Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1939, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventysecond year of publication wednesday evening june 7th 1939 1 50 per annum in advance 2 00 to usa national president addresses c local council ot women beautiful lawn at home of mrs h l mutt setting for closing meeting of organization until fall mrs h i hutts lovely home sur rounded by flowering shrubs and early summer flowers was the scene on monday afternoon june 5th of the last meeting untu autumn of the georgetown local council of women r an unusually large number of mem- j bers and friends of the council gath ered outofdoors on the lawn to welcome four special guests mrs george spencer and mrs cummlngs of moncton njr miss falrweather of st john nb and mrs heasllp of hamilton these ladles had recently been attending the meetings of the national council of women at uc- master university hamilton where mrs spencer had been reelected na tional president for another term a warm welcome was extended to mrs spencer and the other guests by mrs j b mackensle president of the georgetown council after which ttrs- peller on behatfof the council presented mrs spencer with a oos- fcume bouquet of sweet peas mrs paul then read the minutes of the previous meeting and mrs smith gave the treasurers report mrs squires gave an interesting re port of the work of the public health and child welfare depart ment of which she is convener mrs mackenzie then called on mrs spencer to give an address to the gathering mrs spencer spoke first of the very warm and deep friendship which had sprung up between our president mrs j b mackenzie and herself through their mutual interest in the activities of the national cbun ell of women and paid tribute to mrs mackensjes sincere and unselfish in terest in the georgetown council mrs spencer explained how the national council of women had come into existence after lady aber deen wife of a former governorgen eral of canada had attended an in ternational conference of women in terested in human welfare in wash ington dc after this national council had been organised local councils were set up in various cities and towns of canada these coun cils are not merely organizations but are federations of affiliated societies by means of which women of all races and creeds may work for the common good these women now lltnjttc tuuf- a mil htm tyf of tj tajfmullon only one receives a sal ary naturally all the organisations making up the councils must work in sincere cooperation with each other and cast aside all religious and racial prejudices in the interest or canada s welfare mrs spencer proceeded next to give a very interesting and colourful ac count of the meetings of the interna tional council of women held in edinburgh scotland in july 1838 here thirtysix delegates from as many countries of the world had gathered to discuss questions of in ternational interest and importance mrs spencer herself had been can ada s delegate and had been privileg ed to attend an the business sessions and social functions of this two- week s convention here she had many conversations with lady aber deen who retains to this day her deep interest in canadian and inter national matters in closing mrs spencer appealed to the georgetown council to keep striving for the common welfare so as to pass on something worthwhile to the coming generation or canada this can be accomplished only by the casting aside of criticism and the sincere adoption of tolerance and un derstanding following mrs spencers address brief addresses were given bj mrs cummlngs and miss falrwea her who brought greetings from moncton and 8t john mrs hayes expressed the apprecia tion of the council to mrs spencer for her interesting and inspiring ad dress after delicious afternoon tea had been served with mrs nodwell and miss hetty lwson as conveners mrs nodwell moved a hearty o e of thanks to mrs hutt for her nospltail ty in allowing the use of her loielj home and lawn for this mas enjoy able aid lnsptrlng meeti 13 john d kelly elected to lions club presidency at the regular meeting of the georgetown lions club held in the mcgibbon hotel on monday evening june 5th with the president h c mcciure in the chair the general election of officers for the ensuing year were held the results of the election were as follows hon presidents j b mackenzie and l- e fleck president john d kelly 1st vicepresident j s ballanttne 2nd vice prefiident- w s king secretarytreasurer e w coles assistant secretary rev woo thompson don tamer a reeve ti1 twister r licata directors for two years a h feller and ed mcwhlrter directors for one year w h long and t elaon with these lions active on the board llonlsm during the year 1939 40 should prosper as they constitute an active representative body of enthul- astic and energetic citizens of our community the excellent work done by the georgtown llois club particularly during the past year has been recog nized by the district in the election of president h c mcciure as deputy district governor he will have the supervision of some eight or nine clubs comprising zone 6 of this dis trict our able secretarytreasurer g w mcllntock has been relieved of his regular duty after nine years of faithful service to support deputy district governor mcciure in the vol ume of clerical work which the d d g s position involves this team will continue to enlarge upon lie work of uonism throughout the district of which georgetown will be the head quarters for ne ensuing year zone 26 church parade of canadian legion held at georgetown sunday there was a large attendance at zone 26 church parade of canadian legion bi5l held at the high school grounds georgetown on sunday last over 400 veterans from acton alton erin milton hlllsburg brampton and georgetown taking part the parade formed m the legion hall and headed by thealorne scots band marched to the ceno aph where a wreath was deposited and the last post sounded followed by two minutes silence and reveille the service at the cenotaph and at the grounds was in charge of rev woo thomp son recor of st georges church and padre of the georgetown branch 120 a wreath was deposited at the ceno taph by arthur homsey tone repre sentative brampton on behalf of the 400 legionnaires who took part in the parade the lome scots bind led the march and provided accompani ment for the hymns of the service capt the rev h p charters of toronto was the special speaker in an earnest and inspiring address he declared isolationists are a handl cap to the nation they are willing o accept the privileges of democracy without assuming their responstblli ties referring to the royal visit he eulogized their majesties ai two young people who haie endeared themselves to their subjects in can ada they are a living emblem of the pople s supremacy which is ne cessary for true democracy and to counteract bureaucracy he said zone branches fell in at the le gion clubrooms for the annual church j parade thej marched to the ceno 1 aph where a wrealh was placed and i jien on to the high school grounds p hornsej zone commander took tnc salute on the return march pist the pos othce royal train passed through georgetown tuesday hundreds disappointed hundreds of residents of george town and surrounding district gather ed at the cnr station yesterday af ternoon to pay homage to their majesties king george and queen elizabeth as they passed through on he royal train although the train was not schedul ed to stop here or their majesties to make an appearance on the observa tion platform of the train all hoped that by some turn of events the royal couple would come out as the train went by however after waiting for some time the train came slowed king and- queen fail to appear on observation platform own as it passed the large crowd but the king and queen did not make an appearance much to the disappointed of all present it has been stated that their majesties were having lunch at the time and after all kings and queens have to eat j the train itself was well worth the long wait to see the locomotive was a big canadian pacific as shown above a mass of shining s eel royal blue silver and gold the semi- streamllned engine bears the royal coat of arms over the headlight and imperial crowns decorate the runn ing boards the coaches are all fin ished in royal blue and silver ten georgetown legion members acted as special guards on bridges and crossings in the vicinity of george town on tuesday and other legion members helped to take care of the school children who went to guelph to see the king and queen while still others formed a guard at the station here school children from george town glen williams and lunehouse went by special train to guelph sidney silver weds lucille kalant chadlelrh house gardens toronto setting for pretty wedding honeymoon in vex york lilacs and palms formed the set trig in the beautiful gardens of chudlelgh house for the marriage on sunday june 4th of lucille kalant daughter of mrs kalant and the late mr i kalant of toronto to mr sidney silver son of mr and mrs h silver georgetown the bride given in marriage by her mother looked lovely in a gown of pale blue silk marquisette and carried a bouquet of roses and luyoft he- valley miss ruth shankman cousin of the bride was her only attendant and mr nathan silver was best man at the reception held in chudlelgh house he brides mother received wearing a gown or gray sheer with bolero and was assisted by the grooms mother who was beautifully gowned in deep purple creation with lilac lace blouse hat shoes and gloves to match for their wedding trip to new york and the eastern state the bride travelled in a burgundy sheer en semble with accessories to match on their return they will reside in ortllla junior plowing match held at drumqum the nun ii jmo f i mi p i match open to ji nlors and r 20 jnrt h eh ls spoil ored i the halton plowmen s aoclitlon nis htlo on thi form of w s a dirvm near drumquln on friday ut o ing to the lateness of the season nikl the dr condition of the soil the number of compe jtors ua cjnsickr able ioer than a year ajjc bi some excellent ridgei were plowed bj the vouthful contestants 1 mr k g mcleod of gait was the official coach and judge and he awards were as follow nassagaueya 1st ivan taj lor moffat t nelson 1st wm lucas freeman i 2nd john hamilton freeman trafalgar 1st gordon leslie hornby 2nd jack marcnmcnl horn by esqueslng 1st angus mcnabb 2nd bruce reid 3rd garnet hhwden 4th donald lindsay all of oeorge- the champion ridge of be day was turned by ivan taylor of moffat sectional kall h i s to bf hfld at bitiul ciiircii th ir riuu i i r s c lontt itii h i hi p sbwenal wjkis ol the ui cd c urn 1 bi lied on mcr j i 1 th a benel church t t le inl il ir townsh with m riunn and aftfzioon osseins ii mining so si n begin a mm 0 c o k aiularcl time flu mak 11 1 mr j i flatl dunda i il chrltun s wardship and f name tor hamilton conference li ui and mr j w chapman n irllm n former of india a panel dl cussion will be conducted by mr- r w clemen s milton l inchc on will be served at noon by it b- ihcl indies bj kind imitation of mrs j laugh 1 ind guelph preslden of hamilton coi fcrence branch wms of the united church a lawn part will be lie d oti fndaj afternoon june 9th a uieoac guelph when reports of he dominion board delegites will be heard if you notice our young people go tng about in a daze muttering to themselves with their thoughts far afield just remember earns are not far away i the ontario medical assoc convention at hamilton during past week from monday may 29th to friday june 2nd the annual meeting of the ontario divi sion of the canadian medical assoc atlon was held in the royal con naught hotel hamilton ont the ham 1 ton academy of medicine were hosts to a large representative fathering of medical men their wiies and to a number or non medical rep resentatives who took part in the varied programme at the noon luncheon various out ne and outstanding speakers took part including dr arthur hertzler or halstead kansas author of a vcrj lopular book called the horse and busgy doctor in his naturally humorous waj the doctor from across l i border made a plea for a be ur knowledge of the subjects including laboratory and other allied proceed ures whlh would the better enable the young gradua i to sr adequate he jxople with whom he or she m ist dtal a very large number tn j d his t ilk mnv 31st i i addition on thur da june i i r neipnl robt c willace m dsc p d lld fx s frst who also sr oh nit ell ir o qmn umierlu hnu to k lis ih j il or in v i oh the re l ud iiaiuoii rndu sir fred k hm ii k of in jim limi deilt with mmj cal lies ir li m c midu ix ti of which wtre of interest to iodic il mn md ac mi n wid wc rt emri in b a number of the lit iom the ftallerj on worindi afternoon following u e regular stvsion of he association the management of the mountain sanatorium entertained nl a garden p irt the medical men and uwlr wiei and on thursday af ernoon a similar runctlon was held it mc master university and at homewnod sanatorium guelph on fttday artor in addition several ou standing doc ors from united states gave papers and addressee among which may be mentioned dr chas o heyd of new york on cancer dr howard f hoot of boston on diabetes and surgery and dr maxwell plndland boston on the trtiatment of pnmmonla the attendance included many from distant points as far as port william montreal and ottawa trees planted on st georges church grounds to commemorate the visit of their majesties the king and queen to canada four beautiful colorada spruce trees were plan ed on the grounds at st george s church of england on monday evening rev woo thompson had charge of the service and the georgetown ciuaens band was in attendance to open the service the hymn pot the beauty of the earth was sung and four verses of trie first psalm read as follows blessed is the man tat hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly nor stood in the way of sinners and hath not sat hi the seat of the scorn ful but his delights is in the law of the lord and in his tew will be exer cise himself day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the waterside that will bring forth his fruit in due season his leaf also shall not wither and look whatsoever he dpetti it shall prosper rev mr thompson then made a few appropriate remarks regarding the planting of the trees and mrs w v grant made the following request for permission to plant the trees mr thompson the organhmtlons of st georges church desire to commemorate the visit to canada of our oraclous king george vt and our beloved queen elisabeth by the planting of trees we ask you repre sentlng the churchwardens to permit this action and accept our gift of trees and that you will see them well planted permission being granted the trees were planted by mr cecil davidson while the band played o canada and onward christian soldiers mr thompson then gave the blessing and the national an hem closed the ser vice following the tree planting a musl cal program was held in the base ment of the church when the follow iiig enter alned miss mary feller local solo accompanied bj mlss helen mccowan mr norman deike and ml s helen mcgowan piano solos at the clase a social time was spent vi h refro limelits bolnir sered the annual field day and picnic of the halton and peel holstein breeders attracted a crowd of over tb0 to edgowood park at eden mills on sat urday last president morley wataon of the halton breeders was the chair man for the day and first called on mr t a blakelock mjpp who ex tended a few words of welcome the ruest speaker who was mr m m robinson of burlington gave a most interesting address based on a recent visit paid to australia m the appre ciation of the gathering was extended to mr robinson by mr c d gra ham agricultural representative for peel the programme also included a 1 estock judging competition the of ficial judge for which was prof geo raltbby of the ontario agricultural college the winners in these com petitions were as follows ladles 1st miss basel tasker mil ton 2nd tie mr o a wilkinson cheltenham miss elisabeth preese georgetown 4th miss mary dunton brampton junior farmers under 21 years 1st howard lalulaw norval2nd ken neth jola rockwood 3rd john coo per montr road 4th beverley ella rockwood open 1st tie wm anderson georgetown w m rekl nerval 3rd bruce prazer brampton 4th john williamson brampton the winners of the two calves offer ed for competition were wilfred les lie georgetown and j d mrmnn of brampton a programme of sports for young and old completed the programme of the day county engineer discusses paving with council grant of 3500 hade to bask- baix club other business town council met on tuesday even ing at 8 pan with mayor gibbons k the chair and all members present minutes of previous meetings read and confirmed mr roy smith county kngtnof was present to discuss paving of mr e coles and j ritchie ask for some assistance for the baseball club correspondence was read from how pita for sick children canadian olympic committee canadian legion branch 120 peel memorial hospital toronto general hospital josepfe scott moved by costlgan seconded by davis that we make a grant of 3sflv to the baseball club carried moved by brown seconded by mc donald that the treasurer pay the relief commission the sum of su4jm to pay may accounts carried moved by hall seconded by brownv that the true blue lodge of george town be permitted to hold s tag day on july 8th carried a number of accounts were pa but owing to lack of space this i they will appear next issue annual meeting wjts at sokvm3u section two torsnto held important gathering on twaiay amid beautiful surroundings thff 24th annual meeting of section 2 of the toronto presbyteiial wmb wi held in norval presbyterian church on tuesday of last week the rnornhvr session began at ii o clock with mr nixon of milton in the chair delegates from georgetown and lunehouse norval and union boston and omagh streetsville mil and brampton responded to the roll call of auxiliaries by giving brief reporta or the years work and suggestions tor organization year the theme home foundation waa well carried out in scripture readings prayers hymns and addresses during th da7 the scripture readings with comments were given by mrs ridden milton and mrs sinclair georgetown in the morning and by miss v hew- son brampton and mrs legget nor val in the afternoon mrs percy leslie welcomed the ladles on behalf of the local congrega tion two splendid addresses vera given during the afternoon rev f lawson cambeuviue spoke on condi tions as he found them in egypt pal estine and around the mediterran ean mrs jones orand valley spots on the theme of the day home foun dation vocal solos wen rendered by mrs gregg streetsvwe miss beatrice fenwlck brampton and miss mar joxie- dawaon milton mrs andrew boston presided at the afternoon health report the following is the report of com municable diseases by the mojx to georgetown board of health for may 1939 diphtheria 0 scarlet fever 0 chickenpox a measles o german measles 1 mumps 0 infantile paralysis 0 typhoid fever 0 whooptngcough 0 oerberosplnal meningitis 0 epidemic millon extended to defeat georgetown in ten innings pitchers errors costly for georgetown after pitching nine innings of grand ball milton team strong finishers onkvillc play at park here tomorrow night slogan contest winners foljoalng art tho prize winners md i kins in thi i t n slogan content pit on in ott rt w i b the hidn fleclrlc power goinm sion on rlo l prr mi alyii rtornetowi elic itcci e for happit homes s nd prnw mrs ne 1c linctvu m d- i i i ikc own brim ma u li ur and beaut lino jour homr with hjdro third oi ze miss marcnret utile rw own make home life eamer i 1 11 ippicr b installing electric senanu the milton baseball team of the halton coun league emerged vie torous over the luckless georgetown crew 8 7 in an affair that took ten inninps to decide the game which i phoo at mil on started under tin it or nln but the weatherman was kind o the teams and he rain li d off that the large crowd mi ht see n rood game of ball while t le locils were forced to take l f it at r hning a three run lead it the i nd of the eight innings hcj turthd i laved heads up ball 1 tin i undon antvtl al piano recital held bt pupils of miss margaret dickie at cm the annual piano recital by pupils of miss margaret dickie a t c il aws held in the public school frl- da evening june 2nd the hall was frarran with baskets of lilacs miss marg gallagher at cas contralto p dp of mlss margaret lan grill more- land mus bac l mus tor of aldorhot wis the assisting artist and on lhe audlem her d mi ie in ine mid he rfvs back i i tnd fielding espeeiall d wh re ill three rteldcrs i remarkablj catches mil iw to s irt bu finished i the ninth lo tie the fire the rime into ten j ck onoi and innlnfts that h t eor town pitcher became exclt ed and two cwlj errors put the mil n teim ahead bllnco started the pitching duties for milton bu was dr carl martin milton wls un i r to retire in faior of clements anlmously elected president of lhe in lne 8lh clcmutt finished he consenatlve association of halton at fnmc allowing onh four hits and the annual meeting held in mil ton ttt run ln inreeinnings last prldaj night other officers elected were vice presidents r k slater oakville and mrs e j hallett oakvule p bruce pitxgerald muton secretary and charv leatherland acton treasurer a motion was carried to amend the constitution to make the name con servative association or the county of halton georgetown scored their initial run in uhe first innings w ritchie drew a walk as first man up smith s track- on t a ritchie went to flrst on a fielders choice brydon filed to right held chaplin singled to score w ritchie and tost went out at first there was no scoring until the 4th innings whem muton tied up the continued on page 5 lee ions those inking part in order of ap- peirni cc weie mirj woods i haupt- in in elizabeth baxte- bulj arnold donald brill v lolet barnes shirley murkart kathleen thompson doug- peck george wilker peggj kelly june clarke barbara faram doris armstrong be mice hughes pick crichlon nbrah cleave lols- nielsen aha cripps heljen blackburn and helen williams kathleen thompson presented miss gajlagher with a bouquet or mixed snapdragons from miss dickie and marj woods on behalf of the pupil eae miss dickie a beautiful mixed bouquets following the recital the pupils were entertained at the home of mrs c v williams those present xrom outoftown were dr and mrs henry dickie mrs t e blssell miss muriel bissell mrs donald gkmn atcit toronto and the misses mary and helen gallagher aldersbot

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