Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 20, 1939, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wejtoxfay evenint september 2qth 1939 fbp faternttieaal untorm saoday school lesson jsaen both 1 oi 1 i- tiffibmth of the messianic king o0usn text hto name shall be cased wonderful counsellor 7w inlzhty 3od one everiastinc imtner tfiti prince of peace isaiah 9 0 imbsott passage isaiah 714 9 17 u 15 o thou who earnest from above the pure celestial ftre to impart kindle a flame of sacred love on the mean altar of my heart an ancfctnt hope ml the stole begins with the garden of aiden and ends with the holy oifcy tooth old and new testament there is as forward look for centuries the he brew people were sustained by the hope of thy coming tmi even in the darkest periods of national history prophets continued to foretell the com ing of a deliverer isaiah especially was confident that god had something better in store tmmannel would come god would be with man ah that the christian doctrine of the in carnation has contained is but the re nllzatton of isaiahs hope men have found god in christ it is interesting to view the hebrew hope and the christian realization through the eyes of the easterner sadhu sundar blnghi wt told of a vision when i entered heaven far the first time i looked all around me and then i asked where is god and they answered and said unto me god is seen here as little as on earth for god is infinite but christ is here he is the image of the invisible god and only in him can anyone see god either here or upon earth underlying the faith of both old and new testaments is the as sumption that man has a kinship with god without which we could know nothing about god an expanding hspc 1 human thought advances from the particular to the general from the na tlonal to the universal the hebrew people were intense nationalists yet ibelr prophets gradually saw that god could not be limited to any tribe or nation this idea however did not come without long slow growth the people of israel conscious as they were of a high spirtual destiny nationally were in contact with great and power ful nations and gradually these had to be included in their thinking of the purpose of god in the fullness of time christ came bom in a judean village son of a jewish maiden the hebrew people have given ethical rail glon to mankind but the truths of the hebrew prophets and psahnlsts have gone far beyond the boundaries of jud eism christ rose above the barriers of gerous nationalisms of the twentieth century is a realization of the love and fatherhood of god the conviction that humanity is one and that he future cannot be secure for one nation alone the glory of galilee of the nations la not what she got for herself but what she has given to the world ught and jay 85 the geography of palestine is snown around the world tourists from every land go towajktbe roads ana fields where jesus walked tbeymn joy to the worml the lord is come has been translated into many tongues christian churches witness to the fact that the hope of isaiah has been rea lised in jesus christ by the coming of christ god has increased the joy of humanity menhave been released from fear and superstition a power higher than physical force has been disco and the conviction of the sanity of peace and the necessity peace is growing when we become dis couraged by the failures of christianity and the persecution of the faith modern days let us try to think what a blank outlook mere would be if we did not have tbe leadership of christ the divine child 6 1 the greatest event in history was not a battle but the birth of a child isaiah knew of the greatness of assyria in wealth and power but be placed his hope in the blrh of a child who would become a leader of mankind little did the inn keeper of bethlehem realise how prophecy would be fulfilled ana how history would have a beginninf through the birth of a babe we mar vel at the faith and insight of isaiah who could lodk into the future with faith and hope and say for unto us a child is bom unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty god the everlasting father prince of peace modem writers find that words fall to express adequo tely all that christ has been to his f ol lowers we speak of him as teacher leder example saviour lord but no one word or group of words no books or cre canjortray him fully he is greater than any category in which we seek to place him ovr faith 1 5 a typcal expression of the working faith of the modem christian might be something like this in every man there is some of god which christ claims loyalty to that claim means new strength or character new power to serve men new peace of heart with god it makes of life a fascinating ad venture if we go on we shall win through though we stagger under a cross for in life as in death we belong to god on the other hand among the primary assertions of a christian creed there are these in the fullness or time god sent forth his son to be the saviour of the world jesus christ was god manifest in the flesh he gave his life in a ransom for many god has committed to him the issues of time and eternity the only way of salvation is that of repentance toward god faith in our lord jesus christ and new birth through the holy spirit when phillips brooks near the end of his life was asked what had been his secret the most lawnllil and rtriktog put of bis answer was thk am pfarienee comes to be dot more and more pressure of bis life on ours ia and lew i think grows the- consctotts- dmb of seeking gad greater and greater grows the certainty tbmt be la seeking us and giving himself to us to the flpmplete measure of our present capacity qvmlem i or kmseosclon what religious value has predictive prophecy v a is the christian doctrine of the in carnation distinctive 3 which title do you prefer as descrhj tlve of christ 4 what can we do to win the battle for peace how does christ increase our joy lessonsoutunes copyrighted by the international council on religious ed ucation used by permission turn into grsassd mswrils bake in am ea- hot oven degrees f totoutea stttrtag mixture twice during first 10 minutes of baking place biscuits on top of salmon mixture after j baa bak ed 10 nunutes return to oven bake la to 18 mlnatealonger to bake biscuits ahor- t 2 cups sifted hour 9 teaspoons baking powder 4 tablespoons butter or other tening teaspoon salt 23 cup milk about sift flour once measure add baking powder and salt and sift again out in shortening add milk gradually until soft dough is formed roll inch thick on slightly poured board cut with floured biscuit cutter bake in hot ov en 460 degrees f 12 to 15 minutes makes 12 biscuits housewimrp pinch of new t from ottawa on september 12 came snapshot guild animal pictures any barnyard i full of excellent humaninterest picture oneness such as this closeup shot of a hen mothering her chicks ttthfin and t someone mentions bird r and animal pictures most of us think of soos forests or the african jungle but if yon live on or near a farm you hare access to a number of fine animal snbjecta and take my word for it domestic animals yield just as good pictures as wild ones jost for the funot it why not spend a day picturing farm animals go after expressive humaninterest shots such as a hen mothering her brood or pigs struggling for position at the trough shoot closeups of a placid cudchewing cow or a husky workhorse jnst as if you were tak mg pictures of a person many ani mals hare definite almosthuman expressions at times and theyll saak mne ptetares for year albmm distant shots showing the anbnal email wfll be it happens to be are adjusted to take subjects as near as six feet many four feet or even less many box cameras can be set tor subjects as near as five and if you slip a portrait attachment on the camera lens you can get even closer or yon can take a shot at normal distance and have the best part of the negative enlarged to give a closeup effect i its not necessary to show an of a large animal such as a cow or horse indeed the bead alone often makes a better picture choossthe viewpoint which shows the head and expression most effectively and fire away keep the background slm- ple changing your position wfien necessary to get distracting objects out of the cameras field of view take year camera to the farm heap year eyes open shoot wisely and often youll mad that say weq statue drpsssnos 9 here are easy rules sheorbluvwing perfect coffee no matter how small the budget any hostess can make a reputation on her coffee if she o t v rules the coffee equipment must be 100 per cent clean measurements must be ex act and brewing time must be timed to the dot when brewing decaffem ated coffee by the percolator or pot methods remember that a slightly longer time is required to bring out the coffee s rich fragrant flavor you can score a five star success as a coffee brewer with any kind of ap paratus if you follow the rules exactly you now can buy a special drip grind in decaffeinated coffee as well as or dlnary coffees so hostesses can serve this favorite american beverage after dinner or with midnight snacks with out checking up on their guests sleep ing problems drip coffee use one well rounded tablespoon drip grind decaffeinated coffee for each cup y pint of boiling water preheat drip coffee pot put coffee in upper com partment of pot pour fresh briskly boiling water over it cover and let stand in warm place until all water has dripped through once remove upper compartment and cover pot serve coffee souffle 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon ground decaffeinated coffee 4 13 tablespoons quick cooking tapioca dash of salt 1 3 cup sugar 3 egg yolks beaten until thick and lemon coloured 3 egg whites stiffly beaten scald milk with coffee and strain immediately add quick cooking tap oca and alt and cooks is minutes or until tapioca is clear stirring frequent ly add sugar cool add egg yolks and fold in egg whites bake in grea sed baking dish placed in pan of hot water in moderate oven 325 degrees f 60 minutes serve with custard sauce serves 6 fruit salad in orange cups serves 6 6 large sunklst oranges 12 marshmallows quartered 1 cup diced pineapple 1 cup banana slices or other fruit pears peaches strawberries cherries white grapes lettuce cut tops off oranges and remove pulp leaving orange baskets flute edges if desired combine ingredients fill or ange cups and arrange on lettueecov ered salad plates serve with mayon nalse mixed with 1 3 orange juice new cook books hew cook books seem to be as com mon as new babies this year they are extremely interesting i have often felt i would like to publish one myself and how these modem recipe carri ers differ from the old tune cook book i some contain everything the housewife needs to know about the kitchen some are little specialists the latest that has come to my attention is xrma rom bailers streamlined cooking put out by the bcbbsimerrlu company of in dianapolis united i chukch membebshd7 707261 as given in year book the united church of canada noa has a membership of 707264 com with 600522 at the time of church un ion this fact is revealed in the 1b39 year book of that church which has just been distributed to the church s ministers in a statistical report the year book reveals that the united church has 1 742623 persons under pastoral care number of families in the united church of canada is 464688 compared with 969662 at the time of union the year book discloses that there are in the united church of canada 5 619 sunday schools with a total mem bership of 562 439 members of through the week organlzationo number 201706 the year book contains the annual reports of all boards of the united church these include board 01 christian education board of evange lism and social service board of for elgn missio board of home missions board of pensions board of publics tlon and the woman s missionary soc iety reports from the 11 conferences of the united church with statistics of each individual charge in these con feren a ii of all united ohurvh ministers anj j financial state ments are con nei in the year book lunching at home lunch at home does not need to be a makeshift affair with yesterdays left overs a dainty tasty lunch which the family are pleased to be able to get home for can be worked into a busy morning just as easily as a slapdish meal take this menu for hittin casserole or flalmon hot biscuits a simple green salad and fruit it gives a new meaning to the old theres no place like borne r salmon 2 tablespoons quick cocking tapioca 1 cup canned satoors flaked 1 tablespoon onion chopped h teaspoon salt sash of pepper leap celery diced to 8 unbaked bakroc powder ob mts romed h toon tnlek combine mgreolents to order gtveo the news mat canada to asking every housewife for an iinmeaiate contojbju- tion to the dominions war chest for in addition to the impost of duties on tea and coffee already noted on the news pages further contributions win be asked from two sources vitally af fecting almost every household imposition for the first time of a sales tax on gas andelecijlcltywbed for domestic purposes c in announcing the source of revenue in the budget speech hon j l usey does no make any breakdown of est- mated revenue it is believed however that extension of the salestax to cover electricity and gas will add nearly ftlo 000000 to the national revenue a part of the sales tax may of course be ab sorbed by power and gas companies though in the case of ontario with its power at c standard is likely to be passed on in full to the consumer this will mean an 8 per cent increase 1 the electric light bin and probably tllar increase in the gas bill in addition to thie exemption from sales tax has been removed in the cases or salted or smoked meats and canned fish exemptions which had been al lowed previously to assist marketing of these canadian products the burden on the householder for the present at least however is lighter than has been expected in many quar ters a general increase in the ales tax from 8to 10 per cent had been ru mored it is known that the govern ment had such a move under consider atlon but it is believed to have dlscar ded it aa possibly unnecessarily endan gerlng price structures at the present time for the present the main additional taxes hsve been placed as was expected on luxuries such as beverages and to bacco ltyblonosm wben you have lived to middle yfiujnay feel as hearty and yivmni ssra erer you did but it would be wise nave your heart examined a r totervau i n ones arteries usually gradually i den as the person grows older mmj condition is paruetuariy sera whan 5 it affects the arteries upon which tbmm heart muscle depends for nourlabanentj if one of these arteries ooronar terlee hardens and thickens ha t eter narrowstbahxuamtkmlscsl and the heart weakens m adyataea4j cases this condition is known as euar osolorouc or coronary heart djtesstyg usuasry a condition of past middle invl ttstnay occur in persons of b0 forty or j even younger s the newspaper headings of snddeag death from heart diseases are produce j among men and women who dlonsl know- that there was anything wrofy with their hearts the way to find ocsw is by consulting competent doctor who after examination will tell you to j the earlier stages of the affection thesej may be no pain no shortness of breatto and the person feels well that is uttskl time to opke sure about your condli tton after forty it is a matter of wlsjl dom to see your doctor regularly thata s at least once a year js in young persons as well as in tbej oder rheumatic fever is a con cause of heart disease a child suffers from swollen joints or pains should have prompt care the poison of rheumatic fevers may affect the valves and muscles of j the heart it may be years before tfaej damage is discovered promptness ba recognizing this condition with prom medical care and after care may savo the heart from srious injury there is nothing so valuable in promotinl 1 health as the early discovery and treat ment of heart conditions the village softie if offered the choice of a quarter or a penny would always take the penny a visitor heard about this so decided to test him sure enough he took the penny not th quarter later in the day the visitor met softie in a quiet jane and asked t c i nlm wtu ne nad taken the penny 1 f jl bee fly wdl y llfc ute as you tag for a year or so it becomes second a atra i tell ye but don t let on i in the village i knows the difference surest thing you know why im m copper but i r ever took gettlng so that i often feel a craving for worms and bird seed st nobodj d ever try me again cutting an onion if it is your intention to use only j part of a large onion cut it so that met j remaining portion contains the rook this will keep the anion from drying out so soon and it may be used fear later use cop why have you been sitting bx i your car all afternoon motorist im waiting for two get tlemen cop who are they motorist the one who owns c car in front of me and the one wi owns the car in back food values special stuarts orange and grapefruit marmalade 32oz jar 20 canned good ayfaner choice peas 3 ayfaner golden bantam corn 3 r ayfaner choice tomatoes n 9 17oitm aylmer soup tomato or vegetable 10oz tin special mclarens or maclarens peanut butter 25ox jar sic fran cbocolato puff biscuits a n x7e chateau plain or pmnento cree8e 4b 1 6c hclfarianns sandwich spread jar xoo and x3c cowans cocoa 1 lb tin s5c 1 cakes cf lux 23 w umn na men to unit quantiths on ant mane beautiful gloss bowl witk hawes lemon oh bti 14c x3c binso soap powder pas- 9c asc 45c p o naphtha soap 9 bar me cold latmonr soap bar 40 infants delight soap se pouflor wax tin see 490 2fitostffs crip frebcelry hearts bunch q princess lemons doz 19c soapflaws no 1 cooking onions 41b 1q t other fresh vegetable at reasonable prices saar prucrsspecultosarntrndrtonly carrol mala street wattiftaetaoj vvrvsgwwvb frrjelrvery 3

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