Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 2, 1939, p. 4

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page 4 the geoigewm herald wednesday evening auguat 2nd 1939 civic holiday seasonable specials 1 at silver womens silk dresses all sizes in this group the regular values of these lovely summer frocks are 2 95 and up special 188 ladies chiffon dressesbeautiful 5 95 chif fon silt dresses are now going at 288 womens white shoes drastic clearance m all of our remaining white shoes all must go reg values up to 3 95 special 100 149 198 mens white shoes the greatest bargains you will ever come across smart goodyear welted oxfords reg values up to 4 95 special at 198 and 349 mens fancy silk sport shirts the sea sons latest styles must be cleared there are also a large selection of fancy cotton polo shirts ah must gof g9 men0fess pants you will certainly find a pair suitable for you in our large selection white flannels tropical worsteds in all colours reg value 4 95 summer clearance at 295 silvers dept store where your dollar goes farther phone 375 main street georgetown premier king to be honored august 8th pilgrimages will be made by leading talesmen businessmen and educa tkmists from every province of the dominion to toronto to pay tribute on august 8 to rt hon mackenide king in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of his accession to leader alp of the liberal party in canada in each province one member of the bouse of commons is directing the pilgrimage and indications are that large delegations representing a ctoss- ectlon of the party in canada will be fil attendance from even the most dls tant points a special subcommittee in ontario is in charge of arrangements although primary responslbtlilty for the organl sation and direction of this unprece dented national undertaking rests with a committee of parliamentary mem bers hon w d euler minister of trade and commerce is national rhu and senator norman p lambert president of the national liberal federation is honorary secre tary the celebration is to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of premier kings selection as leader of the lib eral party in canada will be in the ftirm of a complimentary banquet in the royal york hotel on the evening of august 8 during the evening per onal tribute ana nomas wth be paid film for his contribution to canada during his many years in d lbllc office the head table will present a most notable gathering of canadian public figures the enure federal cabinet prominent liberal senators and mem bers of parliament provincial prem tors and cabinet ministers privy coun cdllors and prominent business and professional men will be present rt bon ernest lapolnte minister of jus uce will preside during the evening arrangements have been completed to have mr kings speech broadcast over a national hook up from 10 until 11 o clock eastern daylight saving time it is rumored in some political circles that the liberal leader will take this opportunity of announcing the date of the forthcoming federal dec hon but no confirmation of this l available the members of the house of com tons organizing the pilgrimages in stt various provinces are as follows prince edward island a e maclean m p nova scotia k j cochrane m p new brunswick burton hill m p quebec lt col thomas vlen it p ontario col wm mulock xc1cp manitoba w o weir it p saskatchewan fred johnston m p alberta hon jas a mackln don hp and british columbia ojof hanson m p dally reports received by the com- atttee to charge indicate a large drowd estimated at approximately woo wfll be m attendance letters delved today indicated that w j patterson premier of shswiii bon t d pattullo premier at british rvjmm hon w j major attorney general of manitoba and afisn johnston major of london will da among those present basehan team drop two contests during week milton otjtboobe locals 143 oakvtlle eke oct 42 victory in close game the game here last thursday night failed to create much interest as georgetown proved weak on the pitch lng end and on the bat brydon pitched for the locals ant was touch ed for 10 hits while jblinoo and slmms took the mound for milton brydon failed to get control of the ball m this game and too many walks gave the mlltonltes the edge blinoo pitched well but was replacedby their south paw hurler in hie sixth inn- milton 3 6 2 1 georgetown 1 0 0 1 0 1 box score milton clements w rf brush r c toletzka ss clements a 2b brush j m naylor cf slmms lb p clements k 3b bllnco p lyle 3b patterson georgetown ab ritchie w rf 4 mcnally if 4 brydon p 3 exeard lb 3 smith 2b 3 tost 3b 3 hajpin c 3 ritchie l ss 3 lane cf summary walks off brydon 6 off bllnco 1 off slmms 2 three base hit k clements two base hits toletzka brush bllnco tost on saturday afternoon the george town team gave the league leaders a tussle down in oakvllle when the re- vampd team of juveniles held the winners to a 4 2 score while we have no data of the game to hand as their was no official scorer we leam that the kids did themselves proud murray ezeard pitched for george town don galbraith for oakvllle weed of the week wild carrot wild carrot is spreading at an al arming rate in ontario and is now considered one of the worst weeds in the province states john d macleod weed expert of the ont dept of agri culture a biennial weed wild carrot requires two years to produce seed and can easily be distinguished by its stems flowers and leaves which clos ely resemble the cultivated carrot wild carrot flowers from july to september when open they are in white flat topped clusters later clos lng up for the winter when they may break off and be carried miles over frozen ground and snow scattering seeds a lhey are carried along being a biennial anj plan for eradl cation should coer a two venr period wild carrot does not give any dlfficul ly where thorough cultivation and a short rotation of crops is practised but in meadow which have been down two years or more in pasture fields fence lines waste places and roadsides it is rapidly becoming one of ontario s worst weeds declarer mr macleod pulling spudding or cutting for two years in succession will not give plant an opportunity to mature seed and will lessen the infestation considerably sheep will eat wild carrot if thej arc permitted to pasture the fnfestod area before planjfijjecojnetoo pa ture field or ha fields where ilnglccut of hay has been taken of early jjilfouid be trimmedagnin the lat ter part of august ii sho i d be kept in mind thht all plants in flower are two jeir plants which will die that fall it is of vital importance tha such planu be kept frrm maturing seed an average plant may produce thousands of seeds each of which bears row of prickles these stick to animals clothing etc and may be carried long distances wild carrot seed is an impurity in timothy and clover jed those keeping fields for seed should rogue carrot plants from the seed crop the use of chemicals is the only practical solution to the eradication of wild carrot on areas which cannot be cultivated spray to saturation when first blooms appear using a high pres sure power sprayer write the crops seeds and weeds branch ont dept of agriculture toronto for pamphlet on weed eradication by chemicals simple stuff by edward wodsan brewers warehouse eleven hundred cltlsens of george town and district are reported to have petitioned against the opening of brewers warehouse in georgetown it is none of my business since i am not a citiaen of georgetown x only live here in the summer and like lt better the more i know of it but im sorry that eleven hundred people have protested this smacks of intolerance 1 want ttie young folk of georgetown to grow up into men and women character with grace and courage to face temptation and conquer it i am a lifelong teetotaller so my father and so were both my grandfathers my paternal grand father published a volume of temper anoe songs in 1850 these are for or iglnality and intelligence better than any literature issuing today from the publicity department of the ontario temperance federation though says lt as oughtn t the rev f c overend has a long letter in last weeks georgetown her aid the form and matter of lt are true to type the late judge raney local preacher in spare time and law yer in business once told me i was a bootleggers tout because i wouldnt say that nib precious ontario temper ance act was the greatest bit of legis latlon since sinai the same genial temperance beams from mr over ends letter it closes on a peroration about bur nished gold of happiness success and purity of our boys and girls quite unconvincing to this benighted lndivi duaj happiness is a comparative term some of us ancients wonder at times what voung folk of today would say if they had known what we knew in childhood and success means mostly running- a heaven and hell amalga matlon society as carlyle bitterly says and purity ye gods i suggest in all humiljly that i wouldnt like to tell the average young person today anything about purity that he or shc dfcln t know mr overend and his friends of the o tf are worrying about the devas tatlng prospect of beer being sold in georgetown i could show them half a dozen things alreadj being sold here that in comparison would make a glass of beer blush for shame but like many another society of excellent promise tiie otf it myopic it has a blind spot too which is beer oakvllle and milton may go into intermediate a playoffs acton and georgetown remaining m what a price to pay intermediate in commenting editorially on the at a meeting of the halton county recent circular issued from lhe office baseball league executive held iasl ot mr c george mccullough editor thursday night here it was decided i of u globe and mall to those who to ask the permission of lhe o b a joinod the leadership league the to reduce the status of the george acton p pr says 1l would ap- town and acton teams to intermediate ipear that the league has disbanded b and tile winner of a playoff be w a reprint the following para tween these two teams to meet other graph from the editorial which will intermediate b teams in the play show lhfll ll p th sponsor of the downs also that the oakille and mil i leadership league considerable coin ton teams continue in intermediate 0 j realm a with a plajoft between them it it lnuromuig to note some state and the winner to advance in the on men in mr mccullaghs letter the tario playdowns broadcasts cost 75 000 and were paid the reason for this change it grant ior by lne globe and mall it took ed is that the tax leading warns play approximate 30 000 for organization a much superior brand of baseball wwr of a t amounts 300 tlian do acton and georgetown and ar1 told has come from the p iblic should be in a higher ciia piny off tj 0 and mail and mr mc will start immediaulj after the sine cullogh are paying the deficits its tion of the ob a ral interesting but its certainly letting george do lt with a ven l to provide seance the point which must by now excellent sport card f mr mccullaghs mind ts that the public are not ery anxious on saturday au su acton and to be f te7l mcs gforg w j ivenlles will meet in a rro nnd county playoff game at 11 celebration the ndmlv ion for ii l gome is 10c bi8j mcmastck of the ajj the te trenton mr memaster was on lhe bersjd staff some to and is an old caen peel getting their share of pheasants it is planned to liberate in the four northern townships of peel county this summer one thousand pheasants over 500 already have been released in chlnguacousy and albion by the game warden the birds released were purchased by the department of oame and pish erica from dmitri blochln of hutton vtue and from the watson chick hatchery at orangevule most of the 1000 birds which will be turned out later in the summer will be placed m the townships of cejedon and toronto gore fc except for minor complaints in the southern end of the county which is not tnohtdsd in the special game pre serve recently established in peel far mers of the county hawa made ho ob jection to the liberation of the birds and in many cases have provided feed for them either m cooperauon with the game warden or of their own voll- lions lnoie vil llkc to sfe nn lm provement and lift the country out of ail its trouble on monday afternoon aug 7lh at the lions club celebrations port credit lor baseball team will oppose the eorgitown team whicli will be bo tcrcd by players from lhe aroius halton oounl leigue earn fridiy ait 5th con r cliff mid its will lsit georgetown and uu another little world series the same as last year accompanying the coppr cliff team wlil be a group of 80 cadets w ho w ill stage a parade drills etc tor those who attend the cadets are also parading at the c n e while in the south toronto driver charged after norval accident w o hara 35 wcllesley street to ronto was arrested on a charge of reckless driving under the criminal code and later released from milton jail on bail of 500 following an accl dent on the no 7 highway at 4 ajn saturday morning ouara was driv lng a light coach and crashed into the aide or a five ton transport in charge of earl jackson chesley on the highway one mile east of george town o hara s car was completely wreck ed and the frame or the huge trans port was twisted but ouara escap ed with a minor cut on the forehead and a passenger a p hall received bruslses when thrown against the windshield they were attended by dr hetherlngton of brampton oc cupants of the truck were uninjured the accident was investigated by traffic officer r hodgson pbikst made presentation before departure presentations were made to rev father ryan last friday at the home of mrs fred dewar milton when be was the recipient of a purse of money presented by the congregation of the holy rosary church the presentation and address was given by harold bayne of mnton and a gift of money by j nunan on behalf of the con- tregatiin of trafalgar church presi dent km thomas held on bettmv of the ladles rosary ouud atoo made a presentation father rjaa has been transferred to fw- church news scripture text thy merry o lord is in the heavens and thy faithfulness reacheth onto the clouds thy righteousnem is like the great mountains thy judgments are a great deep o lord thou preaerv est man and beast pa 36 5 6 many opportunities onfarm for youth says a maclaren chairman of farm p committee there is a great opportunity on farms for the young men of canada accommg to alex maolaren george town who is in charge of youth place ment on farms in halton county for the ontario government there is a greater opportunity on farms today than generally is realis ed feald mr maclaren who can gnre many examples of success stories in volving immigrant boys and native canadians he has placed on farms throughout this central ontario dls trict back in 1030 i placed a lad of 16 from manchesterv who never had seen a farm before said mr mac laren after five months on that farm he was disappointed with his progress and i placed him an a sec ond farm but a month later after i investigated the place further placed him on another farm this time near streetsvllle that boy work ed showed the will to learn the will to succeed and three years ago he bought out his employer two years ago he married and he is doing very well then there s the youngster i sent out to a farm five yeans ago h worked well and last year a neigh bor came up to him and said l want to retire i ve watched you you are a good worker you will get ahead 41 you like my farm and want to buy lt 111 sell it to you on any terms you think you can meet all the cases are not such sue cess stories but if a young man is willing to work and willing to learn the farm today offers great oppor tunity said mr maclaren who is chairman of the farm placement subcommittee of the toronto city councils committee for stimulation of employment has unusual job the united church of canada has missionaries from the most easterly part of canada to the most western point on the pacific coast but none has such an unusual job as rev lester l burry rev mr burry is not only pilot of ihe mission boat glad tidings but also maintains a short wave transmit ter set which he made with bis own hands and which he now uses for broadcasting religious services to iso lated groups in labrador every night in the summer tune and two or three nights a week in the winter rev bunys program is on the air over short wave and according to letters received from hundreds of trappers and fisher folk the nro- gramme is warmly welcomed rev mr burrj s headquarters are on the northwest river at the foot of hamilton inlet labrador frono this point the missionary sets out ev ery summer in his 40foot boat bound for scores qf isolated villages in a large section of he easten part of labra dor he airects services in many vil lages not visited by other ministers he performs marriages and officiates at funerals often he is called upon to use his boat to move sick people to one of the grenfell hospitals in ad dition to all these duties rev m bur ry performs many social services not content with building his own short wave sending transmitter the united church missionary has built more than 30 short wave receiving sets and distributed them among the many trappers who are isolated from civili zation lor many weeks during the win ter during the past winter mr burry has travelled many hundreds of miles in his komatlc drawn by his 12 lab rador huskies over the snow plan to spend civic holiday in georgetown support your lions club r picnic trafalgar park oakville saturday august 12 sports and amusement at 3 pm n adults in character costumes and children rsfsflp with decorated bicycles scooters and doll carnages cash prizes 6 00 p m bathing beauty contest open to ladies of halton county of 1 6 years or over at 7 00pm prizes winner 5000 runnerup 1000 entries to be made to g w leaver by 4 00 p m excellent programme of entertainment at 830 pm bring your baskets tea coffee and milk supplied free ever ybod y wel come st george s chart- h rev woo thompson rector ninth sunday after trinity sunday school 10 am holy communion 1 1 am evensong 7 pjn st albans church glen williams ninth sunday after trinity ma tins 9 30 am sunday school 1030 ajn baptist church rev e o baxter minister 10 am church school 11 axtt worship ser oe a welcome to all united choreh rev f c overend ba minister the sunday school will meet at 10 am the congregation will worship with knox congregation in knox ch irch at 11 am and 7 pm knot presbyterian church minister rev d d davidson ma sunday august 6 at 10 am sun day school at 11 am and 7 pm public worship this congregation will be joined by the dnltsd con gregation during r month the minister will preach at both services all are welcome main st north tabernacle special ae- are being held every night this week except saturday at the main st north tabernacle ge and at 11 im and 7j0 pjn sunday evangelist o kendrlok of ouelpfa will be t spe speaker the joybringers g3bctv from kit obener wul bring us special motto on sunday evening look up john t 18 and see what we are putunc forth dominion

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