Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 31, 1939, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wed neaday evening may 3 1 at 1 939 page 7 happy family paul pleads his own case fntcraauonal uniform sunday school leson june 4tb 1939 golden text i have lived in all good conscience before god until this day acts 23 1 lesson passage acts 21 40 to 2 4 24 14 16 26 1923 in each of us ls an inner room where sfinds a mil and stalely loom we ftiivc on uie loom day after day tiling tin ill think and do and say on v cod cui sec he whole or ih hi lie pattern of the soul lo ihe stockton andrews ml oratory wher l the greates ontorv to be hi ird in pirhamcnts pulpits or tr tin place dots not determine i o v l much as the occasion and ju man in this lesson i s udj a i it x h by paul ih form the td ire w s im promo u pinsically i w v- nn in irood form becaue he hid bin loughlj himdled by a mob hi soil however iuus aglow with in i ml utkx he spekc out of i fuil h ir md umi hl native he or vi iiii ii pul tjoquencc was re u oi prfmoas thought i sj h l- mide on the spur of t ii motnrnt unless there has been qkesnapshot cuil correct exposure king george queen elizabeth and the little princesses place 100000 trout in sacgeen river saugeen river below paisley has been restocked for the season more than 100000 brawn trout have been placed in the stream which has be come a favorite with fishermen in western ontario coming ol warmer weather has revived what ls a big industry in the spring sucker fishing goes on day and night in the fenetangore river and its tributaries in the district catches at suckers and millets are reported as good fis hermen report netting more than 100 fish in the course of a few hours our bond of friendship bonds in the world could ever pay the dividends that i get each day in peace and happiness real and true from the bond of friendship i hold with you for i cut the coupons of faith and cheer every day of the whole glad year and there is no gold this world can give that td ever take as long as i ive for that giltedgebond i keep apart jn the safety deposit box of mv heart miladys flr coat bcteria in milk the production of women s furl a farmer spends a lot of his time coats in canada ls one of the princl l working with plants which he can pal manufactures of the fur industry cultivating the kinds which are of canada w hich supplies practically of value and destroying the weeds the entire demand or the canadian i ut there arc millions and millions public for fur coats capes scarves of other forms of plant life on the collars cuffs muffs and other items farm which are too small to be seen of fur manufacture or women s wear land the are bacteria the smallest women s fur coat production in can- lrm of p llft mado u of onh and has shown a steady annual in- one cell many of hem have a dis crease mounting from 31604 coats to net value to the rarmer others are 100 133 in 1937 while the otal value uidcslrable in milk the presence of or rur coats has risen from 8 10443k bacteria is highly undesirable mod to 9517 721 the import and export i em means or cleanliness and pastfur- trades of the canadian fur industry nation have made milk a safe rood re of relatively small importance and ppcr handling or the milk because canadian consumption ab ki bacteria from mul tplymg sorbs he bulk of the products which have had an annual average value tori the 17 year period 1921 1937 of j14 785812 fi judy who had employed a china man as cook asked him his name me name san toy lee he said ah jour name is too long lad replied i will call you jon all light responded john v ha vour name mrs charlotte anne heminwav well try to be n sin told him monday mcr in your nime too long remark 1 j john i call you chollv junior partner o pretty steno grapher are you doing any thing sunday night miss blanc steno hopefully no not a thin junior partner the office on urn lhen tli lo d uid mi dilation preceding 1 reat oratorj is not past advertising pays dividends let the printed word tell your story we produce good printing tickets blotters circulars envelopes invitations broadsides statements letterheads calling cards window cards business cards oratorj is not past id radio are giving op xirtuniin i such as our forefathers unr knm then is little demand fi rhi one todiy but men who can h male ficls and anumenls skillfully ilml i r idv audience rich boyhood 1 3 piui is a favoured boj he was broils t i in tarsus a fine cit he hjs tju it bj gamaliel one of the greaie of hebreu teachers he lived in i religious home and from childhood was taught the faith of his fatlii rs rfitre lias been much dis cussi6n as to wheihir count rv boys or city boys have the greater advan tabes there are manj arguments on both sides the tragedy of modern life is thai boys in under privileged and over privileged homes al kt ii t neglect bojs growing up in homes of uie unemployed or uiose depend nit ukn uie meagre n ions of relief uniioi have adequau provision made for food clotlung n creation educa tion and religion some of the lone in si bovs on earth however are sons of successful business or professional nun who are so busy at uieir own work that thej have no time to be companions to uieir bojs in juvenile courts lhen have been tngic stones told about the sons of wealthj and culuvaud homes much ls being done bv la schools and sunday schools lor gro viui bovs md girls but notli inn cii ur lake tlie place of par it 1 i txampli and teirhnit a ciood c onscirncr 4 14 16 pin i 1 a hy ite the luxury of i good coils net bee iuse he had ex i n i i thi etxeimjort of a lroub- i ion u n e when hi was perse cuiing the christians ht had lo juau t i w ii utioil in iils litart of e ir l km w un lie waa doing vrin eventualh he saw tlie error and asvi ued nmself wi i ji rsecutei list i id oi being r k ptrs c uar tridiuon ilh hercuc but the inner voice the right exposure corrected for each situation yields better pictures for this average subject on a cloudy bright day 125 second at lb lena opening is correct on a sunny day with the same subject 125 second at f 11 is proper now that spring is here the days stem brtrhter as well as longer this appir nt brightness maj de- teivt boinc of us iuto shortening our outd or i xp mm s but wo should o cautious in so doing lndi rcxpisuro s the most fre- lu nt fault in uma i ur snapshots a it ire pr nted from an umierex lioded negitive has a harsh appear ami the sh idowsare too black and lack mail ind by comparison the hnil areas appear cxcessivilj hruht ifminv of joiir pictures havi this appi ar nice jou should practn kivi ig fuller exposure elthi r thr ujli ihi c of a larger lens open nif ir i r shutter time l d rn ii ma have broad exposure latitudo lo laki tnre i f n isim ihk i rr rs in exposure rut we slioui 1 not ask loo mm h and we slum i rem mlur that a corn i tljexpo d nekitlve always products the hes print wn we are in doubl it i usually wiser to go a h exposure rathi r than one that may be t o short here are typical correct exposures for the chrome type tllrtia that moat of us prefer for outdoor picture taking brilliant dat average subject 125 second at ml lens opening open landscape 125 second at f 16 water or beach scenes 125 second at t22 cloldy bright day average subject 125 second at f 8 open landscape 125 at fll water or beach scenes l2a at f is dlll day average subject 125 atf63 open landscape 125 at f 8 water or beach scenes 125 at ml ith box cameras on dull diys a vt rv sh rt time exposure should ba riv n uith the camera on a firm s ip ort this exposure should be m i le with the second stop opening and ah mt as fast as you can work tin iiuttir when set for time snip hits cjn be taken with a box c nn r i on anv sunny day or well out in the open light on a cloudy bright dav late in the afternoon or early in ttu morning liht is weaker and i xposun s should be lengthened ac jordingh form the habit of correct exposure aud your pictures will im prove 1 joba van guilder to d in in r kh ht fls i nn t i i mi- i conscience oii o offi iise toward rod and to wird mm a good r on science is not an accident it ls an achievement ii w i mh o icct pi discipline hi l idi d th miixnn tnd sent muh t me in privrr hi talked with i hm lint ii in i n on ind ot is n he worked tor christ ilia uradunlly he i mined n control nd cpnlidence that pave him peace i sj ibli for evmone lo have x ixxixtn r onw but without discip u cov mice nnj tasilj go soft thr hravenly iion 19 21 pi il dmib lev referred to his con v i i lce o he heavenlj 4 i ki but uu xirnince was not mo mm ary tlie lotiker piul followed cn lm tin m re h ivinlv did hls virion bivomi he lelieved that in clil l i vi iniiiiks of his nation had been fulfilled the chrlst was none otlur thin hit s n ol cod through ch lsi i had hoix or humanity by n n inri from in ind surrender to id th i in o i d j pin tu tl ip ttence tliough w i ilcus i il ix n i triltor lo on nice and reh uin and had ntlfn ivrr it ion hi did not cii to be obediint to ihr hcivenly i mil hat hid transformed life for lliat n llgion hn it uieir llv mil tlie prehmmarv estimate of the gross value ot commodities produced n i canidiin farms in 1938 is comput- i t si mn 217 000 us compared with si 039 492 000 the rev used estimate of it jravs producuon in 1937 thu reiprcsents a decrease of 5197o 000 jr 2 per cent and ls accounted for inely bv decrease of 5 per cenv in he value of field crops increases ire recorded in the value of dairv poultry aid map products tobacco fruits ana vegetables and honey and decreases are shown in the value of farm animils fur farming and wool bv proviiui the most significant etiange was tn saskatchewan where f value of all products was 44200 000 or 47 8 pir cent higher ulan the correspond in g estimate for 1937 slight increases were also recorded in the maritime provinces values for 1938 bv provinces in order of magnl hide wen is follows with the 1937 s imatos within brackets ontario s327 529o00 is343 137 000 quebec slsbssodoo i1s8844000 alberta 167066000 s1bi274000 saskatche wan sb7 4 i 000 ii2l029 000 brit lsh columbu 42 764 000 44839 000 1 mom scotia s29 467 000 s2b610o0 ni bi unsw u k s27 473 000 i26 632 oooi princi edward lsland s13 376 000 si2 8tn000 lind tliat the trouble has not i k ol kitowlidlc but lick of ki in action ideis and ideals in i worth milis uy 1 ad to i pt il lived li s f nth i o small and real 22 23 of iii ids t 1 1 inkers lw hid time for mi folk hi uld speak before md ilso have fellowship with tnikrrs iellirs md slavi s hi ui iperl si ml n of hebrew law eltgioh but lie wis ilso a genius ndjiip w ui il un peoph s ich prvcticil m ii unt he the georgetown herald phone no 8 georgetown ti living and travel thousands of mill s et he could pre- sen the cfosk and th rejurrectlon in a way tint satlsfied human longings paul rrtat power was duetto the facl tlial he sioke from personal ex periencc he had lived under law and found how to live under grace he had been i man feared for his i hatred and became an exponent of j christian love he had tried to live by reason and discovered a higher life throiirh the hoiy spirit having attained help for himself he con- tlnued to give help o others the chief passion of his life was perspnal evangelism winning people to christ from every classification of society there ls nothing paul did iwhldh modern christians cannot continue to do questions for p i re makis buying a rug us usually a consider i h lines m nt ind the housewife should rightiv eximkt good service in n turn but she can do her part too to lengthen ils wearabllity she knows in i good run cushion not only les jns i rdmiirv wear and tear but makes the rug itself appear thicker mifier she turns the rug about oc asinnaltj io more evenly distribute wear and hc makes sure that no un evenness ls allowed to remain under neith to chls excessive wear in one ot she gois over the rug with a cirixt sweeper every diy vacuums a least once n week and has it sham pooed or drycleaned once a year and it a teir or burn occurs she has it mended right sway for tompkins was just going out a stroll when his wire asked him if he would post a letter tor her while 1 he was out certalnlv dear said tompkins and leaned over her shoulder as she finished the letter and addressed the envelope then he looked surprised why on earth he said have you dated that letter t- the 15th its only the 3rd today mrs tompkins smiled as she stuck it up because im giving it to you to post darling she said sweetly 1 in tilt baggage co ac ii ahead on a dark stormy night as the train rattled on all he passengers had gone to bed except one joung man with a babe in his arms who sa there w ith a bowed down head tlie mnoeen one began crying just then s tliough its poor heart would break one angry man said make hat child stop its noise i for n keeping us all awake put it out said another dont keep it in here vveve ald for our berths and want res but never a word said the man with uie child as he fondled it close to his breast where is its mother go take it to her this a lady then softly said i wish that i could was the mans 1 sad replj but shes dead in uie coach ahead i while uie train rolled onward j a husband sat tn tears i thinking of the happiness of just a few short years for baby s face brings pictures or a cherlshed hope thats dead bui babv s cries can t waken her in the baggage coach ahead every eye filled wl h tears when hla story he told of a wife that was faithful and true hi told how hed saved all his earn ings for j ears just to build up a home tor two how mien heaven had sent them uns sweet little babe their young happy lives were blessed his heart seemed to break when he menuoned her name and in tears he tried to tell them the rest ev rv woman arose to assist with the child there were mothers and wives on that train and soon was the utle one sleeping in peace wiui no thought oi sorrow and pain next morn at a station he bade them all goodbye god bless you he softly said each one had a story to tell in their home of the baggage coach ahead 1 is there greater oratory in law courts than in parliaments 2 how did pauls boyhood differ from that of modern boys 3 what ls a good conscience how do we obtain help fno god 5 why is repentance an unpopular doctrine lesson outline copyrighted by the international council of reugious education used by permission ready sale agent sir i have something here which will make you popular make your life happier and bring you a host of new friends studentwlll take a quart ive never seen your wonderful eyes so dreamy before darllngl he mur mured romantically youve never stayed so late before she replied with a yawn

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