Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 6, 1939, p. 2

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phut 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening september th 1939 the georgetown herald phone no 8 j st moore editor ud rabuaher garfield l meglltray assistant editor a weekly newspaper devoted to the jmt interests of the town ol 1 georgetown and surrounding country including the villages or olen wu- ljlaint norval ltmehouse stewarttowd beullnafad and tfcrra ootta issued ferary wednesday evening at the offloa on main 8t georgetown subscription rates j180 per yar in advanoe united states soc additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should ot address ejftren when change fldress is requested advbrtx8ino rates legal notices 12c per line tor first insertion c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion u in black face type so per line additional notices qualifying as oomlrur events such as concerts entertainments society church or or- gmnlsatfon meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free m memonan notices 5oc and 10c per r ifem extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad- vwrtlsemenls one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each sub- insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution wtfi be taken to avoid error the herald ts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error correction plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error no noted is not corrected by the herald it liability shall not exceed such i proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupl- ed by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such adver- ttoement the herald does job printing op all kinds csgft the country weekly fthe country weekly is possibly the most popular weekend visitor of the rural community welcom ed fiftytwo times a year in some families it has been a fixture for generations these two sentences are the opening of a chapter dealing with the country weekly and publicity in a book entitled how to do publicity by raymon c mayer it is in most instances a tried and true friend mr mayer goes on arriving on thursday or friday it puts w on no airs i as rrirnfnr s in olclshoetalkslpe jan guage of the people it visits knows them well avd un derstanding tells its news of the neighborhood simply and quickly in spirit of good will doesnpt pyersiayats welcome and drops out of sight until another week rolls around the country weekly has been for generations and still remains the sensitive news centre of towns villages and the widespread countryside it is woven out of the fabric of the lives of the people who read it it main tains close association and intimate contact with them no other vehicle for carrying information is more per sotial in its relationship with its readers this is a big order for the country weekly but most of them are striving to give the best service possible to the community and its subscribers lavender lining r kabt waveblt lou em shook oui the fur coat almost savagely so this was the end of tier dreams of comfort a punishment some would say for her ever thinking of a little home in the country j all hex own and fat little checks coming in every month to keep the home fire burning as if she wished hsm to old aunt louise emeline but dreams and wishes were done now charities had received aunt s money and to lou em had come some boxes of ancient clothing the coat among ibem no doubt the executors thought it too frail lo be worth any thing or they may have thought it was but another cracked silk dress as it lay in a trunk with its lavender lining outermost it s not really worn- she must have had it made jusl before that accident that kept her bedridden afterward but how old fashioned look at those huge sleeves enough to make two coats and that s an idea lou em s pale cheeks flushed as she pulled out the sleeves and straightened the collar of the rich garment genuine mink for aunt would scorn imitation and with my hair she held a sleeve up against her face i am not so ugly after all with something beautiful on me i ii just try that plan i thought of i can only be laughed at and may he it ii work swiftly she bundled the coat into the box in which her markeddown suil had come and leaving the old silk and cloth frnc ks of her legacy on the floor h down the board ing house stairs siturday afternoon wa not a good lime for her expert ment but business girls cannot tin ts in the n e ws of the week where to canada wlh oreat britain mobilised for war against hitlers threat to destroy the independence or poland the cana dian government held emergency ah lnet sessions mobilised permanent forces completed plana for coastal de fence worked feverishly to provide protection of vital communication sys tems throughout the country but while a spokesman for australia declared emphatically that that com- monwealth wasveady to send man power to the mother country in the same generous manner as during the last great war official- ottawa kept a significant silence on that point why the answer may hae been given of ficially from ottawa by the tune this column is in print so swiftly do decis ions come in the time of war crisis but on the chance that canadians are still in the dark on what they aie ex pected to do witjf war an actus lty- we present the shrewd conclusion of an unusually wellinformed observer at ottawa he says with britain at war canada be comes the vital supply depot volun teers will embark to fight beside en gushmen of course but if conscrip tion comes it will likely be conscrip tion of men and women to man farms and industrial plants to meet unpre cedented demaads for war materials ot all kinds some time ago prime minister mac kenzie king declared that canaoa would never again send an expedition ory force to fight in europe he was criticized then and later when ne re peated that statement then dr man ion was elevated lo his posit or talking about business wa should tell the amusing story of two toronto business men who were deploring the state of business for them three weeks ago both were angry at optimistic statements being published in the press one is in the textile trade womens and girls dresses the other in leather goods manufacturing last week they met tffcrluncheon the textile man was in a dither roundly cussing customers who piled in orders all in a heap he was at his wit s end to handle all the business being tossed at him the leather goodsman wasn t mad but much surprised- bis north ern ontario traveller had come back with the biggest orders in a long long tune prom western canada the firm had just recleved an order for three cir loads of his goods at the canadian national exhibition the attendance is another sign that there are more pay envelopes being given out each week and patrons are spending their change with a lack of caution that is strongly reminiscent of former prosperous days cnjt time table standard time 1008 1 passenger and mail pa for toronto passengers sundays only cmng wees passenger and mall passenger daily except saturdays and sundays saturday only passenger and mall passenger sunday going north mall and passenger going south mail and passenger iii pa 149 pun 05 pm uj8 pja poetry 1 growing old evening meditations i have i been occupied today i with earthh things that pass away or has mj mind been staed on htm wbose glorj should be all m theme save i the scriptures sought to hide within m heart and to abide tp christ m lord who died tor me that in him i might hol be save i so ihed that some have seen ttbat on m lord tor strength i lean have i today walked in gods light and by his grace sought him aright have i toda god s work forgot and been lukewarm not cold or hot or have i evil thoughts suppressed while looking upward onward pres sed save i been earnest oft in prayer tthat i much fruit to god may bear and some unsaved ones have i told r about gods judgement from of old bave i been patient humble meek trong in the lord though frail and j weak j and have i sought m lord to please for lived in selfishness and ease have i for sinners sighed and wept because gods laws they have not kept and on the waters cast my bread which shall be found my lord has said have i been faithful in the least and has my joy in god increased the scriptures have i loved and read with meditations on them fed have i my lord confessed obeyed by his almighty constant aid tot earthly fame have i not cared but by my life the truth declared have i been faithful godly true and kept that day before my view when i shall stand before my lord will this past day bring great reward have i in all adorned today gods doctrine walking in his way and now at eventide do i with gratitude praise god on high f have i in thought and word and deed been watchful lest j might mislead e and cause to stumble in the way one of gods little ones today o lord forgive my lack of love a keep my mind on things above t that as each day shall come and go i may in grace and knowledge grow this game called i ift we read he spo tiny vp in even mier kmp placing sames b artificial light but tl tp the nmc cf hie ac ill irt p aylng i wonder jiia how mini pliv it rmhf vow in the kime of biscball the quo e spald ng hes thilr tuthontj on even plnj thtv awnjs go acordinf to his teatti ing and never pla it iny other wi the game would surelj be in awful muddle and iou cin bet the pliers clissed as fools if everjone should play the name his own wa and disregarded each one of spild ing s rules and o it is with life we have to pla it according to the one who made the game he mide the rules and told us to ob sene them if we refuse wee just ourselves to blame at times we re bound to mmce mistakes and errors but who can say that these have been in vain it they have served to teach some simple le- on and helped to bring us down to earth again v and then some da the manager will call us to get our pay twill be our right fu share the question won t be who s the season s hero but who has played his part and played it square7 tht plendii ot the new furriers u iht new bu idinj n the avenue of fashionable shops almost daunted i ou em bul she would not give up now thdt she was started 1 have here a oat she stam mered to the utlendinl for the remodel es see mr moon mr moon proid lo be a young man with the most wtnderful eyes and manners that lou fm had ever ippnived or how much will it cost she asked inxmusly trvinp u hide her fool w ah its cr k kd si oc not jot much and ci ulri 1 new lining f course borne hunt neat in bt ile and rerut to fit u son etl me minrt say s10 inquiied lou em illt mil h it said whfn is a tenant many people who have been accus tomed to regard themselves as ten ants within the meaning of the stat ute relating to municipal elections may find themselves without the rigrc to vote at further elections for tne legislature has adopted an amend ment to the assessment act wbicn makes a new definition of tenants and alters the status of many people enjoying that position under the law a tenant is no longer under the as j cessment act anyone who pays for the i quarters occupied by himself and his family instead it is provided that he must live in a domestic establishment of two or more rooms in which the oc- cupanis usually sleep and prepare their meals this means that the legal tenant of the future must not only sleep in his his own quarters but must eat there there are numerous cases in which leader of the opposition shortly jfler j o either mtuvidually or in w c 1 a conference roups rooras coofc with the prime minister who gae h tin own m wm much inside information wrkh he he imcntaejmmilariy -there- are was entitled in his new position curl many sub rooms from ouslj enough it became dr manion th parents who will lose the same turn a little later to intimate alo that rlgnt beca th taj meals there was little chance of uuolher wllh lhe old j cimadlan expeditionary- force in the j alterec definition of a tenant event of another war ulll make considerable difference in b ruture voters lists prepared for muni around that there was some sort of an clpa i and it should be borne m understanding between the canadian mind by p wh0 wond whj their rtl upnirtaiii n qrlt4h afflrljl llll1ir i names do not appear on those lists olt brockvule record and times cancer government and british officials undr i which canada would take a ni in a big war with indumr in britain unde eon slant threat trom enemy planes dur ing war canada was looked up n as n new strategic centre uf whlc to the british medical journal sas it carrv on the buslncssor keepin am is admitted on all hands that with les supplied with all the necessar w ir modern methods of treatment properly nn rials guiis and ammmillon applied many if not all cacs of cancer clothing and foodstuffs art curable if treated ui a sufficiently right or wrong n ansm vjjic1 tarlj tage count fo the odd silenc at ol heneer the opportunt time arri for can idn to iffim h r lovtlt summer time table effective sat june 24th lkve georgetown to toraato a 8 14 ajn b 18 ajn ii 48 m o x23 pan 408 pjn 608 num 913 da a except sundays c sat only to london x 92 ajn 2 06 pjn b 00 pm x 750 pjn x connections for owen sound b sun and hoi standard time tickets and information at w h long phone 89 gray coach lines directory f r watson dj3 buk oeorgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday dr j e jackson dentist xbay office hours dally 9 to t evenings phone 224w oeorgetom u liars nil he i i cdtims had doll irs but the txtr i tui ti it look hi w l ii s ind thisi 1 u thil is suicl uhiif that fir what tffect i int til ctnada 1 would im fo ism oi bi d iidi i 1 litre s a lo uid full tin ts touldn it s rlh unf mr f s nnd tht i rll a u em hi and hie too n i st ind tin i s sonic thinj el reillj k ocl i iistd his ejt k a md u k tl e tratktd i i serving mm so luicti lam tha u hazard a guess l mtert sting o observe howivir m i c nfld ntt ut a i imb r kt mei in lht countr s abi tt vuntlir such l lorin if it bioki one man put it win wou j et u put l bats farthtr in the hot but we i would not be in tiennv ns bul i ia i omi other tountrus tik im pir in ht war with all our m tb icc the lime commitments for relief to tne unemployed the falling off of i l ix r nut kit foi m i n it mu i i mini- i u that caindi cancer is originally verj smaika td smglt cell so small that it can be seen o oiu bj a powerful microscope this iiif e ceil dividt and multiplier in an mi onirollthl manner llu initial pro c ss is unl iota and it is onlj at a u a tr dutt usuailj not long lhat uie ii ill begin to sprtad along the ljmph i h uc chumels and rtach th nearest nidi in the tast of breast cancer to h cinctr ttlls lirst spread to the i as kanu in tilt armpit moit cancers of i lerot dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitors mill street georgetown ont kenveth m lavgdon barrister solicitor noury pnbue first mortgage money to ixan office gregory theatre bldg mill st phone 88 georgetown a communist a fascist and a brlt- ijlab worker were in a boat which cap- rlaed and they started swimming for i tbe shore the oommonlst aocustom- 1 to shouting forgot tq close his swauowed a lot ot water ind naactot swam for some time but l 3 wmm keeping one arm outstntch- jn tb cartomry poattton he soon land be too diaappeared ijbalgnt cjboore wen a whls- e pd voiihjwbhrtlljr knocked a speed record in transmitting pic tures from europe to newspapers in the united states was established when an associated press picture of sir neville hendersons arrival in lon don was delivered by transatlantic cable and wlrephoto transmission from london started just after 8 a an es t it was re ceived directly in the associated press office in new york in negative form so fast that by 833 ajn transmission over the wlrephoto network began wlrephoto transmission completed by 845 ajn enabled prints to be made one hour almost to the minute from toe time the original picture started from london su11 an aberdonlan whilst bathing got into difficulties and a lifebuoy was at last thrown to htm he had already been down twice and was about to sink for the third time ttnan he shouted w the iikxftbirtsthete any charge for the use g toist g m st unisuil miss hcnly was rt bui i i ask tit bi ss hes in i tl ink can t pu inisi il oufih lou em sat ir tin p ilt cra re i plion room lliti and prayed for the five minutes that siemcd tut i inirs until mr moon relumed col inwed by a hum in voltano carry ing the mink coal mr schonbrunn of schonbrunn furs int was not ordunnly on ex citable man but now he appeared lo be one huge sputter you get this where this this 1 myself make this complete the first work i do w hen 1 finish lht apprentice the lining how i fought the old lady about that but she teat and for doing as she said i koi 50 extra ah ah the good old days when 1 was a young feller them was ii makes me cry mr shonbrunn s eyes indeed were learful you want a coat i 11 make you a coat of good mink a grand coat lining the best i got but this coat i don 1 cut no this coat hangs in my office in a gloss case as long as i got it an office you know- why that 50 started me up i traded a bit in smill skins till i could leave the boss and start or myself i come he re now look mr schonbrunn waved a prideful hand about the pale gray salon with its one priceless sable scarf on dis play the lavender lining that made my fortune he stroked the silk caressingly yes you take the or der moon a mink coat of the best for the young lady and you see to it person uy see that she a suited mr moon would do that certain ly he would and there was much to talk about aunt louise emeline and the charities that probably need ed her money and mr schonbrunn and his romantic streak so that mr moon came the next evening to lou ems boarding house parlor and kept coming and taking her out to get the good of the nacoat re really was such anuhderstand ing yetting man that when hia salary was raised lou em consented to give up the boarding house and as mrs moon live in the dearest uttre bat where the new mink coat would be more at home c bnast should te diicovtrtsi before 1 tpptiu lattr on if not properlj led tht canctr ctlls spread ugh tht blood stretm and maj ii am art of uit bod i tarl stgiii of cancer art impor tht st irt rout hi j lumjis ir iir bleed lit s ores tha do no ins k her nt thronit iioarsent and changes cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown 61 r s 1c u m a fair sea going in uit oidinar habit ol digestion and pos office cheltenham ship thanks to a sound mom poncv icuation of tin bout followed b the irtous govn mun nt ottawa since the end of t 1 frank vpetch licensed aucnoneeb for the counties of peel and prompt service telephones i pos cinmal stp embe- 14th i know a bargain when i see one come to think of it bes right for where widou find anything comparable in ooiue so much for so tot little t erecy minute daw or night the telephone ia ready to serve jroor social bnsmees or em needs yon may hare grown accustomed to this aenrioeryou may think nothing of talking across continents and ocean 1 but when yoo think hottryoa realise that the modern telephone represents the greatest tarae ia terms of sernoe that money can boyl i senfae i mudf mi 1 s it b r wjfttimi yet ttrnitolmgljaaeessmtsa n4img walter t evans co general insurance ocean steamship servtck real estate main st north georgetown pbooe 183 monuments pollock ingham successors to cater worth gait ont designs on request phone sou inspect our work in greenwood cemetery am nielsen k5th year of pracuoe chiropractor xray druglesa therapist ladj attendant office over dominion store georgetown thours a s 730 9m pjn closed thandar phoee ibtw int it the itnth a boy in the dock in a uab crimi nal court was being tested asto hja mental powers tne majjttrstajsalarto him how jnany states are there m europef immediately the boy oounssl sot vn o str mj tuct hmnt r had ttatt4o md tb mnrolng b and j trt rsr3lic

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