Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 30, 1939, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 30th 1939 production cloth to now m wch dent tuna tweo the earth and the moon o- fwrfflwy to the latest figures whtoh have just been published one total ol piecegoods made for sale 1907 was 3378470000 linear the equivalent of eughthr over 8000000000 metres the offline are only now available because there is necessarily a time tog before me total production from nil sources can be worked out they iu to appreciate but it may be stated out the yardage of the producs of lancashire looms for the jear was sufficient to provide a belt of cloth approximately 40 inches in width which would extend 80 times round tbe world these figures refer to goods made by the doth manufacturers for sale h skmltlao there is the yardage of cloth made on commission which would pro vide another belt not quite so wide but sufficient to encircle tbe eartb once again the clearest idea of all however can be gained jram the realisation that the cotton cloth production this country is sufficient to provide every living soul on earth according to 1031 estimates with two yards each if the goods were confined to the british empire the provision would be eight yards each in 1937 lancashire cotton weavers paid 59037 000 for their raw mater ials primarily cotton yarn and pro duced goods to the gross value of 81500000 the average net output of the 173- s05 persons employed was 143 and this compares with 123 in 1935 this tost point may be said successfully to refute and talk of lancashire s loss of efficiency housecoat attractive fur i draped shirtwaist and basque tops associated with voluminous skirts give opportunity for quaint details which of ten suggest period costumes ftn hostess costumes materials are at band also with which period and nat ional styles can be further underscor ed a case in point is the seven teenth century new amsterdam faousecoat whose picturesque lines feercbief yoke and silver buttons are delightfully dutch and whose cotton print copied from a dutchtile stove confirms the idea the gypsy house coat has had a great vogue but is be lieved to be on the way out close- litting basque tops are becoming par ticularly when cut in acute angles more elaborate and wellsuited u informal dinners at home even when guests are present are hostess ensem- remove an weed sped from threshing machines tbsroaddy cleaned beface starting threshing op m datou when threshing has been completed and the machine moves on the far mers first job should be tbe disposal of weed seeds removed during the threshing says j d macleod crops seeds and weeds branch ont depl of agriculture toronto thepractlse of shovelling them outside the bam is too prevalent and should be discour aged when this is done millions of actnis are carried by the wind water animals birds and by man himself and new areas are infested careless ness in the disposal of weed seeds is one direct cause of the weed problem zt is important that all weed eeds be gathered up immediately after the mill has left and burned or buried deeply outooor threshing is now common throughout ontario much can be said in its favour however if a field which is badly infested with sow thistle or canada thistle is threshed from the stock on a windy day enough seeds will be carried for miles to infest an entire community where such conditions exist farmers are th the utes and will save many dollars and much bard work doeens of farmers can trace presence of certain weeds on farms to the threshing machine this source of infestation heed not exist any longer tbe matter of removing weed seeds from the grain when threshing and of cleaning the mac hine before moving is one for co operation between the thresher and the farmer farmers are urged to as sist in cleaning the outfit after thresh ing has been completed do not per mit the threshing machine to carry weed seeds on to your farm insist on a clean job and a clean mill jersey cattle records new standards for bacon hogs rmorsr regard to produc tion and marketing will repay hog kaisers jthis fall for the quarter yearoct- ober november and december we canadians are asking the government of great britain to make a place in the british bacon market for 53000 000 lb of our bacon this compares with 37500000 lb shipped in may june and july to do this britain must shu out of that market a share of tbe bacon now being supplied by denmark holland sweden and other countries the above named countries den mark particularly supply the london area markets whlch pay tbe best prices with bacon of which 80 percent or more is no i siseable tnfip means that tbe wiltshire side is or leanest selection and weighs within the range 65 to 65 lb it is made from hogs which are highly bred properly fed and which yield carcasses weighing from 143 to 168 lb warm weight selection designates the fatness of th bacon no 1 selection is known as leanest no 2 lean fairly fall and no 3- prime- quite fat possibly 35 to 40 per cent of ontario miss standard she having been awarded a medal of merit and gold meda certificate for her production at six years of age the jersey cow cluny castle vlo let owned and tested by p w rud ss neishbo and i pas- co 1 7 mu slble a location which will preven the jersey cow cluny castle miss standard owned and tested by p w ruddell georgetown ontario has re cently completed a splendid record of 12 688 lbs of milk 738 lbs of fat with an average test of 583 at seven years of age in 365 days and has been awarded a gold medal certificate by the canadian jersey cattle club l this is the third record made by hogs come within the djred weights n rtnrtbtyi she hnvtnthecn of no 1 or leanest selection ou- ol the average of the hogs of canada wc are shipping about 30 to 35 per cent of seeds from blowing over adjacent farms a spraying device is now being used effectively by a number of thres hers by means of this equipment a fine spray of water is forced into the blower when threshing this spray which does not injure the straw as sists in preventing seeds from blowing the amount of dust is reduced barns are cooler when threshing in early fall and the fire hazard is eliminated the threshing machine has been oneoftheagen responsible for the present weed problem if the mac hine is not well cleaned after thresh ing before moving weed seeds may be carried from one farm to another and be distributed along roadways and lanes some threshers have always taken pride in their work and cleaned their outfits before moving others have never done so weed seeds are shaken or blown off such mills when moving and roadsides fence lines and fields become polluted legislation in the weed control act now makes it necessary for every threshing machine to be thoroughly cleaned belong moving from farm to farm or before travelling upon a pub lic roadway the fact that one wild mustard seed will produce a plant and that an average plant will mature clear indication they are most frequently com posed of two units and under dress or 15 000 seeds very expensive petticoat worn with a the importance of thoroughly clean- contrasted outer robe cut in dlrec- 1 ing the mill before moving this tone redlngote or polonaise fashion operation will take only a few min 565 lbs of fat with an average test of 5 79t as a junior two year old in 365 days and has been awarded a silver medal certificate by the cana dian jersey cattle club i completed record our total shipments of no 1 selection siaeable bacon even if we concentrate muc or our no 1 selection sizeable bacon on the london area markets what position are we in to give to the onsumer of england who have been getting from the european countries a very high percentage or no 1 selection sizeable bacon what they want we could at best only supply them with perhaps 50 per cent no l sizeable wren e go to prospective customers and say we want them to take canadian bacon in stead of danish dutch or swedish how can e expect them to be enthusiastic when we have to supply them inlarge part with no 2 selection or with over weightbacon or perhaps with ncr jurnior fanner training b proving valuable refer yvrlcfc age s3 part artbar dis trict toads way grand ftiaiiiplaii head exhibition m vtre year the undoubted value of the junior farmer and boys club program sponsored and fostered by the on tario department of agriculture agri cultural representatives branch has been well illustrated from time to time but a really striking example of what youthful enthusiasm plus sound scientific breeding methods taught to all ontario junior farmers will do is provided by young peter yuriok r ft 1 port arthur who this year carried off the grand championship for best holstein female at the lake- head exhibition port arthur and pprt william five years ago when peter was but 18 years of age he realized through his boys club training that he must have purebred stock if he was to go places in the farming in dustry he didnt have any money but he was willing to work worlds longest plume six thoosand miles op iuut18at equipment shifted to a british firm has just shipped fe russia the last consignment of equips ment far the worlds longest carrietv telephone system which will run for nearly 0000 kilometres about 6000 miles crossing siberia and oovertng practically the entire breadth of tb ujsjr it will give direct commimlcattoa between moscow and khabarovsk which is near the manchukuo border north of vladivostok this distance will be covered by an open wire lwe divided into fire links of 3417 kilo metres 1443 kilometres 1867 kilo metres 990 kilometres 3314 ad- metres respectively specially designed transmission ap paratus which will make it possible to operate several telephone and tele graph circuits simultaneously and in addition a eh m for broadcastinc or picture transmission are included in the contract standard telephones and chk limited of london were given thsw boughl a purebred holstein bull andf 2ls wqrk at a igure lesslyn sally dekol a member of the purebred holstein herd of g perclval leslie georgetown has jufl been awarded a record of performance certificate by thefederal depart- ment of agriculture that credits her selection if we do not do our part b with a production of 607 lb fat from producing and marketing hogs 15104 lb milk average test 4 02 per- pper quality and weights we are not cent butterfat her record was made a p on three yearold on twicea day milking and was the largest report ed in this class from the entire do minion during the past month the latest u s church device for raising the wind is what a religious paper describes as some collection box the inventor hails fromwkla noma if a member of the congttga tion drops in a twenty fivecent plwrt or a coin of a larger value there is sn ence if it is a tencent piece a bell rings a fivecent piece sounds a whls tie and a cent fires back a blan cart ridge if any one pretends to be asleep when the box posses it awakens hjm with a watchman s rattle and a cam era takes his portrait should be to ask the brills i gov ment to replace with canadian the kincl of bacon the consum rs demand this rail and m 190 ctnadian hog producer expect the meat packers to sell for them in the british market a great jy increased quantity of bacon if we do not supply the proper weights and the proper quality we cannot ex pect the british consumer to pa the price we want to get surely no further argument is re- qi ed to demonstrate when the nter est of every hog producer and every dealer in hogs lies we should adopt worked all winter in the bush to pay for it next year he bought one pure bred cow and the following year a cow and heifer last year he bought three cows from douglas hart famous wood stock breeder and at the recent lake- head exhibition he showed eleven of his herd of sixteen obtaining 6 firsts 4 seconds and i third as well as grand champion holstein female a peter has been president for three years of the baird junior farmers assn the largest of the 15 junior farmer clubs of the district he sells his milk for 2 05 per cwt for 3 4 test milk delivered he is but one of the 5000 junior farmers out to improve ontario agri culture when they grow up but peter hasnt waited until that time ceeding 300 000 milk consumption an excerpt from a report by uie eco nomics division dominion depart ment of agriculture shows the con sumption of milk in canadian farm homes whole milk skim milk and buttermilk according to the report the average daily consumption of whole milk per person in the 1 823 farm households tudied throughout canada was 1 09 pints but there was a considerable range in the average consumption rate in tbe different provinces consumption was highest in saskat chewan 1 46 pints and lowest in new brunswick 090 pint this consump tion rate of 1 09 for the farm homes of canada compares fairly clostiy with the daily per capita consumption of 1 when the easiest is the best way way here are no two ways about it i certainly the easiest way to get the most for every dol far you spend is to buy products that you know about through the advertisements in your local paper you dont have to go out and look for buying opportunities the advertisements bring them to you and all you need to do is consider the facts compare values and decide on the soap or the sedan that best fits your judgment and your pocket- book certainly the best way of making your money go farthest is to buy merchandise of proved value merchandise that is advertised merchandise that is bought and used by many people merchandise that must be good enough for its maker and your local re tailer to keep calling it to the attention of people week after week and year after year thia ia the service of convenience and profit that the advertisements offer you it will pay you to read them regularly and take advantage of every thing they can do for you erj possible means to gaide iu in the pint in 360 f arm households in certain production and marketing or suitable rural areas of ontario quebe and ai- 1 berta as arrived at in a former survey thousands of ontario tarmers un i by the economies division tn the derstand and apprtciaie the meaning latest survey more than a third 3536 of the facts but there appears to be per cent of the milk consumed in farm a perecentage who do not it is vital to homes was used in cooking and ap- the hog industrj that their interest proximately twothirds was consamed should not stop at the railwiv rii or i as a beverage the truck at the country point they the repor was prepared by he div- must get to know what kind and what sion at the request of the associated weight of circa ss the hiv ii irketxl i count rv women of the world for a the dealer who bujs their hogs must imudv of the consumption or milk take back to them the fact- about rmn butter and cheese in rural what would vou do a new form of quiz test has just been issued by the industrial acci dent prevention associations them are eight questions and only one an swer here are the questions do vott know the answer what would you do if your wife cut her arm on the cardoor glass 20 miles from town if cour son were bitten by a ratt ler while out deerhunting with you if you found your daughter cleaning the bathtub with gasoline if the lights went out without a spare fuse in the houe if your motherinlaw said she smelled gas in the kitchen every morn ing if your boss told you to clean out a storage tank and you had no gas mask to be held the next day in a distant city and your tires were in bad condition if grandma insisted that coal ofl was best to use on a nailuncture wound there is only one answer to tbe whole list of questions tbe answer know your safety rules practlob them and learn first aid households in canad fast express service flies atlantic oceak two way fast merchandise service between canada and europe has been established by the canadian national express using imperial airways hy ing boats between southampton water england and bouchervule water montreal canada for the inau gural eastbound flight cut flowers from vancouver carried across the dominion by transcanada ah lines were delivered in good condition in london a montreal merchant de siring a small piece of special mec hanism cabled to london friday af ternoon and received the material on monday morning mfat is plent1f1 l i is rctic larurr their product vemcn jtir i we tincd tvlop live cnidini of ho it hi oon i vcrv krtit koo t h ir in diltrv from tin ben nnine it was r copnicd ihat if it were feasible to eet t up a swrn of rail dwaedi prndinc jean gabas a swlss journalist v r i hoc improvement would be much fas- ha5 bocn vlng in the canadian arc ic i rr itti r v ol imiiim ik m oikl more than n jear came from i rcil workable wrn of rill eratl i churchill nnd proceeded eastward bv inc hi txvn dcvwd ji hns be n riven the trans continental limited o the five eirs of trial it work- canadian national railwavs bo ind th crcatt weakness of live end i for montreal and afterwards switeer- iiir wil ihc arn ion in dressed weight and mr g gathered a wealth from 1ol of tin mimr live wetr its lf material nt first hand and will in i to make sizeable bacon hoc carroj- oriornte it in a series of articles for 1 ses should weitfh from 143 to ig3 b m own newspaper and ifvnvifd i depending on how hogs were reared wl p a volume he reports t at and fed ind depending on thi wav is n abundance of game meat dear daddy dear little mary lets be pals dear dadd certainly my dear little mar well how dumping out the cod liver oil w alv about palsy i tliev are mufftd i lime of mirk ling hots wcir ii w j i lb ilivc hive betn lelriinc fire w ill the wnv from 133 to 160 b ind 230 i lb hof from 1g0 i over 190 lb a cniid weakness wn error in judging qimlitv farmer need a be f guide lhan this to correct their production j k os to meet the demnnds of tre brlt- i lsh mirktt dressed weight ind ail i grade rive it to them treasurers sale ot land tor taxes i tin arc t the coming bring mv hardships to mr gibus covered in hi crr orv north and eom of hill livm with miinc familn fk to wit by virtue of kmiariutatiov of farm there are three main activities in connection with the work of prairie farm rehabilitation cultural work land utl7jiiion and water cons rva- tlon cult urn t work directed p-incl- pall bv the dominion experimental farms deals with ihe control and pre vention of sol drifting arid sounl farm practices suited to the droiigh area land utilization has to do wih resettlement based upon a soil survev one of ihe principal features of land utilization has been tin establishment of community pastures on sub marg inal lands water conservation or dev elopment includes large and stnah irri- ga t ion projects and stock wateritr dams nnd dugouts for retaining the spring run off snow on farms like canadian applen in recent years the tjnited kingdom has imported mcreaslngly larger quan titles of canada solidpack apples in gallon containers gallon apples states the canadian trade commissioner in the united kingdom are now a much- favoured product with the baking confectionery and restaurant trades in great britain due to their conven ience and cheapness the demand is likely to increase although this jti soptnent win be tnoneueed as hither to by oondluons in the local fresh apple market from year to year as well as by the prion quoted for tbe canned product retail sales to the consuming public are of minor importance the bulk of the canadian to this market it comprised off sttndard grade solid pack apples from nova scotia and to a small extent from on tario ilxnl film librarj picturinf daily life and doings of the peopl obsfravt red cap helped traveller by useful memory warrant issued by the major of the town of george town bearing date of the 15th day of june sale of lands in arrears of taxes ord of notes he also added u tovn oi georgetown will be held at my office at the hour of 10 o clock in the forenoon on tbe 8th day of november 1b39 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid notice is hereby given that tbe list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being pub lished in the ontario gaaette on tbe 5th day of august 1939 on the 2nd day of september 1939 and on tbe 7th day of october 1939 and that copies of the list may be had at my office notice is further given that in tht event of all lands not being sold on november 8th 1s39 the sale will be adjourned to the 16th day of novem ber 1939 at the same hour on which day the municipality intends to chase any lands for which the total amount of taxes and costs is not of fered treasurers office this 4th day ol july 1939 p b harrison treasurer hisle marked every movement of ihe pissenger after hi arrival at bonavnture station quickly he oald tht tnxi man hailed a red cap and fuirlv ran through the waiting room to catch the canadian national rail navs train no 16 for portland as he clambered on board the passenger lecilieri leaving a rug in the f ixi lliirricdlj he asked ihe red cap to mnke a search the train pulled out before red cap no n could g a name wlji clues as scanty as the first pan of a detective thriller the tune of action irom taxi to train being only three minutes it seemed a hope less task nev ertheless the station forces were soon at work and in jie proverbial jig time there was a report from a diamowktaxi driver who found a rug irf his cab how to find the nameless man was the next pro blem red cap no ii proved to possess powers of observation parti cularly in regard to the mans hand luggage accordingly a wire describ ing the passenger and his luggage was sent to the conductor of no 16 and in time a reply came from norton vermont saying the passenger had been found and please send the rug- to an address in ottawa not entire ly elementary but an interesting sudy sherlock holmes might observe economy means keeping awmy from the nejgbbour instead of keeping up with them shop where you are unrttad read the advertisements id uus paper radio repairing is years experience we specialize on this work j sanfoh son

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