Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 30, 1939, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 30th 1939 page 5 ngs weekend meat specials rose brand creamery butter 2 49c shortening 21ih no 1 cooking onions 10 ox bmmh bac 23c california oranges 29c 39c new honey 2 lb tin 23c 4 lb hn 42 no 1 cooking apples jq basket new carrots 6 qt basket joj special fmh picnic sljle pork shoulders 1 6 fbesh pork spareribs 2 25c sweet pickled cottage rolls 24 oocntry style sausage 2 25 ltwse caahg small link pork sausage 18 bkxsket or plate boiling beel partly boned l2 blade roast beet 19 boneless and rolled prime rib roast 25 shocldek roast spring lamb 19 lean flank stewing lamb 2b25c flank and rib stewing veal 2 25c boneless and rolled choice veal roasts 19 select quality machine sliced side bacon 29 p wm king sssk delivery western canada special bargain excursions from all stations in eastern canada golng daily- september 15 29 1939 inclusive return i imlt 41 days tickets good fn coaches a far approximately lc per mile tourist sle cars at fares approximately lc per mile standard sleeping coaches at fares approx lc per mile cost of accommodation in sleeping cars additional baggage checked stopovers at port arthur armstrong chicago and west similar excursions prom western to eastern canada during same period tickets sleeping car reservations and all information from any agent ask for handbill t 267 just arrived a complete range of fall and winter samples of suits topcoats and overcoats by fashion craft the fashion craft label adds distinction to your wardrobe it means an investment in good appearance for a short time only we are offering you this famous english brand of suits made to your individual measure ments at do i 50 and op e alcott phone 376 georgetown herald advertisements pay dividends st albans church glen williams thirteenth sunday alter trinity mating 9 30 am sunday school 1030 st george church rev w thompson thirteenth sunday after trinity sun day school 10 ajn holy communion 11 ajn evensong the presbyterian church minister rev d d davidson ma sunday september 3 10 ajn sunday school and bible classes 11 ajn and 7 pjn pdblic worship the minister will preach everyone welcome united church sunday school will meet ar 10 ajn morning and evening worship will be held atil ajn and 7 pjn and will be conducted by the pastor the weekly meeting for prayer and bible study will be resumed on wed nemlay evening sept 6th at 8 clock in the sunday school room baptist church rev e g baxter minister sun day scliool at 10 ajn public worlip at 11 ajn the pastor will be in charge auction sale of accredited jersey herd tt iinrtprst has rprtvwl in 5 true lions from frasn mtcl llocii io s b j ib c taction at lot 13 conccslon 10 just below erin village tl lsday september lzlh 8ih 1 es lalh no moo bbb ik dropped feb i 1932 fieshemd 30th sept no 2 cow erin lili fltoos bbb 5l dropped dec i6th 193 ened nov 17th 1939 no 3 cow erin mam dolk tat op bbb 4l dropped nov 1933 fnshened st pi 26th 1939 no 4 cow erin bilk soolo mtoo bbb 11 dripikd jan 26th 1934 cih a d j no i cow erin darling ladj 80512 tattoo bbb 3m dropjkd ma 21st 1134 ci 1 at jlde cow f in durlink ljissk dropped mar 102138 i i ion bbb connecting link pavement at georgetown to cost 681618 county council sign agreement with town reeve n a robinson of esquesing protests against rail grading of hogs following a meeting ol the county roads committee in the morning hal- ton county council met in muton last tuesday at 2 pjn the following resolution from perth county was endorsed by the council but only after considerable discussion this resolution referred to a press report that the provincial government proposes reducing the number of mem bers of the legislative assembly as an economy measure whereas tl county of perth con siders economy might be better effec ted from the eleven hundred govern ment officials who receive from 2 000 to 7500 per year rather than from among the ninety members elected by the people therefore be it resolved that this county council request the provincial government to leave undis turbed the present number of mem bers of the legislature and such other means of effecting desired economies mr byers the provincial govern ment could quite well cut down on the number of inspectors they send through the countrj mr hewson i agree each small municipality does its best to econo mlse but what is the legislature do lng nothing but wasting money by sending tnspec ors for this that and the other all over the country warden i think dominion and provincial expenditures could certainly be cut down but i think it would be a mistake to entertain any idea of dispensing with any of the deputy ministers mr robinson started a discussion relative to the merits or demerits of the new sistem or rail grading of hogs mr robinson staled there were practically only two abattoirs in to ronto which absolutely control t-he- price when the rail grading came into force there was a 50c drop in one week not five farmers in 100 are in favor of it then why should it be forced on the farmers by the abat toirs and then take just what they like to ghe them and it is only the beginning he stated before ions ou would find shetp calves and lambs being rail graded too warden personallv i am in favor or rail grading but 1 agree it should not be forced on the farmers the only thing to do is to introduce co operative svstem i think the stock jard commission men could be reduced by 50 per cent mr hewon i think poland his the llnest marketing svstem in the world in that country they bonus their farmers for good produce mr irving surnrteed the council with the information that milton has i forgotten streef the street in ques ion is that running past tin count buildli t mr irving had looked up a survj imp of 1854 and also one of 1867 bu in neither w as this road or trcet mentioned neither wa thin anj re cord of any bj law having been pass ed giving the town of milton posses slon of thb roadwav mr irvii j brought this matter to the attention of the council for the purpose of obtaining some linanclal assistance from the county lor the construction of thii road upon which the town of milton has recently done considerable work mr robinson if am thing is paid bv the countj it will have to be from the general funds and not from the road allowances council were agteed that some as slstance might be given lor the up keep of this road the report of the rood committee dealt mainly with the road to be con s true ted in georgetown beine i con necttng link in the county road sya tern the total com ol the road would be 6 816 18 or thls 4 093 35 would be paid by the county and 2 722 83 by the town or georgetown the committee also recomnwnded tliht the warden and clerk be authorized to sign the necessary agreement with georgetown and that the same be sub milled to the department of highways for their approval it was further recommended that a delegation be sent to the good roads convention to be held at quebec citj setp 12th 13th and 14th carried the chairman of the county build ings committee recommended pa ment of accounts and suggested that the time had come when it is abso lutely necessary for a new filing sys tern to be installed in the registry of flee the system recommended b the committee would cost approxi mately 800 and would last from ten to fifteen years mr gordon reported that while the reforestation committee had not been very active in the past they were now in the position to inform council that there was a very good piece of land in nasagaweya which the owner was willing to sell and which mr gor don felt would do splendidly for re forestatlon purposes especially as there was already a stand of young timber growing on the place mr irv ing also recommended purchase of this land which he said was well fenced and 25 acres could be laid out with new trees it was agreed that council should meet early at their next meeting inspect this land during the noon hour on motion of mr gilbert and mr robinson the county treasurer was instructed to pay c w conover and joseph hill the sum of 25 each as a reward for the apprehension and oanvicuon of alfred rogers for steal ing chickens the following accounts were passed for payment finance ssujb hospi tals 1 03560 county buildings 69 16 printing sasos agriculture 5000 a bylav was- passed to authorise the execution of las agreement be tween halton county and the town con ol weekly rush specials towelling 22 glass towelling all linen 35c for 1 7 glass towelling all linen 30c for 20 plain white towelling 16 heavy brown linen towelling 16 allinen towelling 16 heavy linen towelling 17 heavy glass towelling 20 heavy glass towelling r pillow sups 42 h s pillow slips 42 h s pillow slips wabasso 42 madeira style pillow slips 42 madeira pillow slips homespun 45 homespun curtain material congoleum rugs only a few left 9 x 9 at 27c yd 22c 27c yd 21c yd 15c yd 17c yd 25c yd 25c yd 19c each 75c pr 49c pr 96c pr 39c yd 575 1 i mcbean co phone 64 georgetown ui ci i kl save with safety at your rexall store wind ale stationery 60 sheets 48 envelopes 49c box dr lyons tooth powder 39c see our fullassortmentof school supplies late prices on nujol 29c 49c 83c specials for this weefyjus free hinds iione1 and almond with a zite jar cream free 45c 100 1east and iron tabs 79c 2 qt hot water bottle 69c you can always shop to at your rexall store advantage patm with english health salt 39c white shoe cleaners lops 25c shumilk 15c beach lncle ezra says alkallm with alka seltzer the alkalizing effervescine tablet 25c 57c a small tube of mi31 tooth paste and an 8 ox bottle of mi31 antiseptift both for 43c if robbs drug store rbone 7 we deliver the rnu stork gkosumowm wo renewed co a erin s lit i in sweetheart hoi i t k bbb v di ipptd mir 4 h lp- 1 t hentci prtl 2nd 1940 i no 8 cw erin sweet bride 101734 itt o bbb 5n dropped oct 1 t 1935 i calf at side no 9 coldin marie 4c4g5 tattoo bbb i dropied april 26th 1928 dred mav ic h n full now of milk no 10 wink anile 51603 dropped sept hth 1928 ire hened sept 30th no 11 cow cicn bndo vien 31604 dropixxi ox 11 idb freshened 23rd aug no 12 no 13- ioth no 141 f ide jersey bred ma 19 heifers no 15 ertn sw cot june rc xntlint tattoo bbb 4p dropjed juni 1 1916 frislunod sept 15ui 1939 no ifi frin clara conscript 101736 uittoo bbb 5p dropped sept 26lh 1910 ire limed sept 13tji 1939 no 17 frin dolly annesl 101731 tattoo bbb 7p dropped sept 10th mg freshened sept 7th 1939 no 18 erin sultin lily reg pend lng t ittoo bbb 3r dropped mar 12 1937 fhenfd sopt 23rd 1939 no 19 enn silver gren bride reg pending tattoo bbb 5r dropped aup 2nd 1937 open no 20 frin wonderful fern reg ponding tattoo bbb 7r dropped aug 24 th 1937 open no 21 erin belle sultan r- g pending tattoo bbb 11r dropped oct 19th 1937 open calves no 22 erin sunbeam wonder reg pending tattoo bbb is dropped jan 9th 1938 no 23 erin margreta sultan reg pending tattoo bbb 4s dropped fsb 0th 1939 no 24 erin rosedale pet tattoo bbb 6s dropped aug 29th 1938 no 25 erin valiant bride tattoo bbb 10s dropped sept 15th 1938 no 26 ertn silver slipper tattoo bbb us dropped sept i7th 1938 no 27 efin snowball drop tattoo bbb 2t dropped feb 23rd no 28 erin beauty queen tattoo bbb 3t dropped mar 6th 1939 no 29 erin taxpayer rose tattoo bbb4t dropped aug 6th 1939 no 30 erin cutle tattoo bbb 5t aug 13th 1939 no 31 bull silver creek valiant sultan 7904 tattoo bkr25m drop ped nov 24th 1934- bred by silver creek farms ltd cajedon ont this bull is a son of valiant of oaklands ar114 class aa no 32 bull shamrock volunteer prince 100328 tattoo dfc13r drop ped may 10th 1937 bred by j a bald markham ont also 12 breeding ewes oxford down terms op sale cash nothing to be removed until settled for buyers assume all risks on animals immediately after they are sola but same care win be taken sale to commence at one oclock sharp in case of wet weather sal will be hem under cover we are shippers to frit dairies license no 163 toe canadian jersey cattle club accredited herd no 1m11 fred ucknery frank petch clerk roy bxnduct phone 16 erin notice we are sorry but owing to unforeseen delay we were not able to finish the painting in time for in spection of mr mcdonalds house college view and therefore the inspection will not be permitted j b mackenzie son phone 33 georgetown watch our window fob 1rhklt ici cku btbculs amd oonfaonambr fresh peach banana split sundae 13c 2 for 25c longs confectionery pjsa greyi theatre friday september 1 storm over bengal patrick knowles rocheue hodson nancy drew jetective booiu granville john lftel fo3c news saturday september 2 young mr uncom bis thrfljjnt romantic adventarobs youth with henry ftsrf and arleen whalen cartoon travel squwaks final chapter lone ranger monday september 4 kid from kokomo mm cm mr lakli with pat obrien and jam btenmi cartoon gold rush daze band blue barron comedy muscle maulers tuesday and wednesday september s and 6 topper takes a trip v i ill j ll c kaatt u binji tasbj comedy sagebrush serenade cartoon donalds cousin gus travel talk imperial delhi

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