Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1939, p. 2

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flie georgetown herald wtxloatday evening september 13th 1939 the georgetown herald usfe i parana lmtomrtmumx hto i hart ihwraat of tha town of tttbnt the vtuatta at ohen wu- wmifiml and tarn ootta bsued t main st awhvmown oo additional atran wlwn ehango hateb aljoparjoar in adranoa cotaeajo both old and now addrosaea dtassrara la advnvobnto bawt i noudot uo per line fori flrat inae jbmlng events- suah as concerts sjanlmtton meetings etc bo par line t heltrsasy ibjmwisk per lift fi i forppetiy birth ota one inch or less esquent insertion display adr line additional notices errtertatamenta aocleto sees 60c and 10c per death notices boc small ad- first tnaertton and 2so for each sub- rates on application tough every precaution willbe taken to avoid error the herald overusing in its gffiftinf on the understondlflg that it will not be any error in anyfcdvartlsement published hereunder unless a such advertisement is xeinjeatedby the advertiser and returned to business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error plainly noted to wzitutt thereon and in that case if any error is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such iiroon of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space oocupl- the noted error bears to the whole space occupied hy such advert the ffaffi does job printino op all kinds in times of war thine o lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory 1 ohron xxix 11 great god of hosts our ears have hear our fathers oft have told what wonders thou hast done for them thy glorious deeds of old mot by their might was safely wrought nor victory by their sword jhit thou ntt- g trtt rhoe i 1 who thy great name adored great god of hosts their god and ours our only lord and king let thy right arm which fought fox them to us salvation bring to thee the glory well ascribe by whom the conquest came and in triumphant songs of praise will celebrate thy name e osier 1836 tf children school wab smith falls recordnews on tuesday local and district schools reopened after the summer vacation two days after a war was declared be tween britain and germany school days are great days but many older pupils think otherwise to be ginners going to school it is a great time m their lives and when they troop into school they do not realise that the great job of preparing for life is be gun as time goes on they submit to discipline and the teachings the nov elty wears off and it is not long before they realise the importance of secur ing an education going back to school to the older pupils and students will also mean a new deal for the great he- a high if i were a boy were boy i would be one worthwhile and that i am sure would m mother smile then mj daddy too her great joy would share but to be worthwhile means to do and lo dare im just a newcomer which way shall i go only here tor tune three score year or so and my life all depends on the path i shall take to make me reflned or just a cheap skate tve not been here betore so all things seem strange in town in the city or out on the ra wherever i am on the land or the sea everything i behold is a wonder to tm a person a unit and forever will be must choose my own course and pilot my sea can scale heights of glory or by- choice be a bum my identitys fixed by the print of my thumb this home that i live in this body of mine could not have been built by human design ho cathedral or mansion on earth can compare with my portable house on land sea or air in this godgiven temple i must live out my days if i keep it worthwhile ill be worthy of praise tor its not like a house of wood brick or stone but of sensitive nerves of flesh blood and bone like a delicate watch im a living machine made up of parts to adjust and keep clean save a motor installed that runs day and night but the moment it stops my spirit takes flight x must care for my body its gods gift to me t step it neat make it strong athletic and free ko drugs nicotine wine or beer should class and will be- taking harder and more important subjects they will be getting one step nearer to the time when they will have to take their place in world affairs and their equipment for that time depends entirely upon them if they apply themselves studi ously and industriously they will have weapons of knowledge that will help them conquer worldly foes if the boys and girls have been halfhearted in their studies they will enter upon their lifes work halfheartedly what about school children and the present war should they be kept in ignorance to this question our answer is emphatically negative the record- news agrees with the ottawa journal a ws of the week popular move in canada during the first week of the new great nikwl out lamediat functioning of the wartime prices and trade board at ottawa profiteering stands out as one of the uglier memories of the last struggle from 1w to 1918 and already we have such evidence to support the view that canadians will unite to pre vent a repetition of large profits for tnoee in control of key onnuriodltles certainly the government now- in power is determined to stamp out any attempt to exploit its purchasing de partments and consumers generally moreover there wasetrontf note of satisfaction sounded by representative business men last week- that steps were being taken to regulate all war business transactions and it goes without argument that oltlaens every where are in hearty accord this does not mean however that prices win not move upward people through their government may regu late the conduct of business but they cannot do much against the old law of supply and demand we will be paying more for butter clothing bread gasoline meat and manufactured goods of all kinds not to increase the profits of the fanner and the manu facturer but because or a tremendous strain to meet the requirement of wartime market in less than a week the price of wheat has advanced beyond the fig ure guaranteed the farmer by the gov ernment the needs of the eknplres fighting forces will send the price much higher and of course the ad- vancee will be reflected in the local prices of sour and bread the same way with butter tons of this dairy product will be diverted to the mili tary organisations and it is not like- wayoplife it was mar via for our generation to retard educate almost solely in the light of an to the result of this attitude combined with a period of eoonomlc uncertainty throughout the world has been tendency the part of many to orrhotme the value of any instructions going far beyond reading and writing even at the present time there la much to be said for the view that from the financial aspect a good education appears to he one of the most giltedg ed securities on tlie market today but we prefer for the moment to discuss the question as if the economic gains from education were not relevant one way or the other in otherwords it la suggested that we are making a mls take in regarding education as solely a weapon which enables its posses to get on hi the world more readily than his fellows the greek philosophers regarded ed ucation primarily as something which promoted a way of life just as they re garded the ultimate aim of the state to encourage the possibility of what they called the good life that is to say an existence as rich and full as it could possibly be made it may be admitted that a well edu cated people is important from the viewpoint of the state but that it adds little to the weuoeingor the indivi dual as such the answer to that ar gument is of course that the welfare of the individual is inevitably linked with the prosperity and good govern ment of the country jn which he lives but that is not all the man who is well educated is better equipped to en- joy to the fullest extent the best things which life has to offer to him he atone is able to endure solitude he alone can be separated from the mod ern ways of obtaining beneficial a- musement without becoming unhappy because of the wide interest knowledge has given him he has no need to be distracted from the realities life itself not so well understood aria the days when a youth bd to the most elementary b those who say today that a booded- oatton is not worths etto7 sbquldi think before fhey speatr further re- hcjul timetable standard time ly that canadian farmers will be able j lor circumstances for ht the finest lo step up thelrprjoduction ajiicfclyurieasureaarethehe an lesy enough to keep prices at the present harmful in the final analysis there is portion will show them their opinion cannot be supported tafflt sobering bffbot of an aocnwnt it la not unusual for a drunken man to appear sober after an accident this sobering effect has nothing to do with the elimination of alcohol it is a men tal of phychlc phenomenon probably associated with the temporary distri bution of alcohol in the body a sleepy or apparently exhausted person- can pull himself together when occasion demands so the drunken person may be able to control himself as long as an unusual mental or physical stimulus have sufficient effect he is compen sating for the toxic action of alcohol by increased effort when the stimu lus has been removed he usoally reverts to a state of drunkenness this is important since many per sons escape conviction as drunken drivers because the stimulus of an ac cident enables them to give a good- ac count of themselves it is only through chemical tests for alcohol in the body fluids that the cor rect diagnosis- of such cases can be made a chemical examination of the blood or urine is required the 6 mlttee on the driver of the national safety council of the untied states has for the present accepted 0j50 per cent blood alcohol as the level above which alcoholic intoxication is definite decimal 190 pacts in the hundred o alcohol is at the present time the ac cepted standard of intoxication some precautions in the taking of samples are necessary the individuals consent must be obtained and the sam ple must be taken in the physicians presence m taking a sample of blood the doctor must be sure that in case t alcohol is used to disinfect the syringe finds fascinating jteough his needle as well as the skin are free of alcohol he must guard the samples taken until they are placed in the hands of the authorities drunken drivers guilty of accidents should have he books and through his thoughts the educated man in independent of exter- level hardest hit will be those concerns which are dependent on the importa tion of raw materials the adverse us exchange rale is even now worry ing several manufacturers who are loath to jump prices right on the heels of their countrys entry into war effort yet some of these are faced already with heavy operating lost because of the increased cost of im porting gasoline companies for example are now paying much more to get their crude oil in from the united states because of the difference in the ex change rate and shortly they will 1 a u hav to meet increased tankage char- s r rates at mtreal and halifax h be told the meaning of the presentwar n h motorist will and how it was brought about chil- h to f ftla n dren particularly the smaller onesof a qt f jj the justification for the sacrifices good education may entail by education we have meant some thing wider than high school and uni versity class rooms undoubtedly aca demic programs afford the most effec tive and easiest way in which a man may become able to enjoy the finer things life has to offer him on the other hand even those to whom this possibility is denied by nnancla or other circumstances can by determin ation reach the same goal through their own efforts perhaps indeed the facilities for public education have made it so easy that its benefits are that would mar or destroy my own dwelling place wlth a body and mind and a soul given me what a marvellous creation- proving to be to my maker i owe my and love vbr my earthlife below and heaven above the questionasking age have been very much upset by the tension in canada over the european turmoil prom their elders the kiddles have no doubt heard talk of war of death and terror unquestionably they have talk ed about these things among themsel- school the discussion of war should not be banned teachers should explain its hororrs etc and particular ly canadas present position in relation to britains war with germany it is a grim thought that a small cmid shoula be afraid to sleep because in his or her typical inability to understand dis tance there is the fear that a bomb might drop on the house during the night that he or she should need an explanation and reassurance frnm a parent and teacher in order to enjoy the peaceful repose which is child hoods right teachers and parents should r that it is practically useless to sides tip thechlldrens questions by telling them they are too young to understand for they will hear the talk and ask the questions elsewhere and children in their simple and direct way have a habit of reasoning out things for them selves regardless of whether or not the reasoning is beneficial to them men tally as to the terrors of war as experi enced by european people thank ood that in canada there is no fear of such terrible things happening but we must frankly add for the present let us hope there never can be however canada is not so far removed from at rocities of the enemy such as the kil ling of women and children by bombs as canadians may think again we say there is in some cases a fear crea ted in our childrens minds let teach era and parents realize that and by common sense sympathy and under standing remove it we want to conclude with this teachers remember the school term just commenced may be one of the most trying in years for you and the pupils but we feel assured that every teacher will do his or her utmost to explain war in a clear and understand ing manner and thus erase unneces sary fear from the minds of the young sters letter to toe editor circum stances are partly responsible for the welcome business is giving to ottawas move to regulate prices many execu lives feel that their case of costs is safe in the hands of an impartial board at the capital and that in this way they will get some protection against the first thoughtless cry of profiteering when increased prices are sanctioned real bright spot or the week has been the splendid example premier hepburn has set for canadians gen erally everyone knows how bitter was his enmity against prime mini ster mackenzie king and yet the ontario liberal leader has thrown himself unreservedly in support of the dominion government in a lime ot national emergency on the other side or the picture there does not yet appear to be any genuine move from premier aberhart to show the sune loyalty to his coun try- mi- aberhart while committing his government to a policy of sup porting canada and britain in the war tags on behind it a lot of re solutions about credit creation and an nounces that his government is still going to continue its own policy a policy which up to now has been marked by contempt of court decisions and open challenge to the constitu tion it is interesting to reflect what short thrift ontario citizens would give to such sentiment in such a time of crisis as the present it may that alberta citizens will rally as they did when the king and queen visit ed them and before long repudiate the attitude of their premier in this connection it will be of in terest to watch wha happens tc lucleh maynard in aberharts cabinet will he be ousted or will he resign already it is reported that alberta citizens are up in arms over his pro posal adopted by social creditors that canada should not even manufacture munitions for great britain bui tom are you ever troubled irtth tln issiii n i am some nights i dont 4bap three hoars egmjb l pity you then je got it dear sir we are writing to thank yeu for the spl support yoihave given our work this summer about 1250 children from poor homes in the city have spent a- happy aha beneficial holiday hi rural ontario many are the tales we hear of delightful experi ences enjoyed by the children and many are the appreciative messages sent by parents who see them return locking brown and sturdy the excellent publicity our work has y had hi rural newspapers has brought o weatworth us many of the invitations which have given such hejipmess we hope that you will feel repaid for your effort by the joy you have given little children on their behalf we wish to thank you ours sincerely f n stanleford general secretary neightiorhood toronto rve been afflicted m years tne doctor ineoxafila paralaxttlsv it about she a geai sawrt if your wife taught at your joke yen can be sore it a darned sjood joke or shes a darned apod wife acton fall fair next week the secretary of acton fair an oounced for next tuesday and wed nesday september 19th and 20th that the attractions for this year eclipse these of former years for in stance at the first night arena show russ creighton and hls rt mounfcuneers norm harper wee clara peuy lormlne hills and johnny anderson win be added to the usual contests jumpers and horse show fee- tures a bigger prise list attracting exhibitors and the races hve m parade and frandstand events wfu make it a lively alternoon more mid way features have been booked and rtertahwwul see that there b not a doo moment justice but no more than justice quite wdeotne george cried the wife of her hus band theres a man come to take away the car because you havent kept up the instalments splendid cried george its half way through the house at the bottom of the hill retaroa anyway hurrah five dollars for my lat est story congratulations young man prom whom did you get the money prom the express company they lost it georgetown fall fair september 27th and 28th haltons outstanding exhibition first night of show commencing at q0 pjn in the georgetown arena entertainment by russ creighton and his canadian mountaineers popular variety entertainers from toronto featuring singers tap dancers accordionist comedian ventriloquist and other entertainment galore this promises to be one of the finest entertainments ever to come to georgetown fun and enjoyment for everyone dont miss it program under direction of alex tommy thomson excellent sound system for entertainment admission adults zse childen lc man iflum asm for toronto ml i passengers sundays onry us 1 passenger and maq ui i passenger daily except saturdays and sundays ulv l saturday ohlt ltt i passeng sunday mail and passenger summer tme taiax pffectrw st june 24 leave toobgetoirn te xveale a 8h ui sob am llo am oulpmi 408 un sjipja 1 41 pjbl a iwnipr sundays c sat only ol x t js un 208 pjn b tot pjl x tjw pjn x connections tor owen sound b qu and hol standard time tickets and informatkm at w a long phone 89 gray coach lines directory f r watson djxa mjajl georgetown office hours 0 to 5 except afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xray office hours daily s to evenings 7 to 9 z2w lerot dale kc m sybil bennett bjl barristers and seuctton mill street georgetown ont kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bldg mm 8 phone 88 georgetown r- fair day list of evtnti to be held la georgetown park excell ha exhibits best livestock exhibit west of toronto midway baby show sheaf binding potato race harness raoind dont forget the parade of prize winning animals at 4 pm grand variety dance and floor show in the arena mlfflp and floor show by russ creighton and his canadian mountaineers popular and wellknown variety dance band of toronto floor show feature wee clara feixy that sensational girl singer dancer and acrobatic star deluxe everybody come and enjoy a real evening of an toeing and entertainment plenty of the very latest in modern and lots of old time dancing dancing and floor she from 845 to lm aja st admission ue a western canada sp from all st in east canada going daily september lm inclusive retara uatjt 45 days tickets good ta coaches a far sgtproglmately lttc per mile tourist slg o at far approximately le per mile standard 8urbping ooaohb3 at fares approx lhc per mile oost of aeoomsaodatkn in rnewplng oars anmtlona baggage ilntkil 0 sg at port arthwr aimlnag cuoage frank petch auctioneer prompt service telephones cheltenham 28 r 23 georgetown 81 r s post office cheltenham walter t evans co general insurance ocean steamshir sixtici k1i estatc main st narth geanjataira its monuments pollock ingham successors to cater st worth gait ont inspect our work in greenwood m anrnwui kxoobsks mow wsshbn to iahixbn canada dobtho salfb period flokata steepln oar reaartatkna and air information from any agant ask for hairobgul twi canadian national am nielsen la taar af rranm chiropractor xray drugfcaa thrtaprit laay all i in i 20mea erar dominion stora qfenrtatown i m0 j0 njn o net ukehsem he had ttved al his life m a smab village this was his first visit to london walking into a city post- oxdjct he said half a pound ot ham we dont sell ham here- rsnoat an amaasd official t te dinner in smrlss xe srsfim times bare in t

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