Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 2, 1939, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wed neaday evening august 2nd 1 939 page 7 over whole of canada dry weather hu ripened ontario crops earfier although rain u needed for later crone of roots and vegetable general crop conditions in the prairie prov inces continue favourable on the whole although some damage has oc carred as a result of hot weather pai tteularly in southeastern baskatche van and in the southern portion of alberta and manitoba moderate rains and light showers in many districts have checked deterioration out further moisture is required to aid itllng grasshoppers which are now in night are a serious menace to crops but apart from southeastern saskatche wan where some severe da has occurred losses so far have not been tktenslve hall damage is reported at scattered points in quebec crops continue to make good progress under favourable condmons and the outlook is promisng with recent showers moisture is ample and the warm dry weather now prevailing is proving ben eodal in ontario the continued dry weather has facilitated harvesting oo- ratlons and the condition of the crops is good generally moisture how ever has been inadequate and rain is urgently needed for growing crops in the uatttlme provinces whue growth tn some districts is still backward crops made good p during the past week and prospects continue far ourable there is ample moisture and warm dry weather is needed to hasten developments m british columbia with the continuance of favourable weather all crops are making- good progress while the quality of hay is only fair and the prospect for tomat oes is below average the outlook for grain roots and vegetables is good and indications point to fruit yields being from 90 to 100 of average prairie prpvtaoee alberta crops have deteriorated during the past week chiefly owing to insufficient moisture and winds in central and southern areas rains ate required in these areas for filling and for checking deterioration tne weather in northern areas has been showery and cool light yields are expected in the peace river district due to early drought 8a6katche wan while hot weather ha caused deterioration to crops in some section conditions generally continue satlsfac tory light to hetvy showers in nui y districts have been beneflcal to crops but good rains are required at most points to ensure proper filling grass tkoppers are attacking crops in east rn district some wheat is being cut for feed elsewhere the damage to date from grasshoppers is slight manitoba crops are maturing ra pldly and wheat harvesting should be fairly general in about a week crops generally continue satisfactory al though due to the hot weather sorae deterioration has occurred while ligr to moderate scattered rains have fal len further moisture would be bene ficial in most districts grasshoppers are prevalent in the south but utoe damage is reported so far province or faebec eastern townships and ot tawa valley grains are prog-w- amg favourably and prospects are for a good yield haying has been delayed by frequent showers but it is now al moat completed in most sections and a normal cut is indicated pastures are in very good condition fodder corn is generally rr satisfactory pro gress although some districts report growth still backward tomato plants look promising a good crop of can nin peas is being garnered tobacco plants are in good condition potatoes and other roots are growing well blue berries and raspberries give promise of a good yield and other small fruits are plentiful prospects are favou for a good apple crop lower st lawrence and lake st john district grains continue to make satisfactory progress and prosp are favourable root crops are growing well and give promise of a good vield haying is general and an average cut is indicated pastures are in vry good condition raspberries and other small fruits are plentiful province of ontario cutting of fall wheat is nearing completion and a satisfactory yield of good quality is reported spruig grains are ripening rapidly and average yields are indicated in all sections except i the eastcentral districts and tin niagara pennlnsula where slightly be low normal crops are in prospect an average crop of hay has been stored in good condition but second cut ini of alfalfa will be light corn and ooto have made progress but rainfall needed a normal yield of good quality tomatoes is being marketed and late varieties are progressing satisfactor uy topping of tobacco has conunen ced but growth is suffering from lack of moisture marjthne provinces in nova scotia and new brunswick potato plants are growing well with little evidence of disease and the crop outlook is considered bright other root crops are piogresamg favourably haying has been retarded by fiequent rams and while reports vary a light to a cut is generally indicated pastures are tn good condition in the annapolis valley apples are sizing wen with scab and insect pests wen under control the drop has been heavy but pro are favourable for a good crop picking of blueberries has com menced in some sections and a gooc yield la anticipated in pnnce edward island grains have made good pro- grass and root crops haveisbown excel lent growth the cut of hay will be- light pastures show improvement but are below average rrwrlscc brill cetwmbta an aboveverafe yield from grain craps la indicated roots and vi tables are doing wcu potatoes are ea- tlxnatedat 100 of average tomatoes are late and the yield win be below average a large tonnage of hay is being cut but the quality to date is only fair due to heavy rains the sec and cutting of alfalfa wu commence within a week hops are in excellent condition cherries and strawberries now past their peak were damaged by excessive rain raspberries and logan berries of good quality are yl idlng well all toee fruits are slstng up well apricots and early apples are moving to market the following tree fruit yields are now indicated appies 100 pears peaches and apricots 95 plums and prunes 00 of average or chard past are under cohrol and no serious damage has been recorded water for irrigation purposes is plen tiful and pasturage is abundant week in week out sunday is the day of rest during which you play too much golf perform miscellaneous jobs at your wifes be- news of the toronto baseball clvb leafs to again opekate base ball schools in ontario jack bums clever first- baseman of the toronto maple leafs probably won t get back into the game until the club returns home on cnvic holiday trom its present road trip x ray photographs of jacks injured thumb show a bad fracture jacks temporary retirement is a bad blow to the leafs ambition to climb out of the cellar and into a playoff spot as his big bat will be missed he was leading the club in runs batted out whenhe got hurt but the leafs hopes of moving jp in the stretch are heartened by the fact that fourteen of the road games left on the schedule will be played with baltimore and montreal their nearest rivals beginning august 7th when the leafs return from the road there will be games at maple leal stadium two straight weeks syracuse visits toronto august 7 8 and 9 newark on august 10 11 and 12 baltimore on august 14 15 16 and jersey city on august 17 ib and 19 this is the last visit of the southern clubs to toronto and weekday games win ail be flood light affairs beginning at 830 pja saturday games are afternoon engage- best make high resolutions about the minff week and regret when you go to bed that you read only the funny page and sports page monday is known as blue monday and is the day or rest during which you rest up from the previous week end and outline the things you intend to do the rest of the week tuesday after mondays rest you at the absolute n peak of efficiency for the week accordingly on tuesday all who can get away with it leave the office early in the after noon and devote the rest of the day to golf turning tn some fairly respectable wednesday is midweek the day we teu ourselves that the week is not nec essarily a total failure yet and that there is still time to get something useful acompushed if we hurry how ever since it is midweek this day us uauy serves as somewhat of a breather too much shouldnt be attempted thursday is definitely a day in the latter half of the week and hence one in which we should begin to taper off from the strenuous ardors of the three previous days hard work on this day is out of the question and tiw wise person guards against overexer tton friday is practically the beginning of the weekend and is hence devoted largely to planning a sensible schedule for the next two days little actual business should oe attempted saturday is the day of recreation on this day we decide to stay at the office and catch up with things and on returning home to endeavor to do ditto this usually proves impossible by 3 pm and the rest of the day spent in resolving that next week wefre going to work like a trojan coronet magazine thousands cubed op cancer cancer takes a bll in canada of a thousand lives a month in spite of this serious situation there is a strong note of encourage- me it in an authoritative statement in the summer number of health this health league journal dr harold wbokey declares that the great ad vances in surgery radium and x ray have changed the cancer outlook there are thousands of people says dr wbokey alive and well today who have been cured of cancer the do not advertise the fact that they have had the disease and the general public think only of the tragic case that have come under their immediate notice in consequence a very pesi mistic outlook is held aid the fear and dread of the disease is in most people it can be truthfully said that if cancer is lecognlzed early i can be cured ui the majority of cases the fact still remains however that in our large hospital peopteare coming in for the first time with the disease in an advanced stage this is partly due to lack of knowledge and often the patient has deliberate concealed the condition from his immediate family and friends thoughout the world commitee for the control of cancer are being organised but 11 is felt that if the work is to be of real value there must be the cooperation of the man on the street the chief objection to cancer edu cation s the danger of making people unduly apprehensive but this must be risked the most important thing for the public to know is that cancer ls not painful dlsease jn its early stages and many individuals do not seek advice for this reason after referring to the various forms of cancer the writer summarizes his article there should be less fear of cancer by saying in brie one may say that all lumps or sores appearing on the sur face of the body in the breast or in the mouth should be regarded with suspicion especially after the age of forty irregularities such as pends tent ul health lofts of appetite bleed lng etc should be taken seriously and should be thoroughly investigated by the patients physician throughout the country special centres for the proper treatment of an types of cancer have been estate ushed and there is no reason why anyone should not obtain immediately help regardless of his firmi pod uon the cooperatkm or the public in seektn carry medical advice is eer tarn to result in a still further fan provement and will eventually rob cancer of mosr of its terrors a fat woman elbowed her way through the crowd jabbing first ono person and then another pmalty she gave one man an unusually hard thump and asked i say does it make any- difference which bus x take to the not to me madam was the polite reply they said i wouldn t like playing in the minors mused old anthony michael push emup tony laxseri a few days ago theyre craxy i love it this old game of baseball is sub stantially the same no matter where you play it theyre all asking me how long i m going to keep up before i retire thats easy im going to play the game with everything i have until they kick me out and that won t be for a long time yet i hope tony likes his new post as manager of the toronto maple leals but s he flncb it all new and different its one thing to go out and play yourself and have somebody tell you what to do in a tough situation he says and quite another when you have to do the telling but the boys on my club are a great bunch of guys they re hustling au the time there s only one thing i wont stand for and thats being second guessed 1 never second guessed a manager as a player and now that i m a manager i don t want anybody second guessing me any half wit knows what should have been done when the play ls over the tough thing ls to be able to forscc what you shoulo do before the play comes off laxzeri took charge of the leafs on the 19th of june so he has had a chance to make up his mind about bis new surroundings getting used to the night routine of the international league is what he has found his toughest assignment wltn this night ball i don t know when to eat old puih em up says some of the boys saj eat at two 0 clock others say four the first couple or weeks i ate nothing but sandwiches night bascnall has been the salvation of the minors ail right- but it sure plaji hob with my stoax ach the lignto the waj i figure them show a good infielder or outfielder to advantage if he is fast they make him look faster on the same basis they make you overestimate a pitch ers abtlltj the ball looks bigger when you re up there at the plate but somehow it seems to be coming faster a lot of pitchers can get by under the lights who don t have a prayer tn the daylght that s whj i suppose the scouts have been moaning for yean that night baseball makes their job tough well us tougher for everybody gets damp out there at night the minute you sit down ou t f fen in every jo nt the majors will have to come too it soon though the re part there already they 11 have to go the whole hot sooner or la er because tham where the dough i tom paddon jersey city catcher declares that joung phil marehildon the penetang boy who jumped from amateur ranks right into double a baseball with the toronto leafs this vear is far and away the best pitching prospect in the international league tom says is this waj tf that kid eer ets command and learns to pull he string theyl never beat him 1 which is a ballplayers phraseologj ror i the opinion that if he gets contro and acquires a change of pace he is a sure shot for the major leagues this time last year marehildon was p tchlng for creighton mines amateur league in northern ontario he attended the toronto leafs base ball school in barrle where dan howley got a peek at him howley was so impressed by his natural stuff blinding speed and a curve that breaks like a jug handle that he jtgned him without delay to a toronto contrac some five hours later st louis cardinal scout arrived town for the same purpose which should give you an idea of how wide spread that cardinal rhain store sys tem is phil reported at the leafs training camp in march and right away things began to happen in an exhibition game with detroit he had the great hank oreenberg and rudy yor ducking away from his curve ball they both went on record as saying they had never seen a shar per breaking curve t tam came north and phu started his f tost league game before a crowd of 26000 people in jersey city he gave up one run and lost the ban game because the leafs couldnt even get a run h sta again on opening day in toronto a signal honor for a fresh man he oat tads one too but so impressed ed barrow president of the great new york yankees who happened to be to the stand that bar row started talking option before the end of the month hewas to there hi an exhibition game against the greatest collection or power hitters tn baseball tbose same new york yan feees th kid was ne and yiel ded several runs in the very first in tun after that be settled away and had the vaunted yanks popping ly to the mflelder al u happened within a year phu told a friend of bis that be felt as if he were on a lack or control is what has kept young phil marehildon the toronto leafs sensational rookie pitcher from being a greater sensation than he- is as an amateur he had always ptbohed from the flat and working from a mound bothered him old timers told him the secret of control was in per fect balance ailadvlsed him to watch his feet and let thebjul go the minute his front foot hit the ground he did nt have much success following this advice but in recent weeks his con trol has improved magically and he gives a very simple explanation for it before he says i was so wrapped up in watching my front root tbat i took my eye off the plate now i just draw a bead on that old dish and let the bau go the toronto baseball club announ ces that it will again operate baseball schools this august in four ontario centres there will be no tuition fee and players of all classes are eligible o attend preference will be- given to players registered with the otjjario baseball association and the sessions will be held from 11 am to 4 pm each day dan howley clyde engle and dink carroll of the toronto club will assist amateur club officials in the operation of the school and to struction of the players youngsters who make a good impression on the toronto men have a chance of being taken south next march for the spring training session and getting started on a professional career the dates selected are st catftax lne s august 8 chatham august 9 10 and 11 owen sound augus t 14 15 and 16 and penetanguishene aug ust 17 and 18 man 40 graduates from hich school arthur w smith freight house clerk on the grand trunk western railroad who ls 40 years old and the father of two children who are students in owosso high school has just graduated from the same high school being one of 205 seniors to be awarded a diploma smith was forced to leave school when a youth and has studied for his high school degree in his spare time from his grand trunk duties he took his examinations with other students at the school he now plans to study while continuing his railway work seeking an lb degree we print nifty letterheads bill heads invoices etc leave your next order with us try it the saiada way d jslca of 2 mmitmiaed ittr mui mjarlsdtaofvad tu coamwsf do set allow taato cool befen adds cold wrtsf jw kqald salad for summer mkaij the tendency to servejjlghter foods in the form or salausand fresh fruits during the summer ls a welcome change la the diet and a pleasant hol day for the cook a fruit or tomato juice cocktail a fairly substantial sal ad and fresh fruit make a completely satisfying lunch or supper on warm days and is an easy meal to prepaie to incorporate the necessary nourish ment into salads canadian fish plav a large and tasty role pish is rich in health giving vitamins in body build lng mineral salts and because there is very little waste in preparing fish it is an economic food as well here is a delightful jellied fish salad which can be made with three differ ent kinds of fish it ls a good basic recipe which allows for a necessary substitution so whichever fish you choose and plan to make it with each kind before the summer is over you will find it a popular addition to your stock of recipes jellied pish salad 2 cups flaked fish salmon lobs er or crab cooked or canned salt paprika 1 tablespoon gelatin cup cold water 1 cup salad dressing 1 cup chopped celery 2 tablespoons chopped parsley or celery tops green 2 tablespoons chopped stuffed olives or pickles or pimento soak the gelatin in the cold water for 5 minutes and then dissolv over boiling water add the salad dressing and fold in the rish and chopped ffl shes omitting any which you cannot obtain leftover fish or half rish and half mea make a good combine ion turn into moulds or one large mould which have ben dipped in cold water chill and unmould on crisp lettuce garnish with radishes or olives diced chicken and lobster make a good com bination serves 8 l mold and unmold bj frances lee barton- arich frnlty bavarian crem is the simplest kind of a dean t to prepare now that rasn- berries are la season ilea y mold and un mold almost covers the pro cess of prepara tion wblp a few things to- gether place them in the refrigerator and you may sit back and chat know- ins that the evening dessert prob lem has been solved to be more explicit heres the recipe in its entirety fresh raspberry bavarian cream 1 package raapbarry flavored gelatin 1 cup hot water 4 table spoons sugar i cap crashed ft ask raspberries 1 cup raapbarry jnka and water cop cream whipped dissolve gelatin tn hot water add sugar to barrlaa and let stand 20 minutes drata off jalea ami add water to make t cop add tn dissolved gelatin chill mini cold and syrupy place in bowl or cracked fee or ice water and whip with rotary egg beater until floffy and thick like whipped cream fold in be rlfs and cream tarn into mo chill until firm unmold serves ix give your home newspaper your printing j you expect your home newspaper to give you all the news 4 you expect your newspaper to take the lead in advocating community betterment you expect your newspaper to boost for good roads good schools and support community celebrations and associations i you expect your newspaper to support community drives for charity eta j you expect your newspaper to kelp bring people to georgetown to interest them tn this town f your newspaper does these things and helps you the next time a printing salesman calls on you tell him you re going to buy your printing at the local newspaper office q we offer you the same or better quality at as low or lower prices and guaranteed better and quicker service than you can get from out-of- town printing houses bring your printing to the georgetown herald phone no 8 r

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