Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1939, p. 2

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pmgc 2 35 the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 7th 1939 the georgetown herald phone ho 8 moore editor ud pabuaher town of country including the villages ol olen wil jwarttown balllnafad and terra cotta issued every wednesday evening- at che office on main 9t georgetown a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests getown and surrounding country including the villi llama norval umehouse stewarttowd balllnafad and terra cotta stjbsoription rates 150 per year in advance united slates 50c additional single copies 3c both old and new addressee should be given when change of address is requested advertising rates legal notices 12c per line for first insertion it per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line tor each insertion if in black lace type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments society church or or ganlmtfon meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorian notices 50c and 10c per line extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad vertteements one inch or less 50c tor first insertion and 25c for each sub sequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error correction plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its luhftuty shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of sucruadvertlsement as the space occupl edvlk noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such adver tiaemerrt the herald dogs job printing of aijl kinds when kvsnknq comes an inquiry conducted by a woman s magazine found that over 80 per cent of undergraduate women in american gileses look forward to matrimony d that only ten per cent contem plate careers after graduation yet according to the recent census tn the united states a tota of uoooooo women or one out of three between the ages of 15 and 44 are employed outside the homes three out of ten employed women are married and most of the women whether married or single have to combine the duties and responsibilities of homemaung with a full time outside job the ma orlt of married women work because of necessity some because the hus band is unemployed or irregularly employed some because he is 111 some because of family debts some to pro sometimes hed linger long and sltide a higher education for their chil i saw a gardener tolling in the early digging with spade and hoe oleavbg away the weeds and loosen ing up the earth to make the roses grow then very soon i saw the garden all abloom with roses rich and rare and other flowers too and stlu each day he came and tended them with care and often at the close of day at evening time before he left for home bed stand and gaze as oer that love ly pleasing sight his thoughts would seem to roam and rest awnile- por he was old and bent and as i watched i seemed to see about his face a halo of content thus in the garden of each heart and mind thought i may roses grow and bloom may we with diligence and care re move the weeds so that there may be room pot every bud of goodness and of faith and hope and love and friendship sweet and when ltfes evening time shall come there may await a beautiful retreat where we grown weary with lifea toil may rest awhile and where our thoughts may roam until in peace and content our eyes shall close and we too shall leave for home oor baker hall women too must work worry is hard on heart the number of deaths from heart trouble and allied ailments at the pre sent time la appalling most of the ed itors who have died recently have had wmc type of heart condition the some is true of many other prominent business men whose life stories have beei arhen in the daily papers that is not due to chance per haps is can be ascribed to worry as much as to any other cause speak in for weekly newspaper proprietors we know that the past few years have been hard ones billness conditions have not been good the number of subscribers to the aerage weekly newspaper have probably fallen orf by several hundreds thus cutting down the income others have neglected to pay their subscriptions and as a result financial problems have arisen and worry has resulted the present fear of war and ension over the euro pean situation has been another dls turning factor and the newspaper ed itor keeps in close contact with the news of the world he reads many newspapers and that may multiply the tension and the worr s rangely enough heart trouble does not seem to be so prevalent a mong farmers we say strangely enough because hey would seem tq have their own share of worries par ticularly in a late spring like this it may be that their outdoor and ac ttve life keeps them healthier or it may be hat they have lived close enough to nature for so many years that they have decided that things usually come out right in the end and worry does no help any tbk canadian bund of the ten thousand blind people in canada four or five hundred are of school age and attend government schools for the blind there are a fern children below school age the rest the great army of sightless adults scat tered across canada from coast to coast constitute the section of the population which depends upon the canadian national institute for the blind for the assistance and guidance necessary to their well being with he co operation of governments and geiiero l rltiz ns the institute has de veloped a systematic schedule of ser vtctti of grtat variety designed to pro vide employment furnish occupation al work arrange for the teaching or handicraft maintain libraries ana care for the blind in every possible way the problem of the blind is not an eas one to solve but it has reached a point nearer solution than has been accomplished in any other country if there is a chance of finding a job for blind person the institute finds it if it is possible o set a dllnd person in some small business and enable him suspicions finger the express pulled up with such suddenness that the passengers were hurled in a heap on the floor quickly the guard came along to reassure them somebody pulled he com m imitation cord and the brakes acted too quickly the last coach has left the rails there will be a delay of three hours three hours cried a young man t m to be married this afternoon are you the fellow who pulled the cord asked the guarxl suspiciously to make a living the institute locates the business and starts it going if the blind person is capable of being taught typing braille or any useful handicraft the institute teaches him if there is any way in which any kind of service can be brought to a blind man through which he is enabled to attain a more secure economic posi tion or be provided with any service capable of making his life more com tortable or enjoyable the institute endeavors to provide that service the canadian national institute for the blind is the only organization in ontario attempting to improve the the condition of the blind it has made great strides toward its goal it needs the continuous support of the public to further its program it is a work in which everyone is interested cnr time table standard time gemg bass passenger mi passenger and mall iojw am passenger and mali 6 48 pjn passengers for toronto 9 40 pm passengers sundays only 831 pjn goto west passenger and mai passenger dally exoept saturdays and sundays saturday only passenger and mail passenger sunday mend or darat modern wives are more inclined to mend a mans ways than they are to darn his socks our civilization with its democra tic ideal is based on ideologies of the eighteenth century alexis carrel rebecca at the well dren a pqjnt that provides reflect on ts the ages of employed professional women the medium aire of those who carr he complete reiponsib hues of a household is 44 ear onlj a hird of the group are under 40 who are single of those women who par tiatly support their houholds 15 per cent also give some help to persons rr trr outside their households the older 1 cracked jar i i saw you lazing at mv paint ng rebecca at he well were you ad m ring the beautv of u e subject pro feasor e no my friend i was just thtnklruj what an rnnai iar asf i ave ved in o moss now to travel by motor cooeh and stealer impure regarding vacation services to ontarios popular resorts ant oribo g rooabrido h north say ask km yoot copy op vacation tours dwtribtoq jo delightful town gray coach lines in the park and under the trees where wild flowers nod to the honey where rabbits scamper and red squlr rels scold and ferns come up from the leafy mould dad and i walk dad and i talk along the bank at the edge or the lake there s a favorite path we often take sometimes we stop to sail a boat or throw in a lear to watch it float when dad and i walk and talk it is dad that can find me a bit of but tells me about all that we see the shells and the stones or bird in a tree dad and i walk dad and i talk because dads so big and i am small because i m so short and he is tall rfet everyone knows we like the same play and were both the same age in things that we say dad and i walk dad and i talk working women have the heavier re- sponsiblli ies hall of them are mar r ed and onlv 5 5 per cent are widowed separated and dlorced moot of these women took marriage and homemak ing as their object ve but c rcumstan ces altered their lives despl e the vltas of careers and the opportunities to lead independent lives or the major tv of women the call of romance marriage and home making is jus as strong as it was o their mother and grandmothers there is however a vital difference in outlook especially among he group which has been schooled by the de pression these young women while they accept marriage as a normal ob jective in life yet paue to wonder about the wisdom of depending entlr ely on a husband s depression wages they pause o wonder about the wis dora of planning for a bobj on the husband s raise which may never come they have before them the spectacle of thousands of married wo men who have been plunged into struggle and poverty forced to seek employment without a trade or a pro fession hence young women today are heard saying every woman mar ried or single should be educated for a career in case the should have to or want to use it others are laying that marriage and a career are com pailble this attitude together with the record of the way in which wo men have sprung to the helm in fam uy crises is evidence that womanliness is not banished by worldllneis grown well iheffijstfhat apiisriisrh designivg postage stamps receives much attention since a postage stamp expresses an obltgat on of the government the tame as currency or a bond great the care is usually given he creation ta new stamp say a wrler in the los angeles time the subject of the i itamp is usually vlected by the of ficiala who turn the work of prepar bo all our lives we re going to take hig the designs over to one or more deep leafy paths around some lake artlss who are specialists sgsssei all our lives red squirrels will scold pot i shall never grow to old to walk and talk with dad flowers if thou would st have thy fainting heart forget for a brief while the cares that hard beset look at these lovely flowers and see the message that they bring thee tie written clearly on their face in words of gentleness and grace then ss i listen to the message sent a jeellpi of sweet peace and calm content steals oer my feinting heart and cakns its aching with their healing balm ntr m i hear i knew that thou weomat often lonely be and so this simple cm of my lore dtrine fathers gift and is but an take then thy bank note and stamp work designing a stamp is not easy for any artist the design must show the subject clearly without too much de tail to be lost in reduction it must have balance harmony and be pleas ing to the eye when reduced the in scrlptlons mus be worked into the de sign in such a way as to express the value and perhaps the use of the stamp tn an efficient way without de straying the artistic arrangement finally color must be considered for a design attractive in one color may be impossible tn another and color u sometime determined by use and precedent rather than for art not sll stamps measure up to these specifications out many do the artist submits several designs alterations are made some are discar ded and finally one u selected a die in the actual stamp alas u usually made and impressions are taken tn various colors often if the issue is im portant plates are prepared and proofs are taken if no further chant is made these imprasilon known as proofs it the d not adopted they are known as essay lone heart this they gladden your day hum art a blossom and these carat be tram ttoee for thy future yean and when into perfection thou hai til pinok my blossom tor mr heaven and wteai i lay them on mr breast then tboo bait know that perfect a ivey outbbert edith he whispered will you marry me i don t know tom she replied coyly well when you find oat he said rising senb me word will yout i shall be at vra thompsons until o clock if i dent hear from you by then im rotac to ask bar 900 harvesting m ethods a harvest of ila million bushels of whew to f nothing of the ocreaaed volume of qwitu at nt and all of it brought in sod threshed in 1958 wtrbout ihektmlkncc of be erstwhile army of tens of thotuandsfharreh help from tbc emit in the years not so loan gone by 1 thus does the mode of our lives and the methods of our callings change keeping pace with the progress bctog made in the scientific engineering and industrial realms the evolution of tbe combine to the small compact model now made available has revolutionised harvesting making it an easilr undertaken task for the regular help of tbe farm its production at a cost to tbe farmer of but one- third the price of the earlier bigger models ia an evidence of die contribution made by the implement maker to help the farmer meet the problems with which he ts con fronted theloweroperaudgcosrsofthis machine and tbe reduction it enables to be made in the cost of hartemng saving as it does up to i lc a bushel for complete harvesting has meant in a great many instances a profit instead of a loss to the farmer power of course is the basis of the great mechanistic progress of agriculture and tbe record of attainment in maki more emcient less costly and lower operating cost models available is an achteve- aaeoc that cannot be beaten by any other industry today a modern streamlined high ecteocy trsctora make earlier models look like orehistoric inooscrosittes and sell for about oewhalf the price coating leas this half to operate afsssey harris la pleased to have takes a leading pert ia seimo ing machines which are deatioed coplay so important a parim ia h agriculture profitable th mv s of tea raaawaa aad awnae i u ilwlej elew wmck ncerea skew nacfeea ike aalav of aw pi la a rmwlosisiilsniaimaeat swalacaameaaadmat m i l i j ii iaw ftaaav m lft eeeaearneai 3113eua iei a sulf 9ia wmkai la alls the aaeeta of a fis c fim aisamwwwtea i ai aaaat kimaess tsaamaaaaaeht law i mi s eavaaad la aw waeetof taea7vci i i la aoaaaq wrtew teli m a a mill sf u sos pjn 146 pjn 346 pjn 11 is pm v oefng north mall and passenger 8 46 gray c0acb lines time 7o6e standard time effective sunday april j leave oborobtoww to toronto g 614 am 9 la ajn h am 0 223 pm 408 pjn 808 pjot 03 pm to kitchener x 935 am z 05 pjn x x05 1 7 szl x ffpo v wk d i035 pjn n pjn x through to london a daily except sun and hot b bua and hpl only o sat only d daily except sat sun and bot e sat sun and h61 g daily exoept son and information at w a ixmo mrectory f b watnott 1ja mexav m georgetown office hours 0 to 5 except dax k jackson s xbay office hours daily 9 to a evenings t to 9 phowg tt4w qkokgrtoam lebot dale wlc m stool mctrt ka barristers end souotters mill street georgetown ontario ataaraciw m langdort barrister solicitor xetary pawba fleet mortgage money to iaan office gregory theatre bids mm sm phone 88 frank petch ukwfsro adoiffonkal far the oow of peal aaaf cheltenham 3 i post 2 qeocfwtowai ears iark s com pan m ted monuments pollock a ingham suoeassors to cater at worth gait ont inspect our work tn g a m nielsen sttk tmr mi rm chiropractor xray drugkss tbarmput tb tjcwhjs onor 1 ithen someone stone baying mmeone stops selling 2 when someone sups sellinc someone stops making someone stops irrkxds 4 when someone l someone stops srnilnf the stftotnor ktfmcte

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