Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1939, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventythird year of publication wednesday evening ugust 23rd 1939 150 per annum in advance 200 to u5a copper cliffy midget arrive in town today the jong awaited midget series between copper cliff and georgetown till- open at the park here tomorrow night at 30 pm the team from the north will arrive in town v tonight and will spend tomorrow get ting into shape for the games re ports state the copper cliff team is very strong but the georgetown mid gets will also field a wellbalanced team the second game will be played at the park on saturday afternoon at 330 and should a third game be neces sary to decide a winner it will be played on monday night there is rio doubt in the minds of those in charge but what every ball tan in georgetown will be out to these games the only way to get a senior team in town is to support the boys so let everyone come out acton eliminate local for intermediate title acton intermediates outclassed toe local baseball nine hi two straight games to take the intermediate b title for halton county up in acton on saturday afternoon a fair crowd saw the tanners trim the georgetown boys 9 to 6 in an nine inning affair ezeard and ritchie were the batteries for georgetown while gordon and anderson did the choree for acton on monday night at the park here the aoton team meted out another severe trouncing to the tune of 124 this was the second game of the playoffs for the title and acton took it handily brydon and ritchie were georgetown batteries ryder and an derson for acton we wish the acton team the best of luck in their future games in the o b a playdowns young conservatives held organization meeting a fair attendance was on hand last friday night when the young con servatives of georgetown held their organiztaion meeting president fred in the ne w s of the week slot machine gambling u likely to become soon a topic of strong conver sations in and around the attorney- generals office at queens park there may be repercussions in the legisla ture a little later on from a reputable commercial travel ler it was learned this week that literally hundreds of these machines are being operated quite openly throughout ontario with little opposi tion from police authorities he re ports that youngsters in their early teens put in their nickels dimes and quarters as well as adults and while adults are looking on for those who are not initiated it should be explained that the slot machine is a device by which you put in your money and pull a lever you may get nothing back you may get back three coins or eight or if you are very luoky a jackpot which of ten reaches a total of two dollars it is a straight gamble along similar principles as those of the roulette wheel the organization behind these mac nines has planted units in practically council to pave strip between curb and walk on main st k town council met in special on tuesday evening members pres ent mayor gibbons reeve davis and councillors pripps brown hall cos tlgan and lyons v the meeting was called to discuss agreement between the county of haltenr and the town of georgetown re paving a portion of the connecting link moved by lyons seconded by davis that bylaw no to confirm an agree ment with the county council and the provincial department of high ways in regard to the paving of that portion or the connecting links be tween the golf links and the corner of main and church streets be now read a first time carried moved by hall seconded by brown that by law no to confirm an agree ment with the county council and the provincial department of highways in regard to the paving of that portion of tne connecting links between the golf links and the corner of church and main streets be now read a sec ond and third times and finally pass ed and the seal of the corporation be attached thereto carried moved by hall seconded by costl gan that we pave the space on main street between the sidewalk and the mmanuel college vows unite couple j2lunor lyons and ross camp- j bell married on wednesday 16th august t5emarrlage of miss frances ej- unor lyons r n daughter of mr and mrs thos lyons georgetown to mr james ross campbell son of mr and mrs alexander campbell shanty bay took place amid terns and gladioli on wednesday last in emmanuel col lege chapel rev stanley osbourne cousin of the groom officiated mrs clare stevenson cousin of the bride accompanied at the piano by mr n laird sang during the signing of the register olten in marriage by her father the bride wore a becoming gown of sheer faconne over taffeta made on prin cess lines with a short train a llly- ofthevalley halo and finger tip length veil she carried a shower bouquet df white roses with llly-of- thevalley and wore the grooms gift a triple necklet of pearls miss betty lyons sister of the bride gowned in crevette taffeta and matching head dress with long velvet streamers carrying sweet peas with ulyofthe valley was maid of honour misses charlotte and kathleen lyons also sisters of the bride gowned in may new curb with cement pavement flower lilac and regina blue match carried yeas hail costlgan crlpps every summer resort throughout the i brown lyons gibbons nays davis province in an area close to one of the smaller muskoka lakes there are five operating on the counters of small refreshments stands you can see them being played from the main road skirting the lake out on the highway two or three miles away there ib another slot machine operated in plain view of provincial policemen who pa trol the road such a defiance of the law is bound to come to a head before many more days have passed moved by crlpps seconded by cos tlgan that we supply paper and paint for the george st house to the amount of 110 00 carried strong friendship link between copper cliff and georgetown showing the friendly feeling that has been created between the towns of copper cliff and georgetown due to the sport activities or the younger bos of both towns mayor gibbons is in rectipt of the following jitter irom published uian auornej geneial con ant backed him up t ii i i then at uie canadian iiutitule oi as this column predicted some weeks ago the question of whether or not canada should lower the bars against immigration is becoming a very live i mayor collins of copper cliff on latest public man to reintro duce the subject 1 c l burton of i copper cliff aug nth the robert simpson company he hi worship mayor j gibbon believes that one of the solutions to georgetown ontario canada i difficulties is i larger popu 1 anon and hu views wen no ooner tpar maor gibbons gordon aicotl informs mt h is leaving on the 22nd with our ball team to p a lng headdress and carrying similar bouquets acted as bridesmaids mr fred campbell brother of the groom was groomsman mr hugo lyons and mr lloyd campbell were ushers a reception was held at gray gables where mrs lyons received in a rose printed chiffon with black accessories and corsage of talisman roses mrs campbell essisted gowned in blue georgette with while accessories and matching corsage later the couple left on a motor trip to the adirondack and lake placid the bride travelling in a green ensemble matching accessories and triple stone martins they will reside in toronto jane morrison bride of earle frederick treleaven in the spotlight at ottawa by wilfred eggleston ottawa august 22 though a gen eral election may be sprung anj day now there is a curious lack of clear- cut political issues before the public in 1926 the constitutional question centering around the authority of the governor general was the highlight in 1930 it was cure employment or perish in the attempt in 1935 the cry was king or chaos so far 1939 has lamentably failed to produce either an outstanding issue or a bright slogan however there is plenty of time for these to emerge in 1930 the show was stolen by the dynamic personality of rt hon r b bennett who first raised the cry that unemployment was a national issue in 1935 the sensation was provided by the resignation of hon h h stevens and the launching of the reconstruc tion party one wonders what the coming election will provide a ong these lines light sklrmshmg up to now the political leaders have satisfied themselves with light skir mishing premier king- has been con tent to date to rely upon the reccrd although the experience in 1930 with similar tactics should be a disturbing thought dr manlon curiously enough for an opposition leader has also made quite a bit of the record of the con servative party he is busy defending attacks on consevatlve policy third- party observers say that of course the relative harmony between messrs king and manlon is that there is no serious clash between them they hold similar views on many matters the liberals however attribute the luke warm colorless nature of the cam paign to date to the fact that the con scrvative party has failed to produce an original or striking platform tariff takes back seat extreme heat and drought lower crop yield in west average crops abe being threshed in ontario in the prahie provinces despite th fact that prospective yields and gradea of grain have been seriously levered by extreme heat and drought crops over large portions of both saskatche wan and alberta continue promising and wheat fields generally in mani toba will be fairly satisfactory in th latter province harvesting is veil ad vanced and in saskatchewan and southern alberta cutting is fairly gen eral good rains in manitoba and showers over most of sas have delayed operations but the mots ture has been beneficial to late sown grains and pastures little precipita tion has occurred in alberta and cropa in central and northern district would benefit from heavy rains in quebec province grain fruit and root crops have benefited from good grow ing weather and all are giving satisfac- tory promise grain cutting iff- now well under way in ontario harvesting- is well advanced in most sections and average yields of the main crops an in prospect in the maritime provlncea crops in general show good promise weather and moisture conditions hav ing continued favourable to growth in british columbia crop conditions gen erally continue satisfactory and pros pects are for good yields of grahx and tree fruits though in various areas without irrigation water rain is ur gently needed harvesting of grama will be in full swing in a few day time moisture conditions are satisfactory in ontario early thrrefrg outturns of barley and oats indicate an average yield of good quality corn is making excellent progress under ideal condi tions and prospects for root crops con tinue favourable pasturage is in gooff condition tomatoes have made good recovery from the earlier lack of mois ture but only an average yield is an ticipated delivery to canneries is ex pected to commence shortly early peaches and plums are a normal crop and other tree fruits are progressing satisfactorily tobacco has shown marked improvement and although hi chair and conducted the election or officers as folows president leslie clark 1st vice president i humberstone 2nd vicepresident mrs vernon mcc umber recording secretary reg broom head treaeurerjg collier by remari miss s lane and miss m dobble organizaton is now well under way and the club will be functioning ac ttvely in the near future on ilia g raj mond booth secretary lot lip canadian national commit tei on refugees ured the appointment of a non partisan ind representative migration board with the rfcs pons i bill ij of uniting up to jooooo refugees to canada within the next twelve months of cne bw three limts with your tcini it georgetown i renumber ic w 1 hi s j ndid lime our bovs ind in gcoritoui last ir uiunls to our tlf vo r coun til jnd joti citizens i id the team this veur ls looking foiwird to i njovabie series i tliought it only fair to warn jou tliu tin bos in k ivtn wiui every inttn inn of running tin cun whkni lal one generalization seems safe the at a quiet ceremony in st georges w x a rcn georgetown in the presence 1 1 t p former about a week later than usual narves- immediate friends of tin tamil i jt tru hav lowered i ting is now general and a crop of av- the tariff somewhat since they came enure v j into power they have negotiated trade treaties the tendency has been down ward but uwn dr mamon is clearlj not anything like so enamoured of high protection as mr bennett was o thal if the conservative party grows moderate than before on the marriage took place on saturday tne tarifr since they camelerage weight and good quality is indl- au 19th of jim morrison daugl mto p ule have negotiated trade cated ter of the lat mr and mrs morr on of rocliestei n v and earle fredulck inluven of toronto rev w c o thompson officiated the bride looked lovely gowned in a fuj luifctji dus of pink i mbrolder vcrj a- orgindy w liofs and k1o umehouse a special holsteln show open only to the county of halton is to be stag ed this year in conjunction with ie milton fair on sept 30th an excel lent prixe list has been prepared and committees are already at work to get out a worthwhile exhibit it is wltn complaints prevalent that cer- antlcipated that between 75 and 100 tow villages in ontario head will be on display the county majntain traps for unwary motorists eek willun a few ears canada would j tne ar prcttj smart be under a sstem of government with kind rson i regards and more closelj resembling fascism than srrateful appreciation of any at democracj b k sand well of to trillion ou mav be abli to rie to ronto saturday night our team while there ou are suffering from the cruel i yours sjncxreh brutal narrow competitive sjstem ihat obtains throughout the countrj a w roebuck mp p addressing retail cleaners and as the radio announcer might say these opinions expressed are those of the individual only and mrs chas lucas have- u1 this moved to the third line this week lar picture hat tne berals rest on their mr and mrs earl scott visltel in i blut and carry i so iat tarlif reduction umehouse over the week end shower bouqutt of sweetheart i con lssue wm rea- miss w ivens is visiting at bramv iixss and bouardn mid entered uit i 1 ford this week after spending last i uch on the aim of her uncle mr l what lhird p can e i week at colllngwood anohrdon vd- ashsrove o also misse jean lane-ancvgnes- her in mirnufe nied bj hi r coilsjii e a collins major mayer gibbons of georgetown er kind replied to tht above letter and was at ruth m rrlmin of afihgraii who wore yellow embroidered organdie with mauve ac ccsnorles and cirrled a nosegay ot 1 t lmnn rosis and mnuve gladioli rile groom w is attended b his bro i r mr wm trdeuen of new castle o after refreshments at cedar crest first time thev hac a live national bertson of toronto are aoudaylng at i office nnd fulltime organizers in eej mr and mrs a w benton s urovlnr tlii hntn htrrli nrf j rt jj il province the have a brlglil zealous national secretarv david lew is who promises all parties concerned m effective campaign this time h will be interesting to see whether the cop which polled nearly 400 000 votes in 1935 and probably would have ued another 100 000 more kiiiu repneo to me aoove letter and tcai i inured miyor collins that everything mr d treleaven left for their f a snr r2 t nss l pnulble would be done to give the tlqm ln toronto the bride travelling h a pckltion re innoe club has also entered a herd in the inkrcounty class at the cne ani mals have been selected from the nerds of t v leslie ac son john hunter and robinson bros all o georgetown j l neelands son emerson ford both of hornby w b somerset and irwin shepherd of free man and w s dickenson and les lie peer of milton the first reunion of the henry fa mily was held at thehome of mr and mrs william lundy orangevllle on saturday with more than eighty- three members present mr w h henry was master of ceremonies dur ing the dinner served on the lawn the oldest member of the family w j henry of milton 83 years of age was presented with a gift arnold and allan holmes the 2yearold twins of mr and mrs william holmes mono township were the youngest present general relief will be felt by the an nouncement of attorney oeneral conant that a new experimental high way patrol scheme has been adopted the province will be zoned in three districts western central and eastern a specially qualified provincial officer with the rank of sergeant is appoint ed o hit immediate supervisory con trol and direction of each b this change it is hoped to ensure that i maximum of time ls spent in the ac tual patrol or the highways the great canadian na ional exhl bition opens its gates this week and the current of enthusiasm running throughout all the preparations of the two weeks program is marked there ls little doubt that when the finale ls over there will be another surplus chalked up and another jear of ac hievement written into the long his tory of the fair with conditions brightening a little for the farmers of the country fair directors are anticipating a larger at tendance than ever from the rural a good time wliile here a copj tn a tailored suit ofjiavy boucle with of major gibbons letter follows his worship mayor collins copper cliff ontario dear mr mayor this ls to acknowledge and thank vou for your letter of august 17th all the sport loving people of the town of georgetown are anticipating a kecnlv contested series of baseball by the midget teams of copper cliff and georgetown and the citizens gen erally i assure jou are interested in extending to mr gordon alcott and i the members of his team a warm wel come the members cf the copper cliff team all good athletes displaying good sportsmanship js further evid ence i am convinced or mr alcott s efforts and success in tlie interests of the youth of your communltv yours very truly joseph gibbons mayor miss margaret j henry told the areas and an increase in the entries story as she heard it from hex ther of the coming to canada from irelanti of the family who settled at cheltenham ronald lundy 7-year- old son of the host gave a reading gordon graydon mp for peel coun ty spoke of the contribution that the henry family bad made in the early settling of ontario officers for 1b40 are honorary pre sident w h henry cheltenham president- w j henry primrose se cretary mrs w mcpadden milton treasurer mr j mitchell toronto maifing list corrected it our ftff lists have been correct- fed to wednesday aug lftth if your sabscrlpuon is paid up to date the label on your paper should read aug u40 if you are in arrears we would appreciate a remittance as soon as 8obacrlpuon m arrears are a drag on the wheal and hinder the work of giving you a paper worthy of the dis trict plea check tne label on your paper mow and should it be in error we will gladly revise same a largenttm- ber of dbseripuom come due the 1st of oeptmbtr for the various agricultural events this situation is in direct contrast to the experience of the two big world fairs now being conducted in the united states where both in san francisco and new york the offlclals are looking on sadly as deficits pile i up day after day it ls interesting to note too that at new york they are happy to have a dally average attendance of 62000 wouldn t the canadian national ex hibition directors feel blue if their at tendance slipped down to that figure georgetown high school upper school results annual halton match to be held near drumquin at a meeting of the halton plow men arrangements were made to hold the annual match near drumquln on the farm of john picket john lister and bert fuller on friday november 3rd we understand from president peter peddle that the site is an ideal one and the executive ls out to excel the record match of a year ago when 76 competed making it the second largest county match in the province arrangements are also under way to select a team of three plow boys to represent halton in the interoounty class at the mtemauonal which this to be held near e 13th inclusive barber normangng comp c beeny edgar eng comp 2nd bowman anne lat comp c braisby daisy eng lit c campbell therese eng comp 2nd eng lit 1st cleave f ft comp c cummins william eng comp 2nd deans mae eng comp c eng ut 2nd devereaux helen eng comp c eng lit 3rd dick marion eng ut c oeom flqria mod hist 1st oeom 2nd trig 1st phys 2nd chem 1st fr auth 1st fr comp 1st grant elizabeth mod hist 1st oeom 1st trig 1st lat auth 1st lat comp lat fr auth 1st fr comp 1st germ auth 3rd germ comp 1st hansen ralph eng comp 2nd eng ut 2nd- hayes azolyn eng comp 1st eng ut 1st henderson janet eng comp 2nd oeom 2nd trig 1st fr auth 2 fr c c hunter norman eng xil c eng comp c the hcrridee enigma accessories the best wishes of j if all third party strength was unl friends follow them to their new tea on nfelv could predict i real drive against the traditional parties about a million votes were cas for third parties in 1935 and this was not so far behind the popuar vol3 for the conservative party this alses the query as to the real significance of mr herridgc he has failed in hi first move a united front of those dis satisfied with the traditional parties if he succeeds in the new democracy campaign which of the older parties goose will he cook one strongly sus pects from the effect of th sevens insurrection in 1935 that a rallying of ranks behind the former minister to washington will make a serious dent in one or more of the parties but whichjuie phat will be the unnown quantltj perhaps of the next election the writer feels fairly sate in his prediction at least that monetary re form or in flatloh in some open or disguised form will become om of the major issues possibly the issue o the coming campaign and as temper warm up and the contest gets properly under way that ancient bogey of un employment especially unemployment of youth will inevitably emerge i ij take a leading place among the issues of the day the bren gun contract may be prominent but i do lbt t for eign policy is of great concern but the disposition ls to let sleeping dogs he halton calf clubs to compete at one halton calf clubs will again be rep rnsentei in the inter club calf com leti lions at the cne halton boys have maintained a high record at the c nus hav lng w on two firsts two seconds and a third in five jears of competition on holsteins one first two seconds and a fourth on jersey s in the past four years and two firsts and a second on shorthorns in the past three years the clubs this year will be represented bj the following young man holsteins ward brown rldire and bruce reid of georgetown revs maxwell and donald peer of milton jerseys beverley and ken net i ella rockwood fred ruddell georgetown and frank millar free man isley martha eng comp c eng ut 2nd long ojeoroe eng ut 2nd macdonaiid olive eng comp 2nd eng lit c mcgqwan helen eng comp c overend marion chem 2nd pell john trig 2nd retd marion eng comp 2nd ruddell jean eng ut 2nd chem 2nd lat auth c lat comp 2nd fr ausk 2nd fr comp 3ra germ auth d germ comp c ruddell uoy eng comp c eng ut 2nd shorttll joanna eng ut c speioht betty mod hist 2nd trig 2nd zoot 2nd chem 2nd fr auth 2nd ft comp 2nd williams harry eng comp 1st eng ut 1st alg 1st oeom 1st trig 1st phys 1st chem 1st lat auth 1st lat comp 1st fr auth 1st fr comp 1st williams maroot mod hist e oeom 2nd trig 2nd phys c chem c lat auth 2nd lat comp 2nd fr auth 1st fr comp 2nd williamson marion oeom 1st trig 1st zool 1st chem 3rd fr comp 1st fr auth 2nd vouno stuart cham 2nd mr gordon grieg visited the gales this week we are sorry that mr s m wrlght is confined to his bed with npingipw but all hope tor his speedy recovery miss garce beenrran spent last week in toronto with mr and mrs e scott masters kenneth and earl and miss audrey beerman visited with their aunt and uncle mr and mrs percy harding at kitchener last week acton mr william scouy burton re turned on monday from a seven weeks visit in the homeland of scotland he had a most enjoyable trip and visited with his mother and sisters in edinburgh and renewed aoquaintanoea of other years the engagement is announced oc ruth daughter of mrs and the late john gibson of acton to mr william a maxwell son of mr andrew and the late mrs maxwell of ouelph the marriage to take place in september mr and mrs arable maopherson rockwood announce the engagement or their only daughter ruby to mr o ross gordon younger son of mr ind mrs george gordon rockwood the marriage to take place early in september in comparison with other munici palities in this district acton streets and roadways are 100 per cent and we iqciude gravel as well as paved roads when we say that alexander mclean wellknown re sident of guelph and for a number ot years a resident of acton died at st josephs hospital last week born on the first line of erin he was u son of the late donald wft and mary smith m mclean was 74 years of age and spent most of hla life in this district- ontario reformatory official suspended thomas proctor senior sergeant on the staff or the ontario reformatory at guelph is aid to have been reliev ed of his duties at the farm but reason for the action reported to have been taken by dr heaslip sup erintendent of the institution could not be ascertained proctor a former sergeant at the burwash industrial farm was ap pointed senior fkrgeant at the re formatory three years ago following tne madden commission investigation of riots at the institution in january 1936 he succeeded alfred t ma- gure for many years chief custodial- officer who was superannuated as a result of recommendations made by judge madden in the united states they sell lipstick called the lady they also sell one calledhe hussy tne hussy outsell the lady fivetoone milton dr r k anderson exmp is very 111 at his home on martin st his many friends hope he will soon recover wm smith is seriously iii at hte home on robert street tosfrienda hope he trill soon recover mr and mrs f leonard whits and son master donald l visited mr and mrs j irwin king on sunday afternoon tney motored to the airport at malton where they saw one of the big air liners carrying a number ocpassen gers leave at 6 pm for vanboirvat bc the huge plane was in charge of four officers and a pretty stewar dess dressed in a sniartlootdng uni form a large crowd of motorist from all parts of canada and the tj 8 a were present to see the sights malton has some swell new homes be ing built near the airport by the georgetown umber co and serarai of them are being painted by ttmnk pearen of milton a jhampon

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