Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1939, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 23rd 1 939 hunting regulations re migratory birds the national putts service at the dep of mines and resources ottawa has jast issued the regula tions regarding migratory birds for the current year a summary of the regulations as they apply to ontario follows open seasons backs cteese other than brant halls coots wilsons or jack snipe in that part of the province of on tario lying north and west of a line commencing at the southwest angle of bruce county thence in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundaries of bruce and grey ooinv to thesouthwest angle of notta open season in above schedule liasaga township in the county of fifmcoe along the south boundaries of hottawasaga sunnidale and vespra townships to the line of mean high water of lake slmcoe along the aid line of mean high water on the south side of lake simcoe to the northwest angle of brock township in the county of ontario and along the north boundary of brock town jthlp to the centre of kings highway ho 12 thence southerly along the centre line of the said highway north of the quebec cochrane winnipeg line of the canadian na uonal railways september is to nov ember 15 september 15 to november 30 closed seasons there is a closed season throughout the year on brant wood ducks swans cranes curlew wlllets god wits upland plover black bellied and golden plover greater and lesser yellow legs avocets dowltchers knots oyster catchers phalaropes stilts surf birds turnstones and all the shore birds not provided with an there is a closed season throughout the yaar on the following non game birds auks auklets bitterns fulmars ganncts grebes guillemots gulls herons jaegers loons murres pe trels puffins shearwaters and terns and there is a closed season through out the year on the following insect vorous birds bobolinks catbirds chickadees cuckoos flickers fly catchers grosbeaks hummingbirds men kinglets martins meadowlarks wilsons or jack-snipe- 35 in any day wodoock 8 in any day and not more than 135 woodcock and 150 ducks exclusive of mergansers and 00 geese other thaabrantt in one sea- methods the use of automatic autoloading guns unless the magasine has been permanently plugged or altered so that it will not carry mare than two cartridges or swivel or machine guns or battery or any gun larger than number 10 gauge is prohibited and the use of any aeroplane power boat sail boat live 01105 as decoys night light and shooting from any vehicle drawn by a draught animal or from a motor vehicle la forbidden the hunting of migratory game birds on areas baited with grain or other artl flclal food is prohibited persons using blinds or decoys for hunting migratory game birds are urged to consult the regulations for details or the restrictions upon this method of hunting the shooting of migratory game birds earlier than one half hour be fore sunrise or later than onehalf hour after sunset is prohibited the penalty for violation of the migratory bird laws is a fine of not more than three hundred dollars and not less than ten dollars or imprison ment for a term not exceeding six months or both fine and imprison of interest to rre growth of horns on calves method strongly advocated by scientific but humane veterinary but- eons for preventing the growth of horns on young cattle so that the much more painful de horning of later years is not a necessity has been lately i british cattle market re published by request moisten the spot on the calfs head where the beginning of the horn is felt then rub lightly till red with caustic potash not breaking the skin we have often done this and never observed anything like suffering on the calfs part except a slight shaking of the head for a very few minutes it should be done before the calf is two weeks old the younger the better the following in this connection is worth knowing the pain from the use of caustic potash yields quickly to the application of water a fact by no means known even by all veterinarians generally the spot is rubbed too hard with the potash the farmer o the centre line of the rightof way 1 nlghthawks or bull bats nuthatches of the canadian pacific railway in the vicinity of myrtle thence in a general easterly direction along the aid centre line to the city of peter borough along the centre line of kings highway no 7 to the west boundary of lanark county along the west and south boundaries of lanark county to the line of mean high water cm the north side of rideau lake and along the line of mean high water on the north side of rideau lake and tdeau river to a point opposite the northeast angle of grenvllle county thence southerly along the east boun dary of grenvllle county to the northwest angle of dundas county cbence easterly along the northerly boundaries of dundas storroont and dengarry counties to the interpro vmcial boundary september 15 to tlovember 15 both dates inclusive in that part or the province of on tario lying south of the line denned xn the preceding paragraph october 1 to november 20 both dates inclusive except that in the counties of essex kent and elgin the open season for flpese other than brant shall be from november 1 to december 31 both dates inclusive orioles robins shrikes swallows swifts tanogers titmice thrushes vireos warblers waxwtngs whip- poor wills woodpeckers and wrens and all other perching birds which feed entirely or chiefly on insects no person shall kill hunt capture injure take or molest any migratory game birds during the closed season and no person shall sell expose for sale offer for sale buy trade or traffic in any migratory game bird at any time the taking of the nests or eggs of migratory game migratory insectlvor ous and migratory non game birds is prohibited the killing hunting capturing tak lng or molesting of migratory insecj- tlvorous and migratory non game birds their nests or eggs is prohibited the possession of migratory game birds killed during the open season is allowed in ontario until march 31 following open season bag limits ducks exclusive of mergansers 12 tn any day geese other than brant 5 in any day ralls coots and galll nules 25 in any day in the aggregate as a means of identfylng rural mail couriers while in performance of duty a special metal marker will be issued to each courier the hon n a mc larty postmaster general announced saturday these markers are approximately the same size as automobile llcenst plates to which they will be attached by those couriers operating motor veh icles the marker will display the royal crown and the words rural mall when the vehicle is not actually being used to carry the malls the marker must be reversed and the blank side shown the rural mall couriers assocla uon who had asked for the ktentlfi cation plates have unamlnously ap proved the new marker control sex of chicks fooling the egg is a new technique developed by a niagara falls hatchery whereby the sex or the chicks can be influenced during incubation by use of slight pressure slight vacuum and temperature range the resulting hatch is consistently around 80 per cent pullets to 20 per cent cockerels the method is the result of fifteen years experimental work and has been patented by the hatchery in both can ada and the united states under the usual treatment the resulting hatch is generally around fifty fifty whereas the new method has continually been producing on an eighty twenty ratio prior to this discovery the common be lief was that the sex or the fertilized egg was fixed before incubation offers most permanency to canadian farmers not snbjeet to saca violent change as united states outlets declares l e oneill director live stock branch out depl of afrlcaltare the success or failure of our live stock business in canada will be large ly dependant on our abilty to main- stock branch ont dept of agricul ture toronto in perhaps no other line of live stock production have we been subject to more changing con ditioiu from time to time than has been experienced with our beef cattle our normal annual surplus of cattle approximates million head and these constitute one of our greatest problems where and how are they to be marketed unlike our hog in dustry where surplus hogs are pro cessed at home and exported in the finished product our cattle under present conditions must be export ed alive our two great markets are great britain and the united states each has its advantages and disadvantages when considered over a length of time the british market in the main offers more permanency of out look in that it offers a market regu lated largely by economic conditions and competition and is ont likely to be subjected to such violent changes largely political as is the market in the united states the latter market is close by and transportation is no problem as is the case at times in following is a copy of a will written i shipping to great britain duty by a small but once prosperous equip changes have constituted a hazard as the making of wills more than three hundred tons of sugar are wasted every year in the bottom of tea cups says a statist clan this announcement is expected to cause a great stir in aberdeen aberdeen sunday express ment man during the depression mj overdraft in the bank goes to my wife sheican explain it my equity in my cars goes to my son he will have to vvork to keep up the payments give my good will to the supply houses they took some awful chances ard are entitled to something my equipment you can give to the junk man he has had his eye on it for some ume i want six of my creditors for pallbeat crs they have carried me so long they might as well finish the job not bad x our business is printing letter heads sale bills catalogues booklets office forms broadsides show cards blotters stationery business card prompt work low prices when you want printing you naturally want good printing promptly done at fair cost that is the kind of printing we are qualified to render we have modern type faces a wide election of paper stocks and layout suggestions which will enable you to attain real quality character for your business or en terpnae be the job large dr small we can serve you if you wilt phone our representative will call and if you wish assist you in planning the work to be done phone no 8 v i the georgetown herald they tell the story of mussolini playing bridge with his foreign mini ster count galeaaxt ciano against his majesty the king and dino grandl italian ambassador to eng land grandl opened the bidding with four hearts clano bid five spades the kins looked at his hand carefully chuckled and bid seven no trump mussolini glared at the other three players and thundered and i benito mussolini bid one club grandl said i pass clano said i pass and the king well he looked at his hand wistfully and said me too endurance test situ illustrated by the fact that from 1930 to 193 the duty was 3c per lb then by agreement the duty was lowered to 2c per lb on cattle over 700 lbs and in 1939 a further lowering to uc per lb on a maximum quarterly quota of 51 720 head during this period the duty on beef remained constant at 6c per lb thus effectively keeping out of the us market canadian beer it is therefore apparent that our producers are at a disadvantage to the extent of the duty in competing with american producers on ameri can markets unless our production cacls can be kept lower records indicate over a period of years that as producers we have taken advantage of the us and tjjl mar kets according as they were profitable and we were permitted to do so this lack of permanent policy has made impossible the development of a national steer as compared with our national bacon hog first the american market is interested in good type feeder cattle which are pur chased in western canada at times they will also take heavy finished cattle which in any large volume would ordinarily present a problem if left for disposal on our domestic mar ket am encouragement to the de velopment or the latter branch of the industry is somewhat dangerous as this type and weight of cattle must in the main be exported thp british market has always public opinion is fast reaching a stage where the principle of health in surance is ready for acceptance in all provinces consideration is being given to various methods of ensuring medla cal care for tow income groups hi particular the problem is one that is being attacked not only by public- spirited laymen but also by the medi cal profession in the united states state medical tspclatlon have cooperated v farm security administration plans have been developed through wltlch more than 112 000 low income farm families in 23 statesare being helped to obtain medical care at a cost which they can afford the health program has been port of a project to rehabilitate 700 000 such families the administration found that good health was a beter credit risk than a family in bad nealth the medical care plans are simple they are based on the borrowe- s abil ity to pay for medical services as de termined by his farm plan on free choice or participating physicans and on the setting- aside or funds in the hands of a trustee at the beginning of the operating period the amount paid for participation varies in different localities the usual payment is between si5 and 30jkyear per family when necessary the farm security administration will increase the size of its loan to enable a borrow er family to participate the details vary but under the plan in most gen era use a part of the pooled funds held by the trustee is allocated for hospitalization and emergency needs including surgical care at the begin ning of each period the rema nmg fund is then divided into monthly al lotments for the period covered these facts were recently considered by the medical society of nova scotia which showed its interest in the move ment for health insurance by nvltlng an address by dr r c williams chief medical officer of the farm security administration the plan ie said encouraged a sane acceptance of pre ventive medicine most families felt the security worth the investment while the physicians were pleased to receive at least a substantial part of the cost of medical care o the effect of soil erosion erosion is probably the greatest sin gle raclor causing loss of soil fertility a targe percentage of the available plant food in soil is present in the weathered surface layer and may be permanently lost through the removal of that layer by erosion a familiar example may be observed in the ioss of productivity caused by the forma uon of gullies the loss which accom panies the gradual uniform emo al of surface soil by sheet erosion may be less apparent than in gully in but is no less real the effect of sheet erosion in reduc ing soil fertility is clearly demonstra ted by the results of an experiment which has been in progress fo four years on the central experimental farm ottawa states wm dickson or the field husbandry division li this mr crlmm so o i have at ion with m friends mrs long supplied with the heavier class did oi tell her ou had been with f catt e one reason being that ocean experiment the effect on crop growth m fqbamly two month charges hie been assessed on a per of vary ink degrees of erosion his been yes mn am and she said that bas rath r than per cwt an determined by grow ng barley on p ols i lay with you for two mon adjustment in ocean rates to permit trom which diilcrent amount ol the wa n good reference for her i the prolllable shipping of lighter surface soil has been removed this weight cattle of uie feeder type would dark surface soil is approxima t j sev mines deep overlying llgl f i co ll treasurers sale ot land tor taxes town of georgetown co nty of iialton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by the mayor of the town of george town bearing date of the 15th day of june sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the town of georgetown will be of advantage as tlwre is a good market for feeder cattle in britain prairif farm rehabilitation oured subsoil for the four year period il the txperiment the followmg avur ate viilda per icre ol barley ha e been sen ed from unfertilized land no sur fact ooil removed 39 a bushels three uk he or surface sol removed 327 bushels six inches of s rfac oil re moved 180 bushels and all surface soil removed o bus els these results indicate trnt the loss in productivity a lompamint soil eras on has jc ea od rnpldij u pr r on to the depth oil removed the produc subsoil being less there are thre main activities in connection with the work of prairie farm rehabilitation cultural work lini utilization and water conserva lion cultural work directed princl pollj bv the domtn on experimental farm d l vv 1 uie control and pre pi iioi of son drlf ing and sound of surface farm prnctlrp ilted to the dro ight ihity of exposed ana lai d tllizat on 1 as to do with than ont seventh that of undisturbed r 1 mei bn i ipon a soli survey surface soil ono of ul principal features of land in the same experiment where ferti- held at my offloe at the hour of 10 i on has been the establishment lizer equivalent to 220 pounds per o clock in the forenoon on the 8th day i of communltv pastures on sub marg acre ot a 4 8 6 mixture were drilled in or november 1839 unless the taxes 1 lands water conservation or with uk eod the average yields of and costs are sooner paid notice is development takes care of large and barley were as follows no surface soil irrigation projects and stock mocd 52 4 bushels 3 inches remo- waterlng dams and dugouts for retain ing ihr spring runoff of snow oi firms hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being pub ushed tn the ontario gazette on the 5th day of august 1939 on the 2nd day of september 1939 and on the 7th day of october 1939 and that copies of the list may be had at my office notice is further given that in the event of all lands not being sold on november 8th 1939 the sale will be adjourned to the 16th day of novem ber 1939 at the same hour on which day the municipality intends to pur chase any lands for which the total amount of taxes and costs is not of fered treasurers office this 4th day of july 1939 p b harbison treasurer radio repairing is tear experience we specialize on this work j sanfobd son a soil survey of more than 100000- 000 acres in connection with the work of prairie farm rehabilitation has so far been completed in the provinces of manitoba saskatchewan and alber ta since uw work of pratre farm re habilitation began in 1935 in western canada a total of 41 community pas tures 1as been established with an aggregate acreage of 820 000 these pastures now have adequate water supplies and all the equipment neces sary for the convenient and proper handling of livestock each pasture is a game sanctuary from 1921 to 1937 what is known as the drought area in western canada has produced 4 122943951 bushels of wheat 2ju7 816 712 bushels of oats and 702685 641 bushels of barley and a variety of other field crops the value of the wheat oats and barley produced in the period mentioned was 3238 859 730 for wheat 768 100 026 for oats and 26b84 483 for barley a total of 4403844238 or 7lfi per cent of the total of these three crops produced tn the whole of the prairie provinces ved 433 bushels 6 inches removed 8 2 bushels all surface soil removed 14 0 bushels per acre it will be seen that the fertilizer used in this experi ment has compensated in par only lor the osses caused by erosion moreover the fertilizer has been less effective in restoring productivity on completely roded than on undisturbed soil the lorrespondmg increases in yielo per acre being 8 8 and 123 bushel respec tive ly the foregoing results suggest the importance of employing soil conserv ing crops such as sod forming hay and or soil saving cultural practices such as across the slope ullage wher ever danger of erosion exist the fertile layer or surface soil is the results of centuries of weathering and bio oglcal i action and its replacement when loot may prove a slow and costly process 6 would you increase my wgeat x was married yesterday sort said the foreman bat we it not rearxmsfble for aocmeats out side tbs factory flahin it the only form of gssb- ung i indulge to says an ottawa manner there a nan uka ns k1 a gamble every time we go fl sad the fish esneralry wm out fruit dealer fined sim at the toronto police court re cently a toronto dealer was fined sloo with the option of two months in jail for shipping produce from the pro vince of ontario to a point outside the province without being in posseaalonv of license for such uterprovlnclal trade contrary to the provisions ot section 11 of the fruit vegetables j and honey act of canada the de- j fendant had rormerly been a licenses and consequently was aware of tha requirement tor a license and s penal ty for infraction section 11 of the act states that mo dealer shall ship boy accept of offer to accept or otherwise deal ta any produce ahippedjom or to point oatstde the province m vtdos he cantos on bostnesr unless t

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