Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 20, 1939, p. 4

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i jg 4 tlie georgetown hefiimt wrftfadiyevening sypfarfnberttoth 1939 young people special service knox presbyterian church sunday sept 24th at 700 pmc otje8t speakl rev kenneth mclean oi wlnsham otjbbt soloist miss molly mclntyre of xnoxcbureb toronto kixu la turfted to attend uua ttvaomty in jmiiiwftxl on wed nesday bert a 1w to mr md n arnokl modoery the gitt or aoh robert drkl vea at the oxbridge nurslns home- on tuesday sept vo 1b98 to mr and mis jack rush nee matlon stocktfbrd a daughter pore food store extra value lux flakes large size 23c lux toilet soap with coupon from lux flakes 3 for 10c heinz soup family size tins 2 for 25c buckingham blend fancy quality muharooms tin 21c buckingham blend creamed mushrooms tin 21c borden eagle brand milk tin 19c pamoy quality fineaifwle tttbitfl 8h os tin 10c h0bhets brand double oream custard tin 25e gerto for wn jams and jellies bottle 25c maniongis wonder wabb z pfcgs 5c bkemsol for clotbes and dishes pkg zlc vagxg baking powdbr c c 16 ok tin z8o nemsorts cocoa jersey brand 8 oz tin 19c choice quality pumpkin 2w size tins 3 for 25c agrarttrrw w yma 6 tor 10c oocoanuts bacon s p rolls cooked meats at special prices choice fresh fruit and vegetables at market prices a e farnell phone 75 free delivery news from the nyal drug store hot water bottles special purchase new stock 0 no 1 guaranteed 39c each no 2 better quality 59c each no 3 best quality 79c each no 4 large size 139 each syringes attachments fittings and rubber tubing reasonably priced good quality begin to store op your vitamin reserve now cqlvliver oil hauver oil abd capsjules etc we carry a complete stock of vitamin products consult us now aboutyour requirements maecormacks drug store phone 327 we deliver georgetown snyder on saturday 16th 1939 at the kw hospital kitchener to mr and mra olive snyder nee mildred fleck a son died stalndish at her home lot 13 6th line esquesing on monda sept 18th 1939 sarah ann standi daughter ot the late mr and mrs joseph blandish in her 87th year obituary mbs edward aonew funeral services took place on mon day for n edward agnew with in torment being made in sjohna church cemetery campbellvrfle mrs agnew died on friday in ft michaels hospital toronto decerned recently- returned from a trip abroad and was a prominent member of her communi ty she was a member of st johns anglican church at campbeuvllle and her husband who predeceased her re cently was an ex warden of halton county services were conducted by hill of lowville surviv lions club wish to cooperate in any war preparations district governor to pay official visit october 16 georgeto lions olub met in the dining room of the meoibbon hotel on monday evening at 030 chief kelly in the chair dinner was enjoyed the kings bealtb drunk and the minutes of last meeting read and adopted tlie chief announced that the safe ty league would show a picture to the public school children at an early date a letter was read from the execu tives of the boys camp at midland the camp at which the boys of the safety patrol spent a couple of weeks a letter was read from district governor herb hall setting oct 10th as the date of his official visit letters also from melvln jones cretoxygeneral and from the secre tary of international the jatter in viting the dub to join in the atten dance contest consisting of thirtytwo consecutive weeks chairman coles reported on the ju venile and midget ball season chairman watson reporting on the street carnival stfett it had been deem ed advisable to call it off and that there would be some expense for ad rev lng are three children evelyn and vertlsing and other preparation which gordon both oi toronto and douglas at home joseph mccluke joseph mcclure lifelong resident of peel county died last wednesday at his home lot 14 concession six to ronto township mr mcclure was born on the farm on which he died he was the son or peel county pio neers the late mr and mm john mc clure who emigrated from ireland he was a member of hornby presby terian church and a conserva ivo in politicsmr mcclure never married new fall millinery misses claridge announce the arrival oi their fall millinery styles to suit any taste colours to suit any scheme bblbbllb misses claridge jua1n street georgetown henjd block upbdr iii r- fall fair next wed thuw- he is survived by three sisters mrs william hulls fifth line west to l mro wi i mre hute and infant son der and miss edith mcclure both the home farm the funeral took place to hornby presyterian cemetery new advertisements pot sale for winter potatoes apply r haines phone 5 r 14 it for sale simmons studio couch apply mabee murdock st georgetown ltp for sale good black work horse age 12 years phone georgetown 107 r 23 it for sale silver skin pickling onions cooking onions phone 135 r 12 for rent brick house on church st all con venlences and parage possession oct 1st apply phone 91 r 24 it for sale babys gocart all white 7 00 also streamlined kiddy car 1 00 apply to mra herb sinclair george st ltp for rent lower hat 4 rooms light and water applv to mrs b frnncls jotin si phone 141 j georgetown ltp furniture for sale will sen a quantity of household furniture cheap for quick sale apply mrs t given john si georgetown ltp johr william of toronto were vlsi tors with miss annie shortill on saturday mr and mrs chas felker of lis towel were week end visitors with mr and mrs g mcmenemy mrs m l near of georgetown spent the week end with mrs e shor till congratulations to mr and mrs arnold mcenery on the birth of a son born wednesday sept 13th an interesting part of the service sundaj morning was the sacrament of baptism when the infant son of mr and mrs p j shortill the infant daughter of mr and mrs gordon altken of ospringe and small son of mr and mrs stanley sinclair were christened rally day service was observed with misb lydla snow telling the theme story the great chief the members of the wa met for their september meeting at the home of miss j givens mrs perrvznan presided in the absence of the president mrs beswlck and mrs foreman were responsible for the de votlonal exercises a short period was then dexoted to business the roll call a answered with items of latest temperance news a motion was carried unanlmouslj that a resolution be sent to the government requesting that wartlme prohibition be put in force and thereby prevent the terrible economic waste caused through the sale of drink in our dominion for rent comfortable furnished top flat two or three rooms separate 3 piece bath continuous hot water apply mrs watt queen st apts phone 256 georgetown it for rent solid seven room brick house with 3 piece bathroom and hydro hot water heater new furnace garage oen trally located 2000 per month pos session oct 1st apply at herald of lice ii practical maternity nursing will take nursing at home or go to patients home miss lamb phone mr6 ge rr no x bailiffs sale by virtue of several distress warrants and a chattel mortgage to me direct against the goods and chattels of mrs annie burgess i have seized and taken in execution 1 bay mare i bay mare 5 sheep 5 lambs s geese is turkeys 1 sow 1 brown and white cow 1 red cow j pt jersey cows 2 jersey cows ayrshire cows 4 holsteln cows 1 white cow l ayrshire bull 1 red and white heifer 3 ayrshire heifers 1 holsteln heifer 1 ayrshire bull calf 1 bull young 6 heifers 3 cows 1 root pulper 1 set bob sleighs and platform 1 seed drill l binder 1 mower 1 buggy 1 model clover cutter 0 section har rows i grindstone ir- walking plows t cultivator 1 set barrow scales 1 set heavy harness 1 set light harness odd harness etc 1 wagon box and rack 2 bene rakes 1 disc 1 acufljer about 46 bags wheat small quantity barley quantity of oats quantity of alslks quantity of red clover odds and ends hay in bam 3 stack hay 1 stack bay quantity corn in field all of which property wfll be offer ed for sale by public auction at south half lot no 2s con fl west cbm- gmvopusy on toe t 25th day of sep ax 1939 at the bom- of uk oclock p tbrlabcaab dated thlg 20th day of sept 199 chas r firman bailiff would be a loss the following resolution was passed unanirrjoualy that the georgetown lions club goes on record as being ready and desirous or cooperating with all local organizations in any work which will forward the cause of the empire in this time of war it was stressed that there ought to be a one hundred per cent attendance on the occasion of the visit of the district governor the maple leaf was sung and the club adjourned ballinafad ashgrove the wms peach social on friday night was a splendid success trie program consisted of solos by lois merry of bethel and mrs how ard wrigglesworth of george violin solos bymr jim ruddell of georgetown also several readings by miss charlotte mcoullougn of aeorge- town after fee program everyone en joyed a lovely lunch with peaches and m the cctmnltteeruxrharge was mrs george nurse mrs tom gutea and mrs john bellboddy rally day was observed on sunday when a united service of the sunday school and church was conducted by our pastor rev j o tottozl a junior choir of girls and boys contri buted two numbers mr and mrs m wanless and fami ly were welcome visitors at church on sunday morning mr and mrs harold reed and fami ly spent sunday visiting friends at ashgrove and vicinity ashgrove school took part in the school fair held at s a no 16 es- queslns miss dierlem is to be con gratulated on her splendid school exhibit the pupils had entries many classes- and were successful getting many prises the september meeting of the wo men s institute was held at the home of mrs horace barnes the roll call was answered by giving a description of the house i was born in mrs russell hepburn gave some splendid thoughts on the motto east west home is best mrs p ruddell con ducted a demonstration on pickles the main paper of the afternoon was taken by miss reta fisher on how i can keep my house a home in the truest sense of the word mrs clay ton wilson favored with a pleasing solo after singing the king the lunch committee served a dainty lunch the october meeting will be at the home of mrs e wilson bytarlsb gburcb held tabe regular monthly meettnc at tbe boms of hits fladrley wright on tjaeday even ing with tbe president afrs flansordv 1n charge the sc lesson was- read by lorene bancord the prayer by jean given doris actcheu bad tbe topic a piper on oaoadlan hu- i tory peggy smelbunt ratio a chapter m the study book following the business lorene sanford conduct ed a slogan oontest which peggy smethuret won then a dainty lunch was served by sbhley tbe next meet ing will be held at tbe borne of era patterson tbe regular monthly wtin 0 the women s institute was held at the home of mrs jno meredith on sep tember 7th with tbeprealdent mrs oowdy in be chair tbe meeting opened with the singing of tbe in- stltute ode followed by the lords prayer the roll can was answered by naming my favourite tree and why mrs 8 nome was appointed to take mrs gtbbs place as captain of the limelights mrs beerman and mrs norrle were appointed delegates to ouelph september 12 and 13 mrs a norton was asked to get more in formation regarding electric lights for i the village streets tbe october meet ing is to fake the form of a social and afternoon tea mrs a benton spoke briefly on the motto the or chard mrs a norton entertained with two vocal solos beautiful dream er and because miss darothy cleave was present and gave demon strations on felt slipper making she displayed her model kitchen night clothing and underwear mrs oowdy thanked miss cleave for her practical talks and displays and expressed re gret that more were unable to be pres ent tobenent by them mrs norton moved a vote of thanks to the hos tess who then served lunch acton mr bert hinton has joined the tor onto flying club and is training u become a pilot acton cltisens band participated in the annual band tattoo at gait saturday and won third place with 75 points for their performance the winning band received only 78 at the first meeting of the new board of acton ymca on tuesday evening officers were elected as fol lows honorary president v b rumley president w o mason 1st vice president h w hinton tod vice presidentw k graham secretary c f leatherland treasurer chas klrkness mr w j beatty was chosen bead of the finance committee and the exec utlve committee was arranged to com prise the president secretary and treasurer the death occurred on saturday of jane armstrong beloved wife of d m henderson 38 brant road north gait mrs henderson has been in ill health t about three years bom near speedslde in eramosa township wellington county a dau ghter of the late mr and mrs george armstrong mrs henderson spent her girlhood in fergus where she atten ded school later she resided in both acton and toronto in 1901 she m ried mr henderson and in 1917 mr and mrs henderson removed from this community to bike up residence in oalt free press milton mr and mrs john a stover of mil ton celebrated their 61st wedding an niversary quietly at home with an their famlly on sunday last they were married in orlllla miss myrtle b field registrar of deeds for halton is tbe newly appoin ted treasurer of the ontario registrars association succeeding j o ajgulre of cornwall miss field was unamlnously chosen for tbe office at the associa tion s annual meeting held at tbe roy al york hotel toronto inspector of pubuc schools for hal- ton county j uskuoeand j a part ridge science master of tbt wnttflton normal scbool have ejtchanged posi tions for tbe oommc year tb exchange like some otbers has been arranged by tbe department of ena- clerks notice of first posting oi voters list umehouse mr yeates of london and mis mcgce have been visiting their daugh ter and niece respectively mrs gor don sutherland mrs sutherland and son allan retumedwith them for few days mr and mrs chas meredith and miss helen hae recently moved into the house left vacant by wm shel bourne mr and mrs ted morrow visited mrs r lane over sunday mr and mrs vernon swackhamer and miss phyllis hillabrandt of au burn new york arc visiting miss mar gret swackhamer mr and mrs jos schoales of to ronto visited mr and mrs a j smethurst the first of the week quite a number from limehoue attended the rural school fair held at the 7th line school last week the exhibits demonstrations and public speaking- in which the children took part were well worth seeing lieutenant j g r sutherland left saturday night for winnipeg where he will resume his active military du ties since his departure word has been received here that he has been promoted to a captalnacy mr kenneth stephenson visited mr wm newton the end of last week the presbyterian church sabbath school opened for its fall term last sunday rally day 1u be held lzi the near future the llmehouse w i held a success ful welner roast and dance at the home of mr and mrs steve norrie on thursday night received too late for last issue the girls lookout club of the pres- votetv lb 1939 municipality of esqueslnc county of halton notice is hereby given that i have complied with sections 9 and 10 of the voters list act and that i have posted up in my office at 8tewarttown on the 9th day of september 1939 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality for members of parliament and at municipal elec tions as appear to be entitled to vote according to the last revised assess ment roll and that such list remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters to take lmmedlate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac cording to law appeals to be in with in 21 days from the 9th day of sep tember 1939 dated this 9th day of september 1939 i m bennett 2t clerk township of esquesmg time table changes effective sunday september 24th 1939 full information from agents canadian national railways taso seedless raisins bread matches 2 19c 2ves 13 3 18c tomato juice 3 loc heinz pure pickling vinegar- 49c gum drops and orange slices 1 oc salted peanuts smarts carrots clam chowder lb 10c 2 tins 15c soup 2 for 15e masons 4 oi jar potted meats lie mooormieka batter cream sodas i lb pkg 2 23c babbits cleanser 5c clarks tomato and vegetable soup 4 for isc brooms 5 string 25c durham corn starch 9c whjnebt floor polish 39c- cooking onions cauliflower wax beans 25c apart basket lemons- doz 25c id lb bai9 10c 12c carrots 19c taut basket celery sc domini

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