Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 28, 1939, p. 2

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pf2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 28th 1939 the georgetown herald nun no j m m mtter mm fail a veeuy newapaper devgdaio t 1 nnxoundlnc apsy jmeboom aieilluuai heolhrmr lertelnir mlear tt beat inteneta o tbe town of th villages sot cam wu- neralvumeboua utaalluoiii shsakd end tern cotta y evening at tlw otsoeoo main st georgetown single ooptea so wben enango of address la requested jsvcnts sw r each subsequent insertion readers so per line for m black face type so per una additional notloes qualifying lte such as concerts entcrtalnmcnta society church or or- mtwiitlniji etc so per line mtnto charge 35c reports of mgnmly inserted tree in ineniorjan nonces 50o and 10c per zz poetry tnmaje and d n m small ad- msertlon inch or less 80o tot first insertion and 8c for each sub- display aorertlsmg rates on application tutlon will be taken to avoid error the herald its oolunma on the unoectfanrttng that it will not be thereon and in that case if any error noteorreoted by the herald its liability shall not exceed such i of the entire eost of such advertisement as the spaoe ooaunt- tbw noted error bean to the whole spaoe occupied by such adver- the pj dobb jobpfunttno op all kmd6 pbwduutm by stone the building by stone the building t his pile derlses wreckers pile the toppled walls people only stop to stare whether masons trowel mortar or a rum crumbles there- i difficulties grappled ogre dnty shunned each day 3y spires of life are moulded webhung castles mould away boyne school bstjnton the seventieth anniversary of boyne sohool wu be celebrated july 8 with a reunion of former pupils and teachers scheduled events for afternoon and evening will conclude with a special service at bowes church boyne an sunday afternoon though loss of early records it has been impossible to contact all former pupils but it is ex pected that many will attend miss laura m black rb 1 milton is in charge invitations llarpt cant help feeling rather sad thmkr talks eyes should be so sad things which i can see and bear do not even know are near for instance i should go the next field and look below nearest dockleaf i should see solemn fairy wink at me doctorelf is he who brings salve lnvistbte for stings j those who rashly dare nettlelancers in their lair ps you did not know that they lancers guard each fay soldiers never sting for spite to protect some lady bright wild rose bud makes one wee hood baby fairies plnkand good sxbe big buds caps for maidens fair eclad with floating golden hair 1 things that grown ups toadstools call ve- naught to do with toads at an fairies tables they are spread lovely food when were in bed bluebells ring their pretty c ten the world tls summertune long stalks away the bells ring out all the fragrance coats about fields and hedges you may find with playmates to your mind only you are still and wise have no world dust in your eyes wingham tells beuefes what they mustnt do the following notice was published recently by the relief committee of the wlngham town council complaints have been received from the ratepayers of toe town that relief as given out has been abused tbe town council is trying to reduce such complaints and it has been agreedtoi4lon wasmfatecfor it burned the following regulations will 1 forced in 1939 1 anyone who owns or drives a motor car during the summer need not apply for relief next winter 2 anyone who refuses work this summer need not apply for reuef next winter 3janyone known to frequent bev erage rooms liquor stores or consume liquor need not apply for relief next winter 4 anyone known to have earned a substantial sum of money during the summer need not expect relief next winter there are a good many ratepayers who are not on relief because they are careful of what they earn and those on relief will be required to do the fn ylies a little dog at rest tjpan a bulsldes gentle slope little dog who shared a part of tenderness and love and hope little dog whose span of life dpon this lovely earth was brief 1 yet whose happy being stirred a lonely heart to tore and grief tvtho asked no more than just to know a kindly band and simple fare t whose adoring eyes bespoke devotion that was deep and rare whose merry antics brought a smile and ringing bark would strive to say joy be knew in welcoming master at the close of day so brief his life and yet bis part jta living was not small far still he hold s a place in someone s heart workers and holidays an accident can bring a quick and end to a good holiday is the faming given to plant executives in current bulletin issued by the in accident prevention assocl it can deprive your plant ot skilled worker a worker who may difficult to replace it can result in production being interrupted the necessity of training green to fill the places of workers in off the job on vacation executives are urged to realise they still interested in the wellbeing their employees after tbe whistle active ypr to eneour- aoeldent prevention at all times not only sense but un produce dividends in nappmess and property corner oontmubpgon the holiday theme tmuettn says the value of fresh and sunshine in building up a re ef good health is und should be encouraged to themselve of ooth at every rea- opportunity the necessity for countywide soil survey will be gin in peel soon county council ac cepted a report of the agricultural committee which recommended this action c d oraham peel agricul tural representative told councillors on wednesday that tbe department of agriculture would conduct the survey if requested he mentioned particular ly that it would factllate the search for areas more suitable for reforest hon than for crops as a result of this survey farmers using commercial fertilisers will know without costly experimenting which type is most adaptable to their land reeve charles london of toronto oore explained in some soils there is a lack of lime others are low in potash content every tract has its peculiar ltles the map which will be based on this survey will reveal all that at a glance mr liondon chairman of the agrl cuturai committee will be accompan le by d reeve- irfxinard itemer of albion and c d oraham in ap proaching the provincial department tbe chairman suggested enlarging the committee to include s member of peei country crop improvement society and a member of tbe county agricul tural advisory board historical sketch of ml pleasant church follow is a historical sketc of nrt4slstottjhitedohurch celebrated its 108th anniversary june 1kb known more than a century ago the first church chlnguscousy under the supervision of theuntted synod of upper canada of the scotch presbyterian- church tt was one of two churches which served worship pers of the district both being of the scotch piesbyterlan persuasion the other churoh was known as the temple church and was a frame structure on the boundary of farms owned by sam uel doimn and a mr bums records concerning tbe activities of the congregation are exceedingly scan ty and the first church of the mount pleasant congregation is not described but later in the development of the district a bride church was erected on the 15th of april ibm a call was extended to the rev thomas johnson at an assembly of- the congregation in a scboolhouse near the site of the present church having accepted the rev mr joh was ordained and in ducted in tbe chargenu the 17th of july ism four years later he with david sfbclure and james curry was given authority at a meeting of pres bytery at nelson a halton county hamlet to erect a church and a sue was purchased from john moclure for the sum of five shillings at that time apparently a traditional sum in obtaining land for the building of a house of worship when disputes arose between the old kirk and the free church in scotland their echoes reverberated in the distant canadian community for when the rev mr johnson decided to support the old kirk members of the congregation who favored the other faction left their pews and took their allegiance to temple church most of the secessionists were forbears of the families which now comprise the membership of the mount pleasant united church at temple church the re mr barr presided and dis pensed the doctrine of the free church a second church building was erec ted in 1904 and was opened by the rev r p mckay dd the new building although much larger than the original churches of the congrega- toi the ground in 1929 in which year the congregation decided by a small maj ority to jon the united church of canada reconstruction of the church was immediately begun and the pres ent building is one of the trimmest and best fitted churches of peel coun ty during the reconstruction of their building the members worship ped at neighboring churches for some reason not recorded hi tbe official minutes of the parish the se cond church was closed in 1896 and remained inactive for three years apparent cause of this abandonment of the house of worship was a recur rence of the disputes between the two factions of the scotch presbyerian church according to the members of the congregation in this second house of worship the- older members of tbe congregation recall from family legends the best singers of the congregation were in variably conducted to the front seats and the precentor john mcclure raised the tune with tbe aid of two tuning forks one tuned to middle c and the other to the a below these tuning forks were struck before each hymn and then laid on a table that their pitch might be heard by the en tire oongregatloo at this season of the year htmdreds of students are graduating from phaobijaadunhrs4uei mulcnrttn dominion they are glad tbe period of study is over and they are now fifr- r ited for the great problems of life this la a view held by many of them and it works to their disadvantage the graduating student of today is just at the beginning of his greater life study contact with the world will rub off some of the frills and exager- ated notions of importance and will burnish tbe good and bring out the pure gold life is after all the greater sehool in college we get only the rudiments the foundation upon- which to build the superstructure of knowledge our minds have been disciplined to enable us to separate the chaff from the wheat in the multitude of theories now advanced for the betterment of the human race and the graduate must ever mean an undergraduate m the greater school and be always ne- eeptlve to new thought as it is deve loped by scientific research know ledge is not a axed science it widens with the years and the problems of the years it win make us unlearn much that was studied in the mid night wars and lead us to a new source of learning in tbe school of ex perlenee the vision of the world is glorious to the graduate of today tomorrow tt may turn to gloom disoourage- mens may come but must be met with a spirit of confidence borne of our knowledge of men sodthings as we gauge life at its true value life is largely what we make it tx our am bitions rise not above the money value the outlook is really sordid and the world is no better for having lived in it if the ambition be to serve the highest good regardless of selfinter est posterity will have cause to thjo weil of our efforts driving his car over a level crossing he had been run into by a locomotive when bis small son was taken in to see him in bed his first words were daddy did you see the works of tbe engine while you were under it7 bltb of humor ive asked mr and mrs jenkins to dinner at seven jane but i think well give them a quarter of an hours grace said the mistress well ma am jane replied tm a utile religious myself but x think thats rather overdoing it cant feel hbxt pat the new gardener gased won- derlngiy at the shallow basin oon- tainng water on the lawn what that for he asked thats a bird bath he was in formed how new don t ye be afoolln me what is it really l a bird bath don t you believe me- no declared pat with a shake of his bead i dont believe there s bird- alive what can tell saturday from any other night only one available father oflynn but why did you pick a quarrel with this man r a to tal stranger barney sure yer reverence all me friends wot away first things first prospective bridegroom what troubling you dear bride tobe why john i am won dering where we are going to live af ter the honeymoon prospective bridegroom oosh is that all pooh thats nothing what a bothering me is how ant i going to pay the minister a direct threat a comedian from 8cotlandwas be ing interviewed by the editor of a london paper and in conclusion he remarked now just ye mark my words if ye make a joke about nuf being a mean man from the highlands 111 never borrow your newspaper again hint about replacing and repair ing machinery after hubs and axles have become worn out comes from the dominion experimental farms in 1 sudeten refugees happy sun rays should not however oiwaootat a common hasard u pa yntttn healthy gullioflhea leconi sutuuott of eonanon table salt ejinuter teaspbonful to a glass of token tateriianyto c home farm repairs 1540 3115 13j w mach 860 nese meet apfiv reoa totomto and imcuicc nfan by complete information at w h long phone 89 gray coach lines has not been done one of tbe arguments advanced in favour of church union when the union bill was before parliament was that there would be made pobslhln greater numbers of ministers for work in fields not at that time cove the anticipated result has not been achie ved a recent issue of the united church observer says during the past six years there has been a loss of one hundred and seventy five ordained men in the united church in canada forty three fields in western canada formerly occupied by ordained men are at the preant momenteither va caht or supplied by students or lay workers some of whom have no ade quate academic qualifications the article also furnishes the information that while in 1933 theological candl dates numbered 1st in 1939 there are only 147 and that the number ordain ed in 1033 was 75 in 1s30 only 45 the seriousness of tbe situation is brought to the attenlon of the church by a res olutlon passed by the board of home missions gum drops and cottage cheese nova scotia on farm implements such as cultivators ploughs and wag ons where the wheels do not provide power it is often possible to use old car or truck wheels for replacement purpose spindles and hubs can be adapted by welding the spindle to the axle of the implement and welding or bolting the hub to the wheel after doing necessary cutting and fitting tbe cost is likely to be less than that of new axles and wheels and in most cases tbe completed job is most satis factory if the wheel required is not too high it may be possible to use the whole car or truckwheel tire and all should be able to apply efl ation aays jaw done anything to cheek a bnr tasking everyone without exception the industrial accident brei associations current bnllean should know how to apply artificial respira tion effectively resocttatlon by tbe prone method is one of the most effective methods of reviving victim of drown ihg lectrleal shock or gas asphyxia- una copies of a bulietm explaining and illustrating this method clearly be obtained without charge by writing in new homes in west sudeten refugees recen ly settled in the st walburg district of northern saskatchewan experienced many hap py surprises when they arrived in the western farming areas they were relieved wben they learned there was need to arm against indians pleas ed to know they will still be able to w potatoes and make sauerkraut in canada j wider of the colonisation de partment of the canadian national railways m charge of three large par ties of refugees found they are mak tog excellent settler what strikes them most in this country is tbe free dom of movement mr wider asser ted they have to adjust themselves to that and the thing that ov them la tbe abundance of good food they are fond of porkand were pleas ed when told they5 be able s 800 bay street toronto a woman has only two views of a secret either lf too goad to kac it lent worth tinging cnr tmttf table standard time die a and mall 100a i and mall 045 n passengers for toronto 90 p passengers sundays only 31 p gets west uidmail em i dally except saturda an sundays 06 r saturday only 140 i passenger and mall 845 i passenger sunday 1119 i ksrth i and passenger summer time table effective set june 24th lute okmnoim t 1mm a 9j aja j8 am- ll aau 9j9 pm c sat only te 1 z sj5 ajn 06 pm b edo pst x 750 pm r connections for owen sound b sun and hol standard time tickets and information at w r long phone 89 gray coach lines directory f b watson djds hjm9 georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xbay office hours dally 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone 24w geargetawn leboir dale ec m sybil bennett ba- eenneth m lanodon barrister sehettor netary psnllti first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bidg mu1 f frank petch licensed auctioneer for the cotsntw peel and ha prompt service cheltenham 36 r 23 georgetow 51 r s post office cheltenham monuments pollock ingham successors to cater de worth gait ont inspect our work in greenwood cemetery by bitty barclay never sigh because 70a are cooked oat never co that it is impossible to think of a new dessert while yon are sym pathising with yourself some neighbor is exploring her refrigera tor and store room cossjag oat before yoe know it with a fcanafal of the m the cottage cheese among 4 or i sherbet glasses hake rennet custard according to direc tions on package then chill just before serving drop a spoonful of trained honey into the center of each renast eastant bplo drop surprise shot yoar eyas and think of any thing oust drops think once more cottage chsesal- what coam ha mora rsuealoast bat watt bad of tnews wflh verr few added tagredlaate may be tm bdo a new tast ova dessert probably no yea have aever seen fvrojefttora tfeese ejasaarbj baaftkral they are taaxpenstva tbey are easy te ii they tferegswv bo 1 some ways tbe modern man very ahmlar to the primitive man if his womenfolk talk too much he goes to his club while his ancestor hist reached tor b there have bean mora disputes re- when a man is or lent drank in a general way tbe dispute centres around the mam taey key smb ja h o of mm twarrwwvsrwsi yosffl grief wtobs and eottags m nrf from ese- nitiigs oa 1 jar is eetbm 1 ssat san net m eapssteed gun drops small 1 plat sauk not eaaaed or soft 1 package vanilla rennet powder drop 9 soloed gam drops cut in half ntte each of 4 or s sherbet glasses or evatarf caps warm milk slowly attrrlng ooastsatly until itikewartw net hot test a drop en hutde of wrist frequently when seertwrwaly warm l- r bbumdlafaty remote front store ttr rennet powder into milk rnddy until aawblved not mere an mmmhiuh powr at once wane etflt ikjvjd ever the spiced twm area do met move glasses mat in abost 10 miaates tmrnm emtt to tee boat just before eervlmg gnr rennet cos tart wtth a bower made by cottier a motored gam drop teto petals and safes tieg them apart and leaves sues ay v green gam dveea for euurenn part might be set oa rtowawstlil tg vail so gsst i dreg tying m tm bottom of teea waiter t evans co general insurance ocean steamship service seal estate st north georgetown phone u3 am nielsen i5ur tmt w imti chiropractor xray drugleaa therapist ia a office over dominion store oeocgotown boors a s tj0 sjo pan- ov two actors who were jealous of each other msvtn m restaurant they exchanged frigid nods how are you getting alongf ash ed one pr f tretty wao amid the warn out o nattataaaajilia ar wand adttjjtr

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