Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1939, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening septetnfihr 2m t339 y r jm brampton ladss softball club bwrj df a st k- winning the right to represent their league in the provincial pdowns brampton ladies softball club girls have officially ttound up their season as a number of georgetown girls play with this team we reproduce this pic ture through the courtesy of the peel gazette shown in the above picture are fyont row helen ritchie mickie lockhurst margaret burrows second row gladys navies vera boone bobcooper coach and manager jean coates margaret poynta third row jeanette gray lone bauman bert greensward scorer bertha bailey margaret sander son not shown alice savage and mary tost onefifth of guelph doctors are enusted exactly twenty per cent of tbe med ical men of guelph are in khaki at the present time a record which is prob ably unequalled in any other city in canada of any- size when the 11th field ambulance ricamc was mobilized in guelph it resulted in five guelph doctors ab andoning their practices or making other arrangements for them to be carried on for the duration of the war a sixth has since gone to london to enlist in an active service force unit most of those who were mobilized immediately were members of the 11th field ambulance as nonpermanent active militia unit officers or the field ambulance who practised medicine in guelph until a week or so ago were ltcol l m stu art capt l a loree capt- o b mac- pherson capt charles pinch and capt r mutxie all of them are now on duty as officers dr s l valeriote who has prac tised in guelph for sevral years has left for london to join a unit in that city in addition there are in the medical corps several doctors from the sur rounding district including capt ken neth b waller of rockwood capt eric t mutrie of elora capt j mer- ritt of waterloo capt lawson of london capt boyd of kitchener nonmedical officers of the unit are rev capt c j loat padre and capt g n mclean quartermaster elora express what newspapers think of price fixing price fixing by governments is unwarranted interfer ence there is an element of danger if not of fascism in the decision of tme brit ish columbia government to fix gaso line prices in the pacific coast prov ince price fixing except in war tune to pruventproflteering is conceded by most economists to be unsound in fact government price fixing is just as unsound as a business monopoly which government are today legislat ing against the best assurance that the public can have of fair prices is open compe tition true open competition may have its disadvantaged when a jwice- cutting war is engaged in but is is in evitable that even with a price war the price of any commodity will find its true level when business realizes it cftnnit operate without a profit go were never set upun- ucr a democratic system to fix prices cvenimcnts have long since proven the fact that pollticans are not busi ness men one has only to look at the iaivay problem to realize that pollti- clans know little of business operation ihen or course there is the ever-pres- mt danger of political partisanship in the cpsratlon of a price fixing board in time of war it is necessary to fol low th practice set up this week by le fetttral govemmenj to prevent prui hearing but even this cannot be pijd to be price fixing this plan seeks only to set a maximum price and does rot attempt to interfere with free com- petition the british colurrb government ruling is an iniquitous atumpt to in terfere with the tree association of business and unless it is stamped out other provinces inject ontario has similar legislation already which sets an arbitrary price for barber shops in certain sections if an association to fixprices by manufacturers is an illeg al combine then the same reasoning must apply to govenunetrtattempta to do the same thing fort erie tunes- review tm i proof vo the pudding 5 s is in the eating provincial peicefdtlng early this month the government issued a new order to reduce gasoline prices by three cents and again the chief justice granted an injunction the companies submitted prices show ing that the government was estab lishing wholesale prices lower than in los angeles in the heart of the oil fields from which british columbia refiners draw their raw material sup plies accordingly if the government prevails it will require the oil compan- j to market their commodity at a the issue or vital interest to busi ness and industry in general it is of interest to the consumer also who knows that he pays in the long run for unsound business principles toronto globe and mail justice to our customers this means giving full count keeping promises and doing the best possible quality of work justice to ourselves means getting fair prices for our services and being allow- ed reasonable time on orders on this basis we are successfully oper- ating our printing plant and on this basis we solicit an opportunity to confer with you on the subject of your printing needs no job too large none too small what we print unwarranted interference the provincial government is cer tainly well justified in exercising re straint where monopoly is intended or in practice but where monopoly can in no tense be established then any regulation with regard to the fixing of price s unwarranted interference- of the government in private industry or bxslnessvancouvor financial times anniversary services united church georgetown sunday october 1st 11 am and 7 pm j special speaker rev s3p martin ma dd of hamilton anthems spboiakj cus20 t monday october 2nd supper arid concert walter bowles broadcaster of the daily star a impressions of a roving radio reporter assisting aftlsu t accordian tri fro perry ross adoordion school miss yeater gold medalist piano accordion mr john duncan tenor soloist miss frances scott soprano solom supper 30 admi8si0n wc concert sj5 letterheads statements envelopes billheads s shippinq tags s programs financial statements office forms circulars dodgers posters 3 wedding business cards stationery calling cards catalogues window cards 7 o obtain quality in printing it is absolutely essential that the typographer make himself familiar with the work of ibe best printers we keep posted regarding all those matters that concern good printing and good type everything in printing largely depends on the technical skill of printers we will gladly explain our test methods without anyobligation phone no 8 the georgetown herald printers and publishers it is better tq getyour printing from us than tq wish you had iialton garage operators iiedr meeting after a recess for the summer months the hulton branch or the on tario garutc operators association held the first of lheir monthly meet- ins in the parmers hall milton monday evening sept 18 mr l mc- klndley of burlington the branch president presided although the turnout of members is small for this meeting the pros pects for the branch for the months to lollow never looked better the number of paid up members now stands the highest on record for the branch new member were reported a large programme of items was presenud to the meeting for their con sideration considerable healthy dis cussion and consideration was given to the subject of the new interprovincial automobile association now being for med hi canada the october meeting of the branch will be an open meeting to anyone en gaged in the trade the officers thit new motor club will attend and present their complete programme and in this way will assist the members to pass on this new service to the motor ists the meeting then adjourned the branch will hold their next meeting on october 12 in burlington an in vitation is extended to anyone engaged- in the trade to attend this meeting fred conns winnings at fall fairs following is a list of the winnings of fred oonn georgetown at the orangeville and acton fail fairs orangevllle fair white leghorn 8 coock 1st cock 2nd brown leg horn pullet 1st rose comb white leghorn cock 1st pullet 1st rhode island red hen 1st cockerel 1st pullet 2nd sussex cock 2nd hen 1st games bantams om 2nd i ban tams young 1st pair guinea fowl 2nd pair bronae uerkeyslst tou- hrase geese 1st for the best pair s 3 white leghorns in show 1st acton jeir sjc white leghorn cock 1st hen 1st s c white leg horn oookere 1st pullet 1st white wyandotte hen 1st cockerel 1st pullet let rhode island red cock 2nd hen 1st cockerel 1st pullet 1st bantm cock 1st ben 1st cockerel w pullet 2nd beet pen white wyandotteorlst toulouse geese male 1st female 1st bronae turkey male 5 1st female 1st pair fan tea pigeons pil hav too unkwed t furniture at the lowest prices in history we are prepared to care for your immediate requirements at the prevailing low prices whkh are within rea o your present buying power buy now and buy british made in canadian factories bycanadians h c mcclure home furnishings store phone 54w georgetown snapshot cuiu i curing picture blindness net a aaa platers as a whole but would net a viewpoint to inolude only the ooom m la white hawa b n better lu faa tjotarawtadf do yon km what it takes to see a pfa bttat m thom who win notasnv says an old maxim which applied to tkam taking means aoat eo buad aa taooa wao dont know how to at and win aot leant la thta retpaet oamera meera are of oovree dtflenour eonatttatad tara are thoee who are quite atiehad with anmpptaggood reoor plotoree ukeoeaeee ot their meads and rala- tltee their pets trtaaartd objaota and the hoaaw thar ttre la in many eases that aeema to be aa far aa thay eaa go fax seems pletana beca they lack the tasttaot for pleung oat artlstw eompoatoon la aatara or reoocmudbs ptetsre elements ba hu- maa aotrrltles when thay eaooantar them artlstle sease and the feel tor human interest both are quutlas with which soma era endowed mora drrrtnf items ooantry toad on a nmmera day pleatooand oamara la the ear oaa parson ooaes apon a aronp of man and woman in a tarnv yard lihy are aathared about a stitrtsleeted maa steading in a oart the man hi geattoalaflng and po lag to a mowing manhlna othar farm tmnwmsbte- are aboat the plaoa tokthe left ot the group steads a why haysteek uha agtsat mnsa room ho tha right a dnspvmted old bara dog aaa soma qbtfliaas are ranatag aboat behind tha asaaa fields atrataa to a patch ot woods aadaboaa ifaftjraovelr doads ara 1 m hla oar snaps ptetore after ptotara ot tne soane close np and from a tttstanos nuhttg some shots with a mttar orer the was soas not to lose t clouds tor haman in terest artlstta setting and anlversal appeal ha is proud to match these plotarea of a ooantry auction with the othar tebowe plants ptctares btons indeed though the latter may bo aa sontsnlrajat n good time and memory plotoree ot friends tor those who miss pictures the other fellow lastlnetrrely sees and ara antloospt his aaoseas the so lution is to learn becaase it certain ly can bo done many bare surprised thsmselres and acniered snecess by mentally framing sections ot scenery as they trawl abbot and asking themselves will that make an in teresting ptetore has jt pictorial taloer prscuolng pletara uklng and com paring your prints w4th accepted ex amples of good pictures is another way to learn andhero is suu an other sogfeetlon many amateurs lake good pictures without knowing ttme and again a wall composed detere may be found tn a small arssvot a print that as a whole is pktorulrj poor oat out yonr old snapshots and searoh tor small areas yonounk have the atemsnts of good bomposllon then from- the nagauras hate enlarged prints made of theae see- tlona ton win noonlylearn a lot aboat oomposlttonput onances ara that among that aakrgementi you wffl gat soms good pto- tarsa yon dtdnt know yon had i4t j fall fair dance in arena

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