Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1939, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 7th 1 939 page paul solves church problems hanover man oolden text let your conversa tion be u it becometh christ pbjupplans i 37 i1e8bon passage 1 ooimthlans 1 13j011 4 1421 1 thessalonlans 5 1215 o 1111 me with thy fullness lord until my very heart o erflow in kindly thought and glowing word thy love to tell thy praise to show l d squabt at a meeting of the board of direc tors of dominion s ores limited last week l d squalr was elected vioepresident of the organization mr squalr joined the staff of the do minion stores recently mr squab- gained his outstanding reputation in food merchandising tlirougb his fourteen years cortnec ion with the safeway stores organization which he originally served in california a native canadian he returned to can ada in 1929 and since 1930 has been in charge of the operations of safe way and macdonalds consolidated at winnipeg wins his point to horsemen we have just purchased the import ed percheron stallion alfred 12908 190752 and invite all interested to inspect nim at the farm or phone 85 r 12 georgetown and we will call on you this horse spent four years in the krin district and his record is well- known in these parts par full particulars apply to owner j g otuljes tbe black pre per jupiter 13905 the property of neil e m son hulsburg formerly owned by ztewe s breweries ltd montreal que will stand at albert htmterb lot 8 town line nomu from monday evening until wednesday aftemon commencing may 22nd 1939 enrolment certificate enrolment no 3175 form la pre mium no 75 the pure bred per cheron stallion jupiter registered in the canadian percheron stud book as no 13905 owned by neil e mckin- non son hlllsburg foaled in 1927 has been enrolled under the stal lion act inspected on the 18th day of october 1938 and found to be sound of good conformation and an animal typical of the breed w j a fowler l e oneill chairman secretary terms j15 00 to insure and pay able march 1st 1940 all accidents at owners risk veil e mcktnnon son 3t hillsburg ont o use me lord use even me just as thou wilt and when and where until thy blessed face i see thy rest thy joy thy glory share amen p r havergal the church of god 13 what makes a church there are many definitions of the church and many points of view three essentials are suggested toy pauls introduction in his letter to the corinthians the church is an organization for the wor ship of god the band or fellowship among the worshipers is faith in jesus chris the spirit of the organization is that of good will and cooperation such as befits the followers of christ there will always be a great variety about forms of worship but this need not make impossible genuine christian fellowship among christians what ever our shade of belief or preference practice of worship members of the church are called to be saints goodness ls our assured career faced with the difficulties of life christians are seeking grace and peace from god the father and from the lord jesus christ these are he aims and pur poses that make a church the bull ding is one phase of the church the organization ol a denomination is an other phase but the ongoing life arises from that des re to do the will of god and act in the spirit of christ unity 10 11 the little church at corinth was placed in a difficult environment the isthmian games were held in corinth it was a great trading city and notor ious for its vices to live a christian life amidst the pagan environment was not easy yet the chief dangers to the corinthian church came from within within a decade of the foun ding of the church there were divi slons we can easily understand how the controversies arose they had tew precedents to follow paul who had rounded the church had moved on t other places and they lacked his lead ership in person family groups sought to dominate the christian com munity paul wrote to plead for unity he set forth his arguments in the name of our lord jesus christ well know that there could be no unity apart from the centrallty of christ for centuries the trend has been to ward denominational divisions in the christendom but in late years trie need of unity is being recognized i spiritual friendship 1417 while paul exalted christ as head of the church he was not mindful of the influence of personal relationships he felt that his place of leadership as founder of the church at corinth gave him a right to speak fretly to his conferts he regarded them as hls spiritual children and naturally expected them to regard him as their spiritual father he dar ed to ask them to be folio ers of him because he tu a follower of christ it vos through paul that the cortn j ihinn christians had learned of christ noi content with his litter paul sent i timotln to bring them into remem i chairman t h hogg of the ontario hydro commission announced last week that the commission has agreed to rebate 50 per cent of the installed cost of flat rate water heaters there are 24580 water heaters in ontario and the rebate will mean that hydro will have to take 500000 out of their contingency fund to make the rebate and thereby hangs a story it was back in 1032 or so that the ontario hydro found that they had a surplus of power with the depression well under way so they hit upon the plan of boosting the sale of hot water heaters at a flat rate thev would in stall the heaters without cost and the reasonable monthly charge was to be paid by those installing one the hanover commission was told it wouldn t cost them a cent all they had to do was to accept the applica tions engage local men to do the in stalling and send the bill to the on tario commission a set price was paid to all men tor the work of instal lation like many other towns and cities hanover found that the scheme was quitojattractlve and to date over 50 such heaters have been ins ailed in lo cal homeo the campaign originally was to have run for six months but it continued year after year with the on- ario commission furnishing the heat ers and paying the installation char ges- then in 1936 without previous no tice the hanover commission received bill frorr the ontario commission for abou 1 200 for the water heaters installed here it seems that the on tarlo commission was washing it hands of the affair and as charging back to he local commission the cost of the heaters and of installing them mr john kalte chairman of the hanover commission and supported by his fellow commissioners took de cided objection to the rather high handed action of the ontario commis sion and since that date back in oc tober 193i when the bill was received he has lost no ooopr unity to register an objection to the town paying this account at the georgian ba hjdro assocl- a ion convention mr kalte raised his voice against the move and argued the point strongly with t stewart lyon then chairman of he ontario connlssion the georgian bay body appointed mr kalte as their represen tative on a committee to discuss his matter with head office and the o her hydro distiicls in ontario also named a member as they were no more plea sed with the unexpected le than were the towns of this district after three or four meetings with the on ario commission the objec tions of mr kalte and his colleague have prevailed and last week dr hogg announced that a rebate of 50 per cent would be given this means about 600 to hanover the hanover commission ls contin uing the offer they having felt that it wasn t filr to allow some people to secure uatei heaters on such term and then end the campaign and shut a willing ustkneb one of the most outstanding marks of greatness in the character of the odore roosevelt was bis willingness a eagerness to hear criticism when he became a contributor to toe kansas city star in his later years he had nothing of he small mans pride in what he wrote if yu think any of my stuff is rotten he once said dont hesitate to throw it away i always like criti cism secretary root was invaluable in my cabinet because he was always ready to oppose my ideas we used to go round and round and when he dldn t convince me x was wrong he frequently convinced me i would have to modify my posluon- john hay disagreed with me but he was too kind to say so so he didn t help me so much publicity cities and towns and villages need publicity just as much as a business a municipality gets its publicity through its home town paper but if the municipality is sleepy and slow it doesn t get much publicity even in its own paper and consequently in other papers a business gets its pub licity from the advertisements it in serts in the home paper how the two work together if the community wakes up and supports progressive movements if there are active people working for the public good if the community is en larglng its facilities and taking hod or new movements it atracts atten tion over a wide area newspaper all over the country report on the do ings in that community thus the impression spreads that the coram un ity is up and doing and a very go a head place more people are attrac ted o the community and thus do the business places for the community benefit 78th anniversary service limetaoose presbyterian chore will be held sunday june 18th 1939 rev kennth mclean of wingham former pastor will be guest speaker at both services horning service at 1 00 lum evening servieeat 7tt am standard time special music by the choir monster garden party cut donx the peak load it is figur ed that the heaters are used in off- peak hours and there ls profi in hav ing thm hanover post no nation can maintain a high level of national welfare if it shuts it self off from the rest of the world and a tempts to live a selfimposed hermit life oordell hull sweet caporam monday eveg june 19th on the lawn of mr a c pattersons silvercreek 5ice station i the befft program of the year by the brunswick trio of london short addresses by rev and mrs mclean and local minister parking facilities with potjce protection refreshment booth on the grounds program at 8 n clock standard time admission adults 35c children 15c everybody come optical needs vary there can never be set ndl for fitting or recommoodb glasses the human eye aw so many variations that met case ls a distinct one it ia quires training and skill to cognise and prescribe we speciauae in eye examination and goof glasses consult o t walker ro optometrist eyesight specialist bnuapua wfca to at rows wtug store georgetown um wfttmadaj af mmj aaaatk or yaw asay uiuaaw t walker at ida voting at 18 treasurers sale ot land for taxes township of esquesing county of halton by virtue of a warrant issued to wtt by the reeve of the township of etequeslng bearing date the nineteenth day of september 1938 a sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the town ship of esquesing will be held at the council chamber in the village of stewarttown at the hour of ten o clock in the forenoon on the- seventh day of july 1939 unless the taxes and costs arejoenar paid noncets herebyogiven that the list of lands for sale in arrears of taxes has been prepared that copies of thefsald list may be had at my office that the list of lands for sale tor arrears of taxes is being pubush- d in the ontario gaaette on the first day of april 1939 on the sixth day of may 1939 and on the third day of june 1939 and that in default of payment of taxes and costs the lands win be sold for the said taxes ant cost treasursrb otftce tms 39th day of march 1039 osoroe leslie lit treasurer radio repairing we specialize on tmslwork j sanford son brance of paul s chr stian unchinr j ers and practlc friendship plivs a cr nsi ire part in the work of the chrls i a t nn church uir a projected kit is 21 p some ot h connlhnii christians thought thai paul hnti forttt n them or lo t interest in them it ma be that persom 1 ambition o be lenders wis part of the cnuse of d tssension in uils corinthian church paul replle to the insertion that he would not come back to visit them he ls rnirer to tome half humoiiroilsiy he plnjs with this projected visit as a promisc or a threat will he come with n rod to punish them or in the spirit of meekness he said that personal claims of leadership count for littlt what really matters ls spiritual power the kingdom of god is not in words if talking would bring in the golden age it would be here now talk must be supported by action character and should hie otirj age be reduced from 21 to 18 is 18 too young for one to vote the mat er is being discus see thoui h not n mi official way as vet nt ir rate in the united s aus youth todav i n w york public t on hw be n conducting i oil on the ibkvt amontr roiikrsnicn and read opinions to tnim itk iment ir jus i projhis in fnou to ib th- tlint is a conscription j m or a ir it btini unlld s 1 i ih it if i ls miluablt enough for il h ol iffic rth do i f red uc r possibl u wtrftble injifd in the ou h of 18 ir h ought he ithinb can vbdtlng his friends giving a kindly warning to the trouble makers and exalting chrlst as the cure for mdlvldual selflshness and congregational bickering ministers 12 15 a leader of a class of boys wonder ed how he could awaken interest in a lesson on preaching it so happened that the minister of the congregation was a very genial man known every where throughout the community by hls first name the sunday school teacher asked the boys what their minister did all week why had he en tered the ministry how was he ed ucated tor the ministry why did he remain in the ministry what submitted hit if oung mf r uiid i 21 ure to be drafted r wnr ns irnin the united sttes m ot in o n anr hev should haie i oirc in d termuuni tnornnnn k ir in hich tin ri i i more importnnt thnn maturs or peace as one of he senitoi insmd on the subject cites tin re are in some cases voting men still in their teens who are more in telliren and better equipped o vote ihan persons in middle lire or later anothrr matter of interes and thls has been raised in the discussion across the line ls this would inter est in public affair be increased on the par of young people and extended if the- voting age were reduced say to 18 years the master is anything but easy to decide and this is the experience with many in the united states who have been asked to express an opinion on it not a few have asked for more time to think the question over reglna leader post the weeping willow is an exotic in did canada coming to the north arneri the class expect the minister to do fod earroffhtinent from the east through them individually and for thef the agency of the english poet alex homes it proved to be one of the most interesting lessons of the whole year paul urged the corinthians to esteem their leaders very highly in love for their works sake if instead of criticizing ministers we gave them encouragement prayer and fellowship the work of the christian church would be greatly advanced the work of the modem minister ls very com plex he ls expected to be a thinker an organiser and a preacher a pastor and outstanding eltiaeti the heavy responsibilities are made bearable by good will cooperation and personal fellowship qacailon for dlveaaston 1 what does the church mean tamer 2 do i cause unity or disunity in my own c t 3 who has helped me moat splrh- uady 4 who would be my first choice as a visitor to my congregatlonf 5 jflbw can i help my minister ander pope states george a steven son gardener at the dominion exper imental farm at rosthem sask the story goes that pope was present when the cover was being taken off a box or fruit shipped from england to smyr na and observed that one of the sticks appeared as if it contained some life he planted it in the hope that it would grow into something not known in england and from this grew the willow tree that has given birth to so many others during the american revolution a young british officer brought a slip of popes tree across the atlantic and from it it is said have came all the weeping willows in north america linnaeus the great botanist named th tree ballx babylonlca or willow of babylon in illusion to tfie passage to the 137th psalm where the capgve children of israel are represented hanging their harps upon the willows by the river of babylon yjmer w sale of cavlmer bijv canned foods aylmer delicious aylmer vegetables the fii your money can buy x these special prices special aylmer tomato or vegetable soup special aylmer peas sieve 4 special ayfaner sweet white corn 3 n ao atlmer tomatoes choice aylmer tomato juice aylmer pork and beans aylmer red cherries aylmer grape juice domestic shortening first grade butter carrolls creamery butter special till saturday night only 3 no 2v tim i3c 10ol tin 4c 3 13v4oxt tim 13c 3 no 2 tin 33c s l-a- btb 39c in p ue ib- 33c sherbet cream biscuits sandwiches special pastry flour sirrer star 244b kanc bag special queerjand pickles sweet mixed 27oz ml 18 carrolls soapflake8 mb w 37 lux with new 1939 knitting book a b 46c f tomatoes lbs 25c toxas baby ited firm bananas lb 7- lemons large stae doz 25c catapefrurr nice sh 4 17c jvagetableand fruit price tsb saturday night only carrolls mgbi street oeop0noivb free delivery pfcme 357

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