Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 28, 1939, p. 4

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page 4 the geogetora herald wed evening june 28th 1939 holiday s for men mens wool bathing trunks rg 100 special 79c mens white shoes buck and calf leather goodyear welt hobday special 259 395 mens polo shirts newest tyle penmans monarch mercury lines holiday special 79c mens summer trousers tropical worsted v and cottons in smartest patterns with per manent crease hobday special 175 and 295 mens summer sox rayontnlk and elastic top in all smart shades holiday special 95c p shop with confidence at silvers dept store where your dollar goes farther phone 375 main street georgetown llotone walls give tout walls new charm sod give your tooms new style new character with lowe brothers mellotone flat wall paint lovely mellotooe pastel shades form an effective background for furniture and dra perfes ofr velvety mellotonk wsl finishes blend err fectly when two or more colors are used and hellotone is really wash able dirt grease even ink smudges are easily removed with soap and water or any cleaner of recognized quality mellotooe ftat wall patnt brushes on easily hides exceptionally well and covers approximately 700 square feet per gallon comes in 14 delightful pastvl shades r h thompson co hardware plumbing tinsmithing and electric wiring phone 46 pbjpot to mr a mrs vt h fieum king 3t xj on saturday june mth w39 a son and mrs william reeve georgetown nee ouve nick oxter of brampton are happy to announce the birth of a daughter arlene ann at the peel mem orial hospital sunday june 18th 1938 married uemoncbxpps on saturday june 17th 1b39 by rev 3 o baxter mary reta crlpps of acton to mr frederic lemon at the baptist church manse georgetown womens insulule held county meeting at norval mrs a cowan palermo elected president departmental reports given and plans for year set forth representatives from the various branches of halton county women s institute met in 3 paul s parish hall norval last tuesday when the work of the institute was discussed pro jects available under the dl cuon of representatives oi the institute branch of the department of agriculture were explained by miss e sllcter mrs j e u arable of acton wag in charge or the meeting which drew nearly a hundred institute members from the four townships of the coun ty a feature of the program was the brief resume of historical infor mation provided by the branch repre sentatives under the guidance of miss e appelbe of georgetown lately pro vincialconvener of historical research miss appelbe chose as moat instruc tive the communications of the lime house branch in which the history of the village from the year 1844 when lhnchouse was known as foun tain green until comparatively mod dm times was recited the post office of the village was opened in 1857 at which time the name of the village as changed and the stone church of the village for many years open to the worship of all denomln atlons was erected in 1876 on pro petty given by thomas gowdy the report stated departmental reports at tuesdays convention were presented by mrs c dick ashgrovc mrs j mahon in memoriam boyd in loving memory of a dear husband david abner boyd who passed away june 28th 1937 i often sit and think of him when i am all alone for memory is the only thing thai grief can call ite own sadly missed by his wife kennedy in losing memory of a dear husband and father william cyrus kennedy who passed away july 3rd 193o his memoiy is as dear today as in the hour hi passed uui sadly missed by wife and family mccreight in loving memory of my dear wife marjorie mccrelglu who died suddenly june 26ui three years have passed since that sad day the one i loved was called away god took her home it was his will but in my heart she liveth sttll ever remembered by husband m campbellville mrs j mcmillan kit mccrelghtin loving memory of af bno mjs william l neson dear daughter and sister marjorie mccreinht who passed away june 26th 1936 deep in the heart lies a picture of a loved one laid to rest is memorj s frame we shall keep it because she was one of the best sadly missed by mother sisters and brothers simple stuff by edward wodson a lecture mrs a milligan burlington mrs william bracken dublin mrs wu 11am bullard nassaaweya mrs j clarke scotch block the report of the federation representative was giv en bj mrs t agnew and a supple mentary report to that given by miss sllcter was presented by miss m e wallace of the institute branch mrs j e gamble relinquished the president of the county organize tion and the following officers were elected under the direction of mrs john moculloch executive member of the pee institute president mrs a cowan palermo vice presidents mrs p w merr hornby mr a near dublin secretary treasurer mis mar garet brown acton glen williams mrs heggle and doris are staying here guests at the home of mr and mrs walter marchment miss audrey firth of peterboro is spending a holiday at the home of mrs robert mcmaster mr tom norton underwent operation in guelph general hospital on tuesday morning on sunday of this week hi honour of their first wedding anniversary mr and mrs robt mcmaster enter tained a number of guests to dinner at their home seated at tpe head of the table were mr and mrs robert mcmaster and opposite to them were mr and mrs s john mcmaster who were celebrating their ninth wedding anniversary mr s john mcmaster had been groomsman at the wedding a year ago miss ina bennett brantford bridesmaid and audrey firth of peterboro flower girl were also present guests were present rom peterboro toronto and brantford a very successful strawberry festi vol was held at the united church on tuesqay evening georgetow n united church choir provided a dc light ful program on saturday the annual picnic of the prlncpis pats canadian light in fantry was held at the home of one of their company freddy weaver on the 10th line rid in ah the holiday stamfafqumutrk art scott shell service station international sales and service guaranteed used trucks phone 161 corner guelph and main sts ashgrove the women s institute held tneir executive meeting at the home of mrs something hed seen in the paper started corydon lecturing at the club the otnt night im getting on in years boys he began and i m finding that life is mostly journeying in a circle a man i nelson stark on monday june 26th ends generally where he began he we are glad to report that mrs doesnt change much neither does jas barnes is feeling much be ter a goat in spite of 11 ing for slxti years but is still in the toronto general with southdown sheep hospital when i was a youngster we had to i rev and mrs j o totton were go to a band of hope meeting every pa ing some friendly calls around this week some of the talkers there were week the young people are having heir summer social at the home of mr and mrs frank wilson on thursday tvcning june 29th everjone wel come a number of our girls are prepa ing to attend the cgjt camp near drunkards children i was too proud lowvlhe from julj 1 to 8 to show what 1 fell at the time b it julj 10th is the date for the cherry d crj mvself to slttp when i got to garden part and supper to be held bed at the homi or mr and mrs thos j and i d grit mj erth and a k cod c iun 8th line i to put al brewers mid dis ttr lo i j death like ieachr told i ju ins cnear did to captive who wouldn 1 1 ball1nafad orators i can tell you one bad voice that made the dithers run down my back like the tones of a axaphonc and h- knew it and played it for all he was worth id sit srmenng as he told stor at ter story about the 1m m kinds 4 5 of new greeting cards we have always been pmnd of oar assortment and value but now oar visplaywetl cabinet allows you to compare 145 different cards easi ly friendship thank yon gift convalescent sympathy birthday anniversary congratulation bon voyage from 5c to 25c be are to re this new display graduation gift nothing is regarded more highly nor more appropriate as a token to carry on to greater things than a parker pen we nave a complete range in phone 72 s p chapman pharmacist dbffjo btoks skftvrce mrs hm roman lbert when i grfw ip i found hat it mffli booze bu the boozer that lsltmg 1 her sister made life bad for liiue ch crei i r also found thnt if booz had killed hundreds automobile- ht e killed thousands and arc killing more c 43rd annual w ct v cowen tion at oakvtlle 21c church in quebec in inaurgurat way th beer rooms to tmpt men to jng a campaign of temperance educa ignore such injunction tion in all parishes and she noted al the health department spends mil ao the increase of outspoken criticism u f th treatment of tuberculosis in the legislature against the present insanity venereal and other diseases law and it deplorable results we as f prevalence of which the use protestants should live up to our oi intoxicants is more or less respon foster of toronto mrs merrl im mrs aru ur speight oi georgetown mkii the w e k end with mrs b rjorrftown l k in- vinnatlcr uturue1uww cry da i re n waddell left saturday to but i notice thej d dn t pit henrj spcnd w w th his daughter mr ford to death at the world pair last h mclnlosh al ner cottage at cobo week when the crowd saw im ook lqnk ing al the twenn sccntl mi ion we an wrrj t0 rcpon that mrs ford car nn show thtre f rennic was taken suddenly ill on and no the re st rt nc in ol saturday in georgetown and is con fined to her bed at the home of mrs the minister of highways in campaign lor safe drilng sajs 1 you drive don t drink and the liquor announcing change of ownership having purchased the flour and feed business of the late x ilfred c bessey we solicit the continuance of your patronage we now carry a complete stock we have also reduced prices on chopping open wednesday and saturday evenings w e phone 195 aim to please j c clark proprietor georgetown eemiedfrompageii ttontrord uwnt dot th ighajtanrrbortawtctwi boow s name and be active in bringing the necessary pressure to bear in support of all forces working for the welfare of the community a most enjoyable variation in the program was the vocal selection ren dered by the oakvllle ladles trio the quiet hour which brought to n close the afternoons program was led by mrs j p butclifle george town who brought a message of en couragement and inspiration re minding us that though the waves or doubt discouragement and resentment may threaten to submerge the ships c faith hope and love when we seek be presence of the captain of our salvation his voice will calm the troubled waters of the soul and speak peace and courage for the journey of the white ribbon tea served by the oakvllle union provided delight ful opportunity tor a social hoar truly feaseutf good things in every respect the evening session opened with a devotional period led by rev d h gallagher pastor of st johns with music provided by the church choir a very interesting model temperance itmon illustrated by mrs r b ouhnlth and a wellrendered skit by the burlington united church mis sion band preceded the address of toe evening given by xr george little of toronto i zn a forceful and informative way dc little dealt with the legislative jwpeot of the liquor control act vuom as it is at present carried out jporks cross p p with the hssny ttpnm ws efforts of the j for community good the nt of bducatton teaches tfae of our schools the evil ef- lm the use of alcohol and the t oosonnsslaoer permits end ep- wanues the establishment ttoculcate drtoklng habtu goon in effect the to sible as was pointed out recentlj in the legislature by dr harold e west the problems of the attorney oen erals department that of law en fotcement are greauj complicated by the presence in our midst of liquor so easily obtainable some saj things must get worse before they will b better how much worse is the question dr little left with us a pleasing feature of the evening s program was the presentation uf prizes to the winners in the public school essay ar poster contest and in the examinations in temperance knowledge conducted in the sunday school on behalf of the committee the fol lowing resolutions were presented by mrs a r vannatter georgetown and endorsed by the convention 1 that we request the goverr ment not to permit the opening of any more places where liquor mat be obtained 2 that we give more time and attention to the education of mo there along the lines of temper ance that they may be able to instruct their children 3 that we petition our domln ton government to refrain from any action that would assist japai in her undeclared war against china wjth thanks to all who had so kindly contributed to the success of the convention the meeting adjourn ed the place of next years gather ing to be arranged for by the emeu tlve more little bovs will be selves to sletp think ng atx t tlit drunkard s famih or mill thev 1 wonder it maj br that llttlr bovs today have more intelligence than thr had when i was young i took this booze talk as deadly serious stun most of my pals just laughed and thej ve grown up into fine citizens ecry one of them but i give ou m word bovi 1 m hot going to cry mclf to sip like i did when i was a youngster i m goti g to let professional orators and up mer do that it i up to them now heres hoping 1 card of thanks our sincere thanks is extended to friends and neighbors for t many kindnesses and sympathy extended to ut daring our recent sad bereavement in the death of oar beloved mod mrs david awmckbauner of the sasackbamer fcmqy w h wlllson mr j h fnns of toronto l letting wiji her sister mrs a o w foreman this past week the pla entitled lena rivers pre sented b the oung people of mny held under the auspices of the mis slon circle v as very much enjoyed the old and much read stor was well portrayed b the various characters with many humorous and interesting highlights hen isuuijivir jltxx x gikcip ale milton hombj lol no 1g5 will hold a church parade to bethel church drumquln od sunday july 2nd at 230 p m st members will meet at pcalherstones gas station drumqin mineral services took place wednes day at the home and grace church for george z hilyer aged 78 who died at his home hare monday fol lowing a lengthy illness bom in vic torfa county he had been a resident of milton for the last 20 years de ceased was an active member of grace anglican church and was an ardent orangeman surviving are his widow two daughters and one son mrs lewis marshau woodstock n3 mrs sidney paige st marys and carl hilyer of milton canon l j r naftel officiated interment being made in e cemetery dr c k stevenson announces that bruce d freed mx lmjoc will be associated with him in his practice after july 1st of this year flllmg the position made vacant by the untimely death of his friend and colleague dr w edgar robinson dr freed re ceived bis degrees through the fac ulty of medicine university of to ronto and the canadian medical ooutjcu stoee his graduation he has been serving bis postgraduate intern ship at the western bospttal toron- where he received the high com mendation of thehospital staff acton mr and mrs robert sinclair of ralnj rher sited acton friends and renewed old acquaintances for a day or so this week messrs c h harrison of toronto h cleave of georgetown a mason and g a dills of acton left last fri day for a fishing trip in algonquin park miss nora simpson rjj of consort altn and miss olive simpson or tor onto spent the weekend at the home or their uncle mr j j stewart j m mcdonald of beardmore co attended the quarterly meeting of the directors of the industrial accident prevention associations in hamilton on june 15th mr mcdonald is on the board of the leather rubber and tanners safety association next sunday rev dr eh morow will deliver his farewell sermons con eluding four years of successful wore to the united church here he removes the following week with mrs morrow and misses jean and sylvia to the new field in preston he wnl be succeeded by rev o clifford oiff ord b a of preston among university graduates of whose success many readers will glad to team is that of dr johamc doufitu who graduated in medicine this year and has received his degree be la a son of mrs jennie and the late ttaloom sfr of acton we un derstand dr modoogan will be at tached to the staff of a hamilton hos pital acton friends and many others offer hearty congratulations free skciau mccormicks jumbo jilly candy 10 special savsim 40 j olives smmo f 2 1 skoal saysipe stuffed special dominion m jssa peanut m sptciali ncnic a pickles w v19 shrimps 225 e skcullvelvota cheese 15 dependable special shokteninc jewel 11 pgsoop4 omx mmm1n0 1vcy toiu1 coffee is soap 5s 0 mcuai famct nm im it ww 2 lobster 23 lux flakes x gout hirm mcuu oamc wheat x to cleanser 3 13e strawberries fresh daily lemons 15c valuq irractivi jam 2thi to jult s domin itfibkrtniiij ijjjfa jr t 0

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