Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1939, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wed nesday evening august 23rd 1 939 page 3 international uniform sunday school lesson uzziah a king who forgot god golden text everyone that ex- alteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be luke 18 14 uesson passage 2 chronicles 26 35 1621 xt me but do my work from day to day in field or forest at the desk or loom id roaring marketplace or tranquil room ijet me but find it in my hear to say when vagrant wishes beckon me astray v this is my work my blessing not my doom henry van dyke a good start 35 as a young king uzzlah got away m the right foot he was only six teen when he came to the thorne and for a time all went magically well the fortifications were renewed agri- cutlure was encouraged and the mor ale of the nation was established with such a igood start as king why did the life of uzzlah end in tragedy it js the old story of love of power leading strong men into folly this narrative could in essential principle be duplicated in the stories of a doz en modern politicians and statesmen in youth they are champions of the people they have an honest desire lor public service they are elected to power flatterers surround them they become intoxicated by their success luxury becomes pleasant ana the power of wealth lures them from simplicity personal discipline is re laxed and very often the champion of the people is found fighting against the very causes in which he made his reputation there is a destruction that wasteth at noonday at the very climax of success and achievement personal weaknesses may appear to destroy all that courage perseverance end selfdenial have produced a great mistake 16 is why do we go to church surely the two dominant motives should be to worship god and to confess our sins uzzlah unfortunately did not want to go to church as a worshipper or a sinner he sought to go as a king and get publicity for himself in youth he had been a devout worship per but gradually he came to regard religion as a department of state to i this day the relationship of church and state remains difficult in dicta tor countries the church is being sub ordinated to the civil or military power religious liberty is greatly curtailed ah the fault has not been on the side of the state more than once in christian history the church bad claimed absolute power over gov ernment and inevitably there has been conflict a recent slogan has much truth in it let the church be the church this means that the spirt tual purposes of the church should come first it should deal with reli gious education worship confession moral questions and keep political ac tivities very secondary in the long run the church can influence poli tics more through rellgon than by direct action it is usually a mistake when a church links up with any party our weapons are spiritual church leaders are subject to mixed motives as well as political leaders the church is the body of christ and must not become a tool of any faction a heavy punishment 19 20 we are prone to dislike penalties but they do exist actions that are casual may be causal we deceive ourselves when we try to make our selves believe that the laws of chiim and effect apply to others and not to ns quite often the seed of the pui alty is hidden in a thought a word o- a deed uzzlah thought that he wis powerful enough to do as he liked but lie soon found that he had public opln ion against him he was interfering with the rights of those who had been trained to conduct worship and in their eyes the sanctity of worship was being violated certain dictators have announced that they had no regard lor moral laws they will eventually and that while they think they are breaking moral laws actually moral laws will break them a glutton may set himself up as superior to the laws of dietetics but overweight and in digestion will in time appear as pen alties the moderate drinker may saj that liquor la no problem to him yet by drinking alcohol will in time be come a problem the gossip and back biter may say that caustic talkv is harmless but in ume they will find themselves suspected and friendless we reap as we sow deeds create destiny an anucumax 21 can life continue throughout on an ascending scale or must it be like going up a hill and down again there are many instances of early promise and early decline in busi ness and politics it is rather better not to arrive too soon a sure foun dation of knowledge and character may lead to greater permanency o influence and opportunity it is pathe tic to see middle aged or elderly peo ple who feel that thet joys or life are over yet there is no need for us to live empty lives all things are ours through interest apprecia tion and sharing in spite of finan cial reverses we can still have thoughts friends and a love for beauty god has provided joys for old age just as he has provided interests and duties for youth perils of prosperity i have not a problem that money could not solve so said a man who had a materialistic yard stick by which to measure everything the fact is that money can cause prob lems as well as solve them canada s great danger at present is not poverty but the misuse of plenty when trade is booming many forget the god who is a spirit christ gave many warn ings against the soul killing power of mammon he did not exaggerate riches can become a burden and a snare unless they are used sacrincal ly and redempti ely occasionally successful business men give up their money making organizations to de vote themselves to the service of hu inanity they find that heart throbs are as real as ledgers questions for discussion 1 where was the fault in uzzlah or his circumstances 2 what validity is there in ordina tion 3 can medical science free the hu man race from leprosy 4 knowing the perils of prosperity why do we continue to desire it 5 what did uzzlah mean to isaiah lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council of religious education used by permission hints for housewives shellacking chairs a coat of clear shellac over the seats of rushbottom chairs will greatly prolong their lives and keep the reed from splitting fruit stains rub powdered borax on fruit stains then pour boiling wa ter through the fabric before washing and boiling it to clean pewter wash the articles in hot water with a paste made of soft soap and powdered pumice stone then polish with a cloth or chamois leather coffee hint should coffee not be freshly ground place the required quantity in a pan and shake over a low heat for a moment before infus ing tht flavor will equal that of nt w ly bought coffee use for old newspapers put a thick layer of newspapers under your car 1 1kb moths will then give them a wide berth and jour carpets will i hint the tread of a soft pile more over the layer of paper will prevent dust working up from the floor into the floor covering preparing a chicken for roasting bi ush chicken over with olive oil rhs makes it tender and the flavor is unprov ed hair hint lemon juice added to the rinsing water will help to pre serve the color of fair hair and also make it bright and glossy hot weather hint take advantage of the cool night air to stay the heat the next day leave all windows open in your house at night except those closed for safety early in the mom ing close all doors and windows and keep this cool air in and the hot ab out the greatest honour a woman can pay a man is to marry him clearing sale of all millinery misses claridge announce a clearfog sale of all millinery in stock misses claridge main street georgetown henu block ujpt that raspberry flavor serve a dessert with a raspberry flavor and you serve something rel laheel by all the following easily digestible dessert may be served all the year round while fresh rasp barrfes are in season an added dec oration or topping may be used by dropping a few fresh berries on tin whipped cream junt before nerv ing this diaburt rmuirua no buklog no boiling and no lrru it is eco nomical healthful and may bt made in the cool of the morning what mon could one ask tor in a dessert raspberry rennet custard with whipped cream and dccorettes 1 putkuge raspberry rbnuet powdtr 1 pint milk w cup whit ping cream m cup sugar chocolate iltcoreues makt rennet custaril according to directions on package chill in re frigerator wlic n r nd to serve whip the cream adding minor and mixing wi 1 put on top of each dessert and sprinkle with chocolate toretton souffles that dont flop there is one member of a luncheon party which should never sit down its very embarrassing to the hostess when her guests are seated at the table to have the main dish the souffle not only sit down but fall flat on its face but as wise cooks know this need never happen so if in the past you have hesitated to make a souffle because it might fall try this delicious recipe and banish that bogey forever the addition of quickcooking tapioca to the souffle will keep it high and handsome all the way through this salmon souffle is ideal for a summer luncheon it is easy to make and has a delightful flavour a light salad and a simple dessert are sug gested to complete the luncheon salmon souffle ij tablespoons quickcooking tapioca j teaspoon salt teaspoon minced onion 1 cup milk 1 cups minced salmon 3 egg yolks beaten until thick and lemoncolored 3 egg whites stiffly beaten 1 cup water and 2 bouillon cubes combine quick cooking tapioca salt onton milk and stock in top tot i double boiler place over rapidly boil ing water and cook 8to 10 minutes i arter water bo us again stirring fre quently add salmon cool slightly whue beating eggs add egg yolks and mix well fold into egg whites turn into greased baking dish place in pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven 350 degrees f one hour or until firm serves 8 try it the salada way inhim 6 hoping tpooes of sabda black tu in pint of fmh bolllni water after 6 minute tosln liquid into sqosrt container white hot dd 1 to 1 i cupt of 9r and julet of fi itmom strained stir tmtll tuur iftdteolvtd all contatmr with cold wster do not allow tea to cool won sddwg cold water or liquid will btcom cloudy sv with chipped ice the abom micas 7 tell guaml eeeb peach recipes you willlike with the largcs and most luscious crop of peaches ever known in on tarlo now moving to market it is onlv natural that housewives wlu be us ing th s fruit almost every day of the peach season here are some delicious recipes recommended by the ontario dept of agriculture women s insti tute branch try them deep peach pie par- and halve peaches remove stones arrange halves in a deep oak ing dish sprinkle with sugar cover with plain pastry and bake peach tarts have ready tart shells baked over inverted patty pans simmer peaches just enough to make them tender in syrup oi cual parts sugar and water place half a peach in each tart shell round side up drop a spoonful of slightly sweetened whipped cream on top garnish with shrtdded almonds rice balls with peaches pack sleamd rice into small rame kins or moulds turn mould out on plat cut hahi nf fresh or can ned peaches in quarter ind arrange around the moulds srvt with cream or peach sauce peach sauce j cup sujar 1 cup ho peach julct 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons butter 1 uaspoon lemon juice mix sugar nnd cornstarch add peich juice stirring const intly boil five minutes hmou from fire ado butter ind lemon juice peach belly put nltirnite lnvcrs of sliced peaches and dry bread crumbs into a well greased pudding dish sprinkle each lavir oi fruit with sugar dot pieces of butter over the crumhs have a layer of crumbs on lop add a very little hot water and cover closely bake in a moderate oven until fruit is tender remove cover towards the last of the cooking to brown the crumbs serve with cream or hard sauce peach salad fill halves of raw or canned peach es with cottage cheese or with loaf cheese moistened with salad dressing serve on lettuce other suggestions for serving peaches 2 arrange sliced peaches in a serv ing dish and pour over them a plain custard or cornstarch mixture canned peaches use fully ripe fruit to obtain the best flavour use a thin syrup lj cups sugar to 3 cups watcr or a medium syrup 3 cups sugar to 3 cips water as desired scald peaches dip in cold water and peel x leave peaches whole or remove pits and pack in jars hollow side down cover with boiling syrup partial ly seal and process 20 minutes in a hot water bath a better pack in obtained if the peaches are simmered in the boiling syrup for four to eight minutes be fore packing but they should not be cooked until soft x origin of the peach it is believed that the peach origi nated in china many generations be fore the beginning of the christian era the chinese have always ascrib ed miraculous powers to the peach one chinese sage wrote the peach if one is able to eat it enough times will save the body from corruption tffl the end of the worm another pfaflc- sopher obouyki declared whoever oats the peach obtains immortal life diovne quintuplets visiting hours advice has been received by tht passenger traffic department of the canadian national railways that there has been a change in the visit ing hours to visit the dionne quin tuplets at callander ontario the chudren w tjpear daily w either and health iiltting at 9 30 a m to 10 00 im and from 3 00 pm to 3 30 p m eastern standard time the place in which you ltve colors are so importafrlyto the mak ing of a happy home slncekhey create that atmosphere of serenity which sends us out feeling at peace with our selves and our world and welcomes us back with the same friendliness but having found that glorious shade of rid or orange or vivid green go easy with it upe it as an effective touch hcrt and there or colourful originality a wastepaper basket a cushion candles a quaint jug or bowl over do the touch and the effect is gaudy restless tiresome to live with wallp y r is all important and therefore must not be chosen entirely on its own merit but as the back ground which is going to show up the furnishings of a room to the best advantage cowslip and pale s snlne shade for instance show the highllgnls of your colour scheme in the most considerate way these shades appear to give added dimensions to a room so do the light shades of blue but of course like green tliev ask for a sunny room now a few safe rules make sim plicity tht keynote remember that the most charming effects are always simple be colorful by all means but in a restful way avoid loo violent contrasts es pecially- between wallpaper and wood work where possible have theea toning beware of tpo ornate frieses particularly in small rooms if your abode is small it is a good plan to have walls of the same tone throughout especially all on one floor so that when doors are left ajar there is a pleasing effect of continuity in stead of a jarring choppedup medlet of color improved by adversity onte a man was standing on the bank- of a stream with a lumber jacfc who was watching the logs as they floated by from above every now and then the lumber jack would drive his pick into one of them and draw lb aside finally the man said to him why do you choose these particular logs they don t appear any different to me from the others oh but they are replied the lumber jack these logs i have picked out are tough and fine grained for they grew on top of the mountain where they were buffet ed by the full force of the wind and weather the other logs grew on a sheltered slope and are softer and coarser grained they are not fit for my purpose trees and men an made tough and strong by facing trials not by being sheltered from them ib 7c lemons lsro tuic doz 29r pickling onions 4 lbs 25 fruit and vegetable price till saturday night only carrolls malnslreel georgetowb free delivery fhestt 387

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