Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1939, p. 7

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y the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 23rd 1939 page 7 k ing and queen revisit canada at cne show i color movies of tour life size photographs will be seen at canadian national exhibition tefctlaton broadcasts facsimile and wlrephoto demonstrations are in- chafed in fivefold show in na- ttonal industries baudingflrst by frederick qriflln who would not like to have the king and queen back again in canada who would not wish to live one more those great days when their majesties crossed the dominion from coast to coast to hear the cheers to wit ness the pageants of the various cities and towns to glimpse again the queens grace and her tender smile i the responsive wave of the slim brohz- ed king it is not possible to have them here pin person but at the canadian na tional exhibition it will be possible to see them as they appeared in canada to have a thrilling closeup view of the couple who captured canadas heart to revel in the royal cavalcade across the continent in all its majesty beauty and color this will be made possible for tens of thousands of visitors through pic tures there will be firstly still i photographs of a sort never before assembled in such a way and second- i ly a program of the finest color movies giving the highlights of the tour royalty science on view this exhibit is only part of a great ieature of fivefold topical interest which the toronto dally star is spon soring at the fair the exhibit will link the march of royalty with the inarch of science for besides the still and motion pictures of their majesties visit there will be a demonstration of television a demonstration of wirephoto recep tion and sending and a demonstration of facsimile news transmission while the crowds are sure to be delighted by the royal photographs and the great story told by the movies or the tour there is little doubt that the display of television and the other wonders of modern communication will add to the attraction of a show which will occupy a big block of apace in the former ontario govern- stent building this is the handsome gray stone building with stone lions appropri ately giving a regal touch to the main entrance which is the most westerly building of the fair it is right down on the lakefront driveway just ln- t side the entrance from sunnyslde spacious and ideally situated for such an exhibit the building will be a magnet for visitors the main en trance on the south leads into a handsome courtyard where the ontario j deportment of game and fisheries will display a picturesque wild life exhibit of bear beaver fox bird and fish from the inner court four entrances will lead into the stars exhibit area the one immediately to your left on entering through the south door will lead right into the great exhibition or royal tour photographs here the whole southwest wing of the building will be devoted to this display of photographs this wing lofty and spacious will be a dignified setting for the display of royal photographs these photo graphs over 50 in number will be the tery cream of the pictures taken on their majesties visit to canada they will- give closeup almost speaking contact with the king and queen they will picture in vivid detail many of the most moving incidents of the tour not in the former government build ing now the national industries building but also under the stars sponsorship will be three other dis plays in the entrance lobby of the graphic arts building the star will i earhlbit a number of the famous photo- graphs of the royal family includ ing princess elizabeth and princess margaret rose taken just before the tour started by gerald richardson staff photographer of the star by ro yal command at windsor castle these photographs which have been reproduced around the world have been acclaimed as the clearest most natural photographs ever taken of ro yalty in the international building the large white structure immediately east of the national industries- building a remarkable replica of- jerusalem and surrounding territory at the time of christ will be shown moving figures depict biblical characters the star fresh air fund will get a share of the proceeds the childrens zoo immediately east of the art gallery is bigger and bet ter than ever this year movies treat of cjfe the color movies capturing as they do the vivid uniforms the flags the kings varying attire the queens lovely dresses all in their natural huos are expected to be an outstand ing hit of the cne only color movies can give the full quality of this unparalleled and colorful sequence of events from quebec to vancouver from victoria to washington from new york to halifax which compris ed the royal tour here you will see action color emotion in a film record that is without a peer these royal tour films will be shown in a series of continuous performances in the theatre of the national indus tries building as the former govern ment building is now known it is a galleried theatre with every seat giv ing a perfect view tbere be no admission charge either to the mo tion pictures or to the hall of photo graphs the only charge made for any of the five shows being staged by the toronto dally star will be to the de monstration of television which is being put on in cooperation with the canadian national exhibition and r cavlctor to the television demon stration in a big studio being especial ly erected in the building for the pur pose there will be an entry fee of ten cents part of the proceeds will go to the star fresh air fund television is sight telegraphy or wireless whereby it is posibleho trans mit not merely sounds as in ordin ary radio but actual scenes over the air to be received by instrument and shown on a screen television broadcasts have been suc cessfully made in england for months over a limited area and in germany too in new york broadcasts are made from the empire state build- in as the highest possible transmit ting point these are being received i over an area of 40 miles which is i said to be the present limit of pro- 1 jection demonstration explains u what is television what has been accomplished to date what are the possiblltles right now how does it work hon- are scenes staged and broadcasts made what do televised images look like on the reception screen all these questions will be answered at the demonstration to be staged at the stars exhibit here in a series of big modernistic booths especially built to accommo date both apparatus and crowds visi tors will be shown people and scenes being televised members of the audi ence will be among the actors thus in toronto the public will be able to see for itself how tar televi sion has come and to judge for it self where this miracle of the newest magic of communication and enter tainment is heading after seeing people or acts televis ed spectators may pass on to the con- the king and queen at ottawa their majesties as they appeared udring their historymaking visit to the nation s capital trol booths which take the television images and translate them into electri cal impulses for projection or broad casting finally they will see lhe television images on radio receivers thus wit nessing the full cycle from action to reception on each side of the west foyer of the building will be found the two other features of the stars group of five one will be the booth demon strating facsimile which is also being shown in cooperation with rca-vic- tor and is a duplicate of the demon stration at the new york and san francisco world fairs the other will be the booth containing the stars wlrephoto display see how photos wired would you like to see how during the royal tour whether their majes ties were in quebec or vancouver photos were received in the star omce within a few minutes and printed in the next edition are you interested tn knowing how photographs taken of an event hundreds of miles away may be sent over the telephone wires like a longdistance call then come to the fair and visit this- wirephoto demonstration for the duration of the cnje the star will move its entire wirephoto installation from its own building to the foyer of the old government build ing here visible to all it will be in the immediate proximity of the royal lour photographs and other features already described here visitors may see how a big newspaper simultaneously- with a net work of other big newspapers up and down the continent receives its dally quota of wired photographs of far away events for reproduction in the next edition they will witness the arrival owbrthe wires of photographs fire great exubits wul be hound where to find the exhibits at the cne diagram above shows the exactithe cnje grounds in which the to- locatlon of the national industries ronto stars five exhibits will be dis- bulldlng at the southwestern end of played the fivefold show runs con- i tlnuously throughout each day during the period of the exhibition aug m to sept s which will appear in that days edi tion of the star they will also witness the trans mission of photographs taken right in the exhibition grounds here is an astonishing advanda made not long ago in the speed with which a modern newspaper may pic ture a current event once a photo graphers shot of a subject is de veloped and printed say in 10 min utes it takes a mere eight minutes to transmit it by wirephoto apparatus over the telephone wires for 10 100 or 1 000 miles at the remaining booth will be giv en a demonstration of the latest won der of the news world facsimile this is the method whereby a newspaper its stories photographs comics and other features may be transmitted by wire or radio and reprinted in fac simile down to the last comma on a roll of paper at the receiving end ioremdj seen practical facsimile transmission and recep tion is not many months old but is already regarded by many as a practi cal proposition of the near future at the toronto daily stars exhibit it wilt be possible to view both trans mission and reception visitors wto see how the copy is fed to the scan ner or transmitter machine at one end of the booth and how it come out in fasclmile on the receiving mac hine at the other end of the display this facsimile demonstration like the other four features of the fivefold show will be on every day and even ing throughout the fair prom the royal tour still and movie pbotographa to facsimile it will be a grand exhibit well be greatly mistaken if one of the constantly thronged spots of the exhibition is not the stars wgtlme display of royalty and novelty no doubt well all be seeing you there dp i reauy need my coat brushed asked the p npr in the pullman dobs you exclaimed the poctsr with gnat wnrtiiiii boss db broke olttct into the grounds 0f m tijtftiopcial4 y2 ctft sunday aw lath to sift 9 ik leave georgetown wl mm leave exhibition standard time 135 reduced return fare includes exmbffion admission w h long georgetown phone i gray coach lines optical needs vary there can never he a sat rala for fitting or rsoommandkas tftaasafc- the human no has so many variations that mwj mw case is a distinct one it tw- quires training and sub to cognise and nteseribs va p bh tn- kys kxamanattoa and sjosm nil mm consult 01 walker ro

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