Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 16, 1939, p. 8

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page 8 the georgetown herald wed neaday evening august 16th 1939 bucks freshtok shoulders t ik oaf 17- 1 fifcmfrhi porksausage m small casings 18 lb front quarters of young lamb 17 lb legs of lamb 28c blade and shoulder roasts of beef j7 lb rib boiling beef 12vi 15c corned beef lean cuts boneless and rolled take advantage of these specials california good site lemons 25c a blue goose oranges good she tall of juke 2doz for 29c ontario no 1 cooking omons 10 lb 23c green peppers 3 for 10c yellow tramparent apples g qt basket 19 tomatoes 23c 6 qt basket peaches oobn at market prices baking powder i lb tin j3 pure lard 3 lb pail 25 iflr deimktt on jtttils cowans cocoa 1 lb tin 5 bordens nr carnation milk large tins 3 for 2c premium rfd salmon tall tin kellogcs corn flakes large pkgs beats all javel water ltbbys z m tins pork beans zest 2 rb ice box javr crabapple jelly domestic shortening york brand pumpkin large tin 25c 2 for 23c 6 for 25c 2 f 15c 25c lb lie choice quality 3 for 25c shredded wheat 2 for 23c c j buck phone 28 we deliver little herr echo most people will echo the saying or the annoyed english housewife who declared that she wished hitler would marry and settle down midland free press new advertisements for rent six room house with all convent ences good cellar and garage apply box w herald office it par sato kitchen cabinet in good condition apply mrs o james john st george town ltp lot for sale in college view near smith stone ltd on paved road so x 135 ft apply to h j lucas 508 oros tenor st london out 3tp articles for sale rubber goods sundries etc mall ed postpaid tn plain sealed wrapper 80 leas than retail write for mall order catalogue nov rubber co dept w 53 box 91 hamilton ont 3t boy wanted boy wanted for mens furnishing store between the ages of 18 and 25 must hare fair education good ap pearance little sales experience pre ferred good references steady post uon apply by letter only to box k herald office it agents wanted weve oct it i prosperous mr asselsune has it you can have it toot cash in on the biooest best line of household necessi tbs8 to be sold dir fr factory to consumers success assured write today for free particulars famjlkx products company 570 st clement st montreal que what other papers say change in tourist styles midland free press whether the cooler weather has any thing to do with it or not there has been a marked change in the style of clothes worn by most of the tourists this year there are not so many girls wearing shorts and the number of stout middleaged women running around with bare legs and bare backs is almost negligible possibly the mosquitoes have something to do with it and one cannot blame the ladles if they have gone in for defence against their attack slacks seem to be the order of the day this summer and wc must uy that we think they look a tot better on most people over twenty five than did the shorts and handkerchief halters which were in vogue last season it is not that we worry w much about legs for like the london bus conductor who urged a reluctant old maid to hurry up the s eps when the wind was blowing legs alnt no treat to us we do like to see folks decently clad how ever and slacks are a big improve ment over the nudity of last year pracncax materntrr rnnuimjt w1u take nursing at home or go to the power op opinion the canadian statesman bowman villo the world is coming more and more to be governed by public opinion even in governments where the public is suppose l to have no opinion of its own tn the last analysis the reigning power cannot long disregard a settled adverse public opinion public opinion is the result of two rorees one is the accuracy of know ledge and the other is character and when you know how much knowledge a man has and how much character he has you can predict the result or those two things and forecast his course of action and so it seems to be with nations therefore the hope of mankind is a continuous process of education that the public may possess both character and knowledge otherwise public opinion will misrule the world imrl omihm ejl hav t wood for sale beach and staple at u0 fireworks or p wen a contribution to our enjoyment from the chinese of ceatarlea ago and through 4he intervening ages they bav taken a prominent part m most gala oorartnrn among the most ifrilnglr beautiful pyrotechnic displays to in viewed anywhere are tftnaa which cli max the nightly- grandstand fparwrtt local news labor day sept 4th toronto exhibition opens next frl day aug 25th money closely boarded has no way of growing men are busy getting the main st in shape for the new pavement esqueslng agricultural fall fair at georgetown sept 27th and 28th the woman who is as pretty as a peach is the one who can upset the apple cart bill huffman jr won the pie ting ronlmt-aluillaflmocknicalc- at oakvllle lasjsaurrday fashion note says the bustle is surely coming back wonder if theyll wear em with shorts georgetown fall fair a little over a month away now is the time to start to think about your exhibits trafalgar township has arranged to purchase a set of ff fighting equipment for use in thetownshlp watch for posters announcing the community street carnival in george town the second week in september premier mitchell f hepburn of ontario celebrated his 43rd birthday quietly at his home near st thomas- on saturday think or it says the brandon sun we spent 186 billions and killed nine million men to swap the kaiser tor hitler stiu another way to get away from it all is to leave your summer cottage and come back home for the week end the tennis courts at the united church are now illuminated for night games the power was turned on j monday night for the first tune i hon or manion has accepted no mlnatlon in fort william his home i town and the constituency he repre sented from 1917 until 1935 another reason why there are more accidents on the highways la that there were 1394853 vehicles regi stered in canada last year a gain of 75 152 over the previous year per nnial canning season puzzle is why mother gets so desperate for fresh fmlt while dad is stil trying to wade through the last jars of that am she put up four years ago a daj of ruh nnd madness tn tead of being a day of rest and glad ness the christian sabbath is be coming more and more devoted to gain and diversion with appalling re suits on church and community life dont forget the midget baseball little world series at the park here n thurda aug 24th and satur da aug 26th if you remember last jears contest you won t miss these games come one come all the finest summer excursion of them a i is nearh here an excursion into- a veritable land of make- believe railways steamship and bus lines are offering special rates so that you may take a trip to this wonderland the canadian national exhibition farmers north of erin tillage are oiling up their guns to keep guard i oer their nocks of sheep and poultry in an effort to safeguard them from a pack of wild dogs that have been terrorising the district and doing severe damage have you something you would like to sell or is there something you wish to buj we frequently hate enquiries for various articles so why not let the public know what you have to offer through the advertising columns of the herald the llstowel banner which is now one of our best exchanges was awarded second price for the best all round weekly with a circulation of from 1000 to 2oq0 at the 20th annual convention of the canadian weekly newspaper association the kelowna bc courier was placed in first place a new electric time clock has been installed in the etora arena the value of the equipment 15 400 and the timer nas an s80 motor it might be well for georgetown s arena board to after the tobacco companies for a clock for the local arena they in stalled one tn acton a couple of years ago and tn orangei ille last season despite the machine age dobbin ls holding his own in this province in fact at prewnt there is a better mar ket for good farm horses than there has been for some time horse shows report increased entries while can adas premier horse show held in the coliseum arena at the canadian national exhibition is so flourishing that several classifications have been added this year the wys of editors are varied when editor george james of the bowmamllle statesman goes away he arranges with local organizations to supply his editorial column and last j ear they did a real job when the newmarket publishers holiday they enter into a novel arrangement where by each paper ceases publication for week at different dates the one sending his paper to all the subscrlb era or the others others throughout the province simply miss an issue or two and let it go at that not so with the herald it goes on serving the eommurlty for 52 weeks in the year funeral services were held today at knoprebyterian church milton for mrs frank r mbcannell of toronto a prominent milton and district rest dent for many years interment will be at evergreen cemetery mrs mc canneb died at toronto general hob pltal on sunday following a lengthy illness she is survived by her hut band one son donald and her mo ther airs n mann weuealey ores toronto which this year includes the pageant ddpa and the famous royal can adian mounted police swefj caporam personals miss ada lane of toronto was a recent visitor in town miss asolyn hayes is spending three weeks with friends at port elgin mrs jenner of toronto spent tues day at the home of mr and mrs j m moore rev and mrs ross cameron and son donald of bdmontort spent several days in town last week mr and mrs ernie coles and fa rally are holidaying at midland and bracebiidge and m jas mobean of chicago arte visiting with mrs john mcbean misses doris bessey and dorothy cleave are holidaying this week in fort erie and buffalo miss lilian kennedy of toronto was a visitor in town last week the guest of miss isabel mcdermld mrland mrs lawrence sloat of port cfolborne were week end visitors at st oeorges rectory mr stewaj t young has returned af ter spending two weeks at his home in stratford mr and mrs s s breckon norwood are visiting with mr and mrs henry wilson ashgrove mr and mrs j k paul of calgary alberta are holidaying for a month with dr and mrs reg paul rev and mrs john a mcdermld of mount forest axe visiting at the home of mrs john mcdermld mr and mrs e l arnold mary jane and billy have returned after spending two weeks at sable beach mrs w v grant misses betty grant and florla feller are holiday ing at stroud beach lake slmcoe mr and mrs victor tedder and family of toronto spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs fred laws mr robt doerfllng of brampton is relieving manager jack watson at the dominion stores who is on vaca tion miss marie barber and miss laura miller of sllvercreek are holidaying this week at evergiandes jackson s point mr and mrs jos hoare of union at ended the funeral of the late john crawford at acton on frldaj after noon last miss beetle dobble of valleyfleld qut is holidaiiug at the home of her parents here mr and mrs thos dobble mr jack thompson of the staff of radio station ckcl toronto is holl dating at the home of his parents re and mrs w g o thompson dr and mrs carl smith of kit chener mrs jos leslie and mr clar ence leslie of ay liner were sunday li ors at thi home of mrs w c bessey miss jean mcatlbwr ham been awarded a scholarship at central technical school where she has com pleted her third year in commercial art mr and mrs w f bradley and daughter margaret have returned af ter an extended trip through the south wesrn states and western canada we are pleased to rtpuit that the editor mr j m moore who has been ill at his home for some weeks ls lm proving slowlj and able to leave his room for a short time each day mr and mrs h hurley announce the engagement of their daughter edna to mr james clark son of mr and mrs barry clark of olen wtl hams the marriage to take place earlj in september mr c b dayfoot represented the georgetown union at the school for leaders sponsored by the provincial executive of the woman s christian temperance union and held at wil lard hall toronto aug 9th to 11th mr and mrs fred laws leave tht week for a holiday in england they will be motored to montreal by their son mr victor tedder of toronto where the will take the boat for the old land we wish mr and mrs laws a very happy holiday and a safe return sunday visitors at the home of mr and mrs t 8 hill king st were mrs parkhill and son mr mcallister parkhtll miss polly hill and miss leslie of hamilton mr jos peer and miss peer of toronto mrs booth and daughter bettj and mr stephenson of brampton church news s text jeans answered and said onto them this is the work of god that ye believe on him whom he hath sent jo correspondence georgetown aug 10th 1999 to the editor georgetown hearld dear sir the wctu wish to draw the at tention of your readers to a book re cently placed by our organlsmtlon in the public library which we think will be helpful in enabling us as dtl sens to give mtelllgent consideration to this liquor problem which has we greatly fear become more com pi teat ed by the establishment of a brewers w in our community however tolerant or intolerant we as individuals may be of the use of alcohol as a beverage no one would be foolish enough to deny the fact that it directly or indirectly creates several grave community problems wherever the drug is readily available these problems have always existed in more or less serious form but it is only within the last few decades that any comprehensive effort has n made to make a scientific study of the subject during the past twenty years how ever much has been done in this line and dr haven emerson professor of public health practice columbia uni verslty has embodied in a very read able book alcorjp lbs effects on man many important findings of science in regard to the effects or beverage alcohol upon the individual race and community of this book the new york times book review says dr emerst sane judicial and scientific presenta tion of the conclusions to which medl cal men are predominantly agreed comes at a timely moment the chapters dealing with the re lationship of alcohol and 1 tuber culosis 2 venereal diseases and 3 mental disorders are particularly per tinent to the problem from the stand point of community health and con sequently too of community wealth we have also placed in the ubrary a brochure end this colossal waste from the pen of the late viscount snowden formerly chancel lor of the exchequer of the labor government of great brltlan this deals with the economic side of the problem undoubtedly there never was a time when those opposed to the use of alcoholic- beverages had so much authoritative evidence to support their view what then is the reason that we have increasing consumption or liquor a knotty problem indeed and one which like all other problems can be solved only through our earnest endeavor to first of all search out all the facts and then direct our cooperative intelligence to finding a solution on behalf of community welfare mrs c b catherine dayfoot press secretary georgetown wctu attention jul irrtereated hi forming a yomigncoiisejyative club tn georgetown and vicinity are urgedotendameeun la the geo public library thursday aug 17 at 8 am for organization plans and election of officers everyone welcome god save the king q little world series baseball copper cliff new york yankees georgetown cincinnati beds for the ontario midget baseball georgetown park first game thursday august 24th 830 pjn second game saturday august 26th 330 urn if a third game ls necessary to decide the winner it will be played on monday aug 28th at 630 pjn added attraction it is expected 60 copper cliff cadets will parade and drill as an added attraction at the game they are attending the cje adnrianon adults 25c saonsored by the lien cava pure food store monarch flour 52c fancy pasnty 2t lbs shortening domestic or gastflrst demebaba sugar lie 5 25c bordens milk 9 t 31c eagle brand corn syrup karo brand cocacola 35c 27c 6 bottle carton plus deposit clarks irish stew dinner in a hurry tin 15c clarks meat spread ideal for sandwiches tin isc clarks sliced smoked beef for a cold beef sandwich tin tse maclarens imperial prepared mustard 24 ox jar 15e maclaren8 imperial peanut butter full 2 pounds tse colga toilet soap free fruit bowl with 5 bars for isc white shoe polish rwolnone or if bottle i5e perkdts serviettes cellophane pkg i5e canapar cookery parchment pkg 23c sw pickle cottage rolls in the piece lb qc sweet pickle back bacon in the piece lb sse choice breakfast bacon in the piece lb 15c fresh bologna in the piece lb iska bring roar own container and save money so whtz fly fume fresh fruit a1to vegetables a e farnell phone 75 free delivery st georges co arch is rev woo thompson rector eleventh sunday af ter trinity sunday school 10 am holy communion 11 am evensong 7 pjn st athans charcn glen williams eleventh sunday after trinity ma tins b30 ajn sunday school 1030 rev e o baxter minister 1000 am church school 1100 am wor ship service conducted by rev f russell of toronto a welcome to au e united drareh rev f c overend ba mmlsker the sunday school win meet at 10 am the congregation will worship with knox oongregatvon in kk church at 11 am and 7 pjn minister rev d d davidson 1ia sunday aug 30th 10 ajn sunday school ii am and 1 pim public worship this odncragatkai will be joined by that of the united chnreh tbe minister wul preach bver j remember brampton fair dates august 24 25 and 26 grandstand attractions friday evening august 25th night horse show increased prize list cooking school friday and saturday large junior section entertainment for young and old admissions cent children under 12 free wm bovajrd preadent fredmcbride secratesy 6 o

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