Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 24, 1939, p. 3

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v the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 24th 1939 page 3 qtesnapshor cuil trick pictures ti hh no she was a victim of headaches kruschen got at the cause this woman s headaches were of the gripping kind that reduce the sufferer to something like helpless ness she tried tablets she tried plus all without avail only krus chen could help her used to get very bad headaches she writes no tablets or pills of any kind could relieve them one morn ing casually i tyied kruschen salts in a glass gf hot water i continued taking it taut have not had one of those awful headaches since krus chen suits me better than anything else i and it very good mrs l ttios mcquabrtk erin celebrated a w be headaches can nearly always traced to sluggishness of the kidneys liver and intestines and to the un suspected retention in the system ol stagnating waste material which poi sons the blood the numerous salts in kruschen stimulate the internal organs to healthy regular action so that no clogging waste is allowed to collect your inside is kept clean and serene and that is just how krus chen salts brings quick and lasting relief from headaches simple muk box makei it easy to take pic ture with trick f ramea above keyhole pic ture right box showing placing of camera and cut out milk upper right various cutouts keyhole gothic window field glse atalrvy window giant cactus silhouette porthole and rocky cm mouth 80th birthday days when there were no railways in the north of peel county ox in erin township were recalled by thomas moquanie wellknown resident of the district who celebrated his eightieth birthday on sunday may 21st grain and farm produce was drawn to to ronto by horses over rough roads mcquarrle 1 a native of the caledon bast district he has re sided in erin since 1915 he enjoys good health and attributes his good health and age to early rising and hard work he is a conservative and a aiomtor of wellington lodge af am he recalls the boom days railway construction brought to peel county the hamilton northwestern crossed from georgetown to bolton the to ronto grey and bruce was built over the caledon mountain and the credit valley went by way of forks of the credit in 1899 he married margaret elliot to the couple a family of eight were born of whom seven 8te living they are kenneth sault ste marie don aid at home mrs harry mossop to ronto mrs fred steen erin miss marjorle r n toronto miss sla toronto and miss mary of canreol hitler orange pekoe blend saladff tea ffctl held annual meeting ahem officers ejected barrymore a vlell a dutchman was dining in the res i tauranl car of a german train and 450 farm girls in residence at o a c when the waiter approached with the for three days dlscnss all aspects of usual hell hi ler he made no reply snapshots with trick frames are easy to take and tun to show you can get pictures appar ently made through keyholes or field glasses and many other novel effects obtain ah ordinary cardboard box it should be aboinvtwelve- inches one way and elgbttnchee- or more the other two dimensions exact stie doesnt mstlw cut a bole in tbe middle of oneend a bit larger than your camera lens cat a large open tag in tbe opposite end and over this place a large keyhole cut out of cardboard ee drawing above it is good idea to paint the inside of the box black to guard against stray reflect ions now place the box on a firm sup port such as a table sight through tbe small rear opening and adjust box until it frames the scene you want to picture line up the camera with the rear opening as shown and take the picture use a email lens opening making a time ex posure if the light requires it for other effects just use a dif ferent cutout such as those shown above make cutouts with simple outlines when you use a mask box twelve inches long a cutout open tng about blx inches high or wide is usually satisfactory after your first roll of pictures you can tell if larger oi- smaller masks are preferable since tbe cutout masks are close to tbe lens they will be somewhat outof focus and fumy this helps conceal the faking and adds to the effect 2ii john van guilder wood for sale choice beech and uaple at woo xt cord mixed rmua ttm pen 1 mixed wood 1365 per card j bkandfocfcd fbacie all wod orders to tssj to the property owners ot georgetown are jou in favour of cons ructlng and installing a complete pwage sy stem and sewage disposal plant at an estimated capital expenditure of 127 000 00 and tg issue debentures there fore repayable over a period of twenty years family hfe including food cloth ing social and use of leisure what contributions can farm girls make to the home and family living this broidly b the heme of the rural girls conference held at the oac guclph last week and a tend ed by 450 girls from all over the pro vtnee the well arranged program was sponsored by the women s in stitute branch onl dept of agricul ture and the slaff of macdonald in stitute quelph one of the features was the contri butlon of the girls themselves to the program including a demonstration of a typical homemaking club meeting macdonald students put on a panel discussion what we eat we are and an instructive and entertaining skit a comedy of errors in eating macdonald exhibits included prefer tion of accidents in the home cakes and cake failures and hot school lunches the girls were also inter ested in a revue wardrobe sugges tions the program took up in detail such subjects as a girl s relation to her lamlly her responsibililes to her fa ml towards herseli as a member of thi family and what she can expect from her family there were talks on food clo hing social relationships use of leisure and reading for the family this latter subject was treated in n most interesting way by miss ethel chapman of the parmer s magazine w r reek deputy minister of agriculture for ontario was the prln ipal speaker a the banquet which the waiter was annoyed every time heil hitler to you he snap ptd you must say heil hitler to hitler hi ciotsn t mean a hing in holland remarked the dutchm in maybe not now said the waiter but one day you ii get our puhrer in holland too perhaps so smiled the dutchman e alrtadj have oir kalstr ny sun all in good time do ou understand this federal b illdint loan heme sure i the build you a house and you paj so much a month by thi time ou are thoroughly dissatis fled with the place its jours meeting of the wcto the home oi mrs r h wright char les st mrs a r vannatter presided and mrs a reeve conducted the devotion al period taking as the subject oi studj psalm 34 a ong of praise and trust in the god of righteousness whose loving cre is round and abou those vho depar irpm evil and do gond who esk peace and pursue it report of the years nork in the differentr departments were received and mrs j f sutcliffe conducted th elec ion when the following officers ii ei e chosen president mrs a r vannatter vice president mrs c b dayfoot re ording secretary mrs c buck correspoi jding secretary mrs a hjde treajrci mrs r h wright supu of departments evangelism mr a reeve temperance in sun i schools mrs h bird sciewtlflc temperance in day schools miss e mckay medal contests mrs w g milhall press mrs c b dayfoot moral education health and heredity to be filled later mks valerie heibert accompanied by mr carman sutcliffe rendered a r delightful vocal solo hus con tributing i pleasing v arlation in the afternoons program of business the june meeting will be held at the home of the president mrs vanna tr thursday june 8th when mls sjbll benne t will address the gathering to- the clerk asked leave and your name innocently barrymore was the chill reply which barrymore please john surveyed him coldly ethel some people were visiting a cou ple and happened to mention their dog a big mongrel hes just like one of the family said the pups proud mistress which one asked her hostess sc bray chcks the bray cbick does tbe trick let me ihow you the proof ptaot your order here no writing bother call or phone- txjeor gecbrow n frt rval ontario notice take notice that the foregci is a correct statement of a quts to be submitted to the ox of the electors of the town of georgetown on the 29th day of may a ti 1838 between the hours of nirr o clock in the forenoon and seven oclock in the afternoon at the lo lowing places ward i town hall ward ii barber floral co ward hi public library and that the 27th day of may ajd 1838 at two o clock in the af terno ro at the municipal office in the muni duality has been fixed for the ap pointment of persons to at end at the polling places and at the final summ tng up of the votes by the clerk p b harrison 4t cek treasurers sale ot land for taxes township of esqvjestng county of halton to wtt by virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve of the township of ikquestng bearing date the nineteenth day of september 1938 a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the town hip of eaquesing will be held at the council chamber in the village of btewarttown at the hour of ten o clock in the forenoon on the seventh day of july 1939 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid notice is hereby given that tile list of lands for sale in arrears of taxes has been prepared that copies ot the said list may be had at my office that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being- publish ed in the ontario oasette on tbe first day of april 1939 on the sixth day of may 1839 and on the third day of june 183s and that in default of payment of taxes and costs the lands tin be sold for the said taxes ant treasurers office this 29th day of march 1930 oboros leslie iftt treasurer i- rom and lo biters man friday wi carib indian says crime trials stress need for more interest in schools l l skuce halton public school inspector utilized a newspaper in his address to the annual milton home closed the conference and school club last thursday to empha ize the necesty for fullest coopera ion between parents and teachers indicating criminal trials in progress and reading lurid head irujs depicting crime and strife he challenged lsn t it timt we were taking an interest in schools he s ated that support of homo and school clubs in halton is at a minimum in some areas and asked does it mean that people today are not interested in their children he strongl idised hat parents get the teachers viewpoint tt is very helpful and well adv lsed he stated that there is a be ur spirit in both the school and the communi t when home and school clubs are present the club elected he following off i oers honorary presidents l l skuce milton and j m denyes to president mrs r adams vicepresidents mrs j h wilmott mrs n goodchild secretarj mrs clifford hill treasurer mrs r ptol me all of mil on when alexander selkirk sni whose experiences dinir1 d f robinson crusoe was put n h juan femandcr lslnnd hi hit loir s pncinr r lo it iv aken ofl tenders for coal and coke ealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed ten der for coal will be received until 12 o clock noon daylight saving monday june 12 1939 for the supply of coal and coke for the dominion i m buildings throughout the province of ontario forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob talned from the punchaslng agent department of public works ottawa and the supervising architect 36 adelaide su east toronto ont tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the deportment and in accordance wluf departmental specifications and conditions attached thereto when the amount of a tender ex ceeds the sum of 5 000 00 whether tt be for one building only or more the tenderers must attach to their tender a certified cheque on a chartered bank in canada made payable to the order or the honourable uip minister of public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender or bearer bonds of the dominion of canada or of the canadian national railway company and its constituent com pan les unconditionally guaranteed as to piincipal and interest by the do minion of canada or the aforemen uorum bonds and a certified cheque if required tc make up an odd amount the department ajso reserves the right to demand from any successful tenderer a security deposit in the form of a certificate cheque or bond as above equal to 10 per cent of the amount of his bid to guarantee the proper fulfilment of the contract by order j m somervxlle secretary department of public works ottawa may 10 1938 2t years passed before hi again bi pic for his plight might turn to envj ii he world knew mon of the islands native foods lobskrs ire shipped regularh to argent ine tables mid now ci ifornin xcdj tion plans to stop bv juan fernandez o plrk straw rr e the 1 land ber ries have a hardiness in resisting dis ease which may improve united stntes strawberries r the two strnins w er crossed the fimois lobsters lr rushed alive from juan fernandez bv boat o chilf jfi5 miles awnv ind from there an lifted b plane ovr the ande nt an nltltude of three and one hall miles to buenos aires for dinner this island where selkirk lived and had the experiences which gave defoe h idea tor robinson crusoe should not be confused however with to bago in the west indies the island deroe had in mind as the setting tor his novel prldo it will be recall ed was a carib indian and the fie tiona 1 robinson crusoe was ship wrecked near the mouth of the ori binnie jackson wedding a quiet wedding was solemnized on wednesday may 3 at 678 bloor st cost toronto when flizabeth maw elder daughter of the late mr and mi hugh jackson term coltn ont became the bride of mr charles bin nie son of mr francis bennie and the late mrs blnnie earl orey sask the rev wm allan officiated the bride wore jubilee blue sheer with invy accessories and wore a corsage of talisman roses and lily of the val lev miss sara jackson sister of the bride was bridesmaid wearing a gre ensemble with rosebud corsage the groom was attended by his bro thrr mr peter bennie of erin af ter the ceremony the wedding party luncheoned at the lounge tea room on mondaj evening may s a recep hon was held at the home of the brides uncle and aunt mr and mrs n j sharpc brampton where about aventy five gtiests were present from stouftville toronto acton hillsburg erin and georgetown the voung couple will make their home in toron very welcome budding author well at last ive written something that the editor will not alone receive but welcome with thanks friend a real masterpiece autho not exactly that its a cheque for a years subscription and enjoy tbe glorious weather special sugar crisp see oar stock of easily prepared foodi cornflakes 13 special heinz vinegars 25c i6 bu special victory sweet pi ckles 27oz jr 23c special aylmer pork and beans 7 21 oz tin tea time sandwich biscuits 2 ib 25c special clover leaf cohoe red salmon uptons tea vslb pkg 3 blends 31 mccormicks soda biscuits special lib pkg xo carroll flavoroma coffee lb 25c special jewel vegetable shortening shoe polish special groves maple syr up 16oz btl 19c xlb tin angelua assorted mars tima i lows lib bag 23c green valley peas sieve 4 17ox tin 7c tin 10c special our bulk peanut butter ilb pkg oxydol soap powder 9c x 21c lbs pkg o l d dut c h cleanser tin 9c pearl soap white naphtha 3 10c new cabbage lb 5c i tomatoes imported lb 14c bermuda onions lb 5c new potatoes 5 lb 21e vegetable and fruit prices till saturday night only carrolls butter first grade creamery special nalll satnraay night only main slreel georgetown free delivery 22 phone 3st

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