Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 30, 1939, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventythird year of publication wednesday evening august 30th 1939 150 pet annum in advance 200 to usa visiting copper cliff team win little world series victorious in little world series two games out of three go to boys from north teams banqueted by town council both 1 another historymaking event took place during the past week wheh copper chs midget baseball team vlsliedgeorgetown for the second yearin succession a strong bond of friendship between these two towis has been the result of he baseball and hockey teams visiting the two towbs last winter the georgetown hockey team went to copper cliff tor the ontario midget nhx finals and hope to go agan nx winter the boys from toe north were un der the supervision of gordon axcott whose home is in georgetown and who originated midget njll hockey here and in the north gordon is now one of the leading sport promo ters in copper cliff and is dom a fine job among the younger beys last year he brought down a team that took back the baseball championship and this years club proved to be of the same calibre the games were tense and full of thrills until the final out the local clndnnatti reds los the third and deciding game last nifcht before a fair crowd that hoped until th cno that their team might rally and pull through and in the end defeat the nortberaites every game was a real ball game in every sense of the word and although the copper clin team were mure fin ished and had a stranger pitching staff georgetown did well considering the practice they have had this s weak hitting and pci base running was their biggest downfall while the visitors wereast on the bases and a man on was almoit a sun run the first game of th series called for last thursday nigh wa rained out after the fourth innings with the copper cliff team lead ng 7 1 however it was ruled no game urd the opener was then held on saturday afternoon saturday s game was a nightmare to the local team when copper cliff blasted out 10 hits for 19 runs it was not until the last half of the 9th inn ings that georgetown managed to get on the score sheet at all and after 3 walks and 3 hits scored 5 runs to save the kalsomine maor gibbons opened the series when he pitched the first bad with manager alcott at bat batteries were j mcmenemy and j morrow pitching for georgetown with bad accident at calamity corner a bad accident took place at the corner of guelph and water streets last evening at about 630 when two cars collided a car going east driven by c davis and another going west driven by g sinclair both of george town met almost headon at what has become to be known as calamity cor ner in the davis car with the driv er were mrs polle miss ethel davis misses louise and jessie fryer and joan bradley and g davis all the passengers received a severe s up and numerous cuts and bruises but are reported to be resting com fortably at their homes today in the other car were mr sinclair and mr elmer llndsaj who also were badly cut and bruised mr lindsay had piece of glass pass through his upper arm chief w g marshall investi gated the accident lome scots band go to exhibition on thursday prio- to going to the toronto exhi bition on thursday to enter into com petition with other bands in ontario the lome scots regiment band gave a splendid concert in the park last sunday evening the band was un der the dlrectton of bandmaster wil- fnl and fair attendance turned itams out on thursday tomorrow music day at the canadian national exhi bition the band will again enter into competition it is expected a large number of our citizens will be pres ent to hear the band plav and we wish them success in their endeavors is also expected that it will be late afternoon before their class will com pete copper cliff new york yankees in the spotlight at ottawa shown above is copper cliffs new row left to right artie wulff pitcher york yankees who won the midget wes mcneloe outfielder don smith basebau championship by defeating second base herk plynn outfielder georgetown cincinnati reds two ed o rellly outfielder j keu games out three in a series played here shortstop second row ellis rogers this week in the picture are front outfielder john morrow pitcher golf news on saturday august 26th lhe qual fjlng round for the shield was plv ed low score was made by sam mac kenzie a 1th 78 and second low by rv rson douglas with s3 and third by bert willoughby with 85 tor the eighteen holes match play is to fol harlow behind the plate and morrow for copper cliff with n cun dan behind the plate mcmenemv wasfi f tne dinner touched for 4 hits and gave wa in the on tucsdiv night the flnm rrixi 5th innings to morrow morrow fair foursomes for the summer coson as ed little better and allowed 6 hits in hold in which the w nners wert miss the balance of the game mcmenemj oral chalmers and perc collin and had 5 strikeouts morrow 3 while cop f a hickev and o t mckay per cliffs hurler went all the way al following the gimc about fortj mem low ing otuv 5 hits and ha tng strikeouts score b innings r 2 10 2 4 14 2 319 1 georgetown 0000000055 ashgrove the demise or mr earl wilson on august 26th removed a beloved neigh bour and friend from our mid sin cere sympathy or the comm init la extended to his bereaved wife md ic la lives miss isabel coyne of toronto misses muriel and ruui how den of mlllon visited with mlsscs jov and beltj ruddtll last week miss viola and master fl d brig aen v lilted with cousins t mimlco last week master george wion ias been h i daving with hls grandpannts mr ind mrs w mccullough of ai on mioses bettv and jo ruddel ir eucsts at the home of mr and m s i p laidlaw norv il this week i mks l wriggleswonh spent a p easant holidiv at hiintswlle u t i week i holidavm c b c station al hornby and local armouries guarded against sabotage during european crisis volunteer duty with war clouds threatening europe and the jcftce of the w hole world duilnt the past week militia units in cmt irlo hive been on guard at vari mls tntegic points throughout the pn unci their duiv is to guard i n abouivp c uards were placed at nil govern met buildings airports rinals power pi nit and irmotines th lot t armotirw s being guild id 24 hours a di bv numbers of the by wilfrid eggleston ottawa august 29 the meaning of european conflict on a gigantic seals to the dominion of canada js a sub ject f or the prophet rather than th commentator who knows what the world would look when the dogs of war had bad free xelnfor a- lew years there are however a number of ef fects which can be derived bom can ada a experience in the last war the onset of war paralyses many of the usual peaceful agencies and devices for the exchange of goods and servlces- in 1914 canada was in the first stage of what threatened to be a serious de pression and at first the war accentu- ted it people were unemployed and the first effect was to increase them trade was at a low ebb and for while fell to a lower ebb trade to the alien countries of course ceased once both imports and exports the difficulty about chartering steamship cargo space made it difficult for ex porters and importers to continue the threat of attack enhance- insurance risks a roan of gold there was a rush on the banks for gold by persons who were afraid of fi upsets and who wished to lay hands on a medium of rygtt that would not depreciate it was nec essary to take steps to halt the rush to authorize banks to meet their obli gations in their own notes the dominion government needed large sums at once and instead of at tempting to borrow it resorted to limi ted inflation nowadays the credit fac ilities of canada are so uptodate that such a step might be unnecessary stul a prolonged war means inflation even tually that seems to be a truism the last war meant a gearing up of the productive resources of the coun try the slack of 1914 was quickly tak en up many of the unemployed enlis ted many others were absorbed in the industrial life manufacturers conver ted idle industrial plants into muni tion factories -j- surrender of liberties t war in a democratic state means ft surrender for a time of the privileges which are held so dearly in peacetime it means temporary acquiescence in virtual dictatorship such rights as complete freedom of speech and action can no longer be enjoyed they are ieacet me luxuries if the country here is considerable mlsunder becomes deeply involved it may be standing regarding the cause of the necessary for the state to intervene in chant in th grading or hogs i am a every walk of life and in almost vrr glad to hive mis opportunity of industrj it y have to xpress ng mv views l economj in minute detail wor- george trextse first base art dunn third base reno basso pitcher fred cundarl catcher back row left to right gordon ajcott manager rich dopson outfielder al wulff coach john mccarthy catcher militia on correspondence rail grading of hogs copper cuff e otteillj if p smith 2b g trezise lb e rogers cf j kcjy ss r dopson rf m dunn 3b f cundari c j morrow p h flynn if georgetown d beaumont ss a kemshead 2b j wiicox ir g lane cf r harlow c w emmerson lb w clark rf j wilson 3b j mcmenemy p 21 3 morrow p g james 3b as 52 19 10 summary 3 base hits morrow o dopson c walks off mcmenemy 2 off morrow ig 5 off morrow c 7 on monday evening the second game in the peewee series was staged at the park and georgetown with a 11 tie added strength from the upper ranks turned the tables on the visitors de feating them 7 5 in 4h innings the game bad to be called on ac count of darkness this was the most exciting game of the contest giving local fans something to cheer about end when the game was called a near riot broke out when it was learned the game had been awarded to the georgetown team however after the dost settled peaceful negiotattons were made artie wulff the sensational little pitcher of the visiting crab started on the mound and went four timings be fore finally giving op to j morrow who finished the game mcmenemy ftwent the sketch for georgetown copper cliff scored three times tn toe first innings vbbe gftflorgctown evened the count in the srd innings ai the fourth copper cuff added two mate only to have georgetown move bead in the fifth with four runs to make the count 7 a at the end of he first- half or the fifth ilrgi wulff had strikeout j morrow sjeafenemy for g s score by innings r b b copper out- 1001 x 2 1 georgetown 0010 t 4 3 cthhttfhwi on page 4 master clajton dirk toronto ful social evening wound the annul jxacli ociil under th 2 ip with bridge at the club hoilse a auspices of the w m s is bcm ar which miss isabel thompson wis the ranged to be held i mud the midn 6 winner i of september e will belter business campaign i be carried on by merchants o 0 is question to be decided after tonights big draw mrs martin cummins winner last week mrs martin cummins was the luck e winner last wednesday in the draw 2 of the better business campaign with 0 1 ticket no 647s this was the first i drawn so if you want to win tonight 0 be on hand for the draw at 930 as ticket holder must be present the question now is are the busi ness men prepared to carry on this week draw the lions club for the past four weeks have sponsored this contest for the business men bearing all expenses connected with same do the business men think this campaign worth continuing if so a meeting will be arranged and the campaign turned over to them to be continued without interruption comikinv of the lome scol im nt of hilton 1 hi cimdli l brondcistlng com il ion tntion u hornbv ls being irdci ir dut on thret so fir as the government is con t rned there l no change in the eu i ins ind both live grading of hoo md nil gradrng are optional the change to rail grading onl his be n hro ight about through il mei packer hi ontario combining to v tint thev will onlj purchase hogs armi co has this ict on o the bisis of rail grading so far vk n and hows the gnvt situ u awiro lhls actlon dv lhe that the wold finds iself in lcke ha bttn taken without con suiting the dtpmment or agriculture in sc nianavlan countries where i rail grading of hogs u used excluslve- glen williams a hgn lype of p and for this reason our department of agriculture has been urged from time to time to make railgrading of thanksgiving october 9 toronto were week end vistto home of mr and mrs jack fry mr and mrs wm benn it ind canadas thanksgiving day will be ina of brantford were week end visi monday october 9th the secretary tors here mrs harvej flsie and oeoiv turned to their home in winn pc on mmputsory butouv minister of h il r l jw i agriculture has declined to do this holidav a the home or mr nd mrs pntiy realizing that conditions s v in the hog trade tn the european mr and mrs rtgen and family of ttnlcn ve mentioned are ttt the ot 5im to condltons in the trade erin miss phyllis bainbrldge has re turned home after spending several weeks in quebec taking a course in miss betty bainbrldge has been en gaged as principal of richards land ing contlnatlon school miss union thompson has return ed home after spending a weeks va cation at the home of her aunt mrs a n cole georgetown mr r j bailey of vancouver bjo returned home after holidaying with bis brother william and with other relatives he returned via the trans- canada air line from the malton airport the return trip would be made in sixteen hours three cam of scarlet fever have been reported in holaourg dr ec a reynolds mloji said that jie did not expect any further outbreak as all children m the village bad been inoculated mrs angus mcarthur erin town ship grand old lady quietly cele brated her ninetyfirst birthday on monday august 2ut she was the recipient of many cards flowers and niwiitfi of congratulations and good wishes te immediate family sat to dinner at the home of her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs herb keelar in honour of the occasion ad vocate of stale department yesterday issued the following announcement in accordance with the usual prac tlce the second monday in october which will be oct 9 has been fixed for the observance or thanksgiving day foi 1939 a proclamation appointing this daj as a day of general thanksgiving will be issued shortly obituary after a few months illness mfss esther pettit passed away at iei re sidence orchard view blvd toron to on saturday august 26th and was burled on monday august 28th in mount pleasant cemetery toronto miss pettit leaves to mourn her loss two brothers melvln pettit or parlier california and morley pettit of georgetown and two sisters mrs alex qracey of los angles califor nia and dr sarah p roberts of oberlin ohio and hci nlese and com panion mary edith pettit toronto mr and mrs allan preston of lon don were week end guests at the home of mr joseph beaumont mlss wlnnlfred jones who has been spending a holiday here guest of her coumn miss vivienne guot return d to her home in toronto on sundav mr and mrs gordon robinson ana family or erin were week end visitnts at the home of mr and mrs wm halpln we are pleased to report that mm cameron is now convalescing after her serious illness and her friends hope that she will soon be around as usual after the regular meeting of the ladles bible class of united chuxui on monday night a very pleasant so cial hour was spent during that period bertha allan a bride of this week was presented with a beautiful table lamp by the members una h1u read the address and alice addy was called upon to make the presentation in canada in those countries the packing houses are all either farmers cooperatives or government owned which in canada the packers are prl vately owned in discussing the matter with repre sentative farmers in this county i find that while most farmers agree that more accurate grading results when hogs are rail graded yet they are opposed to this system because of the fact that they do not trust the packers i believe that everything should be done to improve the grade quality or our export bacon and hams as this will mean an increase of our expor many trade and better prices our export the directors of the georgetown pall pair have everything ready for the big show on september 27 and 28 to the united kingdom of bacon ana hams has increased from four mil lion dollars worth in 1933 to thirty million dollars worth last year and everything possible should be done to further increase this very profitable export business but in my opinion it is a very high handed action on the part of ontario packers to take the matter in their own hands wi hout consulting the farmers of this pro vince and without making inspection and grading arrangements agreeable to them so far as i am concerned i will do everything within my power to see that the farmers are fairly treated hughes cleaver kers may have to be regimented to do this and not to do that plants may be taken over to produce essential war supplies farmers may be ordered to grow certain crops and neglect othets hoarding is usually an accompani ment of war as the threat is seen that certain commodities will soon be scarce and high in price governments have to step in to prevent it as much as possible profiteering is another ac companiment that ls met by the fix ing of prices certain essentials such as oil and fuel are likely to soar any way it may be necessary even for a democracy to ration gasoline and other basil materials emotion effects on the emotional side the first ef fects of conflict are stirring there is a truce of ancient divisions of party and religion and a fervour of self- sacrifice the ranks are closed and emotion runs high a state actuated by these sentiments and regimented by a dictatorship works with great smoothness and seeming efficiency for a while it is this ideal for which the extreme planned economy people strive they want all the advantages of wartime psychology without how- i ever the restrictions on the personal liberty which alone make such effici ency possible men like walter lipp- man say that such a goal is unrealistic as war ls today it would seem that north america would become one vast aeroplane and explosive factory sur rounded by fields of wheat and com north america contains a vast store- bouse of the sinews of war how could it remain unexploited with a war rag ing in europe in the last war canada so improved the efficiency of her productive mach ine that she paid for the war as she went along she emerged with no in crease in external debt and with a plant capable of producing as much or more than she could th 1s14 but tn other ways she never ceased paying for the last war war bills never get fully discharged whats the biggest quartera- worth in the world a nice question indeed but millions of people would unhesitatingly give their vote to the price of aitmltirtfm to the national krhlbiuon the price has remained unchanged smoe 1879 al though the value received for this twentyfive cents has tocreased im measurably nowhere elee can so much be had to emiswi entertain and educate for a ufce sum and if you are stfll skeptical one visit will con vince you million fob ferguson highway to temagamt seven contracts involving an expen diture of roughly iid0uooo have been let out for completion of reconstruc tion of the ferguson highway north aa far as temagamt station and work win proceed throughout the fan and winter it was disclosed by the hon t b mcqueston ontario minister of highways when he was in north bay hut week it was awful ah kinds of fine printing sold herefcnnk out of the oauar come quiekmw a housewife to chester pa- pbif repairman gas is leaking from my rctrlgeratar and the house smells awftd the re pairman found nothing wrong- wtth the refrlgeratortat he n

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