Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 30, 1939, p. 2

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page 2 c the georgetown herald wednesday evening auguat 30th 1939 the georgetown herald phone no 8 j of hoobs editor and rnbuabar garfield l mogutray assistant editor a weekly newspaper devoted to the beet interests of the town ol georgetown and surrounding country including the villages of glen wil- ttams komi llmehouse stewartfowo baillnafad and terra cotta issued every wednesday evening at the offloe on maui st georgetown subscription rates 150 per year in advance united states soo additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested advertising rates legal notices 12c per line for first insertion to per line for each subsequent insertion readers so per line for each insertion if in black face type 6c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments society church or or- ganjxation meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorian- notices 50c and 10c per one extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad vertisement one inch or less 60c for first insertion and 25c for each sub- sequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on- the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error correction plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error ao noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupi ed by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such adver tisement the herald dobs job printing op all klnd6 poetry growing ou a little more tired at close of day a little less anxious to have our way a little less ready to scold and blame a little more care for a brothers name and so we are nearing the journeys end where time and eternity meet and bend a little- more laughter a few more tears and we shall have told our increasing and we are part of the countless dead thrice happythen if some soul can i live because he passed my way flower colors a golden sunbeam lost its way and wandered at its will if kissed the yielding soft brown earth up sprang a daffodil the rainbow missed its purple stripe and sought it high and low twas found in a cool shady nook where fragrant violets grow one breezy eve a pinktipped cloud balled off into the air then settled in a rosefilled spot to tint the dowers there a bit of summer sky fell down into my garden plot and now i know whence comes me blue of the forgetmenot florence b steiner begin today dream not too much of what youll do l tomorrow h0w well youll work perhaps another year tomorrows change you do not need to borrow today is here boast not too much of mountains you will master the while you linger in the vale below to dream is well but plodding brings us faster to where we go talk not too much about some new en deavour xou mean to mate a little later on swho idles now will idle on forever k till life is done swear not some day to break some w habits fetter wwhen this old year is dead and passed b away if you have need ol living wiser better begin today donkey be carried bricks in babylon and corn and wine and oil 3ii egypt persia china and the thra- clan chersonese he followed mongol raiders with the- forage and the spoil his neat black hoofs went clicking down the mountainways of greece the bullock horse and elephant are famed for mighty loads and famous is the camel of the shirt i lng desert sands idbnt servant of our servants on the roads that were norbau the little ass has packed for us freight of all the lands along the ancient highways and across i the western plains through forests swamps and rivers stare the current foamed and swirled in caravans in multitudes in ion car- bobmng trams hit patient tribe har borne for us the burdens of the world and still with wtckea panniers and an ttrchhi oq his p to keep the balance even and to hold his hind legs down i to building arte or market place or p village wafer ihm fcxle make his endless pilgrimage he canadian business summary tourist trade less in ontario so far this year the closing stages of the summet find canadian business maintaining the gain recorded in the first half or the year july witnessed an improve ment in retail trade with the dollar value of sales of department stores slightly above those lor july 1938 and showing less than the usual seasonal decline from june in the manufac turing field conditions are variable declines in activity in some sections have been balanced by increases in others the most notable feature of the month being further progress in the placing in canada of armament orders j from abroad the high level of ac tivity in the mining industry has con- tinued and a further expansion has occurred in ihe export of domestic products western harvest conditions have im proved and the present outlook is for a wheat crop of 380 to j9q bushels which will be a record for some years past the crop suffered from exces- j sive heat and lack of moisture in the latter part of july but benefited sub- sequently by rain particularly in areas where the grain was late in maturing j cutting is fairly general being parti- cularly advanced in manitoba under i the guaranteed minimum price which the western farmer will receive plus j the acreage bonus in crop failure ar- eas the prairie provinces will have an j increased purchasing power this year and the effects of this increase will be felt throughout the dominion in all channels of industry and trade in other provinces crop conditions are on the whole satisfactory railway gross revenues have been moving upward both systems record ing advances in midaugust there be ing few weekly decreases the latest employment bulletin of the bureau of statistics covering up to july showed a further expansion of employment with 1126216 workers on the payrolls of reporting firms as compared with 1100098 on june 1 a aln of 26118 or 24 which was slightly larger than the average gain in june since 1920 the number of persons in receipt of public relief in june was placed by the department of labour at 849000 which represents a decrease of 87 from the figure for june 1938 of these adult workers who were unemployed but fully em ployable numbered 150000 which was a decline of 115 from the may fig ure of 169000 but 86 above the fig ure for june 1938 the numbers of the farming population on relief in june were placed at 285000 of whom 243500 resided in the province of sas katchewan ontario with a good demand for summer merchandise wholesale and retail trade has shown some improve ment and although tourist business is less than usual sales compare favour ably with the corresponding period of a year ago collections are fair to slow industrial activity as a whole remains at the comparatively high evel of the previous month rubber i footwear manufacturers continue well employed with a good volume of for eign and domestic orders on hand tire factories are busy automobile manufacturers have curtailed opera tions but production of new models will shortly activity in iron j and steel mills remain steady and the immediate outlook is satisfactory leather prices are strengthening shoe manufacturers are reasonably well en gaged textile woollens and worsted mills generally are slack and knitting mills only moderately active the oper ations of hosiery plants have been ful ly maintained paint varnish and glass manufacturers report orders in good volume furniture manufactur ers apart from those engaged in or ders for radio cabinets are on reduced flour millers are operating at full capacity mainly on domestic orders and the guaranteed price for wheat offered by the dominion gov ernment has stimulated the business of grain elevators gold production for june totalled 253453 ounces 83220 u compared with 233510 ounces 813750 in june 1938 pro duction of silver was 43301 ounces against 68735 ounces a year ago w ii rthnr guuennan in saturday st never you do not wish your r to do to you do not unto him i to the whole law the mt lit i ssp ofit jewish the parade he said that they erare wrong r just couldnt be so the parade had passed that way ever since he was a kid didnt he remember when grand pa had put in bard sidewalks and real curbstones the first in town and bow the youngsters sat on them and waved flags when the parade went along and each year during his boyhood and after his years at col lege the parade passed the house just as regularly as the holiday came along lately his own kiddles had hung their little feet from the same curb and shrilled their voices at ttoeniar- shal then last year uiey said that the parade would be nhuted down the avenue instead of poising the house he said that they didnt know what they were talking about the parade had always come down this street not the avenue just wait and seel what if there were fl tot of new- peo ple on the committee someone would tell them about it he would him self and he did i but the parade had gonedown the avenue just as they said jt would of course he hadnt gone over no sir not he i and he wouldnt let the kiddles go either no such insult would be condoned by any of his fa mily the music wasnt sp good friends who went had told him it was all too snappy you know girl drummnjors and such not like the real parade that used to come down his way so he had written to vox pop and protested twice he did so and he talked about it to whomever he could get to bend an ear it was a crying shame what were they try ing to do start the neighborhood downhill after it had been known for years as the best street- in town and now the holiday had come again decoration everywhere his flag was out too looked pretty well though a bit motheaten here and there it had stood for the same principles over the years nothing to be ashamed tor there old glory had witnessed the parade many times as it hung from its staff this year they hadnt published the route of the parade at least he liadn t seen it perhaps they would be sensible and return to the tradi tional path he hoped so and so did the kiddies though they dldnt say so whenever anyone said any thing about the parade it always set oil daddy too bad he took on that way he was such a good daddy about everythlngexoept the parade mom my had whispered to them not to gt him started because of his heart you know it was almost lime for the parade wasnt it yes his watch pointed to the quarter hour when it arrived at the comer it took just fifteen min utes for them to march from main street again he looked at his watch and then up the street nothing in sight mother he called and as he listened for her reply he heard strains of music marching music again he looked toward the corner music in the distance yes he wasnt mistaken mother lie called again what is it came her voice the kiddles where are they i told them that they could go iver to the avenue and se v par ade they wanted lo toe it so much that was more than a year ago he has sold his old house nnd bought a new one over on the avenue a new flag too and lawn chairs and every thing and last holiday when the parade came past the new house the marshal saluted htm and a snappy girl drummajor threw him a kiss pretty nice pretty nice over here on the avenue tell you what he was saying to a friend tell you what theres no use talking you dont stay over on the old route when the parade is coming down the avenue not if you want to see the parade this parable or the parade was told by a friend of mine to a group of men as indicative of the attitude of too many business men and concerns who are still waiting for the parade after it has changed its route to the avenue newer ideas better methods all that you gel the idea by j t mackay in the llnotypenews the parade of events and happen ings in georgetown go into the homes of the buying public through the lo cal newspaper if you want to keep up with the times and keep in contact with the buying public mr merchant s4e that your advert imtnent appears in these columns every week poor miss reeve by bert 9toveb the wbong note a new governor was paying his first visit to a gold coast town two batmen greeted him the first read welcome to our new governor the second was god help our ad ministration on another occasion whan the king and queen then duke and duchess of york visited maurithii they expressed regret that they couldnt stay more than three days m the teasnd a local paper printed stay as stand many help pick men for government jobs that many prominent highlytrain ed canadians arc willing to do their part without pay in helping to pick uie best man for government jobs ts plainly written for anyone who troub les to turn to the last report of he civ il service commission ottawa names of persons outstanding in the professional academic and business life of the dominion who have assisted the commission on advisory examin ing boards occupy four full pages of the report this long list of judges doctors professors bankers engineers and architects testifies not only to the infinite variety of positions in the government service but also to the effort made by the commission to ob tain the best available assistance for filling technical positions an advisory examining board is us ually set up to make a selection among candidates whose technical qualifica tions are vouched for by diplomas or certificates it consists usually of a representative of the department that has the vacancy examiners from the commissioners staff and one or more specialists chosen to advise the board on technical questions that might arise this board considers the claims made by each contestant on his appu- catton form looks over the references submitted by persons who can vouch for ills technical and personal qualifi cations and then calls for the best of them to appear for an oral examlna tlon at this oral examination the careers of the candidates are examined more thoroughly and they are judged from the point of tie of personal suitability as wen a fter that day when mrs gaines brought back the rice pudding she had taken over to miss reeves house because she found her sitting up in bed and eating a roast chicken and ice cream miss reeve had been recovering from a broken wrist nobody had quite dared to pitytqe latter openly yet she seemed so lonely so queer when one saw her trip ping doyfp main street as likely as not carrying a pail containing a few blackberries picked from the hedgerows she seemed like an old child not hat she was insane miss reeve had taught school and as far as anyone knew there was no reason why she should play the part of village recluse but there it was missreeye stayed alone and never visited when she went to church she contrived tpslip put before the rest of the congregation had teft the pews poor miss reeve they said and shook their heads then ode day miss reeve failed to put in an appearance to buy her sunday pork chops sunday after church miss boyle and miss gaines of the rice pud ding determined to seek her whether or no as they put it consumed with uie curiosity that is camouflaged as kindness they tapped on her door no answer another and louder knock still no answer all the years accumula tion of ghastly incidents from their extensive sunday newspaper read ing ran through their rustier minds something said mrs gaines solemnly has happened miss boyle thrilled oh poor miss reeve she said they peeked in at the window no the room was peacefully steeped in the sunshine of a warm july sunday but the very quiet ag gravated their fears and they just gave way to panic and raahome little miss boyle with remarkable agility and fat mrs gaines after the manner of an alarmed elephant you havent seen anything you say said tim haynes the town marshal no we didnt dare go in shud dered the exhausted runners hm weu ill take a look in after ive had my dinner things like that set better on a full stom ach if theres anything there which i doubt said the phlegmatic tim but there was nothing to see in the severely plain little reeve homestead nothing but an electric refrigerator which certainly seemed an inexcusable piece of ex travagance in one who had appar ently the smallest means still failing acute tragedy the re frigerator made something to talk about besides as mrs gaines re marked it explained the ice cream then one evening young carrol barnes a commutor from the city brought back some news guess who i saw at the station this morning no not here in the city he said lo his pretty athletic wife cant guess tell she said poor miss reeve 1 couldnt be lieve until she touched me on the sleeve i hope nobodys been anxious she said in that fluttering way of hers but you see im married what almost screamed esther barnes oh she couldnt bel im telling you she is and she looked positively pretty and smart too one of those uneven skirts dont know what you call em and spike heels all in blue with flesh stockings and blue shoes she had her husband with her and who dyou think it was you remember old hassell who got in some mess years ago and went to the kion- dyke well it seems he is a rich man breeds reindeer and what not and they were engaged back in those old days and now hes come back and married his early love she looks absurdly happy like a young kid but whats he like an awful old thing oh its dreadful if all those women had been kind to her and not hated her for being a better cook than they were and or ordering an electric refrigerator she wouldnt have married him look out for the crossing called carrol he isnt a bad guy just a fat old business man thats all i found the bank thinks hes absolutely all right and that scrape was simply a political frameup dont you be as bad as the rest ive asked them to come for a week end and youll see all those old birds will fall all over themselves to get asked to the city i know them poor miss reeve murmured his unconvinced wife i wish we had their car said carrol lighting his pipe early use af gsapowder the early chinese used gunpow der bur for joyful purposes for the filling of fireworks ao dear to thetr carnival mind and for the vrardinf off of evil spirits the secret was known to callincus of damascus buthe wisely kept it a secret there were do mercenary merchants of death in those days so soo years passed before gunpowder and all its dread components and mig spread through civilized europe and brought modern warfare to s one sod atrocious sit tan iltmhaortlm w lsc cnr1 time table standard time cmnc feast passenger 610 st passenger and mall 1008 m passenger and mall 040 p passengers for toronto 140 p passengers sundays only 831 p passenger and mall 834 i passenger dally except saturdays and sundays 600 i saturday only 145 i passenger and mail 649 i passenger sunday iijs i gems north mall and passenger 848 i going south mall and passenger 65a i sm itesfcrss summer time tabije effective sat june 24th leave georgetown to toroato a 614 ajn 918 ajn 1148 aun c 223 pjn 406 pm 606 pjn 813 pm a except sundays c sat only to loadoa x 835 ajn 205 piil b 4 pjn x 760 pjn r connections for owen sound b sun and hoi standard time tickets and information at w h long phone 89 gray coach lines m directory f b watson dds hjdj9 georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xray office hours dally 9 to 9 evenings 7 to v phone 2s4w georretowai l v m 1 pssi pea anvn roaadhtp acro- leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitors mill street georgetown ont kenneth l langdon banister solicitor notary pubbe i first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bldg mu1 81 phone 8s georretowa frank petch licensed auctioneer for the counties of peel and bmkaa prompt service telephones cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown 61 r 1 post office cheltenham one of englands outstanding military bands has been imported the baud of his majestys royal marines also the famed dagenham girls bagpipe band the world baa been combed to bringyontbe fmertanteruinment the latest marvels of science the drama of foreign lands and the glamour of worldwide industrial companies its the biggest annual ahow of its kind on earth i walter t evans co genera ocean steamship seal estate sc north us monuments pollock ingham successors to cater worth gait ont designs on bequest phone 2648 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery szfsssr hoards of hard cash including 25000 arabian 30000 oerman and 18400 anglosaxon coins haw been unearth ed in the baltic island of gotland georgetown pau fair september 27 and 2ft am nielsen 25th year of practice chiropractor xray drugiess therapist lady aueasant office over dominion store georgetown hours 9 8 730 9j0 pjn timothy seed to the amount of 3658432 lb figures as the highest im portation of field seeds into canada during the twelve mp july 1 lbst to jury 1 139 an the aseds came from ihe united states m hie im portations of garod seed during the same period peas led the way with 787989 lb the countries of origin m order of supply toeing the tmited states tmited kingdom new zealand holland china and japan

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