Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 24, 1939, p. 2

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page i the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 24th 1939 the georgetown herald phone no 8 j j m moore editor and publisher a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of u e town ol georgetown and surrounding country including the villager of glen wu items norval llmehouse stewarttown balllnalad and terra cotta issued very wednesday evening at the office on main st georgetown subscription rates 1 50 per jear in advance on ted states 60c additional single copies 3c both old and n w addre e should be given when change of address is requested advertising rates legal notices 12c per line for first insertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per lint for each insertion if in black face type 5c per lint additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts uitertalnmenls society church or or gftnlsatlon meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 2sc reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorian notices 50c and 10c per line extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad verusexnents one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each sub sequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error correction plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error ao noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such ft proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space oocupl ad by the noted error bears to he whole space occupied by such adver ttsement the herald does job printing op all kinds kiches these oft my heart on sudden wings yet they ere such familiar things 1 the crimson of a robins breast the purple of a thistles crest a fragile nest on swaying bough brown horses straining at the plough a firefly s lantern bunting bright a cricket chanting in the night a flowery goblet lifted up that a tiny bee might sup new iambs upon a quiet hill bright streams where cattle drink their fill how much of joy coy heart would miss were there not riches such as this ruth stirling bauer im feeling fine there alnt no use klckin friend when things dont come your way and grumble night and day it does no good to holler round the thing to do is curb your grief cut out your little whine and when they ask you how jou are jest say im feeling fine there am t no man alive but what is booked to get his slap there aln t no man that walks but what prom trouble gets his rap go mingle with the bunch old boy where all the bright lights shine and when they ask you how you are jest say im feeling fine your heart may jest be bustln some real or fancied woe wivh bureiu to advertise small towns instead of the governmen reaching down into the provincial and domin ion coffers and assisting toronto fin anclally to build a sewage disposal plant within its own limits it would be a tremendous stroke of business on the part of any government group to set up a bureau to further the in terests of the smaller and larger towns of the province travel north south east or west and you will pass through towns which some years agohad two three or four and sometimes more thrlv lng industries industries that were the life blood of the province which absorbed a great amount of the now unemployed urban population what is the picture today there are few tcins which have not a most desir abe factory site lying idle rot lng through disuse and which will be nn allj torn down to avoid municipal taxes all this is happening while the larger centres bpme over burdened ft lh growing pains too large to nan die their own public works and ask just married by mabt f power 0 mrci rr nep l si nd r of the steps m si m irgol nome could see the frown deepening on htr emplojei s face if you think im going to wear those things you re mistaken j morey crane sa d and glared at his very capable housekeeper wonder you don t want me to don my high water boots contemptu ously pushing aside a pair of thick rubbers but it s been raining mr crane said miss nome persua sively i m going to market and there 11 be nobody here now clan bet s gone mr crane took several turns about the driveway that encircled his palatial house and grounds pretty soon they d be appointing a guardian over him he thought sav agely this morning he had discharged the cook clanbel was a capable woman to be sure but given to arguing later he had reprimanded his tailor and now he had he hoped put miss nome in her place so to speak once he had thought to marry miss nome but that was before he had met adele ah adele the winsome la pe tite chemme fex wasn t that what it said on the program at the rustic theater was it he couldn t be sure la petite well something frenchy anyway short short story complete in this usuo he was quite sure of winning j adele over the floral offering two gmerunem to pay a portion of the j nights ago she had smiled and dim burden pled m an encouraging manner practically every town especially in 1 then the note yesterday the words western ontario has ever facility burned thetr message into his brain and an abundance of hydro power j the pearls are lovely a pre-nup- wi h which to provide the facilities for almost any kind of industr there was a time when transports lion hindered manufacturing from coming to the smaller centre but fti h trucking facilities this is no longer true freight sen ice lodaj ftith the combined facilities of rail roads and trucks have ample facilities but when you smile toe other folks p boods t c l t i nan anvtlmi in nbilnrv alnt really apt to know the old world laughs at heartaches friend be they yours or mine hal offering honey this sounded coy but love from a to pop- sie was it any wonder mr crane walked giddily along as if on air this glorious june morn ng and in wardly felt very smug indeed he had traversed half a mile when he came in sight of a huge apart ment like structure here was the town abode of the exqu site adele a sudden thought struck him he so when they ask you how you are jest say im feehn one anon cmon lets tidy up co tidy up the old back yard and ox the falling fence go get the winters rubbish out and make it all go hence the cellar too needs cleaning some and the storm doors should come off and while you re bout it you should fix the broken backed eavestrough the front lawn should be raked and cleaned the back walk needs repairs and there s a heapa junk to dig from neath the cellar stairs all nature is now tidying up the grass is pushing through the leaves will soon be on the trees and make them look like new but if you do no have the time these little jobs to do just give them to some jobless man who needs them more than you the rights of antmals han anytime in history while small towns manfully try to attract industry their methods of salesmanship cannot compete with i n v such large clues as hamiltovand to- mghl make morning call a bit ronto who have a staff or highly sua perhaps but the adorable trained efficient men interviewing en ade would understand he start ticlng ever known type of industry ed across the street hemated in to the large centre if the govern i front of a nasty puddle and was ment wanted to assist the rural sec lost ons of the province a bureau list describe and promote available factory sites in smaller centres it is felt great results would ensue small industries coming into can a da could be induced o come to the mailer towns if the were ghen the facts and costs of operating their particular factor in a small town labor troubles are tew housing pro post ions would not hinder develop ment and anj amount of labor is available of a class and type industry desires a bureau to promote industry in small towns with available and suit able factorj sites would pay the pro- trice big dividends if and when an industr wished to become established n canada this information would be available in certain respects it is now available but i would be quite lventiil and more business like to hate a bureau with men capable of filing the idea and providing the nformauon rather than the presen d iterent way of handing out forms t the l formation a few dollars i cnt his way would be much bet er squandered than to subsidize a cwage disposal plant in the metro olltan cl y of toronto which has rwn so arge l cannot look after is own municipal works despite the fact it grabs most of the industrial have wild or domestic animals any pin n the province elmlra inherent or natural rights that we as buman beings are bound to respect the answer is of course an emphatic yes but how often does it happen that these rights are ruthlessly tramp led upon m has been given dominion over the beasts of the field that domin ion or trust implies a rule of reason of air and honorable treatment which we ourselves hold as a natural hu man prerogative in dealing with our fellow beings we have previously violated this trust imposed upon us we do so for instance when we cruel ly cage up animals whose natural right it is to roam the woods and fields as nature intended we abuse those lights when we condone by act or hapucati rodeos bullfights cock fights or other sch amusements which have as their motif the tor tare of helpless animals we kilt and tpih and wound inoffensive creatures for fun or aport which oonstttu tea one of the most scathing indict ments to which we as trustees must answer some day in toto it is a long sad tale of breach of faith the animml world has an inalien ah right for a constitution a bill of bights or magna carta in the final ukautu it can only be engrav ed in the hearts of an mankind thi ejptt ol love understanding and ep- tfon of our dumb fellow creat- thet grand command of the pe imso others as you would olto jou has a distinct so h other forms of life hist millennium is u vi jntfhr say i have to our dumb ani mavufactireb choosfcs weeklies from the driveway opposite there dashed a much benbboned and plac arded taxi which drew up at the curb closely simultaneously a door in the aforementioned apartment house was suddenly dashed open and a couple descended on the run amid a hail of rice old shoes and showery confetti mr crane stood speechless for there was something familiar about the bridal pair adele and her manager he felt weak he had no time for conjecture for the taxi with its excited fare shot across the street careened a bit as the livened chauffeur stepped on it and then nearly sideswtping the dumbfounded mr crane as it show ered him with muddy water it sped out of sight the placard just mar ned swinging madly between the two rear wheels as if in a dream he heard miss nome alternately crying over him and scolding him as she wiped the mud from his face and hands and somehow mr crane seemed to feel a deep and abiding appreciation for the kind providence that had sent margot nome to hts home even in the humble role of housekeeper faith said she indignantly tis your own mother wouldn t know you jimmy crane have you no sense i guess not weakly and meek ly she was wiping the ooze from his the massey harris co is now run hing a series of adver tsements in the herald and other weekly newspapers j coat collar when he suddenly cap- these advertisements do not take the tured her plump hand miss nor- place of the companys regular ad ne said he ma is there vertlslng schedule designed to keep any hope or b1 jfly walker like me i mean mould you consid er marrying me miss nome paused for a brief moment startled well i might do lots worse she said with a twinkle in her fine blue eyes farmers full informed on the various machines and their features but are m addition to these and are for the i purpose of creating a higher regard for what farm implements have meant to the farmers of canada in a letter received at the beginning of this cam palgn the advertising manager says efnee goodwill butkhng is- the basis of the series we felt that they should j run in the publication which comes closest to the interests of its- readers their local paper and so we have chosen your paper in a select list of ontario weeklies to carry these mes sages this is only another lndioa lkxi that no other medium can take the place of the small town paper they never fail chubbt i am surprised that parker has made such a phenomenal success as a weather forecaster duff rm not he threw away all his scientific instruments and depends on his corns to tell him when it going to rata the highest service we can perforin for others is to help them to them themselves horace mann temperature kills fish one of the most dangerous places for fish is in the pacific ocean off the coast of south america where the cold peruvian current from the south meets the warm el nino current from the north millions of fish are killed here annually says collier s weekly as they swim from one current to the other by the slid den change in temperature how the camel breathes the camel has a special set of muscles in its nose by means of which it can close up the nose al together between breaths and open it just sufficiently wide in order to breathe thi is a special protec tion against the sand storms which frequently occur in the native coun try of camels r personal loans at the lowest rates 3 repayable in 12 monthly instalments for any reasonable need emergencr or opportunity we arc glad to advance money to people with an assured income consult the manager of our nearest braodr you will appreciate his helpful attitude to your problems bank of aaol its all right i see them coining along the road now when youve got a telephone you can reassure people quickly in the country farm homes are for away from each other it takes a lot of tune to send somebody next door but it takes no tame at all when youve got a telephone then you are m touch with your neighbours with the stores in the village and if your g up children are working m nearby towns you can hear their voices too every farm home should have a telephone because it costs so little cnr time table standard tune going east passenger 618 am passenger and mail 1008 am passenger and mali 616 am passengers for toronto 9 40 pan passengers sundays only 851 pm goto- west passenger and mail 834 am passenger daily except saturdays and sundays 6 0s pm saturday only 145 pm passenger and mail passenger sunday 1u9 gains north mall and passenger 84s am going- south mail and passenger 652 pjn gray coach lines time table standard time effective seaday april 3stb leave georgetown t toronto g 614 am j8 am 1148 am c 223 pm 406 pn 6 08 pm 90s pnx to kitchener z 935 am 12 05 pjn z 206 pm a 406 pjn x 600 pjn e 7js0 pjn d 1035 pm e 1135 pjn x through to london a dally except sun and hoi b sun and hol only c sat only d daily except sat sun and hol e sat sun and hoi g daily except sun phone 89 tickets and information at w h loffg directory r b watson djj8 ftlojl georgetown office hours 0 to 5 kxcept thuneay afternoons dr j b jackson deattsft xbay office hours dally to evenings 7 to 9 phone tttw geokgetowit labot dale kg m- stud bennett baja defendant at pottos wort 1 was yawed under arrest by bono

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