Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1939, p. 4

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page the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 23rd 1939 silvers cordially invite you to inspect their prefall showing of v womens fall and winter coats fur coats fall millinery each coming season silvers are looked upon as the correct interpreters of the current trends this year silvers display envolve a collection that will lift coat and mil linery fashions to new heights of interest our garments are accepted each season for their fashion value fine furs fabrics and work manship this seasons line is excep tional and merits the consideration of every women interested in fine merchandise if its new well show it first toklravbk morrison at st george ctharoh georgetown on saturday aug 19th 1939 uy rev woo ntompmo jane morrison daughter of the late mr and mis p h morrison to barle frederick treleaven of toronto watsonbowery on thurs day august 17th 1939 at kgunton united church sheldrake boule vard the marriage was solemnised of julia margaret daughter of mr and mrs thomas w lowry of ripley ontario to john lee wateon son of mr and mrs charles k watson of georgetown ontario the rev a j paul officiated died t at erin on thursday aug 17th emma j thompson beloved wife of the late john leslie and sister of mr fred thompson edith st georgetown aged 78 years faults au men have their frailties and whoever looks for a friend without im perfection will never find what he seeks we love ourselves notwlthstand big our faults and we ought to love our friends in like manner cyrus silvers dept store where your dollar goes farther phone 37s georgetown pure food store extra monarch pastry flour extra special 24 lbs 49 special gtjeefb butter first crade lb niagara dry ginger ale 2 btls 25c plus deposit pure lard 2 lb 17 packed in 1 lb cartons clark s soup 4 t 25c tomato green pea mulllgi tawny blue highland puffed wheat hereford brand corned beef tall tin california ripe olives deluxe jelly powders kellogg s all- wheat cereal floating model ship 3 cello bags zsc 6 lb tin 89c 6 plcgs 5c free 2 plcgs 23c brunswick sardines kipper snacks york brand sauer kraut 2 tins 25c elephant brand soap eas on the hands 5 bars 19c a ply coils i j 20c s pickled cottage rolls by the piece lb 21c sweet pickled back bacon bv the piece lb 30c choice breakfast bacon by the piece lb 25c fresh bologna by the piece ib nc finest quality spices and bulk vtvegar for your pickling fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 free delivery notice to creditors in the matter or the estate of mar tin luther near late of the town of georgetown in the county or flalton gentleman deceased notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late martin luther near uho died on or about the fifth day of june 1939 at the town of georgetown in the countj of hnlion and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for isabella manraret near and ro bert shortlll the executors of the last will and testament of martin luther near gentleman deceased thelr names and addresses and full parti culars in writing of their claims and statements or their accounts and the nature if the securities if any held b them and take notice that after the twent fourth day of september 1939 the said isabella margaret near and robert shortlll will proceed to dtstri bute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had no lice and thai the said isabella mar garet near and robert shortlll will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then hae re ccived notice dated at georgetown ontario thl twentythird da of august a d 1939 dale a bennett solicitors for the said isabella mar garet near and robert shortlll 3t simple stuff by edward wodson otr young folk what are we doing for the young folk that seems the popular battle- cry today for political and social or ganisations that want to keep in the limelight meanwhle our young folk have a fairly cleancut notion of their own about grownups they dont talk about it but its there right enough and deep enough too it will not be blown away by the wind of rhetoric at anyrate youngsters don t say hear hear- at public meetings when platitudes are uttered on platforms in stalnei glass attitudes they have a little sottovoce oh yeah i sea you that is far more eloquent because it is true most grownup hear hears are humbug i like to recall a picture i saw some years ago a gentle silverhaired man in a richly carpeted- library where books filled every inch of wall space i not occupied by door window and wide hospitable fireplace he was a famous alienist authority on mental disorders his name well known to europe this quiet room in an asylum of the motherland seemed a perfect reflex of the great man art and science the art and science of living and thinking serenely and wlselj in his company you felt the presence of a man who could search deeply the brain and its functions and the heart of man too it was a thrill to hear him talk quietly and simply even a humble outsider who didn t know a somatic from a psychic function could under stand what he said with such sym pa thy and wisdom and when we went in he was plaj ing with a kitten i playing with a little bundle of grey and brown fluf that skipped and sprang hither and thither across the crimson carpet be lore the fire the doctor was dang ling before the kitten a tuft of rabbit fur attached to a long black thread the kitten s antics were delightful kitty did nothing that was expected when we thought shed leap she roll ed when we expected a spring to follow a stealthy creep toward the molng fur there was a lightning spring right away into a far off cor ner dark and lonesome it was an exhibition of youths un trammelled fancj the doctor told us later that unexpected reflexes in that kitten were like the pretty fancies and energetic activities of childhood and outh that we had no more right o expect measured and calcul able conduct in vouth than we had to trv and put an old cats craftiness into that little kitten s head simple stuff t erin mrs p talbot of acton spent a few days last week with mr and mrs g a hamilton mr and mrs o a kennedy of hornby were guests of mr and mrs r mcenery on sunday miss ruth thomas of hamilton will be home on an extended leave to holi day with her parents rev o h and mrs thomas mrs walter crosby who has been visiting at the home of her son in toronto for the past two months re turned home on saturday and we arc pleased to report her health is some what improved dr gear and his son h a gear will again compete in the finals of the provincial lawn bowling associa tion to be held in toronto on labor day mr james wheeler 78yearold re sldent of erin was knocked down by a car driven by mac ferguson and suffered a compound fracture of the left leg when he stepped out to cross main street about eleven o clock last saturday night he was attended by a local physician and later removed to guelph general hospital advo cate smith trb8ton wedding at guelph a quiet wedding was solemnized at 3t james church guelph on sun day august 20th by rev f h wase when ruth esther only daughter of mr and mrs wilfred preston of georgetown became the bride of mr harold william clark smith of 8udv bury the bride was given in marriage by her father and the attendant wete mr and mrs w e preston bro ther and sisterinlaw df the bride only a few immediate relatives were present at the ceremony after a short honeymoon in barrle and wasaga beach the happy couple will reside in georgetown the weed of the week common st john s wort the common st johns wort is a persistent perennial weed which is rapidly becoming established through out ontario on roadsides old meadows and pastures states john d macleod weed expert ontario dept of agricul ture toronto the weed is propagated by means of seed and slender creeping under ground rootstalks the stems are clus tered with wood at the base and one to two feet high leaves without stems are opposite ilowers yellow in loose clusters the petals having black dots on the margin no difficulty is experienced with st johns wort on land which is thor oughly cultivated and which is kept under a short rotation of crops break any badly infested pasture fields and cultivate thoroughl do not reseed to any crop until this weed has been eradicated advises mr macleod prevent seed production by spudding scattered plants or mowing or spray ing experience has proven that this weed will spread rapidly and smother out all other vegetation insist on having adjoining property and road sides cleaned up spraying with chemicals has proved effective weed inspectors will give information on the proper use of chemicals ashgrove the joint picnic of the wm5 mis on and bab bands was held at the home of jin c b dick during the first part of the afternoon the mission band took charge and enter tained all w 1th a splendid program miss frances wrlgglesworth was i the chair and the program consisted of piano olo miss joy rudde duet o hon norman o hipel minister of labor announced last week that a school for the training of air mec hanics has been located in gait and classes will be held for the training of 600 students the first of which will open about the first of september the building in gait was selected af ter a careful survey of the whole pro vince o monster street carnival sept 14th utile world series baseball copper cuff new york yankees vs georgetown cincinnati reds for the ontario midget baseball championship at georgetown park first game thursday august 24th 630 pjn second game saturday august 26th 3 30 pm if a third game is necessary to decide the winner it will be played on monday aug 28th at 630 pjn admission adults 25c sponsored by the lion ottb notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of wil liam cooke late of the town of georgetown in the county of hal ton gentleman deceased notice is hereby given that misses marion dick and isabel wrig all persons having am claims or dc glesworth mist- marion dick gave an i ma nds against lie lite william cooke intereitng talk on the cgit cntnp who died on or about the eighth da to which three or the girls had the or ma 1939 at the c tj of guelph privilege of attending at the beginning in th countj of w utngton and f jul mis marlon mill r it ad in i province of ontario are required to lruptrlni piper on trie ciristiin send bv post prepaid or to deliver lo living mrs c b dick in id thb the undtrsigned solicitors herein tor prt of the program with prnvc the frances e cooke th fxitiitrix of rimainlr of ih afternoon wis spent i the list will and testament of wll grne an 1 contests on the lawn i lam cooke otnuemm deceased mder he leadership of mrs cecil i their names and addresses and rull wilson lmch brought the delist i irarticulars in writing f heir claim ul if u moon to a close and sntemenl of their acco ints and on a ig lst 8th a most t i ri ting i the nature of um sec irilli s if mj met tint of the women s init t wa held by them id on the lawn at the homt of and take notice that ificr the mr a j ruddell ladies u pres twentv fourth daj of september 1939 nt from georgetown and stwir on the mud prances f cooki will pro drinthi the main featur of the cted to dlstrlbite the asseus of the wternoon was i demonstration on said deconed among the ptrson the making of slip covers an dnpes i ti led then lo having regard onlv to bv mr wood mrt muss pi vm n ol ihi claim of which he h ill th n he suit r sewing mtirhinc ci thl mc hid notice md ha li ild was preceded bj a short program con fr nee f cooki will i ix t ill n une of an educattoml n din on the id ivsets or ni v pir th rts t ihi starling b mrs bally of stew nnv person or who e rliim claim h irt own mia dorls arm roni of shall not then have recilved notice cwrgetown favored with t nno soli datfd at georgetown ontario mrs c b dick and mrs her ir bird this twent third da oi august a d sang a d let the committee in charge assisted bv the hostess served i lamlv school opening s e p t e m 1 5th 1939 h w hinton jeweller main st belling out remainder of blocli jeweuerv watches china glass and all school books and supplies look at our bargain prices all first class goods buy your supplies at this unprecedented sale prices pinal closing out end or serjlember ruled scribblers reg 2 5c 6 for 10c large scribblers 200 page rej 5c 3 for 10c large 80 to 90 pajc ink taper exercise books reg 5c 3 for 10c plain scribblers teg 5c 3 for 10c black cover exercise books reg 5c 3 for 10c reg 10c 3 for 25c reg 15c 2 tor 25c huge 5c scribblers reg 5c 3 for 10c drawing books small reg 5c 3 for 10c large reg 8c 6c ea black cover note book reg 5c 3 for loe loose leaf refills reg 10c iib pencils dixon drawing pencils reg 10c paint brashes reg 5c 5 for 10c all text books readers etc 10c off on the 1 00 pencil sharpeners all at 5c ea writing books reg 5c 3 idt 10c 3 for 25c repairs pont qiiifkiy and efficiently hydro power off j sunday august 27 from 700 am lo 930 am daylight saving time in georgetown glen williams hydro power will be off in georgetown and p ten williams at the above time on sunday for main tenance wdtk on power hne and substation 1 georgetown hydro commission wood for sale ringla cord cord mind wood nm par card dalf a bennett solicitors for the said frmres e j t cooke notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of john mcdfrmid late of the town of georgetown in the county of it i ton postmaster deceased notice is hereby civfn that all persons having any claims or de mand agaaist the late john mcdcr mid who died on or about the second day of may 1939 at the town of georgetown in the county of hal ion and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to dellvc to the undersigned solicitors herein for jcanetta isabel mcdermld and everett cole the executors of the last will and testament of john mcder mld postmaster deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing or their claims and statement of their accounts and the natuie of the securities if any held by them and take notice that arter the twenty fourth day of september 1933 the said jcanetta isabel mcdennid and everett oole will praeed to dis tribute trie assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto haying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had no tice and that the said jeanetta isabel afcdennid and everett oole will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any peraon of whose claim they shall not then have re- pelv no dxtbd at georgetown ontario this twentythird day of august ajx 1939 dale fe muutvlt solidtora for the mid jeanetta lwbel mcdennid and kverett cola lunch which brought the af a close on august 22nd the regular meet ins of the women s institute was in charge of the senior girls at the home of mrs hector bird after the opt nlng exercises and regular bust irss was dispensed with our prcsl ddit mrs ingleby asked miss zeta graham to take charge for the girls miss marion miller gave a ery thor ugh outline of the girls conference to which she was a delegate in may demonstration on lhe making of rpel slippers was efficiently carried out b miss reta fisher two musl cal numbers one a solo by miss fran ces wrigglesworth lhe other a piano ditet by mrs frank wilson and mis joy ruddell were much enjoyed mis- lulu graham gave a glimpse of lift- in the north when she gate a descrip tion and showed us snaps of kapus leasing the paper mill company town in which she is a member of the hos pltal nursing staff rev and mrs tolten have return ed after holidaying at stouffvllle mr earl wilson we are sorry to report is still in gait hospital last reports are that there has not been much change in his condition during the past week all hope he may soon be restored to health again whats wrong with the youth of this province nothing according to the management of the oauadiaxjf uonal exhibition who are as pleased aa punch at the manner in which on tario youth responded to invitations to participate m the eachlbluon youth activities include junior fannera and pannerettes junior d junior track iceeu ttoe hobby8rkw and the school exhibits the latter has be come go popular that it has had to to moved to larger quartcn lftanto- mottve baudtaax mcnavnlne floor ifecial white satin flour pastry h 39 special ontario mild cheese x 9 wkial rb lamb black red rose tea 31 skciali dominion peanut butter 19 speciali chase and sahbotn dated coffee 34 vinegar 39c suit jell par0wax t 12 ct1ifdc snudl seiuieks m si n mbmz to ketchup 235 shjmifts orange 12 jar marmalade 27 domino pale drv ginger ale it 10 special heakfast bacon 2s ichmeuo coffee rant ftfl afi9 navy tissue 4 rolls 25c fresh fruit and vegetables dutches apples 6 qt rjasket 21c oanteloupes 6 qt basket z5e celery hearts 2 for iso tomatoes 6 qu basket bio vammt nechfe tfcaa rtf sat aay 4h svk mm d d o m i n iifiife j9v s

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