Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1939, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednetday evening augtist 23rd 1939 page 5 kings weekend meat specials rose brand creamery butter 2 47c shortening 1 1 no 1 cooking onions 10 lb mesh bag 23c california oranges 29c 39c honey 2 lb un 23c 4 lb tin 42 c no 1 cooking apples 29c basket new carrots 6 eft basket 29c stec1ai rah henlo stjle pork shoulders 16 spareribs 2 25c sweet pickixd cottage rolls 24 country style sausage 2 25 large casing small link pork sausage 18 brisket or plate boiling beel 12 partly boned blade roast bed 19 boneless and rolled prime rib roast 25 smoulder boast spring lamb 1 9- lean flank stewing lamb 2 25c flank and kjb stewing veal 2 i 25c boneless and rolled choice veal roasts 19 select quality machine sliced side baeon 29 s wmking ssr delivery esquestng townshn now game preserve the township of esqueslng ha now been declared a gune preserve by the department of game and flsh- rtes shooting of game in this re stricted area will now come under various provisions and regulations and it will be necessary to have a license to hunt thereafter open seasons will be announced through the press and hunters are asked to govern them selves accordingly j b mackenzie son invite you to inspect the new house built to the order for mr and mrs john mcdonald jr on ontario street college view on wednesday august 30th afternoon and evening this is the first house built in georgetown under the national housing act record crop peaches in ontario and bc bumper crops of peaches are being picked this season in ontario and british columbia a preliminary es timate places the 1939 crop in ontario at more than 650000 bushels a 15 per cent increase over the 1938 crop which was a good one and in british col umbia at 143 000 bushels 10 per cent more than last year this years pea ches now on the market- are of the er highest quality for conditions have been particularly favourable for producing large luscious fruit of all the fruits grown none is more delectable nor more healthful as food than peaches whether eaten just as they are picked sun ripe from the trees as fresh fruit in peach salads or tn the many other ways thej can be served fresh preserved or even pick id in ever way they are delicious canadian peaches cannot be excelled for flavour and quality they can be bought now and until the end of september and are sold in canada by grade the grades in the order of qual it and size being select no 1 no 2 or domestic and no 3 the grade mark is plainly indicated on the bas ket or other container health beh amour in school in ontario s new program for ele mentary schools health has been giv en a foremost place hon dr l j simpson minister of education some canadians began to wonder whether anything dirferentiwould hap pen if we took down the bars certainly while we have debated among ourselves the pros and cons of letting europeans make their homes here the numbers of those seeking ad mission have fallen away one of the reasons w that canada naa not ap peared since 1930 to be a very promis ing place to make a living and besides employment by whatever means has increased in much of europe and soc ial security is greater than here in spite of the crowded conditions tn europe and in spite of bombing planes there the only people who have come to our gates in half a dozen years and pounded vigorously to get inside are some refugees with no other place to this wallflower situation of ours will of course not continue indefinitely for in spiteofour bad blurfuers ln ay making a country we have not beenfs- able to destroy the land although some of the top soil has blown away the land still measures 3 475 miles from halifax to vancouver 3 475 miles of opportunities for perhaps as many thousands of years into the far and shining future we have experienced lean periods before there was a par ticularly bad one in the 1890s and we shall experience lean periods in the future but the promise of those 3475 miles is not to be denied others will ee these opportunities if we do not and when they come knocking at our door it would be well to let some of them in before the or others come with an army and setue our immlgra lion problem once and for all the printed word its history now the toronto star carried the fol lowing in erecting item on saturday no 7 highway ontario has folk history at acton not far from georgetown was born the late sir donald mann partner of sir william mackenzie t most sensational epic oi railway inanci canada ever knew at kuktood next town of weekly rush specials for towelling 22 glass towelling all linen 35c for 1 7 glass towelling all linen 30 20 plain white towelling i6 heavy brown linen towelling 16 all linen towojling 16 heavy linen towelling 1 7 heavy glass towelling 20 heavy glass towelling puxow sups 42 h s pillow slips 42 h s pillow slips wabasso 42 madeira style pillow sjfips madeira piuow shps homespun 45 homespun curtain material congoleum rugs only a few left 9 x 9 at 27c yd 22c 27c yd 21c yd 15c yd 17c yd 25c yd 25c yd 19c each 75c pr 49c piv 98c pr 39c yd 575 mcbean co 1 phone 64 itivttaolobk georgetown iinanninniunumunincv ontario in the last issue of health any mzt along tm mreet htm came pointed out that in the new program to light the late james j hill who the goal of health education will be revolutionised railway building in the health behaviour not what the child united states and coined the epigram knows about health but what he does about it in the past health has been merelj a subject for pupils to study so as to be able to answer questions often a pupil would pass a test with flying col ours but there would be no improve ment n his or her health the new plan is to inspire pupils to do some thing about their own health there will be regular checking of health habits to see that knowledge and practice go hand in hand along with a carefully planned course of ex ercises in physical training the new program also implies dally as well as annual or semi annual examlnauon of pupils individually by this means diseases in their early stages will be detected as well as deficiencies in height weight hearing and sight in maklntr provision for greater at tentlon to health ontario a educa tional authorities have revised values placed on different studies for ex ample arithmetic has long been given first place now it will be in a possible fifth place of importance it has been all too common says the minister of education to find the fresh moroinj hours and at least uilrtj per cent of the dn s working hours as well as the bulk of home work devoted to this studi not uie high cost of living but the cost of high living at ouelph a lew miles west of rockwood edward johnson sang his first tenor solos that landed him ultimately in the seat of the mighty as director of the met in new york the worlds hlghcst- jxndlng opera house however the star forgot to mention that one bf the first paper mills in canada was founded by the barber brothers at georgetown and many othtr interesting events we could men lion had we time to deu buck into the dusty ales vo small task watch our window fom mklt ick cbbah 8f801als amd ooxiwnonbf fresh canteloupe sundae 13c 2 for 25c longs confectionery jjhsne3 gjil5ty xheatre friday august 25 mexicali rose with the singing cowboy gene aotry family next door gayaction comedy with hugh herbert cartoon disobedient mouse fox news saturday august 26 honolulu headline mntlcal with eleanor powell robert tonne barns and allen cnme doesnt pay money to loan cartoon cuckoo bird chapter 14 lone ranger m at 1 aa tuesday and wednesday august 29 and 30 let freedom ring rssaaaoe u adrmtaare with nairn eddy vbftala brace and vteter next time vou have trouble in decid ing which new maid or hired man to put to work imnginf having the task of examining some 50 000 persons in more than 1000 comixtltinns lor ixsi lions as wldclv different as editor and eninmolorlst or test pilot and seam f s ress then vou will hive a keonci conception of pait or til annual work of the civil rvl commission a ot awa the dominion employment atoncy nitunlu the ame nrd stick can not be used to measure the capacities of those apphlng lor such a wide variety of positions as is found in the government service the commission has lo size up each situation and de i cide what form of examination will give the best results the candidate might be faced with a written oral or practical test or a combination of any of these or he might not faced with any of them for a very satis factorj- examination for technical positions is one in which a board looks over the application forms re terences and careers of the candidates and arranges them in order- of merit either with or without a subsequent oral examination 6r competitive in tervlew as these examinations arc called in the british civil service whatever the form of examination used in its competitions the commis slon is concerned first with getting as many qualified persons as possible to apply and second in arranging them in their proper position of merit and assigning them tor duty in order from the eligible list c sargent winner in business mens draw chris sargarenl was the winner last week in the bitter business boom campaign draw as sponsored by the lions club lor the merchants of tlie town with ticket no 3912 two othtr uckt is were drawn nos 2350 and bs31 but lhc holders wire not pre- m and could not be awarded tht piizi ticktt holders must bt pri tm it the draw to win another bif draw will be made to night at 9 jo ui hr mill and main st coiner so b en hand 11 jou want to win the lions club will hold this bel itr business bourn cumpajgn open for another week a ttr which if the mer ch ills de irt tluj ma carr it on under their own management save with safety at your rexall store musical wardrobe girk going places canada 3 475 miles of opportunities one of the interesting facts of the controversy over refugee immigration is that for the first time in half a doz en or more years some people really wish to come here when jobs became scarce we passed n order in council od august 14 1830 barring all except britishers and u 8 nationals unless they were wives or unmarried minors joining their family heads in canada or agriculturists with sufficient money to begin fanning we aoon noted with grim satisfaction that those of us who still had jobs might feel a bit aafer faeca munlgratlon dropped from loo 000 in 1s09 to 37000 in 1031 it continued to drop until it reached el even thousand in 1935 which was thej i lowest in the history of the rjotntnlonttl ma the previous low was 1s9b but when only tour tnmdred mere cam tt ibm church news scripture text he thai opprrswth the poor re pronchelh his maker but lie that honor th him hath merry on th poor prov 14 31 georges c hurra rev w thompson rector twelfth sunday af ter trinity holy communion 8 ajn sunduj school 10 00 ajn matins 1100 a m evensong 7 00 pjn st albiin s church glen williams twelfth sunday arter trinity ma ins 9 30 am sundav school 1030 ajn knox presbyterian church minister rev d d davidson laji sunday august 27th at 10 am sun day school and bible classes 11 ajn and 7 pjn public worship this con gregation will be joined by that of the united church the minister will preach everyone welcome united church rev p c overend ea minister the sunday school will meet at 10 stjn tlie congregation will worship n th knox congrega lion in knox church at 11 ajn and 7 pjn baptisf chrrch rev e o baxter minister 10 00 ajn church school 11 00 ajn wor ship service conducted by mr sidney johnson of toronto a welcome to all walter t evans go general insurance ocean stcamshir sttvicb real e8tatk main st nerth geargatewa xss w1ndale stationery go sheets 48 envelope 49c box specials for this weekfebss late prices on nujol 29c 49c 83c dr lyons tooth powder 39c see our full assortment of school supplies hinds hone1 and almond with a 25c jar cream free 45c 100 yeast and iron tabs 79c z qt hot water bottle 69c ion can always shop to advantage paiin at your rexall store free with english hearth salt 39c white shoe cleaners fops fse shumilk 15c beach 5o cress corn buw0h salves try it today oil each a small tube of mi31 tooth paste and an 8 ox bottle of mi31 antisepsis both for 43c robbs drug store nil- w mh th mm sromx- gkoitogrown a she has aolved the dairy problem because fish offers a welcom and wholesome change at mealtimes something the whole family will hka there are over 60 different kmd of canadian food fish and shellfish from which you can choose either fresh froxen smoked dried fil or pickled all of them can be served in an infinite variety of rcirlnss and one of the good things about fish is that it is nourishing and so easy to prepare serve fish to your family often gst 356

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