Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1939, p. 1

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seventythird year of publication wednewuy evening r27tbj939 ljo in advance 200 tojisa esquesing agricultural fall fair opened here today junior project sponsored by acton fair are highly successful the officers and faembers of the acton fab board bare reason to be l of the re of their vide and t diversified programme of the put year two of their many projects were with a boys grain club and a boys foal dub at their achievement day held in conjunction with the fair uat week 15 of the grata club members completed the project and bad their grain on exhibition wbfie 15 of the 17 foal club members had their foals in the snowring the grain clubjjreject cajjeuvfor toe sowing of one or more acres of oats usmv registered seed the fields were inspected r were kept on cost of production two meetings were held where the speakers were john mcleod of the dept of agriculture who gave an illustrated lecture on weeds and their control dr o mc- bosue bead of the field husbandry dept at guefph on grain varieties and prof h o bell of the sous dtvteloh at the college who spoke on son fertility finally the young men each exhibited onehalf bushel of their grain at the big show last week ind at the same tune judged and gave two classes of grain and answered ten inibbthna pertain liy far soil fertility cultural practices etc prises were awarded on the aggre gate score taking in all phases enu merated the results have now been released by agricultural representa tive j e whiteloek and are as fol lows lst cfaas mcnabb rockwood 2nd gordon leslie acton 3rd geo fisher georgetown 4tfa erwood john ston acton 5th harold berber ac ton 6th jack vangoosen acton 7th irwin smith rockwood stfa chas barber acton 9th jhn mcnabb rockwood sloth ross swackhan acton 11th wllmer davidson ac ton 13th neu mcnabb rockwood 13tfa bruce reid georgetown 14th allan simpson oampbeuvule 15th george a acton we understand the foal club pro ject has not as yet been completed in all details and the qnal results win therefore be announced in a later edi tion by wilfrid eggleston ottawa sept 36 canada now moves swiftly to play her part in the war every day brings some additional evi dence that thamachmeis being step ped up much of the movement is be hind the scenes and for renons of pol icy is not being advertised almrwfr vfhhnwt mftgagrthwwri being aware t it tfae government has taken to itself practically untimltort powers it can act swiftly and secretly to pursue what it behevee to be the best policy for the nation prices and wages can be fixed securi and sav ings taken over lnfonnatiair repressed individuals detained these are pot ential powers and some may not be exercised but the power is there in unlimited quantity it is one of the accompaniments of war the new swift developments of coe past few days axe m three or four sep arate fields 1 military action comprises the dec ision to enlist train and equip two div isions ajuslsomumi rev kenneth mclean addressed young people there was a large attendance at knox presbyterian church last sunday evening when the young peoples 8o- detv held a special service it being the opening of the fall season for the society of the church and a special dedication service was conducted by the pastor rev d d davidson when the officers for the coming year were duly invested rev mr leggett of nerval took part in the service and the guest soloist was miss molly mc intyre of knox church toronto j number of the executive of the to ronto presbytery were present at the service rev kenneth mclean wlngham was the special speaker delivered an excellent and inspl address at the close a fellowship hour was held in the basement when old friends renewed acquaintances with mr and mrs mclean and other visitors presentation is made to miss margaret baisby the young women a association of the united church tendered a presen tation and social evening in honor of miss margaret bralsby a bridetobe of this week the gathering assemb led at the borne of rev and mrs overend and after a social time to- getber a beautiful blanket was pre sented to the guest of honor bridge club news the mens bridge club win hold its first meeting of the season monday night at 8 pm in the legion assembly rooms new mttwy are cordially invited it public meeting in order to comply with tbe wishes of a deputation of public spirited wo men interested in organising a wo mens patriotic league in this cbn- muiilty and tbe surrounding district there win be public meeting in tfae auditorium of tbe public library fri day evening sept 39 at 8 pjn reelrxmg as i do tbe benefit an the womens organisations have been th tbe years in the town of georgetown knowing the outstanding qouulbuunh tbe members of each bare made for tbe advancement of chic wel a c bette ment in times of peace and content ment i am convinced that a tempor- ry formation of one orgaxdwm would prevent less dupneatton of floss hi making more comfortab and inbeibjkbqufcj5qq theneedle men it is tbe smallest complete battle unit and includes three brigades of infantry 4 battalions each divisional artillery divisional engineers supply signals etc one of these divisions win be ear marked for service overseas the other for tbe time at least for home defence the units will be raised af many local centres and given prelimin ary training then there wul be con centration into provincial or regional training camps unlike tbe last war there is no intention of burdening tfae democracies by sending over inade quately equipped and halftrained troops to add to the transportation and feeding dwtculues of the allies the ca will go abroad trained in canada and equipped with canad ian supplies 2 this will be supplemented hi other fields there will be a big expansion in naval activity and canada will rap idly build and outfit a fleet of antl submarine craft so as to relieve the british navy of the need of patrolling ca waters and so as to assist in convoying canadian goods there wfll be a tremendous expansion in tbe training of air pilots and craftsmen 3 canada s production of war equip ment and supplies will go far beyond the needs of her own war forces she will become one of the major supply factories for britain and france aero planes artillery shells high explosives machine guns and other direct fight ing weapons will be produced and so will the numerous incidental wartime already the new war supply board headed up by a leading technl cai industrialist and the national re search council are geared up to get the machine into full operation nu merous contracts have already been let and others will be let as fast as possible 4 canada will be one of the main sources for foods and metals steps are being taken to control the cheese and apple markets and government supervision of other supplies is expec ted there is such a large crop of wheat that restrictions upon trading of it may not be immediately intro duced but the expectations for the fu ture are that this vital commodity will also be under close government super vision even as it is now the govern toent is in control of a great measure of wheat marketing 5 on the financial and fiscal side there are unannounced evidences that the expansion of bank credit is begin rung in a quiet and well controlled way capital projects by provinces and municipalities are being discour aged so that tbelr demand for struc tural and building materials will not interfere with the war effort there is ukely to be a serious lapse in high way construction for a while the rail ways on the other hand are pjnrg to spend rather freely to bring the transportation needs of economy war into good shape 6 restrictions on voluntary enlist ments are being made so as to ensure that men with special qualifications badly needed in tfae effort to get tbe industrial machine well under way are not drawn off into military service many skilled men are required in mod ern mechanised armies and these win be accepted up to the number absolu tely needed in khaki but most of the specialists and highly skilled win be needed in tbe great drive now being launched to produce a vast flood of war munitions fine program swiw into action at arena with jtiigs creighton an entertain big show at fair grounds tomorrow to mark ninetythird annual exhibition after weeks of preparation and mnebbrprk on the part of tbe executive sodety fall fair ojtonedberetodayjostiwjainey at tbe tirrie cf golffe to preasenbrles for the various of exhibits are coming in large nembers compe is keen and much interest on tbe part of farmers and town folk alike despite the serious war situation tttwas deckled that the fair should go on and noting that it is ff its ntnetythtod consecutive year prompts us to say that it must have coroethrough tbese trying tunes before tbe first fair was held at stewarttown lend has carried along from tbe pioneer days to the modem day of georgetown and district and in so do ing it has not been laggard but always 4 lap or two abead of tbe public mind in tbe matter of development andp this year is no exception while tbe fair was primarily for tbe far mer prizes for livestock and produce have been considerably increased but in so doing the list has been changed to take in all classes of exhibitors not only tfae stock and produce exhibitors there la a place for the borticultural- lstb tbe market and home gardener tbg manufacturer and tbe merchant further there is place for tbe ladies to display then- handicraft with with the brush and e tbe ooofc book and tbe preserving dish tonight the fair officially opens wttfa a splendid entertainment in tbe arena when russ creighton and his fumjadtan mountaineers wul put on a varied program there win be singing taridancing musicians comedians etc two hours of good wholesome fun a gpoid time for young and old on thursday show day proper another big show wilt be ushered in at tbe georgetown park besides the exhibits an afternoon of homeracing high jumping by horses potato races sheaf binding contests baby shows etc su ti unorder of tfae day free parking wlu allow tbe visitors to take tbelr cars into tbe grounds and thus add to their convenience and comfort the ouelph pipe band will provide music during tbe afternoon to windup the fair a dance and floor show win be held in tbe arena when music will again be supplied by tfaat popular dance bend ruttorelghton and his canadian mountaineers a rtureof tbe whole show wutbe the acrobatic acts of weetolara felly in the floor show so much for tbe program and preparations made by p ji petch and his directorate now a word as to the part due the fair by the public the fair belongs to the people of georgetown and the surrounding itto itaete to support to have it continue the atevementa j maintain its high reoo sri sfirtwrss- s met v jgr 1939 is assured lets go in the news of the week you mat see this scene at georgetown pair town sidewalks to be repaired kojije flan work at milton a meeting of tbe john mfiton chap ter of tbe loixk was held in tbe home of tbe mrs e hsrrop last week mrs a dawson presided in tbe ab sence of the regent mrs c r tur ner mrs wm morrison of provincial regent guest speaker spoke on tbe work of tbe order lck uar- jorit dawson and kbs norrpa maccel- ms provided tbe onrnrtatnmmt tbe recent was appoin musts to the aenmannual provincial loeattnf to boh cm br pete on oct tosa the newly formed countess of stmtfa- toore ctmpter of guast of me contract for pabllc library fsmace awarded by council council met at 7 is pjn on monday evening to special session witb mayor gibbons in the chair reeve davis and councillors hall lyons cripps brown and mcdonald present jtev mr thompson addressed coun cil regarding new furnace for public library moved by ab cripps seconded by o w davis that tbe tender of w c anthony of 225j for tbe instal lation of a furnace in the public lib rary be accepted carried moved by o w davis seconded by a r cripps that the offer of mr a 8 wilson of 310000 for tbe corpor ation proper on queen st be ac cepted and that tbe mayor and clerk be authorised to sign all necessary papers pertaining thereto carried yce o davis hall lyons cripps mcdonald and brown moved by k mcdonald seconded by n h brown that we proceed with tbe con of sidewalks on tbe tattoos streets as tecommeoded by tbe road oonrmrtten carried council adjoerned the marriage took puee untted cbnroh permnstn of mary katharine dau of to chester wuham meek son of ur and mrs b l meek ouelph bjst w irwin officiated they wtfl ttve on the groom farm puaunch town- hto glen williams mrs white returned to her home in deland florida on monday after spending tbe summer here a guest ai the home of mrs p d wagstaffe mr and mrs fred norton of ha mutontwere week end visitors at the home if mr and mrs j norton harrt williams who was recently award the h c cody scholarship conimenced his studies at university college on wednesday mr john 8 mcmaster of tbe 10th line met witb an unfortunate acci dent on monday afternoon when be fell from a new silo which he was erecting he was taken to toronto general hospital where x ray reveal ed a broken pelvis and a broken wrist mrs b barker tbe glen road re turned home from buxton england on saturday mr and mrs wm bennett return ed to georgetown from brantf ord on monday and win make tbelr borne on main st north tbe harvest festival service ws held at st albans church on friday evening when tfae special preacher was tba rev afr brook rector of norval the services were res on sunday after when tbe p her was the rev j cameron rector of toronto the harvest home services w held t the tjntted cbnroh on sunday the rev mr baruett wa tosireacfaer at tfae pattern of canadas tion in the new world war is laning into place ottawa that only two divisions totalling bet ter than thirty thousand menaie be ing prepared for overseas service if and whenjbey are jteeded recrulung for ibis reourement has almost been completed with utile fuss intriguing- htghhefrt of this past week wastbe increasing fm on canada s preparation for tbe other phase of war effort that of bwhtng food munitions and war materials of every description to tbe mother coun try first keynote sounded in this con nection was an official statement from ottawa that skilled workmen wlu not be allowed to enlist witb an overseas force a similar ban operates against trained agricultural wor and pro fessional men of all kinds whose ser vices will be vital m a wellorganlsee home production machine and with this move comes tbe first djeteouon of necessary compuaksv which characterises war effort even et this early datea inanufactorer has recourse to official ottawa if one of bis key workers quits bis employ and kilns the army on receipt of tbe com plaint from the employer tfae work man will be plucked from tbe ranks r khaki and sent back to industry thus we may have tfae first step to wards some form of conscription for a new kind of war service at home an observer dose to the government at ottawa declares in this connection that particular care win be taken also to see that qualified farm workers are kept available for increased production in agriculture as one minister said you can train a man to be a good sol dier much quicker than you can train him to be efficient on tbe farm other developments include the ap pointment of wallace r campbell president of the ford motor car com pany of canada as chairman of tbe war supply board of canada and r c vaugban former vicepresident of tbe canadian national railways as vicechairman and directorgeneral of purchases both men wul serve with out salary these men through tbe canadian government will be working with tfae briush mission members of which have been developing plans with in tensity for some time as a result of this tbe country is not caught napping dozens of shad ow plants have been designated and with the quick delivery of necessary machinery it will not take long to have lnem working at top speed al ready the training of mechanics for the air force is under way at gait evldeuce that the government will be work ng closely with the farmers of the country is shown in advice this week from the hon mr gardiner minister of agriculture he recommended tbe farmers not to shift from cheese pro duction to butter production simply because of an advance in price for butter the minister declared the dominion government was setting up machinery to handle tfae sale of cheese to the united kingdom and would see to it that the additional shipping and insurance charges caused by war con dlttons would not recoil on the pro ducer mr gardiner pointed out that while 66 per cent of canadian cheese is exported mostly to great britain au canadian butter is consumed in the dominion increased butter production would only result in further overbur denlng an already glutted market here in ontario tbe government which pledged cooperation with the federal government is finding in turn a spirit of cooperation from tbe con servative opposition during tbe spe cial session originally called to put through amendments to the succession duties act col drew and bis follow erfe were all for tbe hepburn govern ment in its move to have ottawa take on the burden of guarding ontario points against possible sabotage and la general plans to assist tfae federal authorities in making war production in this province as efooent as possible the nasslng of mrs arthur van- koughnet in toronto whose work as bead of the soldiers akloominlssion in tbe great war and whose voluntary efforts for veterans was continued practically to the very day of her death recalls bow many of tbe promi nent figures in that great struggle have gone to tbelr reward sir robert bor den sir wilfred laurler sir 8am hughes sir arthur ourrie general oarnet hughes sir joseph fiavede hon w j hanne and general mercer hare au bee spar tbe gloom of the second great jrortd war ob m efaurch held hi ill tbe uwussof tbe very suooeatful chicken man wants but utue here below says a pbjosopner its different witb a boy he wants s nrnttdottn a pistol e uj inoostac a detectives tin badge a notoreycle s mod twth a fiddle a prmttnf a stomp al bum a tool obeet s coat a camera squirt tun a tone rat a bassbsb sntt and s pan of skates mibb sybil bennett first peel county lady lawyer now of tfae legal firm of dale and bennett of georgetown which ann have bees retained to act as solicitors for tfa town of brampton during tbe absence of roy w lent who has signed up for service ssh officer in the lome oent 1 miss bennett wttrbs in charge of tbe brampton office ready aye ready if you can keep your bead when all about you are losing theirs and blaming tt on you during the past two weeks tbese words of kipling have frequently recurred to our mlndv e women seem to be rush ing around asking what are we go lng to do about war work calm yourselves ladles and consider then is no association of women in canada better organised than our own wo men s institutes end we made a gootl record m tbe former great war at tbe ouelph area convention of the institutes last week we were in formed by our provincial president mrs mcdowall that offers of service had already been sent to premier hep burn and to tbe prune minister rt hon mackenzie king we await or ders the canadian red cross has already asked miss clark our super intendent for coodeamtoo but ap parently were j quits to to say- just how we might odoperaie our part la to be ready when tbe needs are made known let us each and everyone be prepared first bjf literally and figuratively setting our own house in order then let us clear our minds of trivialities and consider what we personally are best fitted to do let us not waste time in envy or jealousy the quality of our work win depend on our keeping minds free from these no enemy can harm me much no matter how unkind unless x let revengeful thoughts destroy my peace of mind let us strive only to give efficient help where it is most needed it may take just a little time in which to find that out it would seem to us that one of our first duties is conser vation we canadians are a wasteful people let us learn to be not stingy but thrifty careful in little thing then it is not too late to preserve to our use at least what is left of the kindly fruits of tbe earth are yoa thinking of england well we have good authority for saying that they wul be glad to have dried apples there is a chance for paring bees hunt out your ping machines through the country if you would rather knit than do anything else why knit but be sure tbe socks wfa fit a man without hurting- his feet the ontario department of agricul ture is prepared to give instruction in knitting and sewing where group require it there is one thing of importance we have not yet mentioned that 1 the matter of finances our sugges tion is if you know of any way km which your group can earn money get to work at it quickly many are ex pecting tbe red cross to supply funds but tbe latest advice we have from the red cross is a recotrunendation the organizations provide ifaeh own keep ye the lew be swift in sfl obedience by tbe peace amona our peoples let man know we serre tfae lord- w l member e appemav the onto hose which never hrijt mats tbe ore nose war checks science tbe war has commenced to have it effects on conf of an mtormv- tionai character one of the first to suffer being the third international oongreai for microbiology whkb open ed attew york on september itia i hrvnlrti and bafltorkdoflsto from various countries had phunttl to attend among them en kin i mi from england france arid germany sev eral british and french sotonttsts waft bed arrived only the week before re turned home before to oppress started a thousand hactoriollats btoersjafay cnemhti end pfaysuans had sent to their registrations tram tt cotetma repreaentinc aq continents the oon- srainmtotdottoak more the- 600 pipers bed been prepared prsesntatlon rsprssantlaffjtos sntt ship of iw men and wome tool tog- scores of lsajtne eptborttiej to i autfaorv vj

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