Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 24, 1939, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventysecond year of publication wednesday evening may 24th 1939 i 50 per annum in advance 2 00 to usa the pros and cons ot the proposed sewage system georgetown may 20 1939 tfce editor the georgteown herald gfecrgeuwn ont dear sh in this letter the general features of the proposed plan of sewers and the method of financing will be dis cussed the firm of hagey and gray con suiting engineers were last summer employed by the town council make a survey and draw up plans for a complete sewer system in george town this was done and the plans approved by the ontario department of health a copy of these plans in the hands of the town cleric and may be t by all who are in teretcd a sewer sytsem consists of 3 parts which will be discussed separately 1 the disposal plant to which all home and factory waste is carried treatment here completely dispose of this material it is practically self- sustaining as far as expense of oper ation is concerned and requires only a few hours attention in a fortnight 2 the trunk sewer is the main channel to which axe joined the in dividual lines from homes and fac tories 3 the laterals are the system of smaller lines which pick up the material from homes and factories and at appropriate points connect with the trunk sewer it is estimated that the cost of the disposal plant and trunk sewer will be 37 000 and that a complete system of laterals to serve every home and factory in town will be 82 000 this will mean a total outlay of 129 000 this amount appears very large but upon analysis the cost to the individ nal is not excessive as the trunk sewer and disposal i to the editor plant are for the use of all it is usual georgetown herald to charge this as a capital expend i is claimed that a sewage system ture to the town as a whole if 20 i is des rabl in our town and so it i year deben were issued the cost nobody l disputing this statement would be 2722 per year which is nobody ever will equivalent to 216 mills as an ex likewise a new car is desirable for ample if the home were assessed almost everyone so is an expensive at 1 000 the owner would be charged i radio st an electric refrigerator and 218 per year tr assessment were many o her improvements to health 2000 t he vearly charge would be and comfort 9432 and so on at the end of 20 i however is it wise to mortgage ones years the indebtedness for the trunk i home in orde to purchase these de condition to undertake the installa- tiona or a sewer system if it were not the municipal board would not permit the town to make a start sewer contractors were never more anxious for work at small profit g6v- ernment assis aice is available but cannot be depended upon to continue f and employment in tqwn has not been so general for many ears our town needs a sewer system and ul imately will profit by it financially the beau ty of the town will be enhanced re cerational facilities will be developed comfort and convenience of cltlzeno will be increased and public healtn conditions will be tremendously im proved it is not likely that the ra epayers will again for some time have opportunity to express their opinion on this subject if the vote is unfa vourable we will be forced to muddle through for some years condi ions in many homes cannot be permitted to continue of necessity they will be declared unfit tor habitation others will bear expense year after year for temporary systems and will have nothing to show for it when sewers are finally installed ratepayers are asked to give the question serious consideration and if possible to vote favourably next mon day may i thank you mr editor for your courtesy in giving space in your valued paper for he presentation of our sewer situation yours faithfully c v williams medical officer of health georgetown ont many georgetown citizens warmly welcomed their majesties at toronto exservice men lome scots regiment and high school cadets help form guard along route of royal procession lome scots band play program at beaches park dionne quints lovely to those favored with seeing them from close range by g mac mogilvray i city westward they mounted the monday may 22nd 1939 will be one i richly carpeted stair and took their daj many georgetown and district places under the canopi while the citizens will never forget it was the day on which they saw and paid honor to their own beloved king and queen although only a mere handful in the masses of humanity that was es tlmated at some 2 000 000 people lo cal tosiden s had their share in we coming their majesties in the capital city of ontario toronto leaving at an early hour by car train and bus our citizens took up places at various vantage points along he ltn m the royal procession and king stood motionless while the band played god save the king mayor day then presented the honoredguests to the king and queen each one bow ing and shaking the hands of their gracious majesties the queen was beautiful in a blue dress with matching hat while the king wore the uniform of the ad mlralty following the presentation of the plaque and flowers they start ed on their drive to queen s park passing o close to our point of van sewer and disposal plant would cleared the financing of the laterals is us ually borne by the property owners served by them the charge is bas ed upon the frontage of the property here i would be 7 7 cents per foot per year for 20 years as an example a property owner with a lot of 50 feet frontage would be charged 385 year- y for 20 years for connecting his borne to the trunk sewer to sum up it would cost the in dividual with 1000 ass and 50 feet frontage s2j6 for trunk sewer and disposal plant and 335 for his lateral in such a case 6 01 per year for 20 years would ensure that be would never be called upon to make any further outlay for disposal of bathroom or laundry waste flood ing of cellar or roof wajer surely for the benefits received this is a tiaii amount in the case of those with frontage on 2 streets a deduction of 50 of the frontage of one street is usually made property which is unfit for building purposes is completely exemp ted also farm land irregular lots gores etc are conceded generous al lowances on account of their exces- slve frontage these exemptions have been allowed for by the engineers in the estimates one frequently hears it stated that properties situated near the trunk sewers and requiring very shor lines of laterals will be taxed less than those that are a considerable dis tance from the trunk sewer this is not the case every property town will be charged at the ame rate as far as location is concerned the cost varies according to the amount of assessment and the frontage the above estimates are based on the issuing of 20 year deben ures at 4 it is quite probable tha 30 year debentures will be permitted this would decrease the yearly charges again from information recen ly re oejved it is expected that the federal government will contribute the labour costs of the project this would amount to a saving of about 15 000 for the town if the scheme were carried out this year this with the issuing of 30 year debentures would considerably reduce the figures given above georgetown is in a good financial ables tim is lhe important question only he improvlden mor tgage the roof ov er their heads in order to buy w hat they cannot af ford which is a universally recog nized axiom ii a town be mortgaged every home he town is mortgaged proportion ate in other words the value of real estate decreases with the inevi table rise in taxes for the mortgage must be paid out of taxes how else is it to be paid and naturally rents will increase thus the cost of liv ing in georgetown will undoubtedly nse when the tax rate goes up about 12 or 15 mills caused by the cost of a sewage system now some of our taxpayers may be so well to do that they can meet this additional cost of living but many on the other hand have the greatest difficulty in scraping their taxes to gether today the total amount of unpaid taxes is 30 000 which seems tor a town of this sl quite a sum the higher the taxes go the more properties will fall back on the town this seems in itself an unhealthy situ ation therefore should we not like other towns first consider a maans by which we could avert this and sul meet the requirements of health a b law could be passed requiring all cesspools to be tightly covered with a concrete cover of inverted saucer shape each cover o have a manhole in centre it is doubtful if there was anyone who tse that we felt we could reach over did not ste the king and queen as and shake their hand the lon route of the procession gave like most of those who were privl plenty of room for everyone to find a le to see heir king and queen in place i tn morning we made our way to the we took our stand first at the cor exhibition grounds to catch maybe a ner of bay and queen streets direct last glimpse of our gracious majes i ly opposite the toron o city hall and tl stood content to put in three hour while we strolled along front st before their majesties would arrive for had man hours to put in via yonge stree from lhe north to lelort tl l r apea ranee along the lake ronto station but thev were not fiont we had the rare fortune reallv long hours as then was plenty prtvilige no had by many of to be seen in the beautiful decora j trig h dionne quintuplets from lions about and the grenadiers band c os ra igi as we slopped at a rail provided excellent entertainment way erasing while the gates were the canopv at the ci v hall in royal blue and gold with the royal coat of arms and crowned bv a huge crown stood out a spectacle in itself before that stately building those to be presented had seats at either side of the throne and the railing in front was decked with beautiful spring flowers but the people needed nothing to arouse their enthusiasm ai they wanted was their beloved soverigns when the royal procession drew up in front of the city hall a loudly cheering throng assured them of the loyalty of another group of their canad an subjects the same loyalty wa era lowered to allow a train to pass their cat- and police escort were also held up and the little girls first attracted o ir a tent ion with big broad smiles and wavtn hands we were so sur prised that we could hardly keep from going oier to their car although we knerw that this would not be allowed to see oui king and queen and the precious ll tie lad es trom callander all in the same day was sure a privilege ind sight we will never forget the q ilnts were every bit as lovely as their pictures more so if that is xxsoible and as ae stood there and returned the sa uta lions for that we had a particular part in the days proceedings we journeyed on on the cnjt yards to see their prl vate train newly painted for the oc casion and thence to exhibition park youth took the limelight along the procesforv route here as thousands of school children from all parts of this great province came in a continuous procession for three solid hours to form along the lakefront a wildly cheering throng waving union jacks in honor of their king to give our readers some idea of the number of children and the distance they came in just our little circle we might ay that every school boy and girl in the citj of peteboro moved into toronto enmass while others came from bur lington and as far north as angus ind colllngwood to climax a day that thrilled you to the very bottom of your heart we caught a last glimpse of our beloved and gracious queen as he came to and gracious queen as she came to proceeded on it s way to the great a western provinces past parkdale sta lew 1 tlon it was a wonderful sight w ill people lining both sides of the tracks to have the queen come out and vave a parting farewell to her subjects as far as the eye could see she re mained on the platform waving her hand your queen and mine but the echoes of the day still un ger and most of the cheers come not in the pomp of the great halls and ceremonies but in the happy hearts of the many thousands who came from nar and far who were seen by oeorge and elizabeth in one unfor getable days georgtcwntexservice men militia and high school cadets did their part in forming a guard of honor along the procession route while the lome was no one else along hat part leu i ed there sco s band under a h perrott play- as they had encountered from quebec ur part of the street it made us feel park program at beaches athletic baseball season opens next monday may 29 acton tanners invade the local sandlot for initial affair large crowd looked for as admission price reduced these covers are made locally small cost to clean a cesspool cover- i open the 1939 season here lets pui ed with thick heavv and jnwuldly j george town back on the baseball map logs is quite a job usually it takes and mae it a popular summer sport a coupe of men abojt 10 hours and in own once more must be done at n ght i creates an acto tanners open the season and afu smell and often the lawn is a ood game of ball will no doubt be ruined but o dig up a manhole taged as the tanne s sun remain cover takes only a few minutes a our greatest rivals mjmclpal truck equipped w 1u a our support ot the lot i basobi 1 pomp and four inch ho- can pump club ls asked tor the club had dim any cesspool dry in en minutes the cultv financially this year in organiz whole operation can be finished in ing and in order that georgetown about twenty minutes without any hould not be without a team the noticeable unpleasantness it can layers and management donated 100 be done in daytime and no one he fach for en rv fee into the league le make it gla evening next dtx mirut monday n irht may 29th at 7 00 pm paklntb nicih 1 at hen th- georgetown baseball club public school the annual parenls night of the georgetown public school was held on thursday may 18th in former uars he annual school concert was one ot the big events of in wars and was open to the gen ml public three years ago it was ft t thai he occasion might bt ud to bin r advantage by having one the weddlrg supper the couple wr the parens might be f new ork and washhigton bennett allen wedding at the home of mr and mrs john m flnlav 163 havetock st toronto heir niece miss margaret jeane al len daughter of the late mr and mrs jcvn j allen was married to mr frank howard bennett son of mrs bennett and the late james bennett with rev carl v farmer officiating the bride given in marriage by her uncle wore a gown of royal orchid taffeta and valenciennes lace with bonnet o match she carried token roses and lily -of-the- valley the brides attendant mrs frank verral looked charming in venetian blue lace with hat to match and carried but erfly roses the bridegroom was at tended by hla brother mr allen g btnnett the wedding music was p laved by mrs roy king and during the sign ng of the register mr john mcmaster sang following the cere mony a reception was held and after left the every property owner should poll vote on the question of 1 or not georgetown is to have a sewage system and sewage disposal plant monday next may 29th is the data set by council for recording the votes- of george own property owners on the proposed sewage system in town every property owner should record his or her vote whether in favor at the proposed installation of a sew- age system in town or not our town council have given you this opportunity to express yourself on this matter and it is up to you in- divdually to poll your vote the poll ing places in town are ward i town hall ward n barber floral co ward iii public library they wih be opn from 9 ajn to 7 pm oo monday next there is no doubt about the many advantages to be derived from having a sewage system in town it ls a mat ter of an initial expenditure of 127- 000 and if you are satisfied to lncreasv the towns debt by that much at tb present time you are the taxpayer and have the privilege of saying so by your vote on monday next norval junior farmers ami institute elect officers the may meeting of the norval junior farmers and junior institute was held at the home of bui and elizabeth reed election of officers took place in each group as follows junior institute president reta fisher vicepresidents charlotte wilson secretarytreasurer jean lundy directors isabel wrigglesworth marlon leslie marjorle charlton distrit director enid humphrey auditors jean fisher janet hen derson pianists elizabeth reid isabel wrigglesworth reporters georgetown janet hen derson brampton jean lundy courtesy and flower committee charlotte mccullough isabel wrig glesworth junior farmers president jack lawson vice president donald mcnabb secretary treasurer lome lundy program committee george hen derson ken charles craig reid lunch committee john bird bill hyatt at the joint meeting the hyatt sta ters played a duet the guest speaker was mr duncan leslie who fought in the spanish war he gave a very interesting talk and passed around souvenirs which he had col lected lunch was served the next meeting will be held at the home of lome and jean lundy brampton wiser such a ruck equtped yould we hope that this fine gesture on the and he in cost around s2 000 and take care ol part of he players ls not in vain and every cesspool in town say once that lhe fans will show heir appre- eery two years it needs a man to elation by getting behind the team work it and requires a certain amount and give them the support hey de of care and mal enance where as a serve if you want baseball hcrei and full time most everyone does come out to the xames and especially the opening game and support it a subscription list ls also being cir culated around the town and anyone wishing to donate whether big led to the school to meet the bride travelling in a powder blue chers and talk over problems in j french wool dress with matching ac their children visit cessorles and kolinsky furs on thelr se tiu puplls work return they will live in toronto better posi ion to co action royal coat of arms on new telephone dfrectokt to commemorate the visit of then majesties king george and queen elizabeth to canada the royal coat of arms printed in royal blue ink adorns the cover of the new telephone direc tory for georgetown and vicinity which has just been distributed by mall to local sibsciibers of the bell telephone company of canada the georgetown directory is among the first to bear the new crest the royal coat of arms replaces tha familiar greek god symbolic of the spirit of communication as the only decoration on the cover of the new directory mr j e hayne bell manager for georgetown and vicinity explained to the herald it ls framed top and bottom by the companys name the date of issue and the points to which distribution is made altogether there are over 3000 changes recorded in the new volume mr hayne continued about 2800 of these new and revised listings are in he white pages of the alphabetical directory showing subscribers names addresses and telephone numbers in view of the large number of changes made since the last issue of the directory mr hayne concluded the need for carefully consulting the book before placing calls ls obvious if wrong numbers are to be avoided sewage system reouires a i continued on page subscribers please note operate more fully with the teachers this jear many parents visited the schoo and examined the exhibits of writing drawing and other work prepared under the direction of prin clpa wruflesworth and h staff following ihls they were trea ed to a program ol choruses drills action songs and plays including part of a scene from the merchant of venice i ind ontiuding t i j pageant a rii v mucl al king predated our mailing lists have been corrected to date nd we would appreciate your checking the label on your paper the date indicates when your subscription if there is an error we shall be pleased to dickie chairman of the board pre sented the halton county musical festival certificates to the winners at the festival altogether it was an lnterelng and ptofi table evening baseball club have introduced new admission prices this season child ren will be admitted free while the ladles will be admitted for 15c qents will pay the usual price of 25c com- one come all and boost the club t car stolen and recovered celebrated 50th anniversary expires correct same appreciate our remittance to cover same will you please attend to this matter now thank you our esteemed cl izens mr and mrs about 50 pjn on tuesday even- ng a plymouth sedan belonging to mr ed mcwhlrter was s olen from in george charters celebrated their 50th if mi arc in arrears we would s front of the provincial coating mills wedding anniversary on monday last it ou are in arrears wc wuuiu cnirf 1 wb5 notified and he they were married in hamilton mr immediately communicated with the charters is 80 and mrs charters 75 police of outside poins the car year of age and both are enjoying was recovered by toronto police about good health they were he reclpl 9 00 pm on dundas street the car ents of many hearty congra tula tiona was returned to town with little or from relatives and friends in which no damage the herald joins voting on the sewage question the list to be used tn the voting next monday may 29th has been taken from the last revised list which is the 1938 voters list i only those who appear on the list as owners may vote a representatives of corporations appointed ten i days before voting day may vote p b harrison clerk

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