Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 26, 1939, p. 1

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te lorgetown hera 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa i a seventy-third- year of publication wednesday evening july 26th 1939 county rate reduced by one- tenth mill two fuutime provincial constables to be placed in hahon after august 1st late judge elliot bequeathed por tion of his law library to hahon county halton county council met to mil ton on tuesday july 18th at the court bouse following routine business at fiie morning session council adjourned to pay a visit of inspection to the county gravel pits also to inspect var ious country toads where pavement construction work is at present in pro grew at the afternoon session reports of thevaandlng committees were constd- eredsf the whole with mr davis in the chair and later passed by council moved by mr flyers seconded by mr allen that leave be granted to in troduce a bylaw to levy a rate for the expenses of tire county of halton for the current financial year and that same bylaw be now read a first time carried the above byiaw no 729 was then given te required three leadings and passed by coimctl this bylaw empowered v to raise the required monies by levy for a general rate of 1 and tajy of 201 mills for payment of debentures and coupon interest said arriesto be on the equalized assessment of the coun ty in addition one mul shall be lev ied for current expenses on county loads ami collected from each muni cipality being a total of four and five- tenths of a null a reduction of one- tenth of a mill from 1938 the following sums shall be collec ted from ifce various municipalities milton 1102008 nelson 449154 es- queslng 1743 69 trafalgar 1186920 making a total of 19 12451 in addi tion there shall be collected from the four townships the sum of 4346984 representing the cost of high school education as follows esqueslng 9- 907j nassagaweya 4130 44 nelson 612 18741 trafalgar 16 94409 an tncrese of approximately 3 000 over last year due to a greater number of students from these townships at pres ent attending high schools in this county a communication from milton high school ran in part as follows the following resolution was passed by the milton high school board that two members be appointed by the county council to the hilton high school board kindly take this matter up at your next council meeting as a result of this request it was moved by mr irving seconded by mr allen that jos wflmott of the town- jsbip of trafehjar jnjljgeorge kuiott of the town of milton be appointed to the milton high school board for the years 19394041 and 193940 respec- tivriy carried the following accounts were passed ijy the council hospitals 61103 fin ance 11482 county buildings 474- s0 printing 15631 agriculture rail ways and legislation 49430 moved by mr robinson secondec by mr allen that a grant of 126 be given to the halton mouldboard asso ciation carried mr t f hutchinson solicitor rep- sesenttng the executors of the estate of the late judge elliot addressed the council with reference to a bequest contained m the win of john wilson elliot late county court judge of the county of halton by which he be queathed a portion of his taw librarv located in the court house in the town mh milton to the council of the county of halton for the use of judges magi strates and members of the legal pro fession for reference purposes or in trials these books were now presen ted to to council pursuant to the terms of the win it was moved by mr gordon secon- ded by mr kerns that this council accept the bequest of the late judge elliot in presenting to the county council a number of legal volumes and that the warden be authorised to have the county stamp placed on them and arrange for their safe keeping also that a copy of the special para graph in the will of the late judge elliot be forwarded to his honour judge munro present judge of the county of halton carried a communication endorsed by hal ton county council and which came from ontario county ran in part as follows whereas the cost of admlnlstra don made up a 4arge percentage o our high taxation the county of on carlo respectfully urge upon the pro vincial government 1 that such legi slation be enacted as will bring about the abolition of the grand jury as a factor in our aamtnlstratkmoijubce- 3 that the panel of the petit jurybe seduced from twelve to eight mem bers 3 that the number of jurors summoned be reduced from forty- eight to thirtysix a communication from the depart ment of the attomeysjsneral inform ed the council that a redistribution of provincial police would take place af ter august 1st when two fuhtime provincial officers would be allocated to the county of halton and it was expected- that proper provision of of fice convenience would be made fca them in the court house at milton tht agricultural committee recom- w mended to their report that a grant of 30 be given to j i wmtelock to help defray try mate for school fairs in the county ft also recommended that the tooowft paldto the corn borer impwr teas john mcoofmack nelson 14075 it l anderson naesa- asweye 9440 l patterson 15446 mud w oampheh 10640 mr gordon chatnlmii of ttn agrlimltu commit- icjal mmtrwi of the efn- m which mr- campbell 1 of the neat and fttoy i editor ill v friends and bastneas associate df the editor of this newspaper mr jh moore were indeed sorry to learn of ills umeas last week while we had hoped to report mr moores condition greatly improved with this lane we find there b not nraeh change bat all hope for a speedy recovery the many en quiries for mr moore at this aoee have been appreciated both by his golf news on saturday the club tournament for the fouus cup was played with a low gross score of 81 for eighteen holes made by ryerson douglas who was the winner of the cup the jrun- nersup were bert wuloughby with 83 and sam mackenzie with 83 these have been the best scores this year and for the past few years the best scores for play for this cup last night the winners for the mix ed foursomes were miss hettle law- son and mr bob carrutbers at this time a presentation was made to mr andmrs roy j smith who are soon leaving for their new home at han over orr behalfoftiieiadymembers mrs nodwell presented mrs smith with a table lamp and on behalf of the men mr poulis presented mr smith with a golf club refreshments were then served by the ladles and a game of bridge followed election talk shu in news from ottawa defence par board and central heritage bank are preparing to do bttstnesff trade treaties being kenewed with new zealand and west indies by spectator ottawa july 26th talk of elections continue to stir the air at ottawa with observers indulging in the interesting but uncertain occupation of trying to deckle how political winds are blow ing what chances this or that party has of increasing its membership and what will be the appro lineup in the next house of commons however uncertain prophesies may be discus sions on elections are nevertheless a relief from the anxieties over affairs abroad because whatever the severity and sometime bitterness that may at tend an election it is one of the great bulwarks of our democratic institu tions it is a reminder as it comei around in regular course of the liber ties we enjoy as a democracy fro toronto word came short time ago that premier hepburn of ontario will take no part in the next federal election he is not going to make any election speeches at all i halton juniors annual field day draw record attendance the eighth annual field day of the halton juniors was held recently at huttoonille park with between and seven hundred tn attendance the softball tournament brought out entries from acton milton nerval and palermo in the junior farmer sec tion and from acton norval and palermo in the junior institute sec tion all of the games were keenly contested with toe championships be lng won by milton in the junior far mer tournament and by norval in the girls section v in the inter club relay competi tion was again keen with acton juni ors securing the first honours in both thcbo and g divi the- pr gramme also included a number or novelty races which were won as fol lows softball throwing girls dorothy church acton kicking the shoe girls first annie graham norval soda biscuit race boys first russell wat son freeman fifty yard dash boys gordon steen norval plate race cou pesfirst anna jackson harold mac intyre acton wheelbarrow race couples first grace smith gordon steen norval the event was brought to a success ful conclusion with a dance in the evening to norm wilkinson b orches tra of hamilton minister of agriculture sailed fob england agriculture minister hon p m dewan sailed on tuesday front quebec for a sib week visit to great britain which will combine a vacation and a atudy of the marketing of ontario pro ducts in the old country mr dewan will pay particular at tention to the marketing of ontario cheese apples bacon and beef will visit cattle and horse breeders in scotland and england and study the coopratlve movement in the two countries mr dewan said that while the trip was mainly business he would not charge any expenses to the govern ment he plans to return september 2nd provincial secretary harry nixon will assume the agriculture portfolio in mr dewan s absence mcmul herbptgton wedding a very pretty wedding was snlem- nhsed at the home of mr and mrs corey herrtngton on wednesday july 19th when their eldest daugh ter jean and ml john mcmullen of acton son of mr and mrs albert mcmullen of samla were joined in marriage by the rev mr baxter pas tor of georgetown bapusthurch the ceremony was performed on the lawn under an arch of evergreens wedding bells and coloured streamers the bride given in marriage by her father ware a gown of queens blue chiffon with white acoewonea and a corsage of pink talisman roses she was attended by miss ethel rlddall of georgetown dressed fh btege chiffon with white a and a corsage of bronse talisman rosea the groom was a by mr win darby the wedding took place in the pres ence of a large nomber of relatives and clow mends of the bride and groom allowing the hmeboon the happy couple left for a short honey moon to western ontario they 1hu make their residence in acton and then again there are people who an good beoaum wickedness oasts legislature members are perfectly free to take whatever action they please despatches from quebec seem to show that in that province the national un ion members will follow their own in dividual inclinations in the federal election campaign premier duptessis has frequently stated that he istn the provincial not the federal field of poli tics the idea current some month ago that the premiers of ontario and quebec might form a bloc in the fed eral field is no longer credited by poli tical observers the defence purchasing board the personnel of which was recently nam ed is getting rapidly down to business under the chairmanship of r c vaughan vice president of the cana dian national railways the board has taken up offices in the parliament buildings and is setting about gather lng its office staff and studying the present situation of defence equipment contracts it is quite clear that there will be no delay in getting the mach inery of the board in working order the board will make defence contracts where more than five thousand dollars is involved and will also look over the operation of other contracts which have already been let in the estimates last session 63 million dollars were ap propriated for national defence pur poses on a floor of the new bank of can ada banding the new central mort gage bank is also getting down to work the board of this bank was ap pointed at the same time as the de fence purchasing board w how ever uie aeience board cartget into full swing without much difficulty as in its main function it carries on and expands work already being done by the national defence department the bank has a more complicated body to organlre it has to deal with the whole in the ne ws of the week there is every indication that muni cipalities throughout ontario will soon be cooperating with the attorney generals department and the provin- cial police in a more to make travel on highway much more safe thantt is now mounting casualties during the present season have foeussed attention on the careless speeder and the driver who violates the common rules for safety demands are coming from all sections of the province that some thing- be done to put a stop to deaths and injuries which have already reached huge proportions this year attorney general conant has a nounced wnat he intends to do he is going to have more patrolling done by the provincial police on the highways there is going to be stricter enforce ment or the law but queens park foresees that the provincial police can not remedy the situation by their own efforts that the help of the various municipalities is going to be essential to get results one of the key factors in the sltua- have stated he said that ontarkh tlon is said to be a hesitancy on the part of some towns and communities to get after the tourists who tear through at sixty and seventy miles an hour because these people bring large sums of money into the communities they visit there are several sections in ontario where officials are reluctant to check them up rigidly lest thelr munlcipalrues get a reputation that will make these tourists take another route it may not be far wrong however to predict that these same municipali ties will soon realize that tourist re venue is not nearly so important as the loss of human lives then will come the stricter enforcement of the highway act toward which mr con ant is looking another interesting development in the trend towards encouraging more immigration to canada is seen in the remarks of sir edward beatty of the canadian pacific railway made on the eve of his departure for home the cpjl head declared he planned to urge canadian authorities to mnhy it easier for skilled workmen from cen tral europe to gain access to canada providing at the same time for the protection of workers in this country members of school boards in certain districts seem disposed to resent pre mier hepburn s latest scheme of pa ternalism he proposes to introduce at the next ftn of the legislature a blu to limit school board expenditures and give civic councils authority to veto expe these boards where they exceed a certain propor tion of the tax rate another signpost pointing to a gen eral election u observed in the de cision to spend 3 000000 to enlarge torontos post office when the con mortgage structure in both town and servatlves were in power they were country throughout the dominion an not so generous to tory toronto important forward step was taken mrs dann badly burl in motor acddent crash occurred on no 7 highway near brampton a bad motor accident took place on d 7 highway about a mile and a half west of brampton on saturday night last when a car driven by mrs gertrude dann of georgetown collid ed with one driven by robert gu- berds of toronto mrs dann was the most seriously injured suffering lacerations about the face and head requiring many stitches as no windows were broken in the car it is thought mrs dann struck the rearview mirror by the farce of the impact when the cars collided she was attended by dr h ton of brampton and peel memorial are that shsts recover- and maybe able to re turn to hertemefaere in a few days also tn thetnn car were mr and mrs r w robb georgetown druggist and mrs robbs sister miss atkln who escaped with a bad shaking up and minor cuts and bruises mrs dann and mr and mrs robb were returning from a busi trip to brampton prior to going on vaca tion to muskoka according to police there were eight adults in gilberts light coach yet all escaped serious injury when the car somersaulted into a deep ditch after the collision suffering only minor la cerations and bruises gilberds was charged with reckless driving by traffic officer ray hodgson of brampton plan to spend civic holiday in georgetown few days ago by the appointment of d b mansur as general superinten dent of the new banks operations he has been inspector of mortgages for the sun life assurance company the general policy of the bank will be in the hands of the directorate of which the governor and deputy governor of the bank of canada and the deputy minister of finance are members with three other members recently appoln ted an important duty of the new bank now being carried out is secur ing the landing companies u and trust companies as members of the bank in cooperation with the bank these companies will make then- agreements with the mortgage debtors under contracts approved by the bank directorate a task that may take a little while is getting the appraisal machinery in working order that is the ma which will help in one of the major aims of the bank to get for jim curran of the soo star has all along contended wolves will not at tack human beings despite curran valiant championship of the harmless character of his pets many remain sceptical on the other hand the view has long obtained that the brown bears of ontario are not vicious and wul run from rather than after man to dispel this cherished illusion three farmers in the bancroft maynooth area declare that last week they had to run for their uvea when they were chased for nearlyhalf jnlle by a-full- grown bear the bear had a couple or cubs by its side when disturbed but it is not said they engaged in the chase the whole mortgage structure of the country down to a position where mortgages win not be ever eighty per cent of the appraised value of proper ty and where farm mortgages will not bear interest higher than five per cent and urban mortgages over five and a half per cent many regulations will have to be issued defining clearly terms used in the provisions of the central mortgage bank act getting the whole new mortgage system under full sail will take a little time but it is expected that great strides will be made before the first of september the object before the board however is to get everything in working order before the autumn payments or mort gages become due and then and there after the provisions of the new act will apply new trade treaties government officials are now en gaged in prtuminary steps rorjhe re newal jwlth whatever changes experi ence has shown to be needed of our trade agreements with new zealand and the west indies tn the case of new zealand there are new import regulations in that dominion which will be discussed the balance of trade is quite heavfly in canada s favour wlth british west indies exports are of a much more varied kind than im ports but the trade is closer to equili brium imports in this case however are higher than exports the figure for twelve months ending apruof thtsyear being nineteen and three quarter mil lion dollars whoe exports aggregated about 14 and a quarter million these figures include not only the rrtinit but british honduras and british gui ana the largest item of impart it sugar other oommnrntlim imported in clude fruits bananas and grapefruit same fresh vegeta rice gtoger and apioaa cacao beans and coffee after a slow start the tourist traffic from the united states to canada lias assumed normal proportions ofd- j dawom now believes that the figures i for 1s3b will exceed those of last year balunafad rev and mrs a o w foreman are holidaying with friends in muskoka the service sunday morning was under the auspices of the w mj3 mrs j f sutclifle formerly of georgetown but now of toronto had charge of the service and gave a very interesting and inspiring missionary address the members of the wa met for their july meeting at the home of mrs f w shortlll the devotional exercises were taken by mrs b mc- enery the roll call was answered with the naming of your first teacher and where you started to school which proved most interesting after the business period mrs a starret and joanna shortlu conducted very enjoy able contests refreshments were ser ved at the dose of the meeting mrs j robson of guetph is visit ing with her daughter mrs f w shortlu the mission band held their annual picnic on monday afternoon at mr alex mckays the social time was very much enjoyed miss ellen mckay f georgetown spent the week end with friends in the vulssje mr and mrs lloyd pelker and fa mily of llstowel were sunday visitors with mrs george msmenemy m wm atmt has a stock of earn on display in bis showroom grown on the farm of mr ward rud- deu bquesmg which mea 10 ft s tn m height the com is a re markable height for this time of the year fire protection to be given in trafalgar township water area until ratepayers vote on accepting oakvilles offeb of annual protection for 1600 an offer by oakvllle council to pro vide fire protection to the trafalgar township water area for an annual fee of 1 600 was approved last week by a special fire committee of that district the committee however felt that no new agreement should be made with oakvllle council for fire protec tlon until residents of the linbrook fire area have an opportunity to vote on the question if the ratepayers adopt the recommendations of the committee a ten year agreement will be made with oakvule until the vote is taken 1he com mittee asks that the present protec tion agreement be continued this calls f farnvra rrf ijnhmnk to p there wul be no need to go away from homd on civic holiday week end aug 5 6 7 in order to find enter- tainment this year the georgetown llano olub are providing an outstand ing weekend that will go down as on of the biggest attractions the club has yet undertaken there wul be two days of hilarious entertainment with the third day set udde as a day of remembrance when a memorial service will be held in greenwood cemetery on sunday aftemobn this service will take the form similar to the one held during the centennial celebra tions in 1937 and it is expected two bands will take part the saturday previous will be head lined by a sports program and a mam moth garden party copper cliff mid get baseball team is scheduled to take part in the sports program while the parade of decorated bicycles doll car- rlages and soapbox motor cars etc is expected to be one of the best hi a long time so boys get your jalopy ready and be in the parade the gar den program is filled with outatandmg talent and will no doubt surpass the grand affair of last year in variety and colour it will be a program you cant afford to miss on the holiday proper monday aug 6th wtifihrnr sports program and beau ty contest will take place to the af ternoon with the grand musical page ant depicting the alms and scope of llonism being held in the evening in which ten bands are expected to take part those who remember the pageant staged at the centennial wul appreciate this fine type of program and will tell their friends both sat urday and monday evenings perfor mances will be climaxed by a dance in the drill hall but why are the lions club and everyone else taking such an interest to see that georgetown will have a big week end of entertainment it is not only the fact that they are providing this program for your en joyment but the proceeds which they hope will exceed any previous attempt are for child welfare in george town and surrounding community so worthy is this service club of your support that we appeal to all to help the lions to help the underprivileged by attending at least some part of these attractions oakvllle fire d 10 for every alarm sent in as well as a fee to cover the cost of fighting the fire the motion to have oakvllle give protection on a yearly fee was passed by a vote of 1511 an amendment to have linbrook ore committee look after its own fires and discontinue any agreement with oakvllle was defeated by the narrow margin of 13 12 the committee which has bean es timating the cost of busying its equip ment or taking protection from oak vllle was composed of rev jam bell principal of appleby school christie armstrong and gordon lea ver the committee spokesman at the meeting was rev mr bell the com mittee outlined the cost of purchas ing the necessary equipment and also the cost per year of maintenance as follows equipment 9325 cost of maintenance including interest on de- b n to buy e 2 068 answering a question as to how this 1600 would be paid mr bell said there would probably be an assessment on all burnable p in the fire area who wanted to come in of about 3 nulls which would mean 7 added to the taxes value of p of those tn water area and others desir ing protection was given as 344000 and 39 000 respectively the appleby school figure was given separately as about 40 000 at this point mr bell moved that the oakvllle offer be accepted noel eaton seconded the meeting was then thrown open to discussion im going to offer an amendment to mr bell s motion said alec philips that we turn down oakvllle offer and act as a water conunission and do as we deem best following a long argument as to whether the amend ment was in order chairman tom pickett ruled that it was put to a vote the amendment was defeated by 13 to 12 mr bells motion of accep tance of the oakvllle terms was passed by the meeting by 15 to 11 if we have to wait for tarfalgar to give us protection and get equip ment well have to wait a long tune said col w o mckcndrlck formerly oakvllle did fire protec tion ror those who paid 10 per year in the township this fee guaran teed that the brigade would go but the cost of going to and fighting the fire was borne by the pr owner having the fire the new plan is that oakvule wlh go to township fires for 1600 a year the cost of fighting the fire to be extra cokwespondtents wanted is it not needed we understand that the council is delaying the projected pav ing work on some parts of the con necting links through georg while a portion be laid later this year from the 7th line through the town to church and main streets the link from queen st along king st to glen williams is to be laid over the laying of pavement on king st to glen williams is very urgent a the condition of this roadway is in a terrible state of repair although the street has been oiled recently this does not take care of the large holes and ruts in the surface it is hoped that the county council will see fit to pave this connecting llnir in the near future or may yet recon sider and do it this year as george town motorists have had a long setge of bad roads and would be glad of the pavement halton county s fall wheat crop 1s perhaps the best in years according to the weekly crop report issued by the ontario department of agriculture the crop is general the sample excel lent and harvesting is in fun swing the report stated cutting of early oats and barley will commence this week the depart ment announces as a result of the rainfall the lat ter part of june prospects for spring grain have imprortsd considerably al though the crop will be below normal in the lower half of the county the report continues additional rainfall u badly needed at the present tune for pastures com and root crops and also by new seeds the bund in canada figures made available by the canadian national institute for toe blind after reports from the various divisions were received at the close of the fiscal year march 31 1930 show ed that there were 1366 more bund people registered on that date than on the corresponding date the year be fore there were the names of 10831 bund people on the register this year and 9 435 lata year the figures for both years by divisions are as follows maritime division 1391 1656 quebec 2748 3199 ontario 3057 3348 central western drr 1j6s 130 western division 1477 1j1s newfoundland 3ft sit the momrues are renowned far and wide as the pohce who always get their man through over half a century of seatoua loyal service they have surrounded toemsa with ah aura of glamour and romance un equalled to the worm this reputation gathered even greater lustre aaillar this year through the unoostrustve yet efficient manner nvwldoh the ffcoyaf canadian mounted ponce guarded and royal visit thaw scarletcoated rid ers of the plains win have aa impor tant role in the r at the r tms 1

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