Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 21, 1939, p. 8

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ps the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 21st 1939 summer food specials at bucks frying t chicken breakfast x lb aww 27 bacon 27 ve al rolls 19 from oar own rood aaalny reel prime rib roasts lb 21 rolled pot roasts lb 1 5 new ontario cabbage 2 for j3 solid and green lareheads ontario cauuflower j for 25c lane snowy white v egvpt1an finn and dry cooking onions cucumbers tomatoes firm and b4ne florid seedless grapefruit fresh spinach peaches no 2 tin ubbts aa tin pork and beans cahrbcus uk aa tin tomato juice with order g for 25c queen or 2 fot 27c 2 for 15c pastry flour 24 lb bag 43 lb lie 3 lb pad 29c lb 27c shortening pure lard kraft loaf cheese 3 lb 14c 10c 2 b for 25c 6 fot 23c 3 10c carnation milk 7 tan tin willi ecder mother parkers tea j ib 26 blueberries no 2 tin 2 for 19c ckown ar beehive corn syrup with order 5 lb tin 35 christies salted sodas 2 lb box 23c huskies wheat flake 2 for 14c la ok rfcz new cheese nippy old cheese phone 28w c j buck 15c 25c georgetown ib ib cj snapshot cuil choosing a camera tart vacationtime aotlon call for a apeedy ahnr nobody wants to mlsa shot ilka this or get picture that ara blurred and fuzzy becauea of move ment ir too ara planning to cot camera tor roar vacation this year let me sugxest that yoa do not delay nntll the isst moment and then have to pick your instrument in a treat rush a camera should be chosen with care and attention to every detail picture alze lens shutter view finder esse of opening and handling finish and durability moreover h should be obtained early enough for yon t become thorou familiar with its workings because on a va cation you will often want to use it 1n a hurry compare and c several cam eras before yon choose study lenses maybe you will want an f 6 3 to make sure of welltimed snapshots on dull days or an f 45 twice as fast for speedy action shots in bad light a well aa better indoor snap shots it is well to bear in mind too that a good fast anaatlgmat lens gives sharper pictures which means better enlargements if your vacation yield topnotch acenlcs that yon waupto have framed make sure that the shatter of the new camera has enough speed to take care of all your probable needs it la bad when yon have a chance tor some good action snaps on the tennis court or beach and your cam era shutter is too slow to get them remember too that if your hand is at all unsteady a speedy abntter la a great help in getting sharp pic tores ton have a wide choice of camera strtesand prices you caaftetsupar speed miniatures with f 2 and fzs lenses others with f 3 5 lenses cam eras taking larger pictures that have f35 1 4 5 and f 6 j lens naturally the better the camera la th more speed and versatility it has the more it coats nut thflre is no ned to spend in excess or your needs thou sands of good pictures are made every day with moderately prld cameras and they will serve for most snapshot purposes iso john van guilder personals grand garden party next week a grand garden party and concert will be held on the lawn of nerval presbyterian church on tuesday next june 37th- program at 8 pm standard time by buss reignton and lilt canadian mountaineers with wee donald bpenoe character singer clara peuy dancer and acrobatic per- fortner freddy smart mountain yodeler jimmy paz comedian an evening of fine entertainment come one come all admission 35c and 15c what promises to be the greatest flower show to ontario this year win be that held by the american peony society district no 2 at ouelnb thursday and friday tune 22 and n st the royal winter fair b there will be exhibits from wtdely- aspamted points in panada and unlt- 1 states with the very htfest and bast m peonies a highlight of the sxhasoan wfll be the crowning of a rtma queen on the second night of this 1 the first time the wv held theftr to ontario the ouerph hortkftdtaral aoctaty have shoot lltt pmnw in anetr ts an st their beat new apvegnsemkkia for sale cast iron range waterfront ther moneter 4hole with reservoir baby carriage and other articles ah al condition tor quick sale apply to box m herald office anted cin accommodate two or four men with comfortable rooms and board reasonable also bright clean house keeping rooms with every conveni ence ears watt queen st apart ments pnone 25e georgetown it mrs i dr oollop leaves tomorrow a trip to vancouver bc mr ian mckenzie of fort erie spent last week end at his home here mrs john mcbean visited with friends in st thomas over the week end mr and mrs j laidjaw of hamil ton spent the week end lth mr and mrs s c mckenzie mr and mrs o t mckay were week end visitors with relatives in st thomas and mrs john maoaluso of chicago have been visitors during the week with dr j e and mrs jackson mrs douglas reading and daughter shirley have returned to toronto al- visit at the home of mr and mrs bert colman mrs w a wilson and miss char lotte mccullough are attending the funeral of the late rev john held at chatham today mr and mrs alex eraser of brant- ford were visitors in town over the week end dr r a ramsay of washington d c has been visiting at the home of his niece mrs p laverne thomp son for the past two weeks mrs walter t evans has returned home from hospital somewhat improv ed in health we hope she may soon be around again as usual mr nd mrs edward bowman and miss ruth bowman ol whitby and miss may thompson of london were week end visitors with mr and mrs j j thompson mr and mrs jas ooodlet and bryan and mrs john saunders left last week by motor for huxley alta where they will visit at the home of mr ooodlet s father mr charles stockford principal of oxbridge public school and son of mr and mrs harry stockford george town was successful in passing the subject ol biology at the toronto uni- mr and mrs neil e mcklnnon of hulsburg announce the engagement of their daughter lila bernlce to william harvey barden youngest son or mr and mrs w h barden hills- burg the marriage to take place the latter part of june the many friends of miss constance whltmee local manger of the bel telephone co who is in ouelph oeneral hospital where she under went an operation for appendicitis on monday will be pleased to know jie progressing favourably mr bob mckenxle spent the week end in hamilton and while there dis covered a fire in hamilton potteries he turned in the alarm and by the lime the firemen reached the scene he blase was coming from upstair and downstair windows amongst friends visiting mr and mrs wodson during the past week end were mr and mrs thomas hughes mr and mrs alfred redpath toronto star miss charlotte sanderson central technical sanderson and mr william atkln of toronto and mr and mrs sanderson of brampton loealnews a week from saturday is domin ion day july 1st it is nice to see the sun again af ter a week of dark cloudy weather many of the farmers in this dis trict are now busy haying burlingtons relief account for may was 1mb0 the first instalment of taxes are due and payable now june 21st 22nd and 23rd phone in your personal items they help make your newspaper more newsy boys and girls usually get thor oughly waked up when it comes time for them to go to bed no way has yet been found by which a town can stand still and yet keep up with the moving procession of modem life ashgrove school reunion garden party july 1st 1938 800 pm d8t at the residence of mr and mrs fred wrigglesworth it convictions the ideas that seem right because they were drilled into our heads when we were too young to think for ourselves you can tell people who have a big sense ofduty when they start to read a jfodkraey read it through no matterhow bated they are the annual rebeksh lawn social will be held at the home of mrs har old cleave on mhndsyl july 10th further particulars later it strawberries seem to be plentiful here this year although they are bad ly in need of rain if the crop is to last for any length of time dont miss norval presbyterian church garden party tuesday even ing june 27th ross cmighton snd his canadian mountaineers will supply the program a treat ts in store for all who attend come to union church strawberry festival on friday night june 23rd st the home of mr and mrs andrew mcdonald 5th line tea served at o clock dat good program ad mission 25c everybody welcome it every motorist drives four cars when he is on the road officials of the industrial accident prevention associations maintain they point out that the motorist drives hts own car the car behind html the one ahead and most lmportantf all the car just around the corner the women s association of knox church will hold a tea and sale of baking in the school room of the church on saturday june 24th from 330 to 630 pm tea 23c all wel come it the concert given by the lorn scots band on main street on satur day night was enjoyed immensely and much appreciated we hope they will be out soon again to give us some more fine music come and- bring your friends and enjoy a delightful tea at the baptist sunday school room on july 4th un der the auspices of the women s so ciety tea served from 4 to 7 ad mission 25c 2t georgetown came in for a lot of free publicity this year when pamp hlets advertising the waterloo musi cal festival sent all over the province carried a picture of the lome scots band previous festival winners the anniversary services of nor val presbyterian church will be held next sunday june 25th at and 730 pm standard time the guest preacher will be rev a gordon rintoul of wytehwood presbyterian church toronto the local choir will be assisted by the presb church choir of milton administrator s extensive auction sale of the farm 206 acres farm stock implements grain snd house hold furniture of the late daniel law- son town line erin and erarnosa near mimosa on tuesday june 27th 1230 o clock standard time chatties cash r j kerr auctioneer phone 36 acton tt bramp on public school board members now have abandoned their plan of reducing the stalls st central and mchugh schools from 21 to 2f teachers they had thought this pos sible because student enrolment a central school now is 45 lower than a few years ago o t walker chair- get in on these 7 hot weather specials this week mens white nubuck shoes reg 400 on sale at mens mesh sport shirts at mens dress shirts reg 1 50 on sale mens bathing trunks special mens khaki pants all sizes go at mens fine dress sox mensftne braces at r 298 50c 100 89c 100 3 for 50c 25c ladies white kid shoes in various styles reg up to 300 cleaing at 150 childrens outing sandals clearing at 49 ladies silk panties tea rose and white at 25c childrens sockees all sizes 2 for 25c lanes chiffon dresses with silk slips 298 girls allwool bathing suits special at 100 childrens cotton bathing suits sizes 2 to 6 years at 25c blankets a few pairs of double size blankets to at 229 d brill co phone 167 main and mi9 sta georgetown fl r a n d garden party and concert on the lawn of the norval presbyterian church tuesday june 27th program at 8 00 oclock sta time with entertainment by russ creighton and his cwufian mountaineer popular variety entertainers of toronto wee donald spence oat standing chaimeter stay entertainer clara fell torontos sensational girl singer acrobatic performer freddy smastt that singing fireman an mo yodeler jimmy fax that grand old comedian deluxe just a boy yeti loud admission dancer and booth on grounds amplification system quicken 15c adults 25c gem far sale electric fencers snd milk beat hay forks rope pul ley snd slings rebuilt side rakes damp rakes mo w and tractor plowacume phone 282 georgetown will the party who enure luut e houtataftan the presbyterian church pwsasjtowu kindly return same at once a they this wffl avoid furthst it ave kaanfltotv tsmdems wanted win be received by of 8 8 ko 2 mjrrai tor the pstnttny and daoorattnc the totertoc of ne most be ta toy oatnrdsvy june 9 and work completed dazing jhny l os norval statta secre tary of a s no x rwyal arch ms a es kindly note that the church parade of royal arch of wellington district will be held on sunday evening june 23th 1b30 harwich street church of christ at m man of the management committee said after discussion with w f smith public school inspector they conclud ed staff curtailment would obstruct desired extension of manual training and household science instruction canada and canadians said fare well to their majesties king george vi and queen elizabeth last thurs day as they sailed from the harbour halifax on the s s empress of britain it has been a memorable oc casion for the people of canada and one which we will not soon forget and we venture to say one which king oeorge ana queen elisabeth will long remember after having been so loyal ly and affectionately welcomed in every city town and hamlet which they visited and as they journey home across the ocean to their home and to their loved lire them recalling many outstanding instances of their canadian anl unit- ed states tour and ao may they have a safe and pleasant journey home and may they soon come back to visit us again and it is the desire of the people of canada that they bring their two charming daughter princess elisabeth and margaret rose with them when they next visit our fair land so we say safe journey and ood bless them long to reign over us happy snd glorious ood save our king and queen there has been talk of resurfac- 7j0o am ost ouelph chapter no 40 rajc wlu be open at 6j0 pm dat royal arch regalia and towels it latsaasei freed est bsyal ftsaiwj ftftystc inmate were freed from the ontario reformatory yesterday under the royal nmiatj recently an nounced by the federal department at justice to commemorate the visit of their maleatsm king oeorge and than ttd other rnmate rentatntng in ed from their sen under ts decree which was effective in all penal institutions throughout the dominion cleaning 1 ty specials i4 ins georgetowns main street this summer and when this 1 done it would be a good move to have the roadway made at least two feet wider on either aide so that angle parking might be the next step the number of cars coming to cleorgetown on sat urday night make parking hard to one close to the business wectaon angle parkins would allow mora oar to be parked on the mam street and traffic could move more quickly dur ing the busy hours t kent choice suite of three and cellar an oonvealences pend and vary comahtabia pastry flour 43 bzcslaolr brand at lbs 4uracle whip 19c salad dressing by kraft 8 os jar hornes punch 5 ftalt flavored summer jjmdil per bottle suits plain dresses and coats 2pece dresses fancy dresses pleats slightly higher we call every day phone silvers 375 pure food store peas 3 tin 25c large 20 os tins grape juice j5 aylmer 14 ox bottle sun8wket prunes 23c tenderized 2 lb nkg o bonnajfttb or oabhation mlf usa tfe oouibn vast baktso fowlm u os on ft tot 8b0vu pbaxwrra f op agmys tot pax p1ujbd wtth fbanut bottst all tor tta cures mushboom soop tm me atlubb toalato juics tta jos b oocoants tooth powrj lo su rcdlar xfc tin tor onlv oftk orarr wtth purcnaae at large t4b both por ma bwbtrr woegk noun by the pleoo b te amntarr none back baooh br a pieoi a oaatob brkajrmsr bacotr br u pieoa to ssa fresh bolooru ar ttaa piece el rske o a e phone 78 fa

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