Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 14, 1939, p. 1

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seventysecond year of publication wednesday evening june 14th 1839 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa 50ui anniversary observed by norval united church on sunday rev dr j ewing reid of toronto gu- congregations at both services v the anniversary services of tbe norval united church were ob- served on sunday with large congre- rations in attendance the guest jpreacher was rev dr j e bald of united church toronto the morning the subject of the sermon was the milestones of the years and in th evening a plan t life that leaves out god hi both br held brought a timely aikl inspiring pyw r a number ail lormer residents re turned for the occasion and had the otportunlty to renew old friendships in the congregation were a number who ted been present at the first held in tbe church among these was mr w j bwitxer who was member of the board of trustees king built and tho is an elder in the present con- speaker large the choir provided special music at both services under the direction of mr lloyd hustler in the morning the choir was assisted by mr w qfhearn and mr milton robertson who rendered a duet in the even- tag mrs brydon of brampton sang as solos the stranger of galilee ana thou art my god special mention should be made of tbe part of the morning anthem rendered by five boy sopranos who took their part excep- ttonally well the church was beautifully decorat- ed by the ladles with his and peonies the services of sunday june 11th 19sq will be long r by the congregation as a fitting remem brance of the fiftieth anniversary of the dedication of the church the present building was erected by the methodist congregation in 1888 when rev r davey was pastor it replaced a brick church which was erected in 1863 on the same site on land purchased from alex mcnab tbe deed which is still in possession of the church reveals a price of five shillings tbe purchaser was the trustees of the wesleyan methodist church in canada in connection with the english conference the trustees were james gooderham james pores- thomas forester thomas hock- ley and thomas donaldson the date of the founding of the methodist con- m lost but it seems probable that a congregation bad been organised before this time for many years the norval church was part of 7he georgetown circuit in feet until 1863 when a circuit was organised wkh the norval glen williams and flabnonvllle being the congregations it is unfortunate the ercords of these early days have been lost and the old est now available are the minutes of the trustee board which gives full in formation of the building of the church m 188b the following were then trustees a h owen wm thompson james henderson e greensward wm swltser r watson g swltaer and j melvln of these c wm bwitxer is a member of an elder at the present time the others have since passed to their reward during the past fifty years the- fol lowing ministers served the congrega tion reverends r davey t gee h 8 magee alex j irwin j h dyke j h macarthur c f o cole g w smitberman h 8 hastings j i guinn w e james c h wblts c h danard r e zimmerman j w hunt a s truehlood h cotton m j- altken w h douglas n d mckln- non r v wilson and the present pas tor f a gilbert of these seven are m the active ministry of the united church and five are retired from the tbe active ministry the present charge of norval and mount pleasant was formed in 1925 when the union of the methodist presbyterian and congregational churches was consummated following are the various offices of the church and its organizations oft present time the session rev f a gilbert chairman l j c bull clerk col a i noble matthew laldlaw jas hyatt w j switxer f hustler 9 a danidge the oommltte of stewards j i cleave chairman h g lyons secre laldlaw treasurer m o rvilson m alexander j n cameron h mclaughlin h a clarrldge w jcjeave jas laldlaw j williams board of trustees j barnes e l greehsword j n cameron w j s j l cleave the sunday school superintendent i j c bull secretarytreasurer miss edith lyons sunt of cradle roll mrs hamilton mclaughlin pianist miss ruth clarrldge the womens association and wm s- president mrs l may vicepresi dent mrs m o wilson secretary mrs h a ciarrldge treasurer wjl mrs h mclaughlin treasurer wm 8 mrs howard may the young peoples unlonpresi lent howard laldlaw secretary treasurer miss m mcmenemy pro- sram conveners mac watson marie florence laldlaw edith public school board flsham given appointment of school nurse the public school board met on tuesday night reports were receiv ed from the school nurse and at tendance ofaccr accounts passed hydro electric 809 a e fmmeu 234 helntaman as oo 4j0o h c moolure 1660 r h thompson co 440 w rlgg 130 6 p chapman 830 georgetown lumber co 150 w h kentn were sward ed the cohiaracylor coattorw r h thompson co wen given the contract of rewiring the school mlwt ethel mhii waa appointed school nurse in place of mrs squires who resigned married on saturday bridegroom found drowned in pond the body of 22yearod richard thompson son of mr and mrs s thompson glen williams and a bridegroom of just two days was found in a pond near terra cotta brickyards on tuesday afternoon the young mandlsappeared mon day after leaving his place of em ployment about 2 pjn with the ex planation that he was feeling ill the finding of his car parked on a road near the brickyard led to a search aolng the pond chief of police w along the pond chief of police w provincial constable a j oliver who were asked to try and locate the young man were on the scene when the body was brought to the sqfee richard thompson was married on saturday afternoon last at the unit ed church parsonage glen williams to miss hilda lorrlman also of glen williams and his sudden passing is a shock to the whole community the family are at a loss to understand the cncumstano surroun tdr death the sympathy of many friends of the two families is extended in their very sad bereavement june meeting of halton ministerial association the june meeting of the north hal- ton ministerial association was held on monday of this week at 1000 am in grace anglican church rectory milton election of officers for the coming year resulted as follows chairman canon l r naftel mh- ton vioe chairman rev e o baxter georgetown secretary- treasurer rev o porter the special speaker at the meeting was rev john line dd of emman uel college toronto dr lines sub ject was the church and the econ omic order the need of bible preaching and teaching was stressed we must make god real lo man that man may live in the love and fear of god man must know the will of god for this world and consider the fulfilling of that will for himself and others his highest achievements then will th present economic order become truly christian ministers are experts oo christianity should preach with deflniteness and authority a general dtocurelon followed the address in which many joined a warm vote of thanks to dr line was offered by rev w g o thomp son and seconded by rev a o w foreman rev f c overend the re tiring chairman pronounced the bene diction halton jersey breeders stage annual picnic the newly organized halton district jersey breeders club held their first annual picnic and field day oo the beautiful estate of col w o mcken chick near oakville on thursday of last week approximately 125 folk were to attendance for the picnic lun cheon held on the lake front and also for the afternoon programme which was run off under the direction of r j graham a few words of welcome were extended by col w o mcken- drick following which prof m w staples of the ontario agricultural college gave a brief address stressing the value that is to be secured from gatherings of this nature pointing out get to know your neighbor you may find he is worth knowing prof staples also acted as the official juflgr and demonstrator on two classes ol cattle from the chestnut jersey farm herd dr chas cook of the canaitan jersey cattle club and also mr john pawley president of the brampton district jersey club also spoke brief ly the results of the judging competi tions were as follows ladles mrs chas mckeown acton junior far mers under 20 years eddie robinson milton and open contest chio mc keown acton the days outing was brought to a successful conclusion with a visit to the alfalfa dehydratlon plant operat ed on the mckendrick farm norval and glen william ministers will go to new 7 charges among the charges made by the hamilton conference of the united church held recently rev p a gilbert pastor of norval united church will go to walton united church of the london conference and rev chas dimming of walton will take the norval charge rev chas jolllffe who has been the pastor beloved at churchill glen williams and llmehouse united churches has been transferred x a new charge at kannon near hamil ton rev mr bartlett of hamilton will assume the work of tbe three charges the first sunday in july the farewell services of mr jolllffe will be thosj observing the 101st anniver sary or churchill baseball team loses to oakville and acton ovefmeekend locals at botton in league standing mobe practice needed milton say here tomorrow night the georgetown intermediate base- bait teanr will have to perkup in the next few- games or they will find themselves holding the bag when the season ends and the playoffs roll around three defeats in four games is not a very good average more practice should make quite a differ ence on the team as errors have been very costly lets hope all the bad baseball is- over and the team hits its stride once more milton play here tomorrowsnight and this should be a fair game as milton and georgetown usually have quite a tussle before a winner is de cided to drop your support of the- t w be fair so lets hope that every fn will be on hand following is a brief summary of the games played last week end there was a fair crowd on hand for the oakvlueoeorgetown baseball ar gument on thursday night last when the visitors smothered the locals in the 7th innings with five runs to come out on top of a 13 7 score oakville started the game well ana chalked up she runs in the first two inning when georgetown were con tent to get two however by the six innings georgetown had come from behind to make the score 7 s going into the final frame in this innings however brydon found it neceswy to give up the pitching duties and smith went into the box then the hope of even tieing the score was shattered when oakville blasted him for a triple and 2 singles earning five runs in the first half this had a demorallxing effect on the team and when georgetown took their innings they went out in order the game was rather a seesaw sf- fair with first one teem and then the other staging a short rally but with neither team showing the good base- bail they are capable brydon pitch- contlnued on page s another boys camp al norval officially opened last weekend upper canada college estate south of georgetown on norval road to be weekend retreat for school boys a g a stephen is headmaster a new counter home was opened for boys of upper canada college over the week end on a large estate jim south of georgetown near nor val on no 7 highway teachers pupils and friends gathered there for formal opening ceremonies of a spacious rustic cabin which will house students and staff the building clinging to the side of a hill overlooking the credit river is the first of a series which will provide accommodation for all the boys attending the preparatory school at the college when completed it will serve as a week end retreat for boys both winter and summer bunk houses will be built around the cen tral structure which then will be us ed for meals and as staff headquar ters boys of from eight to 14 wlu spend week ends at the estate this year stated a o a stephen preparatory school headmaster there is only one word o describe the enthusiasm of the boys and that is terrific the headmaster remark ed happily he said one of the first projects of the students win be con struction of a foot bridge across the river to give convenient access to the equally beautiful south section of the estate the college has owned this pro perty since 1912 it is recalled the board of governors had decided de finitely to move out and establish a country school here at that time then he war came alongmi-oth- ing was done about it the land has been leased out to district people for fanning purposes since that time town council discus road maintenance at special meeting council met on tuesday evening to discuss road maintenance and building mr w p bradley waa also ap pointed a member of the cemetery board to fill out the term of the late m l near fsbsidcnt at mat beunion descendants of george may held their bfcanntal reunion at huttonvwe park saturday during the rain tbey bad- a dinner at tbe pavtuon and ele howard may of norval to svomvd clifford may of hornby a preatdent mildred may streetarille la ecreury and clayton may mfitoo fcj treasurer halton coubts to milton all criminal cases in magistrates court in halton will- henceforth be heard at mutoa crown attorney dick has stated word of the new xnllnt waa re cently received from the attorney- generals department and goes into effect next week when several person from various parts of the court charged with indictable offeneea will appear it u felt there are better accommodations for criminal cases in the courthouse there halton points than at other township council meeting and court of revision sam walker awarded contracts of culverts and bridges- council may consider forming township school area apart from planting 12000 trees in the southwest corner last april build ing of this cottage is the first activity of the college on the land since 1912 funds donated anonymously made erection of norfal house possible mr stephen said at the formal open ing we shall never know his name but we shall forever appreciate his kindness he told the boys who were gathered around with parents and friends he suggested having an hon or board in the cabin telling of this generous godfather it also would have the names of charles copeland who built the cabin 3 poote who drew up the plans and supervised the work and graeme watson to whom mr step hen gave credit for development of th norval property mrs graeme watson opened the main door to terminate the simple but impressive ceremony h a ric hardson of the ontario forestry de partment presented the headmaster with an engraved shovel which had been used in the april reforestation program then the staff served after noon tea in a woodland glade eighteen of the boys remained at the camp last week end another 18 will be there next weekend then the two groups of scouts and cubs will alternate in week end occupation during the summer the staff has planned a corn roast in the autumn at which the scholars will become r ac quainted with boys of their own age in norval community there are two fireplaces in the cabin to make it comfortable for winter skiing parties wctu met at home of the president a- large number of members and friends of the wjctjj enjoyed the hospitality of the president- mrs a r vonnatter when the june meeting was held friday last at her delightful home in the country mrs a reeve conducted the de votional period the subject of study being tbe call to dlsclpleshlp pointing out that our lord called busy people often those of lowly pursuits but who were diligent and faithful reminded us thatfmoees david euzah the disciples came not from the self indulgent class but were men of earn estness and energy personal attach meat to jesus christ is the mark of the christian the wtumgness tofni low him not the making of certain professions of faith but the doing as he did the will of the father prayer by mrs p c overend and a beauti ful message in song by mrs h wrlg- glesworth completed the devotional period miss sybil bennett the speaker of the afternoon in a charmingly in formal way brought a great deal of interesting information and inspir ation in her taut on the subject law and its functioning in the british democracy in paying high tribute to our king and queen she pointed out how ad mirably they exemplify the function of the monarch in our british demo cracy the king as the ratifler of the law which is made by the people be comes its personification in a democracy the underlying prin ciple in the making of law is that the interest and privilege of the individual is subordinated to the in terest of the people as a whole bri tish law is outstanding for its accom plishment of this object this prin ciple of democracy must be taught in the home which is the first and most efficient training ground for citi zenship the child must here taught the first lessons in unselfish ness selfcontrol cooperation etc even before he enters school life when in the larger group these lessons are continued and expandaev funda mental to success in such teaching is the recognition by parents and teach era of tbe divine law thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself in the home life of our sovereigns we have before us a demonstration of the ideal home life held by the bri tish people an ideal we as canadian homemakers must weave firmly into the structure as we fashion our own by request miss bennett reviewed the law in regard to the sale of liquor and cigarettes to minors and answer ed questions dealing with the working out of these regulations mrs j f sutcllffe voiced the ap preciation of the gathering to mis bennett our hostess and to an through whose kind service such profitable and enjoyable meeting hod been made possible at the close a social half hour was spent when mrs a speight mrs w hyde and mrs b vannatter acted as tea hostesses the september meeting will be held at the home of mrs p c overend market st do not land in waste basket not long ago a liatowel business man was standing in the lobby of the post office says the banner be noticed a man remove his maiwrom his box and glance through it without taking halt a look at a brightly colored circular he tossed it unopened into the large waste basket we are certain that he devoted no time to even as certaining what the contents of the circularsought to bring to his attention we are doubtful if he even knew what company was send ing him the advertising another local business man noticed the fate a the brightly colored circular and the two men got talking about the affair they investigated the waste basket and found several of the circulars the curious part of the whole thing was that not one of them had been opened it cost money to print them and it coat money hi postage to mail them to the local boxholders but yet their message did not strike home tbe odd pari of the whole transaction was the fact hat the men in their search through the waste basket did not find a single hot one you can draw your own conclusions juvenile league gets under way locals defeated by acton and milton is u and s 3 the halton county juvenile league opened at georgetown last friday night when the acton boys defeated the georgetown lions 13 13 in an exciting seven inning affair jimmy coffell did the hurling for the lions while lelshman and hol- man did the chores for acton as we have to curtail the spate for these games a score by innings fol lows also the names oc the local players georgetown 0 3 3 5 0 0 112 acton 2 3 0 5 0 8 013 team kemshead c coffell p em- merson lb murphy 3b beaumont ss mcmenemy 3b lorrlman if lane sf brandford rf in milton on tuesday night the milton team were victorious by an 8 to 3 score come out and lend your support to georgetowns future baseball stars stewarttown june 121930 a court of revision for the town ship of esqueslng was held monday morning at 10 oclock n a robin son w a wilson edwin harrop g- w murray and o h may were pres ent after taking tbe required oath it was moved by wilson and harrop that n a robinson be chairman of this court of revision oarried the following appeals were dealt with clarence hill assessment sus tained j k moore assessment sus tained wm lane assessment sus tained thos sykes assessment re duced on land 2000 gypsum lime and alabastine assessment reduced oft buudlngsr25l g a wusoatlas tax refund 200 t h cook dog tax refund m00 arthur engelby dog tax refund400 movei by murray ajd may that the clerk of this court of revision be and is hereby authorized- and required to initial all corrections reductions and alterations and additions made by this court in the assessment roqs for the year 1b3s and that the assess ment rolls as finally revised and cor rected be now passed by this court and that the clerk be authorised to cetrify to said rolls oarried the june meeting of esqueslng township council was held on mon day afternoon deputyreeve w a wilson councillors c h may o w murray and edwin harrop were pres- reeve n a robinson presided at the meeting the minutes of the last meeting were read and con firmed communications were read from department of agriculture depart ment of municipal affairs letter shoo supply co t h ramshaw c f leatherland d s h wright and a e wuson co moved by wllosn and harrop that the treasurer pay the road sheets as presented by he road superintend ent 67169 carried moved by iiay and murray that the treasurer pay relief acco as presented by the relief officer 29780 carried moved by harrop and wilson that the treasurer par cecil ohiaholmrto colledtiriff 380dog taxes at 26c each s7000 postage etc 2 total 728 a w benton to collecting mo doc taxes at 25c each 6125 postage eto 306 total 64 j 1 carried moved by harrop and wilson that the treasurer pay sheep claims henry wilson l registered ram 1500 1 lamb 200 total 1700 a n stark valuator 200 carried moved by murray and may that the treasurer pay bell telephone co 38121 383 9113 170 total 553 acton public utilities conmu cres cent st lights 3 months 1500 n l pickett school supplies for basso ssc j sanford relief account to date 3200 supplies 46c total 3245 muni cipal world ld supplies 1754 carried moved by harrop and wilson that the treasurer pay g a wilson re fund dog tax 200 t h cook re fund dog tax 400 arthur kiget refund dog tax 400 i m bennett stamps 473 carried moved by may and murray that the treasurer pay board of health account j sanford account to data 1310 carried moved by wilson and harrop that the contract for building 2 culverts and l bridge be given to sam walker georgetown for the sum of 189800 and the cheques of the other tenders be returned carried at the request of the reeve the school boards in the township were well represented to hear mr bkuce public school inspector who also had been asked to attend the meeting fully outline the forming of a town ship school area the representatives of the school boards preferred an opportunity of bringing the matter before the rate payers in their sections and mr skuoe was asked to attend ratepayers meetings in all school sections during the next year which he wullngly agreed to moved by wilson and harrop that this council do now adjourn to meet monday july loth at 7 pjn or at the call of the reeve carried hockey moving pictures proved very interesting quite a number took advantage of the opportunity to see the copper cliff georgetown midget hockey championship games as presented on the screen at the legion hall last thursday night the flans shown were loaned through the courtesy of mr h b rose producer of the film and brought to town by mr gordon alcotl the hookey series was very interesting and entertaining especial ly to the younger set mr j r barber loaned hii projector for the show and also two films one of the laying up of the colors of the lome scots regiment held in brampton last month and the other of a trip tcr ouba both were in natural color and moat to- terestfhg the georgetown ltau i club sponsored the show southwest part of county suffers from stokm telephone communication was dis rupted and several trees blown down by high velocity winds in the milton area saturday night and early sun day traffic on highway ho x waa hampered for a while by a tree lying partly on the road no serious dam age waa reported officials of the bell telephone company reported that six lines in nelson and haseagaweya townships were put out of commission by the wind affecting scores of aiibscrlbera milton hydro was informed tfwo fuses were blown out near camnbelrrille the violence of the wind split a hug ehn tree in trafalgar township and aumb was felled hrtngmg halton telephone lines down with jl i there waa no serious dsniagejre ported in the geofgetowh section of the county although a number of trees were felled by the high wind a dmckltrtck publisher of the orangevule banner s r d evans as president of orafevllle ro tary cfab

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