Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 30, 1939, p. 3

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r the georgetown herald wed nesday evening august 30th 1939 page 3 international uniform sandy school lesson sanov a life dedicated to god golden text me isaiah 6 6 here am i send lesson passage isaiah 6 113 holy holy holy 1 though the darkness hide thee though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see only thou art holy there la none beside thee perfect in power in love and puri ty reginald heber called 1 the world states a letter does not seem to me to be a prison house but a kind ol spiritual kindergarten where millions of bewildered children are trying to spell god with the wrong blocks isaiah found the rlgh blocks he had a mature and adult view of god tbe sixth chapter of xsalah gives part of his biography outwardly the big event of that year hi judahs history was the death of the leper king uzzlah but spiritually the epoch making event was the con version in jerusalem of a young city prince by the name of isaiah his in terest turned from kingly splendour to tbe glory of the living god the so vereignty of god became a reall y to him be thought of god as sitting up on a throne the old testament telk of the calls of abraham moses sam uel isaiah amos jeremiah and eze del they are all different in details but they are all alike in a recognition of the presence of the living and eter nal god challenged 2 4 isaiah discovered something o higher import than civic politics and court intrigue he had a vision of the lord of hosts it is solemnizing to think of god as the ruler of the stars and planets or as the creatoi of successive generations of men or as the hero of eternity transcending time as well as space instinctively we worship when we discover a god great and good enough to worship nationally isaiah may have been at traded by the ideal of royal power but in a moment of spiritual insight he was uplifted by the thought of gods holiness isaiah had grasped something more than tbe boy who wrote in an essay my ideas on re llglon are simple almost childlike but i refuse to allow them to become complicated and cutand dried of ten times when i have been walking alone through a quiet forest or doing same solitary ashing along a ool mountain stream i have felt the pr ence of god in the rustling of the wind through the tall treetops or in the steady murmuring of the water as it pours over the mossy stones at the bottom of the stream isaiah found something much deeper than nature worship convicted 5 it was concerning his speech hat isaiah felt conviction of sin in the light of his vision of the holy ood his conversation both his speaking and his listening seemed trivial and unclean if we are satisfied with our selves it is because we have no hign vision of god one must be convert ed to be a sinner before ho can be converted to be a saint it was when isaiah realized his unhollness that be was able to desire gods holiness the fundamental human problems are religious problems and require rellgi ous answers the grace of god alone can meet the need of man when life is seen in the light of pie love of god man is able to trust and to feel that life has a meaning religion t essential for mental health and moral victory 1 jf cahvlc m of guilt is a necessary step tos tis release from evil hubi once 1st h was convicted of idle and unworth talking his lips could be cleansed it required a live coal from off the i ar ifebymth wash could not do it tl sin had to be burned out such ml cles still happen a swearer will oudenly become reverent and th profplty of years ceases a man of tntenj hates realizes his selfpoi soning an begins to live there is new power concept of life that makes sense tonodern minds is efficacious n changinillves depth psychology as it is ofm called presents christianity with a jechnluqe for understanouig and savpg souls- more objective and practical than has ever before been available to the depths of the iu man sou we become certain of oursel ves andpf god the quality or our happlnej depends on the things we jove jlsaiah after his conversion had a pw range of affections he loved hi city and jus country ai the more bsause he had surrendered his hear to god his great spiritual ex pertenoecame to him in early man hood ad each year added o hi moral wwer there was no going back commissioned 813 religtn means duty as well as beau ty isiah had a great emotional thrill u the temple it led him out to wltics on nhe cit streets ood spoke o lsaiai in order that he might peak to a nation the man whose jps were cleansed gave to liter ature ome of the noblest passages that hive inspired oratories pictures and perns this achievement was made wsslble by isaiah s obed ence when ie heard the loice of the lord saying whom shall i send and who will g for us isaiah anawced here am i send me the people might be unresponsive but his com missio was to be faithful in giving the message when isaiah asked for how long he us signing on hi was given to understand that it was lor the duration was isaiah selfde ceived let heber s hymn holv holy holy be one answer let han dels messiah be another answer let the words read from the scroll in the synagogue at nazareth bear wl ness to the uorough cleansing of isaiahs lips and thoughts questions for discussion 1 is heber s hymn holy hol holy true to isaiah 6 why is heber s hymn placed first in many hymn books why is heber s hymn usually sung flrst at a public service what does gods holiness mean to forlher peach delicacies with a bumper crop of exceptionally fine quality peaches this season in canada the following recipes may be found to be of particular interest peaches for cooking should be peeled just before using as exposure to the air darkens the fruit peach pie us what is the human counterpart of gods holiness lesson outlines copyrighted jv the internationa council of religious ed u cation used b permission canadian blueberries under the canada united states trade agreement the customs duty on fresh blueberries imported from can ada into the united staes is one cent per pound the demand for fresh ber on the new york wholesale mar ket has been good this year and the first arrivals from canada were from noia scotia and new brunswick the market conditions for canadian blue berries is good and oumg to the brisk demand and the short crops in massa chusetts and maine it is not consld ered likelj that the canadian ship ments will depress the market but ntain comparatively high prices rativeh i s nice to seeou again old man i thought you were dead oh why well i vc heard several people speak ell of ou latelj abb you bum youb face ib clean normal care for normal skin dotvt powder over dirt much has been written about the beauty for people with greasy sklna dry skins sensitive skins and so on it is time that something was said on the subject of tbe normal skin after all there are many fortunate people who have nothing very much wrong with their complexions and it is only right and natural that they should want to know how to keep them in that happy condition it is unfortunately all too true that if a perfectly good normal skin is left to look after itself it stands a very good chance or losing its normality of developing open pores blackheads etc therefore beauty culture for the normal complexion must be of a pro tective nature what is this protective treatment well it consists of three parts clearw ing nourishing and guarding against age the first is easily the most lm portant part because dirt is the great- est danger a good skin has to guard against how many times do you wash your hands each day morning mid day evening and last thing at night don t you probably more often than that and yet there are hundreds of people who just dab a little extra pow der on their faces three or four times a day and clean it only once it is true that your hands are constantly in and are therefore in more direct con 2 cups sifted flour 1 cup shortening teaspoon salt 46 tbsp cold water sift flour and salt cut in shortening using a pastry blender or two knives until the crumbs are about the size of beans sprinkle a little water over one portion and mix to dough add water to second portion when all is blen ded roll to inch thickness this method prevents the addition of too much water line a 9 inch plate and fill with sliced peaches add h cup granulated sugar and 2 tbsp quick tapioca dot with 2 tbsp butter cover upper crust and bake in a very hot oven 30 min utes reduce heat and continue bak ing for 10 minutes r rakfd peaches peel 6 large pedches and arrange in a casserole if preferred they may be halved and the stone removed sarin kle with v cup granulated sugar and wtth v w but tl k ai i i true lhat the foundation cream vou it makes a nicer cool drink 11 pour cup water over cover closely and bake hour serve hot or cold old fashioned cop podding batter cup shortening 2 3 cup brown sugar 1 egg cup milk 1 r- cups flour 2 tsp baking powder cream shortening add sugar blend well then add egg and beat mixture until light sift flour with baking ponder and add a little at a time al ternately with a little milk pill large moulds or cups half full with sliced peaches add 1 tbsp ran ulated sugar to each mould pour bat ter over until cups are three quarters full steam hour turn ou to serve peach ginger shortcake cup butter 1 egg cup sour milk v teaspoon ground ginger 1 cups flour cup brown sugar cup molasses teaspoon soda h teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking powder cream butter and sugar add egg and beat well add molasses then sour milk to which soda ginger and elnna mon hove been added mix well then adld flour and baking powder sifted together bake in a greased pan 50 minutes in a slow oven 325 degrees f split while hot and pile fresh sliced sugared peaches gencrouslv un top whipped cream may be served if de sired a woman s job woman should put in an eight hour day at her job whether it be just look ing beautiful for her husband a well known new york dress designer be lieves if she has to cook keep house and bring up children she should take pride in doing it if she is wealthy and her business is onlv to be beautiful and make a delightful hostess she should apply equal stern standard to that job she said cool according to a writer a girl who is clever with her needle can make charming summer frock for next t nothing and in a heat wave that probabl how shell wear it royal canadian pacific engine at worlds fair st v i m v v vsiwfa- an impressive feature in the railroads on parade pa geant at the new york world a fair canadian pacific railway locomotlre 2850 is attracting marked attention the royal de corations it still carries recall the important part it played to the westward passage across canada of their llajastles king oeorge vi and queen elizabeth and make it the outstanding engine on ex hibit jloeot 28t0 tmpissses at tour daily snows as a powerful rfflrlswt g of aaa j is absmt vaijtfcfbit the which hauled the royal train from quebec city to vancouver a dis tance of more than 3000 miles the longest contlnnona ran ever recorded by passenger train at tbe end of that ran locomo tive 2860 worked us war back to montreal in regular doty com pleting practically 6009 miles of continuous se the cana dian pacific railway announced that the entire trip bad passed without engine trooble trf any kind that tbe loaotnotrra was to the pacific coast again it is one of 0 engines of the same series capable of a similar per ormance four times dally during august tbe cyclonean canadian pacific locomotive goer on display at new york and four times a day spectators echo the words of her majesty queen elizabeth when she inspected the locomotive dur ing the tour isnt h a lovely en- staer standing on the angina in this plctnraat the gay laastes of yesterday and today of the cast of the saseant true lhat the foundation cream you use on your face makes it slightly sticky so that the dirt in the atmos phere naturally clings to it there jou have rule no 1 for skin beautj cleanse your face every time vou wash your hands your camp ex ion will repay you a thousand fold for your trouble hints for housewives mustard on sandwiches when us ing mustard or any piquant sauce for sandwiches mix it with the butter be fore spreading onthe bread this en sures even distribution about cedar chests remember ced ar chests will not kill moths or their eggs but if the garment is put into the cedar chest free of eggs and larvae it will never become damaged from moths turnip sauce here is a splendid substitute lor horseradish sauce scrape a white turnip very finely make some mustard with vinegar mix the two and add a little salt and pep per for genen clean ng of marble when badly soiled use kerosene or salt and vinegar but do not allow the vinegai to remain en for more than a few mill the sense of taste man asta with his tongue while ome animals for example fishes taste with tic whole body an infant tastes with the middle part of his tongue and n adult determines with the ides r tongue whether food is pvu foot r- tasted b means of the taste buds of which the cow has about 15 000 the ant- oi 50 000 and man about 3 000 the whale has very few taste buds and gulps its food so quickly that 1 does not bother about the tatr among homed cattle taste is important and they scrupulouslj se ect the grasses they like wc know four distinct tastes sweet salt bitter and sour the sweet taste is prectived on the tongue the quick est because the taste buds lor sweets are located at the tip of the tongue then comes salt and sour taste bit ter th ags are lasted at the back of lhe tongue tate can be regulated warm cof fee requires less sutrar than cold be cause warmth ls a stimulant to the taste buds no matter how much sutar l added to ice cream it will not seem too sweet because when cooled the taste buds scarcely tunc tion if the tongue is rubbed with ice one fais to perceive different tastes a good method in taking bit ter drufjs taste is a fine sense it can be trained tea tasters are able to tell the place of origin of a tea after a singe tasting wine tasters can tell trom where a certain variety of wine came aid also whether the grapes from w lich it was made grew in a innj or i hadj field utes lest it affect the polish this method will sometimes remove smoke- stains too polish with any good fur niture polisher rubbed in thoroughly with a piece of flannel then finish with a soft dry cloth and a brilliant surface will result you will find that glycerine mixed wltji an equal quantity of either water oi eaudecologne makes an excellent emollient for the skin the skin should be washed and thoroughly dried and the mixture applied externally gentle rubbing only being employed after eczema and other skin complaints this should be done several times a day papering walls is simplified if a cold- water paste is used the contents of a lin are poured into cold water and arc stirred to a paste which never be comes lumpy a frieze can be easily added to the papered or distempered walls by this means instead of with homemade paste english doctors dilemna neither in can dn nor great bn tain do children dr nk mouth milk for perfect in uth this fitt has inne been stressed b the medical prole slon in filmland inert ha been a stioig agitation to increase the consumption of milk and the movement has pre sen ted a dilemna to the doctor they know how csmntiai milk is lor the growth of children but on the other hand lhey also know how can gerous milk can be when it is not made sale by pasteurization in ihe absence of compulsorj pasteurization lhe have to refrain from urging tne use of tht one food tluv rt i tzo is mast needed the point was recently advance i the house of lords bj viscount ator when he said that the great need at the moment was cheaper and saiei milk a few days before he had ad dressed a conference organized by the british medical association and ne told lhe house of lords lhat up to date the great medical profession rud not been able lo act with complete vigor hi tlie campaign because they realized the difficulty in urging mo lhers to give their children more milk when lhtv could not at lhe anic time guarantee that the milk avail able was reasonably safe it was indeed regrettable that two or three of lhe main proposals of the milk bill which the oovernmer t brought forward last december which would have assisted substantially in making the milk supply cheaper and safer had been dropped and were not included in lhe present milk bill there was prejudice in some minds viscount astor said against the pas leurlzaudn of milk his own in cllnatlon was to oppose pasteurization because he was a milk producer w o wanted to sell raw milk but he had to recognize lhal there was this prob lem and he thought that the farmers were shorslghted if and when the opposed measures to facilitate tbe pasteurization of milk which did not come from tubercle free cows evid ence as to the value of pasteurization was overwhelming if there was an educational campaign he hoped the findings of atttnorltatlve bodies pasteurization would be put before tbe public nkar obsolete more and more ne word obey is being deleted from tbe feminine half of the marriage vows that term has been aooarded as much respect as mtemauoral treaty qusnapsh0t cuil t abor day weekend is the last big outdoor holiday of summer for most of us it means a trip a weekend camp or other special jaunt and plenty of pictures to re mind us or summer fan during the coming winter months 1b your camera ready and have you made your labor day plans with a view to picture chances thats alwijs a good idea when you re planning an excursion keep th cam n in mind and select a tour rout or holid iy snot that you know is f ill f picture opportunities the in ro fun and activity you cm pick into the week end thomore bii 1 1 1 t ehane es you 11 have u her eir s in tiling is going on your- cim ri should bo ready for action a picnic or corn roast an amuse ment i ark tour a fibbing trip a mount iin 1 iku all these are chuck full of picture material if you ust keep our eyeb open and your cam era rt irty oi l pi nir plrtureyourcrowdset ttnj letabl intl eating dcntwiit lil tl y k t through at ihe pool or the 1 h picture th m swim ml if and div htg or enjoinr some oil r bench bport not posed on short itch your exposures and kocp tit m in trp with the preva ling ilclit 1 iir thidy streims there is v 1 nip lieht io you must ue a ir i ni o nine ind i fo tint i it it on the b ii h or w i i fishing offshore light is bright and intense and exposures of 150 sec ond at f 11 f 16 and sometimes even f 22 are correct when in doubtaboutexposure err on the full side correct exposure is best but an overexposed ntm n ill usuilly yield a better print than in underexposed film good modern films especially the chrome type have enough latitude to take care of reasonable errors la judging ex posure so here s luck it looks like a treitwe kend ind i hope you keep your camera as busy as mine will be 7 john van guilder clearing sale of all millinery misses clarhmje announce i clearing sale ol all millinery in slock misses claridge main street georgetown hmubkck upatam t 1 1

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