Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 14, 1939, p. 6

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p6 the georgetown heiald wednesday evening june 14th 1939 printing service what yoa want when you want it v quality printing business cards letterheads envelopes invoices statements booklets catalogues ruled forms circulars dodgers posters sale bills if it is quality printing i you want at a cost no greater than you might pay for inferior work then you will give us the opportunity of making estimate on your next order for printed matter no job too large or too small xnr service de partment is at your call to help with layout type selection and form of presentation there is no extra charge for such service simply phqne no 8 the georgetown herald faise canadian potatoes arising out of a trial shipment of canadian certified seed potatoes from bora scotia to south africa the fol sowing is an excerpt of the report re cetved from the consignee particular praise must be given to the packing which mi perfect the cases having arrived in wonderful condition and abe grading was better than any re oeived from other countries on op ening up the cases not one rotten pot- atoe was found indignant the mistress of the house beard the tan ring and w standing at the mn fronl door a chinese peddle flfae called out to the maid you go soa hill ww too much for the chinese wtkd stock bis bead into the hall and indignantly tou go ella paul w personal letters international santa setae lessen jane 18 ims oozjdbn text study to show thy self approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly divided the word of truth- 2 timothy 2 15 lesson passage 2 timothy 1 10 philemon 17 2122 of all he gifts that bring us joy t and happiness from hour to hour the greatest ones of all we know our homes above all others tower secure in love that sees the best and sacrifices for our care we raise our grateful hearts lu praise for parents friends the homes we share writing letters 1 2 paul wrote eager spontaneous let ters hot from the heart quite uncon sclous that he was writing books for the bible the phrase new testa ment did no mean a book in his thinking it was because paul put himself into his letters that they have lived his soul was afire for christ and his letters pulsate with spiritual purpose and power many people regard letterwriting as a bore or a burden and not as a privilege and re sponsibluty one aged minister who in recent years had realized the mini stry of correspondence writes to people all over the world his written words have been in some ways more effective than his spoken words a letter may be a substitute for a visit it may accomplish quite as much as a visit and it kept it endures in per manent iorm we can imagine the gladness of paul writing to timothy and the joy of timothy when he re celved a letter from paul we with hold great pleasure from our friends when we leave their letters unanswer ed challenge 3 6 paul took his letter writing quite seriously he knew that timothy was young and weak and he deliberately tried to give him strength he re called the boyhood home of timothy the faith of his mother and grand mother he told timothy of the con stant prayers made for him after establishing this bond of sentiment he challenged timothy to stir up the gift of god that was in him and to be a missionary worthy of his ordination we like to rectlve gossipy letters full of family or community news but in addition to being chatty a letter can present a high challenge many stu dents at college are steadied by letters from their parents student mission aries are safeguarded by letters from their superintendents the post-of- flce is in reality much more than a mechanical orgnjiatlan through let ters it may be a defender of the faith a reformer of public morals a cham plon of social justice how we should like to know the moral power and spiritual efficiency of the cargo of correspondence carried by the post men on any one day versatility 1 3 paul could write a theological trea use and he could also write a personal letter with the lightest touch we get to know great political leaders ilkesir john a macdonald and sir wilfred laurier through heir letters better than through their political peeches the letters of bobby bums are rewarding reading second only to his poems biographies are frequently entitled life and letters but in public interest the letters often hae priority over the life pa il was one of the thinkers of the past yet he could remember names or a family in a distant cit and visualize the little group of people meeting in the house i it is a christian grace to be able to carrj on serious conversation and also on occasion have small talk we should cultivate the ar of writing purposeful letters but not to the ex elusion of felicitous friendliness writing religion 4 7 no one could receive a letter from paul without hearing about jesus christ however persona and play ful hi might be he always gave wit ness to his lord and master the readers of pauls letters to philemon had a higher standard for their own conduct after hearing his ord pic ture of them letter writing by them who have consecrated pens can be a powerful cnvangelistlc force this does not mean writing piously or sen timentally it should rather be the occasion of superior thinking it is i discourtesy to our friends to fill let ters with inferior thinking negative criticism and selfoentredness when friend writes to friend about the lead ing of the living god a le ter may be more potent than a sermon because of the informality and personal interest of the writer some christians al ways close a letter with a christian salutation paul frequently opened and closed his letters with a benedic tion emotional trivialities 2122 a university professor speaking to the graduating class of a college said that many adults waste their energies on emotional trivialities admittedly there is much emotion expended upon things of little permanent value our thoughts and emotions should centre upon groat productive and construe tive purposes yet there are trivial ities which need attention paul need ed lodging when he went to visit philemon and he asked for quarters to be pre arranged there was not the slightest letdown in this as compared with trie- sentences about love and faith pauls deepest emotion was dls played in his religious convictions but he could refer to small things in a big way we need to learn the art of do ing routine things in such a spirit thav we shall not be trivial even when car lng for trivial things there can be the same utter sincerity in arranging the details of life as in religious wor ship or evangelistic effort the chris tlan quality of life can pervade every area of life qaestlons for discosatai i have i any unanswered letters 2f in letter writing do i think before i write 3 is there a sameness in my letters 4 have i evjer used my pen for christ 5 why do i not receive more helpful letters crop report sfcn sedmg almost completed across canad grains and rttutts advancing well in ontario below will be found a brief synopsis of telegraphic reports received at the head office of the bank of montreal from its branches under date of june 1st qknkralain the prairie provmoes seeding operations are practically com pleted wheat is showing well above the ground and growing conditions on the whole are favourable at pres ent moderate to heavy rainfall has been beneficial and has improved the condition of crops in areas where soil drifting has occurred in southern and central manitoba southeast and central saskatchewan and south eastern alberta precipitation has been light and good rains are needed to maintain present prospects cut worms and wlreworms are prevalent but no important damage is reported an outbreak of grasshoppers is threatening crops but measures are being taken to combat these insects in quebec province the season is later than average but seeding is now well advanced early growth improv ing and apple bloom promising in ontario while cool weather retarded growth favourable conditions now prevail and crops are making rapid growth although some southwestern sections are in need of rain seed ing of spring grains is nearing com pletion fruit trees have blossomed well in the maritime provinces ploughing and seeding hitherto de layed are now well under way heavy bloom is indicated in annapolis val ley orchards in british columbia seeding of field crops has been com pleted in good time good crops of hay are indicated and prospects are favourable for orchard fruit and ber ries ontario spring grains in the more advanced sections are showing satisfactory germination winter killing of fall wheat rye hay clover and alfalfa was below average and while growth has been retarded these crops are in healthy condition planting of com and roots is now general pastures are below normal but recent rains have stimulated growth fruit trees have blossomed heavily and a good set is indicated grape vines have wintered well and strawberries and raspberries are promising transplanting of tobacco is now general under satisfactory conditions with an abundance of plants available the apple advertising committee of which george h laird woodstock ont is chairman is sending an ex planatory letter with each ballot to every apple grower in ontario of which there is a record and they will be asked to vote and return the ballot immediately enabling legislation will be prepared covering this years crop if the vote is favourable the modest voluntary advertising campaign put on in february and famous men and their dogs pictures sculptures and names of their favourite dogs placed in tombs of their masters give silent testimony to the fact that some of the great men of the very early history believed that a mans best friend is his dog many instances of this love of man for his dumb companion has come down to us some of the dogs are almost as famous in history as are their masters and some of their deeds of heroic devotion hae been just as faithfully recorded the tombs of he egyptian phar aohs reveal the ancient reverence for the dog as a companion cheops the pharaoh ho in 3733 b c began the building ol the treat pyramid at gi zeh o ned many hounds ramesea the second had he name and image of four ol his favo iritc hounds buried with him the tomb of tutankhamen beat knon io us thro igh recent ex ploratlons con alned the effigies of two mastiffs placed their b his or ders about 3000 b c antefa the second had done the amc it is re corded tha a later phanoh had two packs of hounds ne numbering 200 the other 400 herodotus the historian informs us that in the time of he babjlonlan kings four cities were made to contrl bute food tor the roal dogs instead of paying heir rctrular taxes assur banlpal 625 b c had four famous dogs alexander the greni had a huge dog before he lartd on an invasion of india he tested its cour age on arious wild beats it paid no al ention to stag wild boar or bear but it considered a lion a worthy toe and attacked it with s ich furj that the two had to be separated it was this dog his constant companion for whom he built and named a city per ltes alcldiades had a dog which killed three of four thieves who attacked his master in war when alclbiades was wounded by arrows the dog though wounded remained with him and tried to pull out the arrows from his masters body cambvses who invaded egypt had a large cohort of trained war dogs which fought and slaughter ed fugitives in medieval times the crusaders took dogs with them to palestine this is perhaps the origin of our modem expression the dogs of war when a king of denmark was assas inated one of his dogs led officers to his burial place and later tracked down the kings murderer and at tacked him so that he had to be res cued in order to be lawfully executed a great dane a favorite of frederick the great saved his master s life when he was attacked by cossacks pompey a spaniel saved the life of william of orange among famous early americans washington franklin and webster were lovers of dogs and so also were generals robert s lee and u s grant during the revolutionary war when ocneral howes dog had been captured by sentinels general wash ington sent the dog back to the brit ixh commander under a flag of truce with a note to his owner i t pow era in our dumb animals atple advertising scheme proposed assessment of one cent per bushel would raise 25000 fund to be ad ministered by growers themselves would tell all ontario why apple lb king of fruits every apple grower in ontario who produces 100 bushels or more per year will be asked by ballot to approve or disapprove of a simple scheme of ad vertising under the ontario farm products marketing act whereby an assessment of one cent per bushel would be paid into a fund administer ed by the apple advertising commit tee of the ontario fruit growers association to be used exclusively in the advertising this fall and winter of ontario apples in ontario wlnnl peg and on the montrealquebec mar kets growers producing jess than 100 bushels would be exempt from the march this year was such a great suc cess that the committee- bedded an ex tended campaign would be the answer to a much heavier crop expected this year thousands of dollars in adver tising are expended eaclvyear in ont by u s citrus fruit interests and wide awake ontario apple men are thor oughly convinced that if the apple ontario s king of fruits is to maintain his proud position it can only be done by judicious advertising other factors that come into the picture include a greatly increased apple crop in great britain this year the preferred position of canadian apples in the old country cut one- third by the british united states trade treaty giving freer access to u s apples in britain and also the fact that many new ontario plantings are coming into commercial bearing this year for the first time it is pointed out that on the basis of las years ontario apple produc tlan of 200 000 bushels the growers would have a fund of 25 000 to ad minister themselves for their own ben eflt in advertising and other promo tional work through the adoption of the proposed plan ontario medical association convention endorses compulsory pasteurization at a meeting last week of the coun cfl of the ontario medical auotiatton held in the city of hamilton the government was heartily endor sed for making pasteurisation of muk compulsory in an places of 1000 pop ulation and over the council urged that the law should be extended to all parts of the province and recom mended that summer l particu larly should be included thousands of people who holiday rammer resorts are from cities where pasteurlsauon has been so kmgf in farce that it is taken as a matter of course and while away from home it does not occur to them that the mldx they get may be raw it was to emphasize this danger that the health league of canada commenced a survey two years ago of summer hotels serving pasteurised milk by providing intending vaca tionists with a list of places where sate milk is obtainable it is hoped to en courage more ho els to use only pas teurixed milk while those who stay at summer hotels and boarding houses have to depefid upon their hosts to provide pasteurised milk summer cottagers though unable to purchase commer cially pasteurised milk can secure their own safety toy a simple method of home pasteurisation for bes results try advertising in the herald not his kind a tramp was sleeping on one of the greens of a golf course and the sec retary prowling around the course prodded him none too gently and told him to clear out tramp demanding who are you secretary rm the secretary of the club tramp well thats no way to get new members tbts tbmrt tbtwt tb mttmms drwsud wcigbtpric ptd fmr imgt dtmmmrk mmdcznmd imi by r tbrigbmt 1937 m unite tb pne jltctmntmmi tbt ccmr mbttb c many farmers believe that canadian hog prices fluctu ate more than those of other important countries supplying ba con to the british market this is not true the graph clearly indi cates that danish hog prices are subject to similar fluctuations vananons in the price of bacon on the british market are largely responsible for these fluctuations in addition to these weekly floctna aons the chart shows prices to be higher during the summer months similar vananons occur year after year this suggests that many cana dian farmers might consider now to take advantage of this condition by adjusting their breeding practice so that more pigs will come to market when prices are normally highest for further information apply to marketmg service dominion department of agriculture ottawa htmomrabu jsmut g gardmer monster c the world of tomorrow j at the worlds fair of today new york 1832 ro trip attractive touhstt new york including taxi to hotel assured hotel accommodation admission to fair grounds sightseeing tour of fair grounds sightseeing tour of new york and other entertainment reservations muss be mode at feast a weefc m oavaoa descriptive folder and complete informatienjsl w7h long phone 89 gray

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