddenly from no apparent cause he slid from the saddle and grasp ing the bridle reinb and leaning on the pommt i with one hand took his right ankle in the other hand and looked anxiously down the road up which was approaching an ex pensive touring car di tven by a hv ened chauffeur seated on he b ick scat of the car vas a young lagy of about the same age as the dismounted eques trian she had bright eyes clear fresh complexion glowing with in telhgence and animation the car ame to a standstill and a sweet oice said dear me are you in jured only a slight sprain replied the young man but i don t seem to be able to get into the saddle again but i can t leute you here in this condition you oujjit to get to a doctor right aw ly mid the young lady he introduced himself as mr reg imld fairfax the oung lady re sponded b giving tier name miss cldudia chatte i is rri ed at the 1 iclor s otlict the chuulfeur assisted ihe young m n up tlit steps after profuse thanks fron the rescued to lie rescuer dtid the auto rolled jw ly the younj lad bent oer and picked up a cird case which hid somehow dropped from the young man s pocket during his transportation hum said the young lady to herself looking at one short short story complete in this issue this friend of mine worships me a hk god- know quiet he is to follow where i go questions he the wisdom of the way- hie meed he asks is by my slds to stay wbeneer i gaze into his faithful eyes brproach within my heart is prone to rise that i hould lack a dogs perception fine be teaches me o trust thb friend of mine wllla hoey a business firm m wes ern cinid has hung in a conspicuous place u t n pries the following ten d mand men is for the benefit ol i tmpl jie i tht aie sureh woith repe tuna 1 dont te t asts m lime and of the cards mr j hn g potter ours i im sire to catch ou in tfiwfpresenting bradford si starbuck end and that is the wrong end 1 plajcd his part pretty well but i 2 watch om work not the clock think he needs ch tstenmg a long da s work makt i ioiib da the next day mr jack potter was shoit and a short dn work make in lne 0 of bradford 4i starbuck my face long 3 give me more ban i exiect ana i will give jou more than ou expect i can afford to increase jour pu if ou will increase my profit the waking earth live with shy bright clamour the brooks sparkle and run ied flocks confer about the farm stead ways the airs a wine of dreams and shinning haze ifteadeti with bird notes thin for spring s begun tle sap files upward death is over and done the glad ear n wakes the glad light breaks the days grow round gtow radiant praise for the new life praise jdr bliss of breath- and blood beneath the sunt you owe so much to jourself vou cannot afford to owe anybodv else keep out of debt or keep out of m shop dishonesty is never an accident good men like ood women never see temptation when the meet it 6 mind our own busines and in ime you 11 have a business or i our own to mind 7 dont do anything here which hurts our self respect 8 it is none of m business what jou do at night but dissipation at fects yoo the next day and you do half as much as i demand vou u do half as much as you hoped 9 dont tell me what id like to hear but what i ought to hear i don t want a belt to my vanity but one for my dollars 10 don t kick if you re worth while correcting vou re worth while keeping i don t waste time cutting specks out of rotten apples bl siness si mmar1 l vs summin as issued april bank ol montreal for on prom mt potent wizardry the wi wields tho conjure with a perfume bare fields the sense drinks in a breath of fur row and sod jtna lot the bound of days and dls tance yields and fetterless the soul is flown abroad xcrd of desire and beauty like a god charles g d roberta wholesale trade moved irregularly i lower dudim the first three weeks of earth marcn bul wmc improvement wis noted n the final week retail sales have been adversely affected by un tavourabl weather conditions and z aster trede on jie whole was disip poinlncj colle tlons are only fair automobile manufacturer are steadl when a card was brought to him lady waiting in the reception room said the boy i came said the lady to re store to you this card case which you dropped yesterday in my car reginald fairfax may be a more high sounding name than john pot ter but do you think deception was a gentlemanly return for a serv ice and then with sarcasm i trust your ankle is better jack br e down and confessed all he had been delegated by his lirm to get in touch with miss mar tha curtis buyer for gerald rob- bins he had bribed an employee in the garage where miss curtis hired an automobile now and then and got enough information together with a description of the lady herself to enable him to stage his little com edy so said miss li ittcns haught ily you mistook me for a buyer for a drygoods housi did you john potter hemmed and hawed blushed and looked silly there come a ripphnj laugh well i am said the young lady 1 am martha curtis all right and i knew you as soon as i set eyes on you now as t business what have you in the shirtwaist line bradford starbuck got gerald st robbms trade and a year later john potter got martha curtis bound hard and fast before the altar gap rff 1c rane of beaut if ul paatd shade richardsons hardware my dog sftdk night as to my bed i creep vd court the fickle goddess sleep j pet my dog the crosstired he to nose he rests against my knee mib wagging tail show hls delight ja toeing with me through the night i wlttful eyes glre me assure it watchful care to me ensure aoftlous guardian could there be anoed to the teeth with sword to knee i this my dumb but faithful friend rvdo in defense his life would lend t terms alarm or strange advent r warning bark approach prevent t dogs there be of highest breed of tablet we at the dog shows read 34eld me tribute if you can ite ttaa my mongrel also ban r friends may come and friends may some may turn from friend to foe you will see through stress and gloom ffwor dog is staunch till knell noted jewish patriot the name of a jewish patriot who i helped finance washington s army ly engd at last month levels and h solomon he was born fir fnmstrlm pnn niw iirpll rmlilisi1 tire factories continue well employed steel mills generally are maintaining steady production levels and foundries are operating on a satisfactory basis agricultural implements are moving slowly slightly below the volume of le previous month heavy and light engineering concerns are on shorter hours electrical plants are somewhat busier furniture factories are aulet operatloi of hosiery mills continue at oapcity textile production in certain lines has slackened manufacturers of knitted goods and woollens and wor steds axe experiencing a seasonal rise tanners continue fairly busy and shoe factories are actively engaged lum ber markets remain dull but the pros pects for spring trade are favourable oold production for february totalled 229 852 ounces w 044 8201 as com pared with 204 427 ounces 7 1mm5 in february 1d38 production of sll ver wa3 33384 ounces against 20 743 ounces a year ago banting vacates post in leadership league sir frederick banting has with drawn from the vicechairmanshlp or the leadership league it was learn ed recently when asked why he had resigned sir frederick said i have nothing to say prussian poland and came this country while a young man because of his devotion to the pa triot cause he was imprisoned in new york by the british but es caped and came to philadelphia where he became a banker and amassed wealth says the philadel phia inquirer the services of this jewish banker were called upon by robert morris and he advanced large sums of money to the govern ment for which he and his heirs were never reimbursed for two years he supported the spanish minister and helped other diplo mats haym solomon was a mem ber of the congregation mickveh is rael occupying the site at broad and york streets he died in 1784 rata drink ink at night lata have been drinking black ink at night in the swellendam south africa city hall possibly they were blondes who wish to become bra nettes is ope suggestion p heyns the municipal foreman says he fre quently has found his ink well which he kept m a locked room empty before leaving the office one afternoon he poured the ink mto a saucer next morning it was empty phone 25 georgetown lue coal in your cellar now means dollars saved next winter hdenkour low summer prices low summer prices are now in effect on blue coal the worlds finest anthracite phone us today save real money on every ton w h kentner son phone 12 georgetown cnjt time tabue standard time sj6 am passenger and hail hum am passenger and mall 646 pm passengers for toronto 9 40 pjn passengers sundays only 831 pm going west passenger and mall 834 am passenger daily except saturdays and sundays 6 05 pm saturday only 1 45 pm passenger and mall 645 pjn passenger sunday 11 19 pm going north j mall and passenger 8 45 am going south mall and passenger 652 pm gray coach lines time tabic standard time effective sunday april 3bth leave georgetown tp toronto g 6 14 am 9 18 am 11 48 im- c 223 pm 4 08 pm 6 06 pm 903 pm to kitchener x 935 am 12 05 p jn x 2 06 pan a 4 06 pm x 6 00 pm e 750 pjn d 1035 pm e 1135 pm x through to london a dally except sun and hoi b sun and hoi only o sat only d dally except sat sun and hoi e sat sun and hoi g- dally except sun tickets and information at w h long phone 89 georgetown directory p r watson dj8 mjxa georgetown office hoursa to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xray office hours daily to s phone 224w to 9 georgetown lerot dale kc m sybil bennett bjl barrlstera and soucttan mill street georgetown ontario bin ecoa the modern fuel for solid comiuni kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary publte first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bwg mid sa phone 88 georgetown qusnapshot cuili i stopping action i m speeding train takan at boxcamera shutter spaed not blurrw beeaus moving almost directly toward camera blurred bat the motiog object will the best way to get clear sharp action pictures is to use a camera with faat shutter action and of course a corroapondlngly fast lens howerer many of ub don t bare fait cameras so to take pictures of real action showing tt moving ob jects without blur we must utilise several simple tricks the flrat trick is shoot moving objects when they are coming al mobt straight toward or straight away from you an object appears to move much slower when receding or approaching and in a picture 1b less likely to blur a second trick move the camera bo that the speeding object is kept centered in the view under at yon shoot this trick is especially good wltli boats motorcycles and racing automobiles the background is be sharp of course the camera must be moved smoothly and stead lly and a little practice is necessary you will and that with a little prac tlce pictures taken in this manner are very effective a third trlcksnap action during momentary pauses these occur in most sports a player is moving rap- idly he halts for just a fraction of a second to turn or chance direction and in that splitsecond yon get your picture ton must keep alert to catch these pauses but theyre worth it take a couple of rolls of film and try a few action shots using the tricks ive described youll be sur prised at the things you can do with ypur simple box camera or inexpeu slve folding model in johvvan guilder frank petch licensed auctioneer for the counues ol peal and hauoa prompt service cheltenham 36 r 23 georgetown air post office cheltenham walter t evans co general inmrance ockan snamsmr bhbvicb bal bsttv m sl nrth monuments pollock ingham successors to cater 4e worth gait ont inspect our work m greenwood cemetery a m nielsen tsth ytr rf fruo chiropractor xray drugiess therapist ofdett orer domiolian man qaargatoto mm t i ui ul pa electric demonsticjfion week x

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