the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 17th 1939 page j the quality tea salada exclusive millinery in all the latest styles shapes and colors full nxu or majesty a prices right misses claridge main street georgetown herald block upstairs court of revision ikhe asotto ttt m tamrt otf bevi- slon wis be neld in the municfcftu office aeergetonn at s juil en thdssnav tto m v mm m to bear appeals entered against tile assessment ran tt 1939 2t p b habbrson clerk cism i i vale treasurers sale ot land for taxes township of esquesino county of halton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve of the township or ebquealng bearing date the nineteenth day of september 1938 a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the town- alp of esquestng will be held at the council chamber in the yiuse or stewarttown at the hour of ten 4 clock in he forenoon on the seventh c y of ttyily 1939 unless the taxes afad costs are sooner paid vnotjce is hereby given that the list of lands for sale in arrears of taxes has been prepared that copies of the said list may be had at my office that the list of lands for sale arrears of taxes is being publish- in the ontario oaaette on the first day of april 1939 on the sixth day of may 1939 and on the third day of june 1939 and that in default of payment of taxes and costs the lands win be sold for the said taxes an costs treasurers office this 29th da of march 1939 oboroe leslie ut treasurer i lifes disapthhntjients the minixit sometimes preaches on how to meet tihe disappointments of life his congregation may look as if jiey were just folks going through the ordinary doings of life without any great many lives that seem uneventful have been full ol cfcvna some have seen trusted friends go back on them hopes for work and business and hap plness have often proved fruitless where they saw ahead green pastures and ripe fruits they perhaps found only deserts qf sad experience and hard p tasteless fare there are very many young people who fiarted out with bright hopes confident in their jftrong arms and willing hands when ttiey came up against the cold world and found many of them got sour and bitter there axe some who at the altar of marriage saw only rosy dreams ahead some of them have discovered that their two nature did not st and thai their paths naturally diverged in different directions some of them hae found hat love fades doun after the fe er of courtship ends whal can the minister or anyone else aj to comfort people in such ex periences of disappointment there is a feeling of hope in the human heart jiat ays never despair peo ple ma be depressed one day but some sentiment of courage rises and tells them that there is a way out of every unhnppy situa ion the man who can i find work may need to learn to do something the world wants oci e perhap tie one who is disappointed in his wedded mate could sull save thal love if he or she were willing to make the sacrifices that marriage calls for the ilele mil seem dark but the clouds have a wav of lolling by persona who are tooklng lotward to addressing king george and queen mary should practise deep breathing if they are desirous of addressing their majesties by their full and com plete titles the complete formal and official title of king george will take more than belowed jungs if repeated with out pause it is as follows his most excellent majesty george the sixth albert frederick arthur george of windsor by the grace of god ot great britain ireland and of the british dominions beyond the seas king defender of the faith emporer of india sovereign of ah british orders of knighthood admir al of the fleet field marshal mamhal of the royal ait force colonel-in- chief of the life guards royal horse guards 1st the royal dragoons ro yal regiment of artillery corps of royal engineers the ave regiment of foot guards the royal marines the royal welsh fusiliers the kings royal rifle corps the queens own cameron highlanders the royal tank corps the duke of lancaster s own yeomanry t a the officers training corps 16th light cavalry 1st punjab regiment 13th frontier fqpce rifles indian army captain oenernl the honorable artillery company then you may take a ery deep breath and address her majesty queen elizabeh in the following very com p ne manntr her majesty queen elisabeth lad of lie on ter lady of the thistle dame grand cross of the royal vic lor an order and of the order of the b ish empire doior of literature cc one in chief the queen s bays 2nd dragoon guards the black watch roal highlanders the kings own yorkshire light infantry honor ary colonel 14th london regiment london scottish ta king george the sixth is the sec ond son of his late majesty king george the fifth and of her majesty queen mary bom at york cottage- sandrlngham december 14 1895 and married on april 26 1923 the lady elizabeth angela marguerite daughter of the 14th earl of strathmore and kinghome their majesties succeeded to the throne on dec 11 1936 and were crowned at westminster may 12 1937 if you are to converse at any length with the king or queen you should know they have wo daugh ters her royal highness princess elizabeth alexandria mary of york heiress presumptive to the throne bom at the royal lodge windsor i great park on april 21 1936 and her royal highness margaret rose of york bom at royal lodge wind sor great park aug 21 1930 arms uselfcss on a wetdav rheumatic pains relieved by kruschen here is a noteworthy instance- of the manner in which damp weather can affect the joints of one who is subject to rheumatic pains i had been suffering from rheu matism very badly a man writes and had such pains in my joints thai i could hardly bear it on a wet day specially it pained me terribly to use my arms and i was hardly able to work i tried two different remedies but 1 was still as bad after the treatment then i was told to try kruschen salts which quickly brought relief so or course i have kept on with it and i am now much better and have never f e t so fk for years i used to feel so miserable and sluggish but now it is a pleasure to be able to work sb the pains and stiffness of rheuma ism are often caused by uric acid crystals in the muscles and joints the numerous saks in kruschen assist in stimulating the internal organs 10 healthy regular activity and help them to eliminate excess uric acid tevders for coal and coke sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed ten der for coal will be received until 12 o clock noon daylight saving monday june 12 1939 for the supply of coal and coke for the dominion buildings throughout the province of ontario forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob tained from the puijchaslng agent department of public works ottawa and the supervising architect 36 adelaide st east toronto ont tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions at ached thereto when the amount of a tender ex ceeds the sum of 15 000 00 whether it be for one building only or more the tenderers must attach to their tender a certified cheque on a chartered bank in canada made payable to the order of the honourable the minister of public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount ot the lender or bearer bonds of the dominion of canada or of the canadian national railway company and its constituent com panies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by jhe do minion of canada 0tihc afbremen tioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount the department also reserves the riniu to demand from any successful tenderer a security deposit in the form of a certificate cheque or bond as above jun to 10 per cent of the amount of hlsbld to guarantee the proper fulfilment of the contract by order j m somervtlle secretary i department of public works ottawa may 10 1039 2t stop wanton kuin of wild fxowers canada s diminishing succession of lovely wild flowers from spring to fall has now reached the point that their ultimate disappearance can be avoided only by the care and con sideratlon of the people through out the years the greatest destruc tion of wild flowers has been the clearing of the forests and land for farms and habitations assisted by forest fires and the grazing of animals still later the want of thought on the part of persons particularly in the vicinity of the larger centres of population has hastened the posslbl h y of wild flowers sharing the fate of the buffalo the musk ox tht girat auk the carrier pigeon and other wild life for alreadj some ol the fin est specimens in the woods have dis appcired hence the appeal of hart cul unl societies u roukhout canada lor tht preservation cf wild flowers tlu preser atlon of w llri flowers dot- not mean thai no one is nllo to pick i bloom but it dots divnand a lute hoight from the picker for txamplf tunc wild flowers should no be picked at all plants like th whiu trlli um tin floral emblem of one m 10 arc best iff alone in nil th ijorv of tht ir original setting uu t tiiese flowtrs cannot bt picked w thou removing all the foliage on w ich depends the ma unng of the bulbous root for the following seasons crop of flowers other species of wild flowers such as violets hepaticas and the ukl whose flower stems rise direct ly from the root may be picked at will provided the bod of the plant is left undisturbed tearing up a plant by the roots gain a bloom is wanton destruction and meahs only one thing the pass ing of beautiful flowers from the canadian landscape ft is against this recklek plucking of wild flowers that the hortlcult ura sock ties make their appeal gold map for king and qleen canadi s souvenir gift to the king ind queen in connection with their month s tour of the dominion will be a handsoire piece of gold plate bear ing a mip of canada which will have route and stopping places of their mnjpsties tour inscribed on it prime minister mackenzie king has given personal attention to the mat ter embracing both the important de dsion as to the nature of the gift and its execution the rift as finally decided upon will typify canada as to the do minion s great gold production it will be a masterpiece of the cana dian roldsmith s art i will have special value as a souvenir of their najesties trip from the atlantic to the pacific and back again and it will serve us i life long memento presvntauon will be made by pre mer kin possibly at ottawa oil may 20 which s being celebrated as the ktnn birthday or more prob ably at halifax just before their ma jesjessiiifor home on june 15 work on the gold plale is now be ing completed by a montreal arm while the cost is not known it will run to several thousand dollars the art of relaxation these are tense times people etm to be strung up too tightly the fu mre looks beclouded and nerves are ense through fear tlie best advice l to ake i ilngs a y emotions attitudes and feel mgs are explosive the explosion nnj result in a fit of rage or i may b v io em only within the body the commonest evil resut of strong emotions develops something in the digestive tract sometimes the som ach tighens up so badly it cannot perform its duties such dlsas ers are never brought on by a single emotional shock that passes after a few minutes they come only after many prolonged ten sions of feai worn or anger have set up a habit in he muscles the problem of the period is to dis cover which emotions and attitudes lead to restful living a wellbalanced emotional life is vastly more import ant than a wellbalanced intellectual mmgm people hould stop to real ze that worrying does not dissolve difficulties and they should stop trying to solve a mutltude of problems at once this is the essence of the old british op portunism which men tometlmes call muddling through it is one of the soundest rules of mental health ever r h thompson co hardware plumbing tinsmithing and electric wiring phone 46 georgetown laid down the ar ol relxation comes with the philosophy of putting pleasure before busine perhaps that philosophy wj not butter bread but it win cer- ainly help us digest it bcwmanville statesman a question w phtsiofxkly exam it ran thus how may one obtain a good posture n tho country ytouth wrote the cows off it and let it grow awhile from canadian doctor carrolls cood food corn starch i 9c chrimtmm merry sugar wafers 29c queenland sweet mixed pickles 2 19c potatoes 4 hn 19c cuban pineapple 15c new cabbage 5c calif orma lemons 5 fr ioc catarac dry ginger if j lar bottle jo deposit extra campbells tomato juice 6 25 english licorice allsorts 19 for sandwiches chateau cameese vka xo crisp fresh ginger snaps 8 prince rupert fancy pink salmon o special crisp quaker corn flakes- 2 p 15c save package tops for valuable presnnsms special garden patch choice peas 2 15 special aylmer tasty cut asparagus 217 frankford tomatoes no economie soap chips 3 17 ivory soap flakes czl lux toilet soap 3 cako i6c kirks castile s o a p 3 cake i4c jif soap flakes i8 polish 13 zz ua 59c tin contains a pint and a thin carrolls limited main street georgetown free delivery phone 357