Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 6, 1939, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wedneaday evening september 6th 1939 page 3 join the stamp club foticatimidtllubllidlhaw1ilf tit tupot tod nmik fro any pttkvt of salada 1ea w will mnd vol bnliuinioolfttali 1 64 p stuap albtm t 1w llsfhmiampi 1 bl tbrt of svoiuniojilmp offend fn h khut foe sacaoa ubik salada stamf club 1 kin st w tomtto otcr nro tni okoumhtf c sbsssabsisav reduced 4 qc leave return fl9 reduced return fare includes exhibition admission leave georgetown exhibition 930 pan standard time w h long georgetown phone 89 gray coach lines orange juice hints number one drink for summer serv ing is a tall glass of chilled orange juice this beverage is not only cold to the taste it is cooling to the body since vitamin c in which oranges a bound actually mitigates the effects of beat only recently scientists at the university of milan discovered that ex posure to hlirh temperatures caused a 60 per cent loss in vitamin c from the body tissue and lowered vitamin o reserves go hand in hand with the tired feeling we get when the weather is hot a glass of orange juice is thus good summer health insurance not every one knows that its impor tant to serve orange juice fresh just as one would make tea or coffee the flavor of fresh juice is lost if it stands tor even a short time and vitamin con- lent decreases the many mechanical mud electrical juice extractors now on the market make it easy to prepare juice as needed while this summers bumper crop of small size california oranges is ideal for juice purposes if you like your orange juloe cold put the fruit in the refrigerator for several hours before extracting juice it will then be chilled without loss in flavor from ice dilution california oranges are practically seedless so that juice need not be strained orange juice is the base for the fol lowing delicious summer drinks minted orange juloe put several prigs of crushed mint in each glass of juloe orange iceburg top glass of juice with a generous scoop of orange sher bet or a spoonful of vanilla ice cream orange banana squash mash and beat a banana into a glass of orange juloe sweeten and chill to taste orange sherbet this recipe is simple to make and fives a sherbet of velvety texture boll 1h cups sugar and 1 cup water together for 5 minutes add slowly to 2 stiffly beaten egg whites add 2 cur orange juice and 3 tablespoons lemon juice pour into freezing tray andet cold control at fast freezing freze stiff and beat or stir thoroughly re turn to freezing compartment and fin ish freezing may also be made in crank type freezer serves 810 makes about 1 quart use oranre sherbet to make summer meals more refreshing as accompaniment for the meat course or with wafers for dessert topping for a fruit cup of fresh summer fruits served for dessert dressing for an individual fruit salad bowl float for orangeade lemonade fruit punch garnish with mint turnips in cream 8 turnips 2 cups milk 4 tablespoons flour 4 tablespoons butter salt and pepper pare the turnips cut them in small plees cook until tender make a white sauce of the flour fat milk and season ings pour sauce over sere turnip shells or cupt 6 large turnips salt pare and remove the centres of the turnips leaving a cup onehalf inch in thickness cook shells in boiling wat er until tender just before cooking competed add the salt cook the centers in the same way and use for cation there are parades comment stuffing cups or serve as mashed tur- merits and convocations in itliot nips lhere are festivals and sacrum u the turnip cups may be used as cas the use of symbols teaches tliroi g cs for creamed or buttered peas beets the eye of course there is w dt hr carrots or anv suitable vegetable meat tasteful turnip kecipes the turnip is a humble little vege table with a flavor all its owna flavor that some do not care for but many delight in plain mashed turnips ap pear regularly on thousands of tables jtnd neve aeon to lose their charm but her are a couple of recipes that ad for the bumble turnip and allow it to step up a few rungs on the ladder ox hme try them ye t us and yon wn new ways to use tout snpms tazxupi international uniform sunday school lesson zekiah a king who remembered god september u3 ooujen text turn us again o ood and cause thy face to shine and we shall be saved psalm 80 3 2 chronicles 30 8 what did christ teach about wor ship lesson outlines copyrlghtd by the international council of education used by permission lord who am i to show the way to other people day by day so prone myself to go astray i speak of knowledge but i know how faint it flickers and bow low the candles of my knowledge glow i speak of power to win and do but only learn to see anew my own great weakness through and through i speak of love for all mankind and all gods creatures but i find my love comes lagging far behind lord if lis mine their guide to be pray grant that every student see my learning leaning hard on thee anonyrijpus meetings 13 are meetings worth while a college president who has attended many con ferences suggests a conference on con ferences if they arouse emotion with out action they may only waste time and dissipate energy a purposeful meeting howeverr generates energv and may produce lasting results much depends on the way in which we pre pare our hearts before hand our men tal attitude during a conference and the time spent in review and action afterwards some worshippers receive far more from a church service than others they are in the right spirit on the lords day they attend gladly be cause they have formed the habit of regular public worship there is grea inspiration in a huge crowd but tin holy spirit can be present where only two or three are gathered together a the great feast of unleavened bread in jerusalem in the reign of hezekiali there was a demonstration of spiritual power abuses had crept in and he- ekiah had awakened a desire for refor mation the leadership of the kins turnips and and priests largelv determined the sue cess of the meeting sabbath observance wlarton echo last week a representative of the lords day alliance was in town and called at the office he set us think ing on the value of the observance of the seventh day as a day of rest from our labours our grandfathers used to observe the seventh day ot rest even in the fields and regular refrained from planting in each field every seventh year so that the land had a chance to rest little by little the wide open sun day has encroached until even in town on sunday evenings one finds the stret brightly lighted and an air of busynest about probably a great deal of it is necessary but now as we ap proach the pal wouldn t it be possible for many of these places to close up would it be possible for the garages to take turns in keeping open sa two garages each week stay open and the others close offhand we can think of eight garages on berford street and if only two kept open on sunday thei would be little hardship for anybody if the public supptd the idea and gas was purchased on saturday as regularly as gro tries it 3iidn h long before the garage men wou d have their day of rest ritual 1416 ritual plas a large part in life i i government there are coronations eninits of parliament and ann er ir ies in rratemal ordtrs thii l seri ous degree work there is a nooiuiiv ritual of mirth in service clubs in tested recipes tomato cocktail lowing are some recipes for to- tomalo gotktail no i 18 ripe tomatoes 1 cup chopped celerv cup chopped onions 2 tablespoons vinegar 3 sweet green peppers 1 sweet red pepper 2 tablespoons salt i cup vinegar masn ind cut tomatoes but do not peel chop the peppers finely mix tomatoes celerv onions peppers and salt together boil for onehalf hour strain through a course sieve add the vinegar and sugar seal in sterilized jars tomato cocktails no 2 1 bushel tomatoes 1 small head celery cup vinegar 1 teaspoon white pepper 1 cuo chopped onions 4 teaspoons salt boll all together for 20 minutes strain and boll 5 minutes bottle and seal tomato cocktail no 3 1 no 2 halfcan tomatoes or 1 pint jar homecanned sauce 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon minced onion 1 tablespoon mlnoed celery mix all together and let stand at least one hour strain and chill before serv ing tomato cocktail no 4 i no 2 halfcan tomatoes 4 teaspoon minced parsley 3 cloves 1 teaspoon salt m teaspoon white pepper 1 teaspoon minced onion teaspoon vinegar add the ingredients to the tomatoes boll together five minutes strain and chill hints for housewives a rubber hot water bottle should never be put away flat blow hard in to the empty bottle then screw the top oh quickly the air in the bottle will prevent the sides from touching each other and thus avoid perishing of the rubber to clean heavy chair indoor cover with a damp sheet rung out in warm water cover the chair with it all and beat with carpet beater all the dust will stick to the sheet and not fly a- round kitchen windows are less likely to become steamy during cooking opera tions if a little glycerine is applied to a soft rag and the windows rubbed over with this polish afterwards with a clean rag grow herbs for kitchen use m pots on the window ledge you will find them most useful for flavoring chives parsley mint taragon and rose geran ium may be grown this way to revive velvet cushions brush them wen first of all and then smooth down with an oldptece of auk or an old auk hahdercbjefor scarf the na touch getajoff the small pieces of fluff which the brush does not mnom ferentiation in human taste some ue light in ornate robes candle lnteiis and images while others prcf- wor ship that is bald and bare ijndoub ledlj there are spiritual effec s ro ciucod by statelj architecture tin xi lighting soft music and oft r pen oi forms but thest agencks pood n ic are mav smother rat er than qmcki i conscience there is need it time for a rugged john the baptist o sun mon people to return to moral n ilitics tolerance 17 20 hesekiih was zealous for re i on reform and he took responsibility ft r the spiritual welfare of the wliie nit ion he thouitht of the needs of ii unchurched while he approved tie de votlon of regular woishippers hi prayer will repa thought and ndi the good lord pardon every one thui prepareth his heart to seek god tl lord god of his fathers uiougl he be not cleansed according to the purifica lion of the sanctuarj the mn oi the street usual lj hid a religion o h own there is much chrlsilanitv out side the churches the nation wojh be in a bad way if there wore i yet as a rule those who avail ihemse ves of the mmlstrv of the church can live in closer fellowship with god music 21 in times of spiritual revival there is always an outburst of sons- oi t of deep feeling came marys mag l ficat and simeon s nunc dimtttis join wesley the preacher was accompa med by charles wesley the singer dwighv l moody had ira d sankey tht san ity of hebrew religion is indicated by thanksgiving for musical instruments expressed in certain of the psalms the daj may come when leaders of rhurch music will be trained certified anr or dained somewhat similarly to minis ters congregations seldom realize fully how much they owe to the voluntary singers in choirs or how much pains taking work u done at choir practices reality 22 ood is the primary fact in the world the worshipping man ls deilin first of au with the fact of ood there is no other meaning as to worship whatever hut impulses or resso s whatever the origins of his worshp fear or awe or praise it is yet the matter of voicing his gratltud mak ing his prayer offering his sarrlfltc yielding his spirit surrendering his mind au to a supreme being peronu and reachable whatever it may be however it may arise whether out of the figment of his own imagination the creation or his own wit or the in triguing unerring homing instinct or his unborn soul this much is true the worshipping man has ood in n ind he may not have come to him as a first choice his driven soul may be re sponsible but he comes to ood as a final resort he may have tried and probably did try every other device but he knows if ood falls nothing ls left for all other resorts have been exhausted re therefore teaches nut his arms he ls silent or vocal as his emotion allows he bends the knee he surrenders for the moment at least he is ood man questions for dlacnarion 1 which were better hebrew kings or prophets 2 which form of worship have ytu found most helpful 3 how religious are church members 4 bow spiritual are the unchurched the neighbors oat when one person wants a pet while other members of the family are op posed to the proposiuon any animal joining the household is apt to have trouble and so is its protector usually a stray cat decides to make its home with our neighbors hes about half persian a big fellow and nicely colored x could see that if cared for he would be a lovable and admirable pet the lady was delighted but her husband is a cat hater he said that bed en dure the thing for his wiles sake but i saw that both woman and cat was going to have a miserable time i was sure that the cat had been someone s pet but he protested if that iio too sever for cats i told them j step over and ten my wife the attufe- uon shell bring some mlx of n la we keep it for our cats nobody u ever get any down that fooll stormed mr blank k stay in the background sad keep quiet i replied mrs eubank can do anything with cats what followed was a lesson to mr blank my wife took the cat on her lap petted him for a while then heht his head up by taking hold of the fur just below the top of his head and poured the medicine down with almost no resistance sport didnt even leftw her lap three months have passed and too blank should see hat cat now mr man touched him and no wonder for still doesn t care for cats but he lets the caress was too rough and accom- sport alone bested now well fed and panled by a rough growling voice the groomed the cat is a beauty his mlsj woman could pet the animal but knew tress has learned how to take care of little about cats and was making very him and the response has been what poor progress in restoring sport to it alwaysis when relations rest on the health and appearance basis of kindness and mutual under i don t know why we call the fool standing l e eubanks in our sport said mr blank au he doea dumb animals is lie around and seep no fun in him and hes got no sense he needs medl- i cine but id like to see anybody give it lciiildren love a scrapbook to him h- knocked the castor oil oti t of my hand three times regular tiger f one of e fit vaj i keep cbqd- when we try to do anything with him ren amused on rainy days is to let let me see the tiger i sug them nake scrap b oks get a cheap we went to the basement where the book or make one yo i- if of thick cat lay in the basket his mlstres h d brown paper save all te covered ad- prepared getting down close i talked ver isem ns magazne lovers fashion to him in low kind tones while he lllustr lions and so on give them looked me over carefully after a while pair of vun scissor a bottle of home i stroked his jaws and gently mas made fl ur paste and a box of colour- azed h s nck thn i p ckhi him up od cia an pencils and they will be hap- i and 1 c nestled on my fc arm purring py lor hours j the msn was astonished why he likes vou not rr particularly i replied likes kindness the rcnan had joind us bj i could j on e him to take castor oil he asked land ady w i hav yoj got your cocor on a stool hoar i wit r w k i thought it wot id like a eat carrolls mzlastreel georaetoira fre delivery phsie 367

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