Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1939, p. 5

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r r the georgetown herald wcdnekfey evening september 13th 1939 r5 current comment ontario tenaaatimt tea ijpxutaa easnpalgn radar wmoh 110- ws9jsttaby mntmlm distribut ed by tb fonabrr branch of the on- to mfiimuuut lor nlairtmc w- ctal punster zav tai charge ol tabe scheme und which trees nay pausfced for a hwe as bconqnukt rural i4nm the ben telephone company of canada to now carrying out the ia- conatruotkm and extension of its rural telernnne unas tn the ricmlty ot which crops cannot be- gmwu wttl re- oalw most of the baakatchawan was the ttnoe in oannda in uflalj tog iadctnc hy atettauob for vehicle tmauuas for 193s the idnee stood ant and lowest a hat wtth a nstattty rate of s per 100- 000 of population this bettered even end on the ust in wan had only 40 mote ust it was only 47 fatattttos m oecsgefewn oobdtogtnjkbjne manager for the company hi w dis trict overhead cable win be erected tn certain sections of the jural area to permit tbe removal of open wire lines the rural pole line win be recondi tioned involving he replacement ot 430 poles and the resetting and re- enforcement of many others addi tional circuits will be provided tn order to rednoe the number of subscribers per rural party ttne tins work will be completed about tbe end of november beu know better as a wamic to boys using air rifles toknr birds and do other damage the national humane review carries tbe following item that should prove a warning to any boy a tenyearold boy was brought be fore a tj etoutch a justice of tbe peace in western pennsylvania for klllng valuable sons birds with an air mm the justice ordered the boy to attend school regularly and each day lor ninety days to mall a postcard each card would name a different bird with some description as to appear ance habits and so forth this boy will know a lot about birds before be is through new pavements in town an many complimentary remarks have been passed by visitors to georgetown on the new pavements on main st and other streets in town on which living i wti m i w starting- to school all over canadjt thousands of chil dren this month embark on the great adventure- of going to school it is time when parents should give particular thoughtto the cbiks health for upon health dependsjall pio m school upon entering school every child should have any correctable defects attended to many a boy and girl have rapidly developed a sense of inferiority because of defective eyesight or ox other handicaps that might have been overcome besides the drawback of such development there is the more positive interference with the childs studies when vlson speech or hearing are defective or when tonsils or aden oids are infected decayecvteeth are a common source of trouble for the young student the result is that many chil dren have to repeat grades unnecessary y the problem is of such wide applies tiona problem of nearly half of those entering school that at the very com mencement of the term each child should have a thorough yxwinatlon septemb vv gbobgktown kan takes bolton qjbl as bride the home of mr and urn john i turner milton iwas the scene on saturday last sept 8th ot a pretty wedding when their daughter became the bride of robert son of mr and mrs samuel georgetown the ceremony waa sol- emnhbd on toe lawn of the bride parental hone with rev gordon porter fof milton offkdatinf the bride- who was given in marri age by her father was gowned to white satin with long veil and wear ing a wreath of orange blossoms she carried a bouquet of white ghdlom and white heather which arrived from scotland aboard the queen mary a few days previous to the wedding the matron of honour was mrs sidney horsun toronto sister of the bride mr earl marchment of georgetown as the best man- f pobowmg the ceremony a reception was held at the home ot the brides parents later the couple tleft on a motor trlpatfirough northern ontario on their return they will reside in georgetown hart ellen hayes bride of f johnny james emmebson one of the summers prettiest wed dings was solemnised in belfountaln baptist church amid gladioli and ferns when mary ellen hayes daugh ter of mr and mrs william hayes of mglewpod became the bride bf johnny james emmerson son of mr and mrs william emmerson of gefcnsetown rev mr baxter of georgetown offi ciated assisted by mr cameron of belfountaln mrs mclearn played the wedding music the bride given tn marriage by her father looked lovely m her princess gown of bridal satin and rose point lace with queen ann collar her em broidered veil was of silk net held in place with a halo of seed pearls and orange blossoms she carried a white bible with streamers and baby in the spotlight at ottawa breath mi t of me cousin of the bride wore a gown of queens blue taffeta with halo to match her corsage was of roses and baby breath mr charlie bowler of georgetown was best man the ushers were gear hayes brother of the bride and bruce harley of georgetown tbe grooms gift to ihe bridesmaid was a silver compact to the best man a gold tie pin to the organist a pen dant and brooch a reception was held at the brides parents where the brides mother wore black taffeta with a pink rose corsage for going away the bride donned a burgundy suit with wine accessories after a honeymoon the couple will reside in georgetown bymifrid ottawa sept 12 canadas war pol toy can be forecast with- confidence now that the prime minister has given to the bouse ot commons a complete statement the main points are 1 canada wlfl cooperate to the limit of- her power and resources with brit- am and prance in ihe struggle now raging tn- europe 3- the present liberal administration wfll not introduce compulsory military service believing that the interests of the country on balance are against the move and that under the circum stances voluntary effort will be more productive than a regimented system 3 oanadafe contribution in the first of the war will consist of tbe and sending of air forces in over from the british fleet the protection of canadian and adjacent allied shores in the manufacture and dispatch of aircraft and parts in the production and forwarding of vast quantities of foodstuffs and munitions of war no largescale expeditionary force is envisaged at the present time 4 canada will participate to the full in the economic warfare against ger many by seeking to prevent the ship ment of any goods to germany or the purchase of german goods 8 a determined drive to prevent war profiteering will be made in a passage of great vigour prime minister mac kenzie king branded those who would profit upon the misfortunes of human ity as mentbers ot the underworld 6 the premier promised canada that political patronage for contracts would receive his own personal and de termined denunciation he undertook to abandon all political manoeuvering in pursuing the prosecution of the war a stirring debate last fridays debate in the house of rugs- 6x9 congoleum rugs 396 7j2 x-9- s4j9x9s575 9 x 10 95 6 x 9 feltol rug s33s vi x 9 410 9x9 498 9x wi 575 blankets 70 x 90 flannelette blankets ibex and candy stripes 249 70 x 90 plainwhite 235 towelling 16pure linen towelling 2jc 16 plain brown 22c 16 in at 17c 18 in at 25c 22 in at 29cr 22 in at 27c agents for langleys deaners and dyers mcbean co phone 64 georgetown save with safety at your rexall store tone up for winter neo chemical food tabs or liquid special for thia week pace elle 10c and 2e botjquet toilet soap s 10c nujol me c marun k ajupuamkttes 100 l85 mineral oil extra heavy eompteted the pavement on mam street has certainly made a fine provement to the business section 01 tbe town and merchants and clttsens generally are now proud of this thor- while it is not known whether the council has considered making any change tn the parking bylaw on the main st or not it might be suggested that angle pg on one side of the street would allow a greater number of cars to be parked on busy days now that the street has been made constderahly wider angle parking on one side would in our opinion be a greater service to the public white bnes could be painted on the pave ment to avoid confusion and alot the proper parking distances and safety ones for pedestrians crossing the street and distances required for park ing from water hydrants could also be while this is just a suggestion we believe even more people would come to georgetown to do their shopping on open nights could they park tibdr cars on the main st instead of hav ing to park a conslderabe distance from the business section workmens compensation statement the number of accidents reported to the workmens compensation board during the month of august was 5645 this being the largest number report ed during any one month this year to date and compares with 5242 reported during july and 5 738 during august last year which showed the largest number during any month of 1938 the awarded amounted to 4s4jw5j7 of which 382808 was tor compensation and 9258459 by the family doctor with decaying teeth attended to glasses supplied to those with defective vision and with other correction made the child has a much greater chance of succeeding in his studies and or being happy in his school life the doctor should not only examine the child to correct physical shortcom ings but also to recommend the propel things to eat to build up resistance against disease this will be of special value when the child comes into con tact with other children who may have a communicable disease fortunately immunity can be provided in two of the most serious of such diseases smallpox and dlptheria hence the parent of a child entering on school life should see that the child is vac cinated and given toxoid treatment if this protection has not already been provided toxoid to prevent dlptheria should be given of course as soon after a child is six months old as possible but many parents neglect this until the child goes to school certainly then it should be delayed no longer your printing please the herald will be glad to have your order for letterheads and envelopes in fact for anything that is printed no need to go out of town for what can be purchased here money spent in georgetown returns as it circulates to the benefit of all one prominent citiaen came tn with his order as usual and to quote him i am always well satisfied with the work done in the herald office and prices are consist ent with quality keep your dollars in circulation at home by having your printing done here we are ready at all times to attend to your requirements no mat ter how small or large the order watch our window ly ice cbum mouu amd fresh fnrh md not sundae 13c 2 lor 25c longs confectionery js georgetown qptgory theatre friday sept is pride of the west down in arkansas h i 111 with ptnky tamua cartoon porky the gob fox news saturday sept 16 sergeant madden tavtvl ataaae wtth wallace beery tarn brawn and mary baarvfat musical quiet please cartoon hollywood graduation variety dean of the pasteboards chapter 2 fighting devil dogs s am toeatky and wednesday s 19 and so cgte school the awad satrilfc aad w q j bagart coabetynoit xbetold t sing monthly meeting op halton mail carriers the monthly meeting of the halton branch of the rural mail carriers association was held in the assembly rooms of the liberal association in oakville on monday evening there was a good attendance of members and friends the delegates to the- annual conven tion at guelph last week gave their reports on business transacted at the twoda session which was consider ed very satisfactory it was decided to ask the central board to send cir culars to all french speaking couriers in quebec with a view to organizing that province in the near future se veral other matters were discussed including a probable increase in the gas tax which would add another bur den to the mail carrier it was gener ally agreed that about the only thing that would not advance in price ow ing to the wax was the mail mans wages at the conclusion of the or dinary business a presentation was made to our genial secretary mr h webster acton in appreciation or his untiring work for the branch since its formation mr george bridle freeman read as short address and miss krantx of georgetown presented mr webster with a wallet light refreshments were served and the national anthem brought a very enjoyable evening to a close card of thanks we wish to convey to friends and acquaintances our very sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and sym pathy extended to us during our re cent sad bereavement to the death of our beloved father also for the beau tiful floral tributes mr and mrs c commons was in many respects tire most moving and uvplring session wit nessed by this writer in ten years of membership in the press gallery a spirit of profound earnestness seemed to have swept away the shal low political sophbxy and strategy which has at times been prevalent all speakers dropped the shams and masks of political debate and spoke from the heart premier mackenzie king who came in so fatigued that he was afraid he would be unable to extempore at all found strength to make a long impas sioned forceful emotional address one of his finest a thousand miles above the classic address to the lib eral banquet in august for once the mover and seconder of the address in reply had something to say from comparative obscurity came two admirable speakers colonel h s hamilton of sault ste marie j a blanchette of compton hamilton spoke like a seasoned veteran a cabi net minis i really a vital construc tive address full of meat and delivered in an eloquent moving manner blan chette was less impassioned but rea soned sane and persuasive dr r j manlon made a short address in which he abandoned completely any idea of making political capital he too offer ed numerous cooperative and construc tive suggestions the prime minister thanked him in the warmest possible language for his spirit of helpfulness manifested from the very beginning of the crisis voice in the wilderness willi his old indomitable courage j s woodsworth took the unpopular view against participation against war in all its phases with one exception a cry of shame the house listened to his obvious sincere appeal in respectful and tolerant silence he was a voice crying in the wilderness the social credit leader j h blackmoreraised an issue which i ex pect will become the controversial core or coming months compulsory nation al service on all fronts including in dustry and capital as well as man power or voluntary effort promoted by every possible government agency the government is for the latter soc ial credit members in tbe house axe for the former there will be consid erable bgltation in parts of the country for conscription of all effort and re sources there is much to b sld for both sides for a confederation with racial and cultural minorities in relatively free democratic economy it may well be that suasion rather than compulsion will produce the best all- round results special writing pad 3 slsss package of envelopes both for 19c jjjo glass free you can always shop to advantage at your rexall store epflllh fruit saline 39o ff pickling requirements ppices certo memba seals gem rubbers our stock is always fresh for all stomach troubles bisma- rex gives relief in 3 minutes 75c 150 robbs drug store fuone 70 we deliver tbe rexall store georgetown l notipe b ing daylight saving time s saving in georgetown ends on the period for daylight 3 notice to creditors o th estate of george wilson late of tbe townabjp esaweatog in ihe covnty of halton alit persons having cia gainst the estate of the said george earl wilson who died on or about tbe aeth day of august 1939 at the city of gait are required to send to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 13th day of october 1939 full parti culars of their claims and any securi ties they may hold therefore and take notice that after the 13th day of october 1939 the execu tors will proceed to distribute the said estate having regard only to the claims of w they shall then have notice 1atd at georgetown tins 13th day of september x939 ken m lanodon georgetown ontario solicitor for prank wilfred wilson sweet i saturday september 16th j t at midnight j all citizens are requested to comply with the j s provisions of the bylaw in order that confusion of time in the municipality may be avoided m joseph gibbons mayor s correspondence uquor in war time canada is now at war inevitably the minds of all concerned turns back to the great war and it is onrjrnt- llng that an insistent demand is made that we profit by the experience and even the mistakes of those four years of travail canada should begin where she left off and avoid the de lays the blunders the extravagance and tbe unnecessary costs that re moteness novelty and inexperience then permitted it took britain a year to realise the seriousness of the interference of the liquor traffic with the progres of the great national enterprise during that time incessant complaints reach ed tbe government from the admiral ty the soldiers training camps the munition factories and the shipyards as to tbe loss ot tune waste of ma- teriab in in tramlng and the damage and danger arising from the pres of liquor there was a shortage ot shells at the front and ueyd george declared that britain was flghtinc three ene germany austria mid drink at the end of a year the british oovemment estab lished a- liquor control board which greatiy curtailed the sale ofjkroor dmv tug the remainder of the war tike b took canada two- yean or more toiealhw that uqucrwharevar nres- ent tended to atbotase bar war eoons and to take the iij iiiiij steps to curtail its sale tb aim urn with on tario the various provinces with the exception of quebec eliminated sale and quebec placed severe restrictions upon it near the close ot the war- the dominion government by order- lncoundl forbad distillers to manu facture alcohol for beverage purposes and took over their output for mak ing munitions and for other purposes these facts stand out in our war ex perience and need no comment war does not in any respect change the character or the effects of the liquor trafllc it simply enlarges its scope lihseases its sales and throws it effects into lurid and tragic relief canadas bill for legal purchase ot liquor in the last year of record is on a conservative estimate 173 mil lion dollars how much illicit sales if their total could be ascertained would increase this sum can only be guessed but undoubtedly they are very considerable already since the outbreak of the war press items from britain report a 26 per cent in crease in the purchase of liquors and we have heard of individual purchases- within the last few days from our on tario liquor stores reaching mto thous ands of dollars some of this rush is to avoid tax increase and other con tingencies even so it diverts money from necessary hade and weakens war effort canada is entering the war wtth a handicap- in its direct liquor expendi tures reaching up toward 300 muuon douara tn addition there is the des truction of valuable foodstuffs the discounting ot efficiency and the dan ger of disorder m the light of our experiences in the last war this situ ation surely cannot oanttmte itwid be signed that the provinces are dependent on the revenue from liquor d the year 1987 the latest year for which flgune an to band the total revenue of oaf governments nnrnlrdnn and prowtacsal totalled ssx- 410938 at the praesnt ttma- they are probably a ntthon or to bmber klms rf l w var eectmwny eeslafiy av jksat atstnat for the nation to spend ho million dollars to gain 55 minion dollars war- is atlme when not only the people but governments as well have to tighten then- belts wherever possible where this is not possible war exigencies wu2 surely justifly in the public mind tsbet transfer of any burden to other soar oes of taxation attended with less in jurious results to our national strength in view of the present war mtnatton and in the light of past experiences the board of directors of the on tario temperance federation at ita- meeting last thursday laid plane to- carry on educational work among sol- dlers and elsewhere as vigorously aa possible it further unanimously ap proved a proposal to approach tave- domtnlon government through tbev canadlan temperance federation to- request the cessation of the traffic for the period of the war the board otti its own behalf will approach the pro vincial government urging its cooper ation e a blan presuanv j ooburn chairman of exe 009- a jirwfci general secretary ontario tempennce federataoac toronto sept 13th i9w plumbing tinsmithipg ea flmtgilvtay

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