Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1939, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wd nosy voningr september 274b 1939 ffii0b3 l ip mmtco t i j r i announce a special showing of tip tdp tailors fall am hunter woolens and styles in suitings and overcoatings by- mr c a rafelman tip top tailors- special representative on friday september 29th 5 be sure to come in and meet him 8 those who appreciate rich quality fabrics will be fl intrigued by the infinite variety of tip top suitings k and overcoatings shown by their representative 2 d brill co 2 phone 157 igeorgetown by frances lee barton the recipe below is called chocolate cottace podding but to me chocolate- mansion pad ding would be equally appropri ate the padding b economical enough to be served in the most humble cottace hot deudoos enough to race the table of onr most elaborate mansion chocolate cottage pudding 1m caps sifted cake flour 1w teaspoons dpualeaeung baking powder teaspoon salt 4 table spoons hotter or other shortening 1 enp sugar 2 egg yolks well beat en hi squares unsweetened choc olate melted m teaspoon vanilla ji cup milk 2 egg whites stiffly sift flour once measure add basin powder and salt and sift aaln cream butter thoroughly add sugar gradually and cream well add egg yolks and beat thoroughly then chocolate and vanma add flour alternately with milk beating after each addition until smooth fold in egg whites turn into greased pan 8x8x2 in bake in moderate oven 325 re grets p 50 minutes or until done remove from pan serve warm or eold with plain or whipped cream serves 12 treasurers sale ot land tor taxes town of georgetown counts of halton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by be uayor of the town of george town bearing date of the 15th day of jane sale of lands in arrears of taxes co the town of georgetown will be beld at my ofoe at the hoar of 10 oclock m toe forenoon on the 8th day of november 1039 unless the taxes and costs axe sooner paid notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being pub lished in the ontario gasette on the eth day of august 1b39 on the 2nd day of september 1939 and on the tth day of october 1939 and that copies of the list may be had at my notice is further given that m the vent of all lands not being sold on november 8th 1939 the sale vin be adjourned to the loth day of novem- tber 1939 at the same hour on which i day the municipality intends to pur chase any lands for which the total amount of taxes and costs is not of fered treasurers office this 4th day of july 1939 p b harrison radio repairing we specialize on this work inu ww name committee to heu food supplies for the purpose of mobilizing the canaditn agricultural industry to fac ilitate the maximum export of agricul tural supplies to great britain and her allies and to ensure domestic require ments an agricultural supplies com mittee has been set up by the gover nor general in council on the recom mendation of hon jas g gardiner dominion minister of agriculture the members of the committee re commended are six officers of the de partment of agriculture namely chairman a m shaw director of marketing dr a t charron assis tant deputy minister r s hamer executive assistant dr e 8 archl bald director dominion experimental farms g b bothwell director of production and dr j m swaine dir ector of research the objective of the committee is to keep agriculture functioning in a man ner which will supply the food and fibre needs of the people of canada and their allies in the war during the period of the war and to leave the farmer as far as possible in a position to follow his natural peace time pur suits at the end of the war the methods by which the objective is to be accomplished are 1 through cooperation with the provinces and appointments of ad visory boards representative of the industry who will assist the govern ment in making the decisions reach ed and their objectives known to the farmers concerned 2 through regulation of distribution and purchase of feed seed fer tilizers insecticides fungicides and other materials for use in the pro duction of farm products 3 through negotiations or otherwise with the assistance and approval of the war time prices and trade board and with the approval of the governor in council arrange for the disposal of farm products consumed at home and in the allied countries or elsewhere in such a manner as to keep branches of the industry neces sary to a successful prosecution of the war functioning efficiently and continuously name fire prevention week a proclamation fixing the period from october 8 to 14 as fire preven tion week in canada is published in the current issue of the canada gaz ette the proclamation noted that dur ing the last 18 years 7463 persons have lost their lives and more than 703000- 000 worth of property has been des troyed due to fire wood for sale choice beech and maple at 3300 single cord mixed rails owo per cord mixed wood 365 per cord j bhandford phone all wood orders to 333j notice to creditors of the estate of george eabx wilson late of the township of r in the county of hajton all persons having against the estate of the 5ftli earrwllson who died an or about the 36th day of august 1939 at the city of oalt are required to send to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 19th day of october 1939 foil parti- ousts of their claims and any securi ties they may bold therefore and take nottcb that after the 13th day of october 1939 the kxeoa- toa will proceed to distribute the said estate naving regard only to theeialne of which they shall dat3d at day of km wt i stausytqwb sawst4m solicitor lor trai w rto inlernatiimil unilorm siiay school lesson the infancy of jesus sunday ootobsr l 1939 gqlotsn tbxt and they shall cau bis name emmanuel which being interpreted is god with us mat thew 133 c lesson passage matthew 21323i i love to think that thou with tender- feet i mans path have trod along lifes common lane and dusty street hath walked with god on marys bosom drawn a babys breath and served thy parents true at nas- areth then and now 13 in childhood when we read the story of the infancy of jesus we shuddered at the cruelty of herod we rejoiced thai we did not live in such primitive and barbaric days yet our own news papers tell us of hundreds of thous ands of children being evacuated from their homes as a protection against poison gasv a public funeral was held for a little girl who lost her life when a passenger vessel was sunk by a tor pedo from a submarine reports tell of innocent little children being injured by air raids when human passions arise modern man can display the cruelty we once associated with cave men one hopeful feature is that mil lions of enlightened people are shock ed at the lack of respect for human life and are determined to continue to work for civilization which is largely based upon respect for the worth ol individuals the task of the church in teaching love and brotherhood is as yet an unfinished task egypt 14 15 egypt plays an important part of both old and new testaments moses led his people out of egypt delivering them from the bondage of slavery the israelites however carried with them many customs learned in egypt and their religion yras influenced by their experiences in egypt coming to the new testament we read of joseph and mary taking the baby jesus to egypt to protect him from herods cruel edict the prediction was ful filled out of egypt have i called my son in modern days much consider ation has been given to the relation of egypt to the british empire this land is continually influenced by the mael strom of european politics and war modern excavtlons have pieced to- gether the long story of egypts his tory it is a land that relates the pre sent to the past and can be a corrective to the enthusiasms and ambitions of the american continents compared with that of egypt china or india canadian history is so brief governments and homes 1618 herod cared more for the security of government than for the lives of chil dren he valued the state above the family and the home nationalism is one of our most perplexing problems the state is a unit of society as is the ramily in practical politics much de pends upon our viewpoint do we think that families should be ruth lessly subordinated to the dictates of the state or do we believe that family life is the basis of national strength modem nationalism is a reversion to the ancient practice of making the ramily subserve the tribe in war time the authority of the state is greatly increased special legislation gives governments the power to conscript life and property to regulate food con sumption travel and publications patriotic citizens are patient about these regulations but each successive war enhances the power of govern ments nnd restricts the freedom of in dividuals a mother who has given tireless service to bringing up her two sons realized upon the outbreak of war that she did not own her boys the state needed them a man who for years had refused to join the christ ian church because he wished to live his own life within a few hours left his own home responding to a call for military service by long distance tele phone good government becomes more and more essentia as the power of the state increases nazareth in galilee 1923 the infancy of jesus was influenced by pontics the hebrew nation was subject to the roman empire herods decree caused jyoseph and mary to take the baby jesus away from his native land upon their return fjom egypt they settled in nasareth in galilee of the gentiles as it was a safer place than judaea the choice of nazareth a oa city was significant jesus grew up among gentiles as did paul both of them were to lead the think ing of the world in resisting pharisaic exclusiveness and racial hatred the new testament urges us to break down the barriers that divide nations races classes and religions we are all children of the one father in heaven the same blood flows in the veins of all mankind the unfinished work of the church is to build bridges over the gulfs that divide mankind emmanuel the golden text speaks of jesus as emman which means god with us can we believe it do we look upon hie story of the nativity as folk lore or do we believe that humanltj made a new beginning with the com ing of jesus into the wartd can we regard it as an incarnation god made manifest in the flesh dare we be lieve that the father sent the son to be the saviour of the world do bethlehem and calvary record events around which the future history of the race will revolve is it possible for as to have actual fellowship with god through christ our reugtoos experience willbe shallow or deep ac cording to whether we regard the goa ls acjnen world into whioh jems came did not welcome urn freauy he is stillmnpelcome to many yet the bope of the pesos and progress of the world depends upon the spread of his spirit qu for discussion 1 why does cruelty persist in human society 3 how great has been the refugee problem in the past quarter century 3 how do international politics uv duence homes 4 is there serious racial intolerance in canada 5 what can the christian church do for peace lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council of religion education pseoy by- permission learning to trust god on page 66 of science and health with key to the scriptures mary bak er eddy writes trials are proofs of gods care an arresting statement that doubtless many have pondered it why one might- ask should consider as blessings or proofs gods care experiences which bring sorrow and suffering hihealth lack and discord have been looked upon as trials jtnd many have doubted if these afflictions could possibly be considered blessings even in disguise we need look no further than the paragraph in which the above state ment appears to find the explanation as to jhow we can make of each trial an opportunity to prove gods loving care we read trials teach mortals not to lean on a material staff a bro ken reed which pierces the heart trials then whatever their nature lead to sorrow and suffering only when we place our reliance for their solution or healing on matter instead of spirit god wherruack seems present do we humanryoualne how and where the need is to be met or do we realize the complefe willingness and sufficiency of god to supply all our needs do we leave it all to him our loving father- yrtthpr kno that h1swj plan are far better than ours we pray to god aright and then jake the necessary human footsteps a dtri me mind directs or do wentryto ton hun what is our way or will and what our wants to trust god as jesus trusted hun we must obey his command to the dis ciples as recorded in john tcbey had beenfltthlng unsuccessfully in the dark but when the hwrnimr jight of the christ presence broke and they obeyed the loving command to cast their net on the right side then suc cess far beyond their human expecta tions was realized have we bean cast ing- our net on the wrong side trusting in matter and thereby falling in our demonstration if so let us turn that trial into a blessing into a proof of gods infinite care we have only to reverse our thinking cast our net our complete truetpon opdfi side and we shall draw it to the shore full to overflowingwith blessings from the christian science monitor visit the iodbs wfefrhment hr j m 5 booth s a at the 5 5 georgetown 2 fall fair s proceed6tor rwahef i wqrk 5 iml t- carro mclarens powdered jellies z pkp 9c i c5l i junket 10c x3c lie a special aylmer pork and gv beans z 1s campbells vegetable soup 2 tin 19c campbells or aylmer tomato juice 3 loc pyramid unpitted dates 17c crown or beehi corn syrup yltj 37 westons dochess sandwich biscuits isc nestles evaporated milk 4r9c fry cocoa ibt 19c a just arrived new 8090 v prunes 3- z3 kkovah health salts tin 18c our good old c h e 5e lb 23c wasstaffes jam raupbny at 32os strawberry vr 27c 4 silve star pastry flour 7 xxx pickling vinegar cl39c rubbers doxc a kedoggucrup t i cornflakes a lg whole pickling spice 19c glass fruit jars dm- 89c zinc alar r i n g s dox 21c fly ded fly spray tr 25c good fly sprayers each 15c buy it with your groceries in the six bott ca lifebuoy soap cake 7c omengusb no rob floor wax s53c swest juicy m oranges good size doz 25 bananas doz fc luuh cabbage unnnab ckukt canpm squash no spaciaiyricea ui9tgrday night only we reaerra tbritjrto suninkef jr ioifeis

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