Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1939, p. 2

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pale 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 27th 1939 the georgetown herald phone no j m moose editor as tmbuaht grtw lmeodfrmj atoaiu editor a weekly newspaper devoted to the bestlmterests of the town ot georgetown and surrounding country tacludlnjr the villages of olen w1i- nerval umehoum bfewrnowd banbuxad apd terra cotta issued k office on main bt nnntavrt ivuy wednesday evening at the c on main sj georgetown subscription rates tlm per year in advance united states aoo additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be tven when change ox address is requested advttftdbino rates legal notices 12c per une for first insertion loot line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each on if in black face type sc per line additional notices qualifying as events smoh as concerts entertainments society church or or- ji meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge asc reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memortan notices 50c- and 10c per aw extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 60c small ad- uents one inch or less 60c lor first inseruoh and 25c for eachsub- insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald opts advertising in its columns on the- understanding that it win not be tue- for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless of such advertisement lsreqi j y 1 fay the advertiser and returned to d by the advertiser and with such error tjrreotlon piainlyiotealn writmgthereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected rherald business offloe tluly- 1 wiimnj wiciuuu wiu ul hush uk u uij v1iw v j the herald its liability shall not exceed such proportion- of the entire- cost of such advertisement as the space occupi ed by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such adver tisement v the herald does job printing op all kinds poetry harvest time pillowed and hushed on the silent ivkapped in her mantle of golden i grain wearied of pleasuring weeks away summer is lying asleep today hvbere winds come sweet from the wild rose briers and the smoke of the faroff prairie sod purple her eyes as the mists that dream at the edge of some laggard sun- drowned stream but over their depths the lashes sweep for summer is lying today asleep the north wind kisses her rosy mouth his rival frowns in that far off south and comes caressing her sunburnt cheek and summer awakes for one short week awakes and gathers her wealth of grain then sleeps and dreams for a year again pauline johnson what other papers say newmarket eta the canadian corps association is urging conscription of manpower and wealth if conscription of men becomes desirable or necessary it will certainly be unacceptable to a large portion of the population without some measure of conscription of wealth we never could see why one man should give his lifewhile another man prospered maybe yon are right creemore star napoleon is supposed to have said that england never wins a battle ex cept the last one its too bad hitler hadnt heard that but then he too will have plenty of tune for equally philo sophical outbursts when he lands in a modern st helena believe in yourself believe in yourselfl believe you were made to do any task without calling for aid believe without growing too scornfully proud that you as the greatest and least are endowed amlnd to do thinking two hands and xteo eyes are all the equipment god gives to the r wise believe in yourselfl youre divinely de signed and perfectly made for the work of mankind this truth you must cling to through danger and pain the heights man has reached you also can attain believe to the very last hour for its true that whatever you will youve been gifted to do believe in yourself and step out un afraid by misgiving and doubt be not easily swayed youve the right to succeed the pre cision of skill which betokens the great you can earn if you will the wisdom of ages is yours if youu read 3ut youve got to believe in yourself to succeed conversion imminent dr j m buckley a methodist div ine was once asked to conduct an ex perience meeting at a negro church in the south a woman arose and bore witness to predousness of her religion as a light bringer and comfort giver thats good sister commented dr buckley but now about the prac tical side does your rellgon make you strive to prepare your husband a good sllnner does it make you look after liim in every way just then dr buckley sensed the negro preacher yanking his coat tails aufld whispering ardently press dem jueauons press dem questions doc lats my wife we dp nifty letterheads envelopes statements circulars etc phone no for your next order a different thing new york post there is no necessity to hide or gloss the fact that most americans favor britain and prance so do we repeal of the embargo will help britain and france not through our doing but through their own navy and their own blockade what of it surely it will not help to keep us out of war to per petuate a statute which aids the other side should italy stay neural and- be able to buy in the us and thereby outrages a majority and intensifies the emotional irritations which might drag us into participation exile returns elora express well thank goodness the duke of windsor and the duchess for whom he gave up so much have returned to britain that it has taken a euro pean war to get them there is lament able fact but in any cii5e those of us who still retain an affection for our some time king and have deeply pitisd his unfortunate position as a man without a country are glad that he is once more in hlsbeloved england and is taking on a definite job on- doubtedly he will do well in it in a world o tragedy let us be thankful for the return of the exile pmtjflh aw momubdj british government plans for jh mobulaatlob ofptwsfelaas in waxwere agreed upon between the ministry of health and the central mftrgenoy committee of the british medical as- the scheme provides for national hospital medical service for the treat ment of casualties physicians joining it will assume for a period of three years a definite liability to serve the service will be recruited from physl- clans other than those already in wboletlme employment ofjthe gov ernment or local authorities class a physicians are being called up for whole time hospital service with liability to transference to any part of the country class b physicians wilj be liable to hospital service on a ses sional basis in their ownhospital area i according to the london correepoh- denf ot the journal of the american medical association the scale df sal aries in class a are as follow consul- j tant advisor 7000 group officer t60b i medical superintendent of a hospital of 1000 beds and over 6000 of 750 beds 5000 of 300 beds 4500 officer in charge of surgical or medical dln- slon hospital of 500 beds and over 4750 specialists 4000 medical offi cers 2750 house ofifcgraru0 the salaries are on a resident basis if board and lodging are not supplied an allowance of 500 will be paid in lieu thereof class b physicians will be paid 913 a session for consultant and specialist work of two hours duration up to five sessions in any one week with 10 for other sessions general practitioners will be paid 8 a session of two hours duration physicians so employed will not wear a uniform but a distinguish ing badge this will involve allocatoa to ttospl- l tal staffs of physicians engaged in pri vate practice but the british medical association have elaborated a scheme for the maintenance in every area of an adequate number of physicians and the safeguarding of the practice of those who are called up his jiandicap the magistrate was a very keen gol fer hewas trying the case of a man who waj summoned for- cruelty to his wife my client salo the defending counsel is a much maligned man his wife is constantly nagging him and in the end driven to desperation he beat her into silence with a golf club the magistrate leaned forward with a sudden show of interest in how many strokes he eagerly queried war aytiok oo formed bt dmued43p7jich a war service committee was to day created by the aubexecatlt of the general council of the united church of canada for the purpose of guiding the united church in her min istry of service made necessary by the specific emergency now facing the members of the committee are moderator of the united church of canada the right rev dr john w woodside of ottawa was named hon- ourary chairman rev dr w harold young toronto chairman joint sec- retarles rev dr gordon a slsco- secretary of the general council and rev j r mutchmor secretary of the board of evangelism and soda ser vice principal walter t brown tor onto the very rev dr twer- bryce toronto judge a cochrane brampton colonel c a- corrigan toronto rev george oaaton feterboroj sir robert falconer toronto senator ivy pauis ottawa rev geo o fallls toronto mrs g ernestforbes weston rev archie gulies tfponto rev dr g g kupatrlck montreal rev dr robert laird toronton9enator norman lam bert ottawa mr denton massey mp toronto jar j mcdonnell jr mon treal mr j c moparlane toronto rev john mutch hamilton rev gor don raymer st thomas mr howard rapson- toronto mrs george robin son toronto mr r p thompson ot tawa and dr h m tory ottawa ontarios peach crop this season is reported to be the largest known in the province for- the past twentyfive years poke a mostei eacucnt lis a onvcuuve ctawajaat najnwn h that brim discomfort and mmr upeinle a an walla certain mineral aalta and tbe datlr do of knucbea vmd war to set tfaen jawr tasteless la keeps me fhung ypuhoah another aidi the kidneys to cun a third helps purify the bloodmir c5k why not try kraacbm b i refined mineral aalt one lor example ew dd k common iaaws ofho another aku the kidneys to eliminate poibmu try knuchcn salta at ai immediately and m for yotmclf how very httk it cocu tofeel like a mhuoo dollarat bottlea sc sc say you saw it advertised in the herald if you have anything to sell advertise it in saltans best advertis ing medium mountain lakes are now stocked with trout dropped from airplanes by parachute oogn and prescribe consult optical needs vary there can never be a set rolf for fitting or reoon glasses the human j so many variations that case is a distinct one quires training and skill t we specialise la eye grammarian and i o t walker ro 4 optometrist eyesight specialist bramptoa who b at bosss drug store georgetown the wednesday f every snlh or yon may conwdt t walker at hh efllce m brsssyl would be appreciated now orillla packettimes president rossevelt has kindly re newed his assurance that no foreign power will be permitted to occupy canadas soli or infringe on canadas sovereignty canadians will be much obliged to the president for his neigh bourly act in throwing round them the protective mantle of the monroe doctrine though at the moment they have no apprehension that germany will be able to overthrow the british navy what they would appreciate highly would be that their powerful friend should join them in fighting the battle of freedom on the banks of the rhine seek ticket ref after 6z years an unused portion of a railway tick et from chicago to boston which was purchased in the grand trunk rail way ticket office 62 years ago and re cently found in- the effects of a late resident of andover mass has been presented to the passenger department of the central vermont railway for refund the unused portion of the ticket was good for travel between montreal and white river jet whats this said golfer mctavlsh wheres the other boy hun and me tossed up to see whod caddy for you said the boy oh much impressed with the ap parent honour and so ye won did ye laddie no indeed said the boy i tost when at the fair or any bay caiilatthe 1 hotel mcgibbon aridbe another satisflgp patron of our unexcelled dinmq room service hotel foby licensed ninety third annual fall exhibition of the esquesing agricultural society will be held at george to win wed and ctdt 97 9q thursday jelie li lp first night ot show sept 27th comqiencing at 8 pm in the georgetown arena entertainment by the popular variety entertainers of toronto ross creighton and his canadian mountaineers singers tap dancers accordionist comedian ventriloquist admission adulu 25c children 10c fair day sept 28th best livestock exhibit west of toronto magnificient hall exhibit potato race trial of speed 220 226 high jump baby show midway sheaf binding contest sixhorse team demonstration in front of grandstand for many other special features see prize list the lome scots band will be in attendance aanimjori adultm 3scr children 15c free parfcing fair night dance and floor show in the arena miuic by run c and his canadian mouotainmn floor show featuring wee clara pelly aensational acrobatic star i 35c dancmg 84s to 130 ajn st aa ia i h i 1 p w oueav president cn jt time table ataadantvthne 1m u i mall 10j j passenger and mau 846 pjn passenerafor mvonto 941 pjn passenger sunday only 891 pjn qatar west and man im-ms- passenger joally except saturdays and sunday 609 pia saturdayonly 2ja nnt passenger and mafl 64ft pan passenger sunday u18 pja passenger saturday night only from nov 4 to apr 27 1x23 sjh gdng north mall and passenger 846 ftff going sooth and passenger 650 pjn- time table leave georgetown ol a 708 am 928 am 1218 pan o 223 pjn 438 pjn 648 pjn 9j03 pjn to london 1006 ma xll20 am 205 pjn s djo av445 njn 700 nm nt j aju xll20 am 205 pjn 6 pjn ay445 pjn 1s pjn wiwpjn dxll05 pjn exllo pan j except sun and hoi b sun and hoi o saturday only d except sal sun and hol e bat sun and hoi r ta kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long phone gray coach lines pirectory f b watson dds msia georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons db j e jackson dentist xbay office hours dally 9 to 5 evenings- 7 to 9 phone m4w georgeton leot dale kc m sybil bennett bjl barristers and soudtors mill street georgetown ont kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pamio first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bldg mu1 st phone 88 georgetown frank petch i licensed auctioneer for the counties of peel and halts prompt service telephones cheltenham 2fi r 23 georgetown 61 r s post office cheltenham waller t evans co general insurance ocean steamship service heal estate mlo st norta cm m monuments pollock ingham successors to cater se worth gall ont designs on resjmst plwae mis inspect our work in greenwood cemetery am nielsen tsu year c praatle chiropractor xray drugleu therapist offlcei over domlnlaa store qgotsotown iy ax nm i ttamv a friend ends the star i ufactured in oerjnaoy uon that ha w t 0 m a f jtnra

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