Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 20, 1939, p. 7

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the g hrjraldt wednesday evening september 20th 1939 9u ky relume dealer everywhere for new home or replace an old wornoatroof a braslford roof will give the utmost ns roofing value years of protection bom driving rains wmter stornm and extreme vwmtwoi ofc temperature are built into brantford roofs brantford asphalt slales can be obtained m many plot colour oatnbtnatioob there as a branuord roofing dealer you who wiu gjadly submit an estimate of cost and explain the many desirable restates of snd extra protection that can be obtained from a brantford hoof more than thirty years experience in the manufacture of roofing materials ensures that brantford asphalt slates will give unex celled value weather protection and beauty brantford robfs brantford roofing company limited brantford ontario for sale by georgetown lumber co ltd enlisting goo christian science monitor the head of the gerrnan army end ed hb orders at the beginning of hos- tfljtks wtth these words forward with god for germany repenting the ptrr used by the kaiser at the start of the world war the head of toe polish state in a similar manffesta urged his people to fight with assurance thinking of the ylgntnes of the cause and oonfl- nt in the justice of oodv the story is told of abraham lta- oom that a friend once asked him do yon think ood is on our side fie replied tm much more ooncero- ed to be on gods side is there not here m key for every individual who today seeks a right course amid wart oonfusians when gods support is claimed for conflict ing human aims a clear and certain sense of right win uphold him who seeks not to enlist deity but first to know and do his wlll his eternal purposes are not turned aside by mor tal designs unchanging lore is not involved in hateful conflict his chil dren can enlist his help only to ac hieve his purposes only as they ex press his nature m whatever hu man course they take that must be their first concern agricultural societies fain and exhibitions 1939 setrtemser 23 alllston t sept 11 32 barrie sept 1821 beamsvlue sept 22 s3 cooksvtlle sept 22 23 gait sept 2123 hrartsvflle sept 2021 ftin t1 in sept 21 23 lis towel sept 20 31 meaford sept 21 23 mount forest sept 21 23 september 2530 arthur sept 27 28 chesley sept 25 26 cowngwood sept 28 30 dundalk sept 26 27 oeoroetown sept 27 m grand vauqi sept 29 so milton sept 29 mitchell sept 2021 own sound sept 30 oct 2 3 palstajr sept 26 21 falmerston sept 26 xi october z7 beetan oct s cookstown oot 5 xraytou oct s 4 erin oct 7 6 i ftfr1rhrn oct 51 strmtstlde oot 3 tais ou october fbrest oct 10 11 markdale oct 10 inteftnational plowzng match andvfmrm machinery demoristrationtontarlo hospi tal farm brockvflle ontario united counties of leeds and grentine oct 10 11 12 ottawa wthtsl fair hot 14- otjelph wthtkr fair dec 8 proof of the pudding is in the eating justice to our customers this means giving full count keeping promises and doing the best possible quality of work justice to ourselves means getting fair prices for our services and being allow ed reasonable time on orders on this basistve are successfully oper ating our printing plant and on this basb we solicit an opportunity to confer with you on the subject of your printing needs no job too large none too small what we print letterheads statements envelopes billheads shipping tags programs financial statements office forms circulars dodgers posters wedding business cards stationery calling cards catalogues window cards to obtain quality in printing h it abaohrtery ewentul that tin typographer make himself ramikar with the work of the beet prhiten we keep potted regarding all thoae matt that c good printing and good type everything m printing largely d on the t a alrill of printen we will gladx explain oar tetted methods without any obligation phone no 8 r t he georgetown herald printers and publishers it is better to get youbfprinting from us than to wish you had 1m0 witty cars attracted bist crowd at jfnrtt slsowuix new whxy8 rkatfjauts bbatjty and comport at ijwtost f1uce refinements and beauty of the willys can for 1m0 attracted 11000 people in one day to inspect the new models at the canadian national exhibition motor show executives of willys of caxaada ltd and wwyflcovertand motors inc who visited this display expressed particular satisfaction with the great public in terest in the new cars they were jos eph w fraser president of both corn- pantes who attended the onk dis play accompanied by delmar g boos vicepresident in charge of engineer ing ralph j archer vicepresident of willys of canada and a f jenkins sales manager of willys df tvi they pointed out that the willys car with alt its new improvements is the lowest priced full sized car in the world the unproved cars in the willys line include a four door sedan a coupe and a station wagon in botttfbeedway dcluxe models the new cars reflect the careful planning achieved by a combination of the experience of mr fraser and mr boos veterans of many yeans of activity in the automobile bus iness the willys for 1940 has a youthful dashing appearance its lines flow smoothly from deepskirted streamlin ed front fenders to the stylish trunk at the rear from front to back the new willys body is trimmed with a belt line chrome strip which enhances the ap pearance of the car as a whole hon ot runningboards at a small ex- jxa charge all speedway sedans have a vat baggage nxanparfment and all deluxe models have ft trunk ud on the rear deck door willys tnte year also lias increased the need room in the rear compart ment one of the most striking fea tures of the new car is the irnhrilrtttr tag and interlortrlm for rrphotettolhg in pcaunce models a boucle material is being used in beautiful two toned effects mohair and broadcloth are optional exposed edges are piped in leather covered sponge rubber tufting a feature of the new wluys which will attract instant attention and fa vorable reaction is the beautiful two spoke steering wheel trol gear shift lever mounted on the steering post is an added feature of beauty and convenience and ease of the last word in smooth opetatson it is a syrjchrooi- ed unit which is new in design and xequrres very little effort to opera tbe steering post gear stnft is stan dard on deloxe models and optional on other cars of the wills line hydraulic brakes of the latest im proved type wid be standard equip ment on all willys cam bumper to bumper the new wtuys models are 14 feet and 11 inches tt length and their height is s feet andt s inches the cars have a top speed of 75 miles an hour the special de- urxe coupe speedster win do 80 mues per- hour wlhys of canada ud advise that many owners report that they hav obtained up to 40 mil gas and over 30000 i ores it all depends probably the hardest job motners and young wives have to undertake is that of getting the family out of bed in the morning you know yourself if yoa have a husband or youngsters that you can call as often as you like but until middle agaysets in nothing short of a charge of dynamite is really effec tive and the plaintive wails that precede the actual getting out of bed are un believable i we have a daughter in our house i should say we have a daughter in our house during the hours devoted to sleep at other times she is to be found in tbe lake or diving from the raft or away out on a canoe trip no matter how not the sun is she and the amphibious gang of which she is a member are all hard at work taking exercise in one form or another and finding it fun but to get back to tbe wails yesterday i took a hand in my sternest manner i pointed out that night l the time for sleeping i refer red as all fathers do to the pleasant qualities of the hours when the morn ing is fresh you want me to waste away to a hadow was the reply tve got to have sleep it all depends housing cotnrjoission well above 2000000 mark loans again national housing act well above the tsjdoojooo mane are shown in the monthly report of opera tions for august released today by the houourahteij i ralston minister of finance toons approved during the month aggregated 2483031 agaunst 1031404 in august last year an in crease of 113 approvals have now exceeded 2000ooq m eaon of tbe past four months the figures for may june and july being i343m01 ub6a2s and s3 771501 respectively during august 574 individual loan applications were given approval by the housing administration seven of these loans were to finance multiple family houses nine to finance two- family houses and 558 to finance sin- gleramjy bouses providing in all housing accomodation for 683 families in the same month last year the num ber of family housing units financed was 254 the average loan per unit for august works out to 3497 more significant however in appraising the contribution of this legislation to low cost housing in canada is the fact that 451 of the uniu or 66 were actually flnan- moa school mmxs in five pupils of brampton high sobnetj on their way to school tuesday loom ing sept 12th narrowly escaped in jury when a car driven by john hot- ehlnson snelgrove himself a stodens of the school struck a heavy truck am charge of keith north of that his wtodshield wiper bad not beam working satisfactorily prior to tbe ao- ckiciit traffic officer ray hodgaxjn brampton investigated treasurers sale ot landtor taxes town of georgetown county of haxton i the burden of her complaint was that to wit by virtue of a warrant issued the mayor of tbe town of gear town g date of the 15th day eft june sale of lands in arrears of tana ced by toms mil wo the ge bittsttoifj 5 figure 0 or 63 ol the units re i kgckhftti trosnoob shdir 1109 unless lbs tuts nottca ai vouscw other d b- ut 2k jfe jkl- average figure 430 or 63 of the units iaoo the gang teases her about her si and tzxzzssl j s3 000 and nearly two- fifths 265 un i its were financed by loans of 2500 or lcs i whil the number of units financed cuthemelvc m au pp moderately from line with the normal seasonal trend the number of wl loans maximum s2 2w continued to advance reaching 151 for the month against 136 in july these loansare available only where the house flsyalued at 2500 or less nnd is belngouut for an owner who 10 f will occupy it upon completion srnoa the original investment is low and the monihlj instalment approximately 14 71 plus taxes is within reach of i j families with very modest incomes the hoi r of the daj and that the extra ten j if riti j i ww- trend of operations in this direction is minutes or half an hour at breakfast fci ran be brth spot llshten wlfes ff i lonely hours when her husband a ay your middle aged couple seem j l jze rh k vt i to this ume no loans have been made the facilities have now been made av what ould she do to reduce husbands and i speak with author itj are wore thej lie abed until the last posstbe moment while slaving rush for the train bain or the back forty without break fast without a word to their wives or children is there anj wonder that women alone all da after a brier in terlude curing which their husbands il xared to look upon them only as unsilanid cooks and hdusekeepers get the teelng that this is a man middle age seems to make a differ ence- with the middle years lization that marrla e is for loans were made in 14 new com muni ties during august in wnlcn prior sale for arrears of taxes is being pub lished in the ontario gazette on that 5th day of august 1939 on the 2ml day of september 1939 and on the 7th day of october 1939 and that copies ot the list may be had at my office notice is further given that in the event of all lands not being sold on november btb 1939 the sale wm bar adjourned to the 16th day of novem ber 1939 at the same hour on whicb day the municipality intends to pur chase any lands for whicb the total amount of taxes and costs is not of fered treasurers office this 4th day at july 1939 p b harbison treasurer to realize that the extra hour stolen from sleep at night is nowhere near as valuab as the few minutes compm ionshlp in the morning perhaps that realization is what makes england what she is today eng land is a sort of nuddiebged country she has the calm of middleage the experience of middleage she may ap pear to muddle through but she does- n t really she has done it all before and therefore can go calmly about what has to be done without excite ment of uproar of a younger country she goes calmly about her daily life no emtushman would think of starting his day without us breakfast in fact he goes further he wouldnt think of starting his day without his rnornlng cup of tea before he shaves and you can face even such ugly facts as an unshaver face much better with a cup of tea under your belt no matter where he goes your eng lishman sticks to his morning tea ha bit he has done it in the icy wastes of the antarctic in tbe steaming jung les of africa who knows this lecture of the early morning may be the key to great brit ain a character perhaps the key to getting up in the morning is hidden in tlwteapot x read in a south african paper not kang ago of an inventor who had linked an elec tric kettle to his alarm clock it soun ded ingenious by an arrangernent of switches the kettle is at the boil whan the alarm wakes him and three min utes after he jets out of bed that of course may be going too far but thorn is no doubt that the world would be a much lafrsaanter ptece far mothers wives hired man street ctoabdutors tf we all got up i lln honw a utue whfle before we start out for the days work waattine do i getnp fittt morn- jtwur t it all depends ailable in 366 cities towns and villages the aggregate of national housing act loans approved hi the twelve month period ending august 31 1939 stands at 19423662 to the same state total loans approved under the nation al housing act and its predecessor the dominion housing act exceed s41j600- 000 divided according to provinces as follows province rjjjtts amount prince edward island 18 87434 nova scotia 535 227s60 new brunswick 163 660367 quebec 2516 10jsss ontario 5 771 2046269 manitoba 505 1934jm saskatchewan 103 246jq2 alberta british columbia 1802 5746701 total 11411 41610721 taksn at wam woatd wbax were taose had tonight oookr- ybn reaasntibst malun those ahraimmm in 13m so levsiy you could eat wau yen havel have you renewed radio repairing u tears ensataaaes we specialize this work on j sanford a son aaouvrown mw w western canada special bargain exc from all stati in east canada 29 1939 inclusive oomo i september 15- 5 ooa0bb at tmt apfraxbaamhr ike me atife- 5 5 toobwt mil mill cuss aftmjtorarbaatab lc par atito s a sfamimmd mill inn coaches atllna appear ihe par adta s port of aeoooi in naaufar part acahoaai aooaoe i 0 a at fart artkar aaaaat cmeaf sjhi naat b 9 suub excnmbtoma moat wsnn iduhan auuda 5 s mnoia baiik rbiod j lekma aaaptnc oar t l aaan mat aay aajat aj canadian natjoxlai j v

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